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 Posted: 04/16/02 04:38
# 1 
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Okay, promised a few people we would get one of these started in here. This one goes out to you Blondee ;)
Some of the Roswell fans haven't seen Smallville and would like to know if it's any good and what it's about.:shake :shake

Of course we all know they are missing out big time. :lol :lol
I'm not sure if I would be the right person to give a good summary of the past year however, so come on, what's your insight?

Where do we start? The Pilot? Or the Characters?

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 Posted: 04/17/02 02:46
# 2 



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Let's start with the characters and how they relate.


*looks around* Anyone, anyone...

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 Posted: 04/17/02 16:18
# 3 



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I'll start, if you like. Feel free to just knock my post out of the water if I'm out of line or anything ;)

Main characters/relationships, for those who haven't seen the show:

First off, yes, Smallville is a great show! Its focus isn't actually on Superman, but on Clark Kent as a teen. He's still in the process of discovering his "gifts" and doesn't fly or run around in the Superman suit or anything. Some (okay, most) of the episodes have him dealing with someone with odd abilities - often it's more like The X-Files in that respect than like any other Superman show.

The main relationship that really stands out in the show is the friendship between Clark Kent and Lex Luthor. In the future (according to traditional Superman storylines), these two guys are supposed to be enemies. But this show is set when Clark is roughly 15 years old and Lex is 21, and they of course don't know that they're destined to be enemies. At this point, Clark is an average high-school freshman. Lex is the son of a billionaire industrialist. Because of his father's reputation as a ruthless businessman, Lex is not very popular in the town of Smallville. Clark's father is one of those who hates the Luthor family, making Clark and Lex's friendship even a bit more unlikely.

Clark's best friends are Pete and Chloe. Pete has a crush on Chloe. Chloe has a crush on Clark. Clark has a crush on a girl named Lana, who dates high-school football player Whitney. Among the viewers of Smallville, there are folks who 'ship in all kinds of directions.

Whoa. First post in this thread, and I'm writing a book. Sorry about that! :o

Oh, btw - question: What rules are there for discussing episodes/spoilers/etc. within the thread?


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 Posted: 04/19/02 15:28
# 4 
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Here I go for a 3rd time. The computer keeps kicking me off everytime I'm about to post. :mad :mad

Klulu~ What an awesome post! :jump :jump :jump Maybe you should consider writing a book. :lol I would love to read it. ;)

I would have to say that I loved it since the Pilot. I will admit I got a bit frustrated with several of the episodes later when it seemed like they all revolved around just Clark saving someone. I tend to enjoy the relationships between the characters more than all of the action.

I especially like the ongoing relationship with Clark & Lana. I also like the dynamics of Clark & Lex. Now see I was going to post more, but I'm afraid it will not post. So more later. :lol :lol

Oh, btw - question: What rules are there for discussing episodes/spoilers/etc. within the thread?

To answer this question quickly, there are not many rules here. The 3 rules we do have can be found under the Admin Announcements Forum. Which basically states, you can post anything you like here, whether positive or negative as long as it is not against another poster. ;)

As far as Spoilers go~ Some individual forums do have spoiler rules, but this one does not. Anything goes until majority feel like they would like to remain unspoiled. I do try to post spoiler in the subject lines out of a courtesy to others though. ;)

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 Posted: 04/22/02 05:14
# 5 



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klulu...thank you so much for that overview. I want to ask you or really anyone, but knowing Lana isn't Clark/superman's real love...how would you think Lana's relationship should be played out?
I read the article in rollingstone...which was VERY good...which got me interested in taking this show more seriously.

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 Posted: 04/22/02 09:38
# 6 



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how would you think Lana's relationship should be played out?
Personally, I hope the writers don't actually put Clark and Lana together. I think the show will work better if they leave it as Clark having a distant unrequited crush on the "perfect, all-American smalltown girl" (that being Lana, in his eyes), while discovering who he is through his relationships with the other people in his life. To me, that's what would fit best with the mythos (and keep the show interesting).

Mind you, I'm not at all saying that Lana is perfect - but she's played as a sweet, smart, pretty, kind, high-school cheerleader type who does things like organize blood drives in her spare time and etc. So clearly she's supposed to represent a lot of ideals that Clark will always appreciate (and someday fight for, as Superman).

Actually Lana, like Clark, is a teenager with flaws - that's a plus for the show, btw, because these guys are NOT cookie-cutter Superman-y characters. But in a relationship, the flaws eventually become evident and tarnish the illusion of idealism.

In Smallville, it's Chloe who is actually more like Lois, and therefore more like what Clark's taste as an adult will lean toward. Though I'd rather the writers go slowly or not at all with that 'ship, too.

But for the record, I don't 'ship Clark with either girl. I'm most interested in the relationship between Clark and Lex, and in the family relationships of the Kents and the Luthors. So a 'shipper would probably have a different take on this one! ;)

:o Oh, shoot. I've written another book-length post! Sorry!

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 Posted: 04/24/02 08:48
# 7 
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Klulu~ I'm in awe of your viewpoints. :lol Very well put!

Okay, I have a question now, that's been bugging me for sometime. What is the whole story behind the Luther Password?

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 Posted: 04/24/02 12:12
# 8 



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Okay, I have a question now, that's been bugging me for sometime. What is the whole story behind the Luther Password?

The password thing started w/ the episode "Shimmer" I believe when Victoria Hardwick was looking at Lex's computer files. The website she was looking at is an actual website the WB created www.luthorcorp.net Since that episode people have been trying to crack the password (that gets changed daily). People have managed to get in and have found some information. www.kryptonsite.com mentions it on the homepage and in the message board. I have never been to the website, but there is information there on Lionel Luthor, LuthorCorp, and I believe on Lex too.

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 Posted: 04/25/02 03:37
# 9 



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Chloe who is actually more like Lois

I watched last nights eppy and I can see that now. Chloe is really a young Lois Lane. It's interesting because we've all seen the Superman/Lois Lane romance...and now watching 'Smallville' and the way Clark is infatuated with Lana...it just doesn't seem right?
We're not talking about change physically, but personallity.
Chloe and Lana are two different people when it comes to what drives them mentally. Don't get me wrong they both are nice people, just different.


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 Posted: 04/25/02 16:41
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CCC~ Thank you! I was a little off. I was thinking everyone was just trying to figure out the password on the show. :lol Has anyone cracked it yet? And if so, what is on the site? Does anyone know? Oh and one more thing.. LOL> Where would I find the link?

Blondee~ I would love to know what the article in Rollingstone said that would interest you to the show now. Care to summarize, pretty please? :grin

And my perspective would be a little warped since I'm all about the C&L :lol :rollin

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 Posted: 04/26/02 06:08



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I'll have to get back to you on that one.
As actors they all seemed oddly calm and star-struck themselves.
The girl who plays Lana made the comment that she would be after Lex if she played herself.
the actor who plays Lex tested out his new hair do by rolling up next to a car full of girls and asked them for a date and they turned him down. He seemed very playful and 'tougue and cheek' about the whole thing.
The guy who plays Clark -- nothing really stuck out about him. He's content with a long time girlfriend (they all have one...LOL) and just doing this gig for no reason at all.
I think I'm going to scan the article and pull out quotes I find interesting for you :)

Till then!

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 Posted: 04/26/02 06:46



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And my perspective would be a little warped since I'm all about the C&L
I've just gotta ask it, bunniefuu. Which C and which L? ;)

Just to add a bit more about the password thing - there are actually two different things going on regarding them. At the LuthorCorp.Net site, there's been a sort-of link to their intranet site for a while now. This is the one that folks have been trying to break into since January - the one that shows up in Shimmer. It's actually a flash media piece, and can be viewed as such (basically by playing it, click by click). It's got a couple of things in there - a breached-access warning screen and an entry page with 'links' that don't work. I suspect that TPTB may create a real one of these somewhere down the road, but the one that's there now is a bluff. Other links on that website have things little snippets behind them, too, btw, to give the appearance of a legitimate business website - stock data, etc. (It's at www.luthorcorp.net in case you want to play along ;) )

The second one is the newly-released Annual Report password stuff. This is set up so that LuthorCorp stockholders can access a video message from Lionel Luthor. (It's advertised, among other things, in the Smallville Ledger website. The WB is going really interactive with the Smallville world, which is a lot of fun :b :dance ) Anyway, that one does have a legitimate password, and does actually lead to a video - actually, three videos. (I love Lionel Luthor, so I've played that video several times, even though it's pretty much just a CEO talking to his investors.)

I watched last nights eppy and I can see that now.
Was that the first episode you've seen, Blondee? I'd love to know your opinions of the main characters, based on just that. I've seen them since the beginning, so it'd be interesting to know your initial take on them at this stage of the season.

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 Posted: 04/26/02 10:53



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Can you list the characters for me?

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 Posted: 04/26/02 13:27
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Here ya go~

Clark's parents
Lex's father

I think that's it. Correct me if I'm wrong. :lol
My apologies for such a short post~ I'm trying to finish up alot of the newer forums. I'll post more later in the week. ;)

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 Posted: 04/28/02 12:49



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Just to add a bit more to the main character's lists:

Clark's parent's names are Johnathon and Martha
Lex's dad is Lionel
Lana's Aunt is Nell (but she isn't really a main character but she is mentioned alot.)

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 Posted: 04/28/02 13:15
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I've just gotta ask it, bunniefuu. Which C and which L?

:lol Come on you can't tell already? I thought the banner would give it away. :rollin :rollin Well, I'm a sucker for the romance. Also, thank you so much for the links. I will definitely check them out. ;)

Blondee~ What I would be intrested in knowing is, after you go back and watch all the previous episodes, if your opinion changes at all.

CCC~ I know I did a terrible job on the character list. :lol Thank you for helping me out. I didn't even put last names. Bad Bunny. :nono LOL

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 Posted: 04/29/02 09:13



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I thought the banner would give it away.
Hee-hee. :lol Yeah, I guess it does. But between Clark and Chloe and Lana and Lex, there are just so many combinations of C's and L's - and I've seen every one of them 'shipped. ;)

:hide I think I'm the only person on the entire planet who actually wants Lana and Whitney to stay together! :joke

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 Posted: 04/30/02 04:12
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Let's see... I can't really comment on the above without going into spoilers. :lol :lol I'll keep this thread open for non-spoilerish topics and I'll open a new one for general spoilers and spec's.

Klulu~ If I were you, I wouldn't read them. :drink :drink

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 Posted: 04/30/02 09:21



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Klulu~ If I were you, I wouldn't read them.
Hee! :lol2 . But you know I'm going to, right? ;)

BTW - I like the idea of the spoiler/spec thread!

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 Posted: 05/06/02 15:43
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Yay Diana!:clap :clap I love :love the new banner & buttons! And Seeing them up, I honestly think they look awesome against the background. :grin :grin

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