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Blacked Out

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And so it continues... 
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What do you mean leaving where for good?  Don't go Spicy *holds onto Spicy's leg* Plllleeeeeaaasssseeee
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Blacked Out

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I need to. I'm sorry 
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Leave where though? 
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Blacked Out

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Well, probably just this forum, actually...
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Blacked Out

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Just... I have my own personal reasons. I might consider leaving the board, too, but I'm still not quite sure on what I'm doing yet. It's all confusion.
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Blacked Out

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Stalker - Nope, I didn't say that Max' behaviour in general was understandable, cause for me it was not. What I thought was understandable and explained well, was why Max turned to Tess. Just wanted to make that clear 
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Blacked Out

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I dont think it was understandable and explained well...because he was treating everyone like crap and they didn't want to talk or be around him he's going to screw Tess? I think not 
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 : Spicy Ciera - I think the whole 'turn to Tess' started even before that. With Liz it started in TEOTW...she broke up with him, and broke his heart with the Kyle thing, and Tess was there for him to lean on to. With Isabel it started when he found out about Vilandra, and after that when Isabel said she wanted to leave Roswell. And with Michael he wasn't on solid ground, ever, so, all tat was left was Tess. During S2, Tess was the only constant being who was there for him and who supported him. Then happened HOM and OTM, and he remembered more about their past life, so it was only natural. Of course it does not excuse his behaviour (but I want to make clear that I don't think he cheated on Liz) , only explains it.
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He didn't cheat on Liz but I still don't think it explains it. He and Liz were becoming friends again *MiTC* the only thing he had going on was that Vilandra thing which really was left behind after MiTC...that was never brought up again. So if Max ever decides to use the excuse 'No one was there for me' I'll have to kick his ass. Michael was there, Maria was there, hell if Kyle was there. And he and Liz were friends too until his little brain couldn't comprehend the fact that she might be onto something  Isabel was there also until Max decided to pull 'the King' card so I can't agree with you. What he did was stupid and selfish and he and Tess brought all that drama on themeselves
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Stalker-- Spice was right- FOS: Freedom of Speech. didi-- Quote: Quote: broke his heart with the Kyle thing
I'm not so sure I can believe that. If it was so "broken" then why did he keep asking about it, "not believing it?" Broken my ass! And He DID DID DID cheat on Liz.  Well, that's how I will always view it anyhow. 
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Blacked Out

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I think we're seeing this from different points (I was seeing everything from his point), cause I don't mean that he didn't get what he deserved, or that it wasn't his fault, cause it was. The only thing I'm explaining is why M/T happened. The reason why it happened is because Max screwed up a lot and was weak. Isabel, Liz, Michael...he screwed up with those friendships and was all alone, and saw that he only had Tess. IMO he is a weak character and has to have someone on his side to support him so he took Tess. As for Maria and Kyle...Max had never a real friendship with Maria or Kyle. Maria would stick with Michael and Liz, and Kyle merely tolerated Max so... 
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Max is not a weak character He was weak in S2 but he was not a weak character 
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Yes, see we must.  Because I have never needed to find logic in why he slept with Tess. I guess because if you go back and watch the scene-- Max says it himself-- "I want to wake up now" So, in my mind- it was all a dream.  (And even if they didn't show it as that-- the writers had every intention of going there I think.) 
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