This was on today, so I thought I'd post for everyone!
Roswell Anniversary Email
To commemorate the 1st anniversary of Roswell's last episode which aired on May 14, 2002, we want to bombard Fox and Sci Fi with this email on Wednesday, May 14, 2003:
ROSWELL: October 6, 1999 - May 14, 2002
From this passion never free
Roswell Rapture captured me.
If possible add a photo of yourself or if you're "camera shy" a pic of your favorite cast member. (I suggest you paste the photo into the text since some firms filter out emails with attachments.)
Send the above email to the Sci Fi Channel at: and
And to FOX Television Entertainment Group at: (Mr. Sandy Grushow, Chairman) (Gary S. Newman, President) (Dana Walden, President)