Here's another one of my outrageous outbursts of creativity and mental versatility that strangely enough only occur whilst sleeping. Once again, this is not me making this up - I
did dream this, forgot about it immediately after waking up, and only started to think about why Brendan Fehr was on my mind in the bathroom , and then I remembered this:
I was at the Roswell Newark Party (talk about being spoiled by exaggerated searching for pics and stories from the Roswell Party.
), and MD, BF, and NW were there. We were basically running around most of the time, waiting for something to happen. There were tons of fans there, and the entire event was taking place in a huge old castle (yeah, sure.
). I remember there were moments when we would be at a lake nearby, having a picnic and the actors were there (kinda confusing, because whenever we would see them at the actual event, they would sort of ignore us, but there, at the lake, they were with us, even though they weren't really the actors, but Maria, Michael, Kyle, Liz, and Max. L&M actually only showed up here at the lake, not at the party).
My boyfriend (apparently becoming an essential part to all my Roswell dreams
) took matters in hand and managed to get us a room in the castle which was sort of a hotel. He took us (I can't remember who the others were, but there were more people with us) up to a corridor on the first floor, and I went: "Wow! This is like luxury all over the place! Is this the VIP section, or what?" Then we passed a door with a sign saying "Brendan Fehr", the door next to it said "Nick Wechsler", and we had a fantastic room two doors next to Nick!
I was hysterical (figures), jumping up and down. Majandra had a room outside of the corridor, but really close by. I think I was really looking forward to accidentally meet them on the corridor, but noooo...I woke up before that.
Last thing I remember is us going downstairs for some stupid party event (or breakfast?) and while we went along one of the wings of the castle, a window opened and majandra climbed out. Apparently she was fed up with the fans chasing her or so.
See? This is what Roswell does to me! It fries the last sane parts of my brain and makes me dream twisted stuff like this!