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  "Rethought" scene in "Samuel Rising"
 Posted: 12/18/01 19:54
# 1 



Posts: 85

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In the original scripts, On Christmas morning, Jim's new teenage girlfriend walks out of his bedroom wearing Kyle's shirt after spending the night boinking Jim. Kyle says something to the effect of "major psychological damage" and wants his shirt returned. The girlfriend starts to take it off in front of them both. Enough to make everyone hurl at the pointlessness of it. They also toned down the scene where the autistic boy runs away from Max and gets hurt in the process. They tried to make Max a more simpathetic character. Of course it didn't work. The Max/Liz moment at the end was also lessened as well. Probably because of the "Vermont boarding school" in episode 13 ("Panacea", or "Panned-don't see it") and Liz trying to move past Max. (You go girl!)

All my love,


  "Rethought" scene in "Samuel Rising"
 Posted: 12/21/01 08:34
# 2 



Posts: 541

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I am soooo glad they got rid of the Jim/jailbait post-sex scene. There would have been major psychological damage to me, as well.

Max did not seem the least bit sympathetic in the scene (or any scene) with the kid running away. He was trying to use a small, defenseless child as a cell phone to contact his non-existent son. That is just plain sick. It was bad enough when they used Brody that way to contact Larek. Even though Samuel wasn't being "possessed" by an alien, Max still knew the consequenses based on what had happened with Brody (unless he has forgotten Brody ever existed).

They really must have toned down the Liz/max stuff. This was supposed to be a big dreamer ep but it wasn't. Not that I am complaining - I'd rather see Liz dump his sorry alien ass. I suppose the pot smoking could be part of Liz's attempt to get past Max - she wants to stay stoned long enough to forget about him. That is, *if* they don't cut that scene.

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