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Blacked Out

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Mrs. Fehr actually has a really nice ring to it, and speaking of rings... I wanna know where mine is  No, I'm kidding - yeah, see, not quite ready to step into the world of delusion just yet  Although it is tempting  But there is that tiny shred of worry that he'll show up, so I don't want him thinking I'm a total headcase 13 inches... 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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You know what the best part about this forum is? Even if he does show up, he's not gonna be able to see it. Be delusional as much as you want. 
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Blacked Out

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No, but think about it this way... I turn delusional, right? Well, you know me and certain things, I tend to broadcast them all over the board without really meaning to, and then... yeah, you get the idea - so therefore, I'd like to maintain temporary sanity if and when he does show up - in which case I will pretend I am not obsessed with his entire existence 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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 Like you could do that, sorry, gal. Hm, I think a little insanity doesn't hurt anyone.  I'll simply  you if you drag it over the board! 
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Blacked Out

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 I know, right? Because I was imagining this scenario with actually meeting him, and I just know I'd say really stupid things like how godly he is and what-not, thus leading to the passing out part, and so... yeah, I think the best thing to do would definitely be going into hiding 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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Blacked Out

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Yeah, and he'd be like "Really?! Wow! Who would have thought? Thanks for telling me!" Sorry. But it'd be funny...
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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Exactly, which is why I hope I never meet him. He' d sure as hell come along with one of his smart-ass comments that make me snap out of the drooling-mood immediately cause I'm busy trying to restrain myself from strangling him! 
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Blacked Out

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See, I'm just the opposite - his smart-ass comments would definitely just make me want him more!  I know, I'm just a hopeless girl in love, please smack me THEY SAID NAKED ON THE RADIO! 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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Blacked Out

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... or kiss senseless, right?  But seriously, it's like I can't find anything wrong with the man. Is that bad? 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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Probably, yes.  Then again, to you it's BF, to me it's MG. *sigh* Okay, well, I'd still scream Michael's ears off. And the kissing senseless part would DEFINITELY come AFTER the punching. 
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Blacked Out

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Oh, come on, like you could ever hit Bren... you'd be too busy drooling and fainting at his feet 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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Nuh-uh. If he ever laid on the attitude he graces people with in his rants, you'd be sure I'd hit him. He annoys me sometimes. But, like I said before, it's that annoyingly sexy charm. 
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Blacked Out

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If you ever tried to hit him in my presence, I'd knock you on your ass 
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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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Blacked Out

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Alien Stalker
Blacked Out

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IT? Last time I checked, it referred to a rather not so loveable person... Hah! See, that's unfair. I just get smacked. B gets kissed after the smacking. Now that's really unfehr. 
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Blacked Out

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