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  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/07/03 16:55
# 1 



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:fight Alright this woman did a complete 180 over the course of the season.In the beginning I was like "oh you bitch", then toward the end I was all "awww Syd's mom loved her enough to shoot her." I think I need a cat scan because I'm actually beginning to think that Syd can trust her mom. I mean in the beginning she was all shady and unknown. I think we all thought she was sure to screw the CIA over in some fashion once she "turned herself in." And then months passed and sure enough she was still under lock and key. Then the mission came where Syd, Jack and Irina went after the Rimbaldi flower and to my surprise, SHE DIDN'T TURN ON THEM...much. She actually got all motherly asking Syd if she was alright after she was shot. Then came the whole "she can catch Slaone-tracking device" fiasco. I remember sitting back and thinking I was the smartest guy in America because deep down I had never trusted Irina Direvko. And once she escaped custody and joined up with Sloane I was all "I told ya so." Then something unexpected happened; she sent that message to Syd over the earings "Truth Takes Time" and I was like "oh my god, her mom actually cares about her." At that point I knew i was the dumest guy in america for thinking I was the smartest guy in America those few weeks ago (did that make sense?). It never occured to me that Irina may be a triple agent type. She turned herself in to the CIA to grab their rembaldi stuff and then switched sides with Sloane to join up the devices, but then switched back to help her daughter gain the devices for herself. That's my theory anyway. I'm probably very wrong and she's actually acting in her own best interests. Now I'm torn to be honest. Do I go with my original feeling that "this woman is gonna screw everyone over sooner or later" or do I realize that she may have actually developed a real bond with the daughter she never really got to know and may indeed have her best interest at heart. If I go with option one, then why the hell hasn't she killed Syd all the times she had the chance? If I go with option 2, then why didn't she let herself get taken back into custody? I know whichever i decide on J.J Abrams will pull something else out of his bag of tricks to mess me up. As you've probably gathered I am hoping against hope that Lena Olin returns for season 3 so that the last memeory i'll have of Irina Direvko won't be the excellent escape she pulled off to elude capture at the hands of her own daughter. Also anyone else think Vaughn married Alice while Syd was "dead" for 2 years?:silly

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/08/03 17:22
# 2 
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Reply Quote here's an interesting character! JJ has done an amazing job with her and Lena Olin has made her an awesome pawn in JJ's Alias-verse! Kudos to both. From day one, I've always been skeptical of her. Especially in the beginning. Who wouldn't of been? The woman betrayed her husband and daughter already once for her country. What would stop her from doing it again? But I have to say, throughout the season I did start to wonder. Which I'm sure is exactly what JJ wanted. He wanted you to second guess yourself. Everytime you "thought" you knew what side she was on...BAM! JJ slapped ya in the face and threw you for a loop. I have to say, I do believe she loves Sydney. But I'm still not sure who she's working for. Herself? Sloane? Someone else? :dunno I'm excited to see how she plays out next season...I'm assuming she'll be back next season! I hope she'll be back next season!

As far as Vaughn goes...I still can't discuss that! :shake :shake :cry2

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/09/03 05:33
# 3 



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:fight I honestly don't feel she's working for Sloane. I think more or less she saw Sloane as an unstable and unworthy of the artifacts when he went on his little sebatical to David Carodine. I mean to leave your life's work like that is just crazy. I think maybe that forced Irina to switch tactics. I'm not certain she loves Sydney, but I think there's definitly some kinda bond there. It very well may be just an enemy thing, but a bond none the less. Honestly, I'd hate for Irina to side with good or evil; she's much cooler when you don't know who she's working for. Destiny, is there gonna be a point in time, when you can actually discuss Vaugn without hysterics? Cause if there is let me know cause I'm there. Also those people that loved cliffhangers because they made them think of the show all summer, definitly got their wish. Those last 2 minutes of Alias were brutal and I don't expect certain people *cough* Destinyros*cough* to recover from this until Fall.Enjoy the wait.I know I won't.:silly

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/11/03 04:26
# 4 
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I honestly don't feel she's working for Sloane.

Interesting. I've always felt the same way. I mean, it would be silly IMO to assume she worked for anyone. Maybe partners for certain missions/goals. :dunno

I however have always thought that there was something different with the Mother/daughter thing. I honestly think that Irena knows several secrets where Syd is concerned and I do truely believe she loves her and is protecting her from maybe finding these things out?:dunno

I hope to see her play an even bigger part next season along with Sloane of course. He's a great villian as well.

Mr. J- I'm not sure that Cory will EVER recover from Vaughn getting married. :ohno :shake She was devastated. :hug
I'm not sure about the whole thing yet. Part of me just keeps saying "Somethings not right" with that picture. I do not believe he would of done something like that; until of course he knew for sure she was dead or they had broken up.

Now the big question I have is that.. do you think they will continue where they left off (with her not knowing what happened) or that they will go back and retell those two years?:dunno

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/11/03 07:25
# 5 
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VAUGHN! :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2 :cry2

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/12/03 17:08
# 6 



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:fight LOL! I honestly hope they do go back and re-tell the two years through a few eps in the beginning of season three showing the really relevant stuff, but the realist in me knows J.J. will drag this sucker out till the 3rd season finale. It'll be revealed that Sydney did something so terrible over those two years that now the world's gonna end with the "unto utter desoltaion" prophecy. And that'll be it for season 3. Then we'll all get hysteriacal and wait around for season 4 all summer bitching and moaning cause Alias left us hanging again. Woah who knew I was psychic? Ok switching gears. I also feel that Irina really does care deeply about Sydney. She may not have at first, but then over time she really developed a bond with her daughter. I still remember that damn tear jerking hug they had on the roof before every gun the CIA ever had made was upon them. "STEP AWAY FROM THE PRISONER" Damn that was great TV! :bat

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/12/03 17:10
# 7 



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:fight And hello I'm drunk!:bat

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/13/03 05:53
# 8 
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Hey, congrats on your drunkness! :party4 :party4 :party4

I'm almost hoping they don't show the prior two years. Keeping it like one of those really good mystery novels. I mean throwing in bits and pieces, but not until the finale - like you mentioned revealing what truely happened. :grin

Also, what episode was that you were describing? :thinking
With Syd and Mom hugging? :dunno

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/13/03 15:38
# 9 
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Jen...episode 2x10 The Abduction

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/14/03 16:20



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:fight See I can name specific events that happened in a certain episode and the episode title itself with Buffy, but I'm very fuzzy with Alias in that way. I should probably learn all the names od the episodes so I can be all clever and witty in my alias postings. Does anyone think the show will get a little supernatural next season. I mean it's already been a little supernatural with a few things, but will go full on supernatural with a few new enemies that benefitted from Rembaldi's work and are possibly unkillable. It's just an idea. I don't want Syd fighting vampires or anything like that, I just think it would be cool to have a villain surface that truely gained some type of power from Rembaldi's work. I mean it would be a real nail biter if there was an assassin out there that was unstoppable and was coming for Syd.I just got off a large Buffy high I may be talking gibberish...let me know huh? :bat

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 05/18/03 03:27
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I can name specific events that happened in a certain episode and the episode title itself with Buffy

Yeah, that's me and Alias. :) I remember events from Buffy, but I couldn't tell ya what episode they happened in.

Does anyone think the show will get a little supernatural next season

It very well may. How else is JJ going to explain where and what's been going on with Sydney for the past two years? Especially since she thinks it's still two years previous! We know that Sloane was able to finally assemble the Rambaldi device. So, I'm sure that is going to play a big part in what happened and what's still going to happen. Whether Sloane is this "Big Bad" (to use a Buffy term), I'm still not sure. I think he will be since he's the one that's been so fixated on Rambaldi. What kind of powers it gives him should be interesting to see. Obviously, I don't think JJ will go to the extreme, vampires, ability to fly, anything like that, but I'm sure what he's going to come up with have that supernatural aspect to it. I'm just not sure. Plus, if it's a device to go back in time, I'm going to use it to go back and smack the shit out of Vaughn for even thinking about marrying someone else! :thud

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 06/19/03 06:10



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:fight I'm having such a tough time seeing Sloane becoming all powerful and a big bad. I know he's like the King Bastard of the Alias verse, but it just seems odd to me. It would be cool if someone new (or possibly old..going with the time travel theory) stepped up to cause some trouble. It just stands to reason that Sloane cannot be chased forever. He's either going to have to set up another organization similar to SD-6 which will be his fotress, his safe zone. He needs something that will keep him ahead of the game and stop sydney dead in her tracks from pursuing him. Or he's going to be caught and probably killed. With Irina doing her own thing and Sark's loyalties shady at best, Sloane is going to need some serious help. Hopefully this devide is going to give him enough of an edge. The one thing I can't wait to find out about Sloane is what his connection to Rimbaldi is. Damn have to wait all the way till fall. :bat

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 06/19/03 11:47
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I know! You know Sloane has to have some kind of connection to Rambaldi. His obsession with him is just odd and hopefully that aspect will be explored a little more this coming season.

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 06/20/03 16:03



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:fight How sucky would it be if JJ made us wait another whole season before we even got that piece of information and/or what the actual rembaldi device was. I would hate him for that. I know he'd slip in some compelling drama and kick ass action sequences to keep up hooked but still it would feel a lot like a bait and switch deal. It's like he shows up these compelling answers (the bait) and practically promises that they'll be answered in the next season, but doesn't come through and instead produces even more questions to (the switch). All I can say is the man better watch how many questions he throws at us because that can get out of control and leave fans frustrated in the end like a little show called Roswell was infamous for doing. I mean even La Femme Nikita handed out questions without answers every episode, yet managed to do it in an elegant way, where you could pretty much answer them yourself if you thought hard enough about it. Damn that show was good. Alias is good too and will probably follow in it's footsteps. I remember when Nikita ended I had a ton of questions but it ended so well that I didn't care. They were minor questions about section 1 that didn't require answers to make the show great. Alias is a lot like that. The questions it asks are part of what makes it so good. I suppose if it came right out and answered every single question we had, we'd be bored and frustrated with the series. It's amazing how I do a complete 180 in some posts. At first I'm all against questions without answers then I'm practically defending them 8 lines down. I may need therapy after all.TTFN:bat

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 06/22/03 02:00
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Mr. J...:lol You crack me up! I was going to say how you made a total 180 on that post, but you beat me to it at the end! :lol But I agree with you 100%. If JJ gave us the answers to all the questions he poses, it would be all too neat and tidy and what would the fun be in that? I would be bored with it. But he manages to keep you on your feet every episode...wondering what exactly he's up to. And when you think you don't. I really hope that JJ doesn't draw out what the Rambaldi device is for too long. He ended the season pretty much having to tell us now. It's together and it's working...which leads to What The Hell Is It? But I'm sure we won't find out right away either...that would be too obvious.

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 07/29/03 16:35



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:fight I just received my first unnofical news that Lena Olin (Irina Direvko aka "psycho mom") WILL indeed be back for season three. It's unknown if she'll be back for more, less or the same amount of episodes as in season 2. One tid bit that was leaked that is definitely happening is that Victor Garber's Jack Bristow is in prison awaiting trial for working with Direvko in a frantic search to find Sydney who went missing for those 2 years. Also it was hinted that Sydney was brainwashed into being an assassin for a currently unknown individual. Another rumor I heard was that Sloane had turned himself in and now helps the Cia track down other Rimbaldi devices. I'm not too certain about that one, but I guess it would be a good way to retrieve the other devices the CIA has. Either way the best news is that LENA IS BACK! I'd love it if she just became a damn regular. She kicked so much ass in that role and made season 2 just a tad more superior over season 1. Hopefully they'll keep it up and make seaosn 3 even better...and holy crap someone beat me to most of the news in the spoiler section. I really gotta start reading other posts. My excitement got the better of me again.DAMMIT! :bat

  Irina Direvko
 Posted: 08/02/03 15:53
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So, she's back!?! Good. Last I had heard, it was still contingent on her schedule. :clap :clap Good deal!

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