Liz is being a selfish twist by asking Kyle, who was also healed by Max, not to say anything about the changes. Okay, so it's not comfortable for *her*. But she is not the only one who might be facing these things.
Being self-centered seems to be the theme on this show lately...
Watching the color guard pratice with flags on the field brings back memories of Marching Band...*sigh*
Straight up Liz should feel bad for what she said to Max! The chick purposely tried to drive him away, and when she succeeded, she has a pissing fit about it? Okay, yeah, it hurt to see him with Tess, to know he had a baby by Tess, but when you get what you want, don't blame *him* for it! sheesh...
I love the conversation Maria and Liz have on the bus bench.
I have to say this: I
that Liz can just crawl out her window onto a balcony-roof-type thing.
Shutting the window on Max is the *wrong* thing to do. He's right; you need to talk about it.
Okay, lemme get this straight: There's rain on the window, but the lights are fine, and Max is dry.
That Max/Liz thing is *so dysfunctional*.