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  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/12/03 03:51
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neese96~ Welcome to FD! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

Thanks for the info! Although, those are just the DVDs people are making and selling correct? It's not the actual DVD release that is coming out to stores. (Which btw, I'll cross my fingers for you that all turns out great-- however, there are many people out there who are willing to do things without a price. ;) )

Welcome again! :wavey

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/12/03 07:03
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Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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I'm just hoping they still use the most important songs, like Max healing Liz (Fear), M&M making out in the Crash (Put Your Lights On), etc. etc :glare

:welcome neese96 :party4

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/12/03 10:25

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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neese96 - Howdy! :wavey Welcome to FD! Hope you'll be lucky with those DVDs. I think it might be the site Spicy and I were looking at the other day. I dunno. It looks like a fake to me, but I hope it's not. :(

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/12/03 22:55



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I'm just hoping they still use the most important songs, like Max healing Liz (Fear), M&M making out in the Crash (Put Your Lights On), etc. etc

Ditto. :( It wouldn't be the same without the songs playing in the background. :sad

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/14/03 10:29



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I would love to have the series on DVD...*sigh* now it's just a matter of when...

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/14/03 15:43
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I would love to have the series on DVD...*sigh* now it's just a matter of when...

Hopefully, next year. :) Welcome! :welcome

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/14/03 16:15
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neese96, welcome to FD! :welcome

I saw the 3 season set that you're talking about, and I was kind of sketchy about it...I think I'll just wait until Fox releases it, that way I'll know I'm getting all the extra features and such.

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/14/03 23:48

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Aw. A 285 sig. :thud :love it. :thumbsup

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/15/03 02:10



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Thanks so much for the warm welcome! And I actually have the website address's pray that I didn't screw myself by ordering from them! Seemed legit though, I don't think it's like an "official" set, but desperation has set in and I definitely need my Roswell fix! Please let me know if anyone hears anything else or knows about this website. Thank you again!


  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/15/03 05:57
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Stalker, I knew you'd like that one! ;)

neese, I know what you mean about needing a Roswell fix! ;) My friend currently has all my CDs right now, and I think I'm gonna have to take them back soon! :lol But you'll have to let us know how the DVDs are after you get them. :)

ETA: More exciting DVD news! :jump (from

Our Top Show Gets A Top-Notch Release!

With the anniversary of just a couple of weeks away, what better gift can we give all of you besides this one? Yes, we now have an official announcement from the studio of the #1 most-requested, most-voted-for T.V. Series that all of YOU have asked for: ROSWELL!

Fox Home Video has announced today their list of specs for the Roswell - Season 1 DVD giftset. No cover art was provided yet, so stay tuned and we'll bring it to you just as soon as we get it.

The street date is February 17, 2004. According to the early info, all 6 DVDs in this set will be presented in 1.33:1, as seen in the U.S. on standard broadcast. Soundtrack is English 2.0 Dolby Surround, and subtitles are provided. The running time is 968 minutes, and this bad boy will go for a list price of $59.98 in the U.S., and CA$89.98 in Canada.

There has been no more mention about the music use on this set, but you can read our story from last week which describes how the music rights issues have affected this release.

Here is the complete content of each disc in the set, both episodes and extras:

Disc 1

Episodes: "Pilot", "The Morning After", "Monsters", "Leaving Normal"
Commentary on "Pilot" by David Nutter and Jason Katims
Deleted scenes with optional commentary

Disc 2

Episodes: "Missing", "285 South" (Part 1), "River Dog" (Part 2), "Blood Brother"
Commentary on "285 South"
Commentary on "Blood Brother" with David Nutter and Colin Hanks
Deleted scenes w/optional commentary

Disc 3

Episodes: "Heat Wave", "The Balance", "The Toy House", "Into the Woods"
Commentary on "Heat Wave"
Deleted scenes w/optional commentary

Disc 4

Episodes: "The Convention", "Blind Date", "Independence Day", "Sexual Healing"
Commentary on "Independence Day"
Deleted scenes w/optional commentary

Disc 5

Episodes: "Crazy", "Tess, Lies and Videotape", "Four- Square", "Max to the Max"
Commentary on "Max to the Max"
Deleted scenes w/optional commentary

Disc 6

Episodes: "The White Room" (Part 1), "Destiny" (Part 2)
Commentary on "Destiny"
Deleted scenes w/optional commentary
3 Featurettes
Gag Reel
Actor Audition "Tess, Lies and Videotape"
Sensefield's "Save Yourself" music video

And if all of this isn't exciting enough, you can reserve your very own copy RIGHT NOW! Roswell - Season 1 is already up for preorder at, who is one of the e-tail partners that help support this site. If you would like to help support TVShowsOnDVD, then please click this link to place your order at DVDEmpire. For those of you who prefer to use one of our other e-tail partners, we'll have links for you just as soon as they have them up for sale. And we thank you for your support; it's been a very exciting and fun two years, and we look forward to bringing you more great TV-on-DVD news for a long time to come!

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/16/03 03:20
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jbangelo~I was about to bring over the same news, guess you beat me to it. :lol CELEBRATE!

:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4
:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4
:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4
:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4
:party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4 :party4

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/16/03 05:55

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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:thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud :thud

OMG OMG OMG! I can't believe we're finally getting it! And it says "deleted scenes"! :dance :jump :jitters OMG! Did you see that? It says, Feb, 17th! That is like, in four months! :thud :thud

And it's ready fro pre-order...damnit, I might have to do that now. Even though, 60 bucks is helluva lot, right? :thinking Or is it just me? :dunno

Oh boy, I swear you cannot imagine the state of hysetria I am currently in now! :thud :thud

neese - You have to tell us what your copies are like when you get them, will you, please? That would be great. I hope you'll be lucky! :)

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/16/03 22:31



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YAY! :party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:party4 :party 4:dance4 :dance 4:dance4

I can't wait for next year, If I have to spend all my savings to buy those DVDs, I'll gladly do it! I just hope they don't leave my country out of the distribution of the DVDs.

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/21/03 00:23
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Hi, just saw this on Variety and thought I would bring it over:

Fox cues up TV discs
Sketch skein, sudser tout commentaries, featurettes


Taking off

As for "Roswell," FHE has slated a Feb. 17 bow for a six-disc set featuring all 22 episodes from the show's first season on the WB. A total of three seasons and 61 episodes of the sci-fi teen sudser were produced, including a year on UPN.

DVD collection features audio commentary on six episodes, along with two featurettes and a musicvideo for the song "Save Yourself" by Sensefield. Because of rights issues, Fox has cleared new music for the DVD.

While never a ratings smash, "Roswell" boasted a loyal cult following that loudly lobbied on behalf of the show, going so far as to flood the WB with tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce (aliens on the skein needed to spice up their food

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/21/03 07:44

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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"Loyal cult", yeah, that's what I am proud of being a part of! :thumbsup


Val - :thanx

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/21/03 08:31



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  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/21/03 09:35

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Kristin! :wavey Welcome to FD! :welcome Glad to have you here! Need any help? :(

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/21/03 21:22
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YAY! :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2 :dance2

Kristin-Welcome! :wavey :wavey :wavey

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/21/03 22:25



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Hi Kristin :groupwave

  Roswell DVD Realease 2004
 Posted: 10/22/03 01:21
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It's only coming out on Region 1 DVD :cry :mad

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