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  About Us
 Posted: 12/14/03 19:18
# 1 
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Posts: 26091


Forever Dreaming was originally founded on Oct. 20, 2001 and was opened to the public one month later on ezboard (who remembers those days?). It started out solely as a Roswell Forum (can you believe that?) but after the show was canceled in 2002 it grew into an entertainment source on the web and soon moved over onto it's own servers.

It was originally created as an unique place on the web. A place where open-minded, free-thinkers are allowed to speak freely. Where there are no membership fees or restrictions, it's open to everyone and free to sign up! Where one can post a zillion times or none at all, SCREAM IN ALL CAPS or use only smaller case, PoSt In aLL CrAzY LeTteRs or in normal sentences, go off topic whenever they feel like it, make great friends, hear differences of opinions, talk about the actors/actresses/musicians and never have to worry about anyone editing or deleting what they have to say. (For anyone who actually remembers those days!)

A section where FanFiction Authors don't have a zillion rules and can post stories on their own terms, uncensored. Where there are no rules on signatures, profiles or advertising (YES! You can even post links to other message boards/social media/whatever- you name it!). Where there are only three basic rules (The Rules Click Here) and everything else was/is cool!

Later on it was redesigned to become a dynamic social layout. Instead of individual websites with message boards attached, it was created as a message board holding all the essential website information inside of it, eliminating the need for a "main page" or "hosting" other websites. Many of them now filled with Transcripts, Spoilers, Links, Episode FYI, Stores and much more! Basically, a site where everything could be found all in one place, saving you time and helping you find all the things you need/want to know.

On top of all that, every forum was designed as a unique graphical experience. Walk into different worlds all in one place! Take a look-- go see the magic in the Harry Potter forum, watch it snow in the Game of Thrones forum, see the spring meadow in Edward/Bella forum and the bloody mess of our vampires in The Vampire Diaries forum! Our programmers and staff worked extremely hard on putting up the best of the best on the web along with helping you on your journey throughout FD. (More on Staff Click Here) For those out there that have told us how our site reminds them of the old myspace site... two things; first- myspace didn't even exist back when we started. They came a few years later...(and actually took our design LOL) and second, we thought about redesigning this site to make it more 'in the times' but decided against it. It still has the original layout/design for over 20 years now... we like to reminiscence.

Most importantly, it has become home to all our members. A place where friendships were born and will continue to last a lifetime. We hope you enjoy your stay and that you too will join in our family!

You can read a more updated (2019) version of our About Us & Transcripts page here: Click Here

Last edited by bunniefuu on 02/09/13 17:23, edited 1 time in total.

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