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All Credit & Appreciation goes out to Mr. A for these 
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Hmm.. Why is it that Maria says they are back at West Roswell High? She never left. Liz went to boarding school but Maria was only visiting. Funny they do say that though.. it does seem like forever since I've seen them at school. Second, this seems like it's going to be an Isabel-Jesse episode.  Let's see.. the bad guys are going to kidnapp Jesse? Good God. New storyline please. 
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Yeah, it does sound like another Isabel related story...cause we just can't get enough of those this season! (sarcastism!) I want more of Max and Liz, not Jesse and Isabel. Granted I feel bad that Jesse found out the way he did, but suck it up and be a man! I am not looking forward to seeing Isabel moping around and being all pouty. Oh well, its another episode of Roswell and I am thankful for that! C.
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destiny~ ITA. It's not that I hate them. It's just boring. I've seen enough this season of I&J between their marriage, honeymoon, bewitched and so forth. I think the rest of the eps should really focus on M&L, M&M, and poor Kyle who I'm still waiting to see him with a girl... 
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Yeah, bunnie, it's not that I hate I&J, its just that this season has been based just a little too much on them and not on the "main" characters of Max and Liz. And what's up with Kyle? The poor man needs a woman...I agree with you on that one!  Bummer is...there are only four episodes left in the season, so I doubt they'd start something with Kyle now. Poor guy C.
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Quote: Quote: Bummer is...there are only four episodes left in the season, so I doubt they'd start something with Kyle now. Poor guy
True. It's just sad that the poor thing only had like what one girlfriend for a few weeks if that in over 3 years? Even his father has had more action than him.  As much as I hate love triangles, instead of the damn Tess factor storyline, they should of just had Kyle still in love with Liz. It would of made much better TV in my opinion. 
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Your kidding right...about Kyle and Liz? We've been there and done that in Season 1 ! ;-)
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bunni...i think having Kyle still in love with Liz would be a bad idea in the sense that Kyle needed to be in love with Tess so he could take Tess away from liking Max so...
max and liz could be together without Tess interferring.
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Blondee~ So true, to a certain extent. The thing is.. they could of done that. The baby could of been Kyle's. But no  . Also, they did start to go there by having Kyle like Tess but then switched to them just being like "family". Just like how Isabel first had no interest in Alex, then loves him, then he dies and she marries. The writers just keep switching the storylines all around. So they do the EOTW and say that Tess is a vital part of the royal four and now she turns out evil and dies, what sense does that make? So is the end of the world going to come now that they don't have her? It's just that the whole storyline with Tess has never made any sense at all. Why even have the EOTW episode? I am just as confused as ever and I guess I am still asking the question, What's the Point to the Story? 
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bunni--- I understand and agree with what you're saying! I'd like to make a far cry of hope that maybe the writers are confusing us with these switches because that's how "steriotypically" teenagers are portrayed. One minute they feel one way and the next it's something totally different. And if that was the case then what max/michael & liz/max have is fake because all they base their relationships on is lust and not the love all us "dreamers" love. * * * * * * * * * so we'll just throw that theory out the window, after tying it to the back of my car's bummer as I watch it bounce and break down into little pieces. 
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Quote: Quote: so we'll just throw that theory out the window, after tying it to the back of my car's bummer as
Bwhahaha I get what you mean... I am just so aggreviated by so many of the storylines that have been dropped. The problem is, is that it started out with so much potential and amazing storylines that "hooked" the viewer, then somewhere in the middle of the 2nd season something just went wrong.. everything go screwed up, nothing made sense anymore and many of the fans just turned mad. I'd like to know exactly what was going on behind the scenes in the 2nd year that took such a turn of direction. I'm not saying that the whole season sucked, it's just that all the sci-fi storylines never got wrapped up, loose ends hung out everywhere and alot of people just got confused. So instead of this season clearing anything up, they just "try" to pretend none of it happened, which in my opinion only made it worse. 
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I saw this on the Crashdown site and thought it was cool. Too bad Roswell didn't get this kind of praise sooner!
From Yahoo-TV and TV Guide:
Roswell Tuesday April 23, 2002 9 pm/ET, UPN
Who's the Boss? It's official. UPN has brought Roswell back from a two-month hiatus only to cancel it. The season finale originally scheduled for May 14th is now the series finale, and in the next few weeks producers are promising shocking plot twists that will resolve many of the show's ongoing storylines.
Before the show's hiatus, Max (Jason Behr) the anointed alien king died and was reborn. His brother-in-law, an Earthling named Jesse (Adam Rodriguez), learned that his beloved wife (Katherine Heigl) is an alien. On tonight's episode, a troubled Jesse visits a psychiatrist. Instead of recounting a seemingly outrageous tale about extraterrestrials, he tells the therapist that he unknowingly married into the mob and he's not sure whether he can stay with his wife. The fact that he's seeing a shrink at all makes Max and fellow alien Michael (Brendan Fehr) very uncomfortable. They know that if their secret gets out, big trouble is sure to follow.
Clearheaded as ever, Max suggests that they proceed cautiously and formulate a plan of action. He later tells his sister that she can work through her problems with Jesse as she sees fit. Unfortunately, Michael has other plans. It turns out that the glowing "V"-shaped symbol that's developing on his chest is the mark of the alien king. Although Max is now alive, his powers were transferred to Michael during Max's brief death. Max's apt description of Michael: "Impulsive. Ruthless. Dangerous." All three of those factors come into play when Michael countermands Max's order and decides to deal with Jesse personally.
Jesse's fate is resolved on tonight's show with a suspenseful development that moves the overarching story ahead beautifully. Sadly, it's one of the last times we'll get to enjoy these Tobasco-loving aliens coming of age in New Mexico. Like the series itself, this episode is as smart as it is accessible, giving sci-fi fans a lot to ponder and enjoy. Let's hope that the producers leave the door open for future movies be they on the big screen or on TV.
Jeff Gemmill, TV
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It took three seasons just for people to recognize how good a show Roswell really is?!?!?!
Too little, too late! Damn critics!
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I know! Critics have their heads up their $#@! Yeah...did none of them see season one? HELLO? Besides, this seems to be one of the rare times I actually agree with a critic. Usually they say a movie sucks and I love it and when they say a movie rocks, I don't like it. Go figure!
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I know what you mean. There are movies that I think are great and critics are out to bash it and the really crappy movies that look so stupid often end up with the good reviews. What kind of world do we live in?!
I'm royally pissed off right now! I just watched the ep and it was good. Not REALLY good, but good. Where was this guy during the really good episodes? Where the hell was this critic when Roswell's fate was being decided?! Now it's gone and they decided to give it good reviews?!?!?!
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