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  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/18/03 10:32
# 1 



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:fight I think it's best to start this one off by saying that I absolutely loved season seven in it's entirety. I think it was a spectacular end for an amazing show, however like all great endeavors it had it's share of problems. The plot holes seemed to be all over the place this season, which was really odd to me because Joss and his crew have always been very consistent and on track with their stories and plot devices. I'm not sure if it was Whedon's lack on on set time or the writers not having a clear vision of the season from the beginning but it inevitably left a lot of loose string that were never fully explained. The one that bothered me the most was "Why could the First attack the slayer line?" I understood that it had to do with Buffy being brought back, but it never went into what was so bad about that resurrection that allowed the ultimate evil to erase something that had endured for centuries. The reason this one pissed me off so much was that the entire season was built up around it and then was just deserted when it was time for the final battles to begin. Another example is "What did Joyce mean when she told Dawn that Buffy wouldn't choose her?" It could have meant several things throughout the season, but was never explained at all. Also another one I had was "Was that really Joyce in Conversations with dead people?" I got to wondering if The First was able to be in two places at once because Willow saw the girl from Help about the same time Dawn saw Joyce. Another one that popped out at me was "Why did D' Hoffryn change his mind and send an assassin to kill Anya after he has stripped her of her powers and made a big noise about killing Halfrek instead of her. And the biggest continuity no-no that happened all through the season was "Why was everyone , including the First banking on another slayer to be called after Buffy died. It's like ever since she died and Kendra arrived it has been beat into our heads that Buffy has had her turn and is considered dead as far as the power goes. She could die 100 times and no new slayers would be called. The true slayer has been Faith since Kendra's death. For any new slayers to be called Faith would have to die. Of course that one's kinda over with now that every potential slayer born automatically receives the power at birth. That's sure to freak some parents out when little susie high jumps a 10 ft fence, or kicks down a door during a temper tantrum. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but those were the real big ones that bothered me. So anybody wanna take a stab at filling in the holes?:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/20/03 12:00
# 2 
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Mr. J, I would love to try to fill those holes in for you, but unfortunately I have the same questions. Maybe, we're lucky, Joss will do some kind of fan Q&A sometime soon and will answer some of those questions. :dunno

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/20/03 15:49
# 3 



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:fight The chances of that happening are probably slim to none, unless they pop up in Angel, which is unlikely. Probably If I thought really hard I could come up with a few logical solutions and answers to each plot hole, but I felt like starting something to debate about. This may not be the best subject, but dammit it was the best I could come up with.:silly

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/21/03 04:12
# 4 
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Unfortunately, I understand more than you know! I watched Roswell for three years and let me tell you about plot holes! Season One was fabulous. Season Two, Jason Katims had his head so far up his back side, I'm sure he didn't know which way was out. And Season Three was the last season, so he tried to fix all the screw-ups and storylines he started in season two, but trust me...he didn't! We were left with so many plot holes, it would make your head spin! And extremely important plot holes at that! :shake :shake

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/21/03 13:05
# 5 



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:fight The worst thing about season 2 for me was that damn hybrid thing when Michael found a picture of a guy that looked a lot like him for the 30s or something. The one screwed me up royally. I though it got way better at the end when tess went all evil and killed Alex and departed. That was cool. She was such a bitch. I miss her.:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/27/03 15:39
# 6 
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Season Two was a mess! I loved the dupes...but I wish they'd of gone more with that...but they just dropped it! :shake AND YOU LIKED TESS!?! :thud

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/27/03 15:49
# 7 



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:fight Not head over heels or whatever...She was just one of those girl villains you love to hate. I yelled my ass off at the bitch when she seduced MAX. I also did a fair amount of yelling at Max too for being seduced. It's like he made this big deal about him making his own destiny and needing to be with Liz and then he goes and does a complete 180 and does exactly what he said he wouldn't. Then she ended up pregnant and I remember not being surprised at all. They could have used more villains like her on the show. She was bitchin'. Bit no I didn't love the girl in any way. Hated the crap out of her, but the show wouldn't have been as cool without her. Plus she did go all heroic in the end sacrificing herself to destroy that government building. And boy I'm suddenly wondering where Buffy made an apperance in this rant...ah well.:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/27/03 16:01
# 8 
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:lmao Well...Buffy did make an appearance...sort of..just by saying her name! :lol But I see your point with Tess...she was a necessary evil/ :evil I just hate her with the burning passion of a zillion suns that I just hate the mention of her! :lol But I do agree with you about the Max thing...:shake

Anyways...back to Buffy...

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/29/03 06:28
# 9 
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This is totally off topic...again, but I'm surprised I haven't seen you in the Tru Calling forum yet, Mr. J! :)

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/29/03 07:13



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:fight I really really have to make my presence known there. I think Tru Calling is going to be one of the better shows this coming season. The critics seem very split about it. They either love it or hate it, there's apparently no middle ground. I just hope it does better than Eliza's last venture, Wrong Turn. Which was a great scary movie/popcorn flick, yet didn't have the full backing of the studio in the marketing department so not many people even knew of it's existence which led to poor box office turn out. Ah well here's hoping Tru Calling makes up for it:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 06/30/03 07:51
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I heard Wrong Turn was really, really scary. And I love a good scary movie. Is it worth my time, Mr. J?

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/01/03 10:43



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:fight GOD YES! Run.. don't walk to you're nearest theater. I'd actually be surprised if you can find a place still showing it. It came out over a month ago and the early box office reports were none too good. But it was a great story and a perfect blend of suspense and horror. I originally though it sounded lame, but then I saw the trailers and I knew it was gonna be one of the better scary movies of the summer and I was very right. It should be said that it'll probably kill any possibility of you ever wanting to go into the woods again. I'm just glad I don't camp much. I'd have been freakin' hysterical after watching that movie. This movie is gonna do for the woods like what Jaws did for the beach.I really hope it has a respectable release on DVD and Video so it can at least be considered a mild success. So YES, it is definitely worth your valuable time.Enjoy.:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/02/03 06:42
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Well, I think I'm gonna have to check it out then. Movies tend to stay here in Greensboro for a long time, so maybe it's still playing somewhere. Thanks for the tip :)

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/03/03 07:36



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:fight Jane Espensen (Buffy writer) answered one of the plot holes I brought up earlier about the joyce in "Conversations with dead people" in an Ain't it cool News Interview. Here's what she had to say about the scene.

AICN: You wrote the Dawn scenes in CONVERSATIONS WITH DEAD PEOPLE. Now that BUFFY is no more, some fans wonder what Joyce was talking about when she said, “Buffy won't choose you.” But surely that was just The First messing with Dawnie's head, yes?

JANE: Yes indeed.

So basically that's one down, like 10 to go!:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/04/03 05:54
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That's what I figured it was.

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/05/03 01:14
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Ahhh...so, it was The First. Damn The First! :grin

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/06/03 04:07



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:fight At least we know now that the first could be in two places at once, which is kind head trippy. It always said it was everywhere. I guess it wasn't kidding. Kinda makes you wonder if Buffy could have ever won against an evil that strong. It still kinda bums me out that Buffy couldn't destroy the first. I still think it would have been better to bring back all of Buffy's past foes and have had them all work together toward killing her for good. Of course The First would have been required to ressurect them all, so that plan may be falling into the same loop. Either way It was cool having the Bringers,Caleb and The Ubervamps around to be the First's right hand demons.:bat

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/06/03 04:13
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Plus...it leaves things open for the future. If Buffy had gone and actually killed the ultimate evil...that would be it. No more evil, no more demons, no more slaying. But by leaving it open like it was left, we can always hope and pray that somewhere down the line, the story may be resurrected.

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/06/03 07:00
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*hoping and praying for a spinoff somewhere down the line*

  The plot holes of season seven
 Posted: 07/06/03 12:17
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:) That would be nice.

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