Again I took this from a yahoo group: 1ALL_ROSWELL
I think it proves how anti ML the writers were. I mean all of season three focused on Isabel so why not dedicate the last eppy to ML (mostly). I know that some ends need to be tied...
WAIT A MINUTE...the writers never had the means to tie up anything so why start now?
Source: A Roswellian posted this in Fanforum
there was so much cut out of S2 and 3. You're right about Liz telling Max about Future Max...those EIGHT lines were scrapped. FILMED, but cut. It was during the scene in the jeep when Max gives Liz the pendant...this explains some of those final lines and is more than likely the reason Max was crying.
As for S3, many of the small Max/Liz moments were shortened or cut altogether. For example, there's a scene in Crash where Max and Liz are studying at Michael's. The dialogue makes no sense because the first few lines were cut. Also, in the scene in Graduation where Max is "congatulating" Liz on her acceptance, there were a couple of really cute lines cut that basically went something like this:
Liz- Chicago is a long way from here.
Max- I followed you to Vermont, what makes you think I won't go to Illinois?
Liz- You came to Vermont to kill me.
Max- Am I a romantic or what?
Liz- You slay me.
Plus, the original script called for cement after the proposal. You don't necessarily get that impression from the aired version, but apparently it was filmed that way. They began kissing (which is where it was cut) and lowered to the blanket, and the dialogue went as follows:
Max- Sure you don't want to wait? Tomorrow we'll be married.
Liz- Judging from the way things happen around here, I think we'd better just seize the moment while we can.
*They continue kissing as Liz gets flashes of past moments in their relationship*
Max- Flashes?
Liz- Good ones.
Shiri Appleby herself said that Liz "loses her virginity and gets married all in one episode." You gotta wonder why stuff like this gets cut, and yet we have to sit through a 2 minute scene of the previously-unseen Toby eating pizza.
Speaking of cement, there's also an old rumor from Destiny that Max and Liz were scripted to make love that night in the van.