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 Posted: 01/15/03 18:24
# 1 
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Anyone else watching this? Anyone want to take dibs on who she will pick? :dunno

I think the "one" she's looking for is Ryan. ;)
She saw the meant to be signs -- and I'm a believer in that one. Plus, you can see the chemistry between them much more than anyone else IMO. Guess we'll see. But my bets on him. :grin

 Posted: 01/16/03 17:54
# 2 



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All she's going to find is a good case of lust. You can't find true and lasting love in such a short period of time. You can hit it off with someone, but only time will tell if it's going to become more. Like attaching a light bulb to a 9V and putting one into a lamp that's plugged into a wall. At first, both shine bright, but the 9V burns out. That is lust. The lamp is love. Time will show you what you have. That's why I hate shows like this, because they bill the initial, physical attraction as love. *grinds teeth* And They wonder why we have so many fractured relationships in our society...

 Posted: 01/16/03 21:28
# 3 



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I hate these shows. They are so ridiculous and demeaning. The worst is that one where they pretend some guy is rich and get all these women after him. Are we really so desperate for entertainment?

 Posted: 01/16/03 21:44
# 4 
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Zook- quick question for you- What happens when the lamp burns out? :lol :lol

You can't find true and lasting love in such a short period of time.

Well, I guess it really depends on how each person feels about love. I think it could happen. I don't think that it would/will always happen on shows like this. But there is always a possibility. And what's the time frame we're talking here? Then they propose- but that can go on for several years before they actually wed. Sometimes though, IMO, if your meant to be with that person- it will happen and time won't have anything to do with it , or maybe it will. Point being is- if they are soulmates - they could know this instantly-- not months, years, ect. And then again, they could also find this after much time together. So I believe that just because they are only together for moments-- doesn't necessairly mean that it's not meant to be. ;)

 Posted: 01/16/03 21:48
# 5 



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About finding love in a short period of time... the day that my mother met my father, she announced to her friend and friend's parents that she was going to marry him. A month later they were engaged. They've been married for 41 years. So it happens, but I just don't think the show is quite the same thing. Being on display and everything. I can't imagine actually wanting to be on a show like that.

 Posted: 01/17/03 07:58
# 6 



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With the way the show goes about it, it's all about selling your good points and hiding your weak points, so you never get to know who the person truly is. It's just one huge meat market. The people who go on there should have 'Desperate' branded on their forehead. So much of it seems to be about sex appeal and physical attraction, and lasting relationships don't have sex as their basis. There's much more to it than that. I hate the distorted ideas it promotes, and that shows like that get good ratings? :barf

 Posted: 01/18/03 06:23
# 7 
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Laura- great analogy! And I'm not saying that every show would produce these results. Probably next to impossible if you ask me... but... I am saying that maybe one show out of hundreds? that it COULD happen. Fate has a funny way of working sometimes. I mean people meet at the weirdest places and then are married for lifetimes..

But no, I would never want to be on a show like that either-- but I will admit some of those guys are pretty damn good looking. :lol :lol

Zook- You totally have excellent points there too! And you forget -- TV is all about Sex Appeal. That's what makes the ratings. Sad but True. :lol :lol Then again, who really wants to watch real life on TV? TV is a way to "escape" the real world for a while.

 Posted: 01/18/03 08:26
# 8 



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Bunnie, it is, but when I'm so busy rolling my eyes and wanting to puke/shout/throw things at the TV, it's no fun! 'Alias' is the one thing I absoultely watch. I used to watch a BBC serial called 'Ballykissangel' on PBS, but that ended (until new eps are sent over the pond). :( I'd watch 'West Wing' but my NBC reception is totally lousy.

 Posted: 02/19/03 18:20
# 9 
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I Knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew from the very first date that Ryan was her true love. It's funny because I've watched all the other Bachlore shows and I was like okay.. good match.. but nothing to the point that I thought it was truely meant to be... but her and Ryan.. that was fate! And I will go as far to say that I think they will marry and last a lifetime. There were just too many signs that pointed that it was for real.. and I was dumbfounded that it could happen on TV.. but it did! Great ending! Best wishes to them both! :grin

 Posted: 02/19/03 18:42
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:lol You are too funny, Bunnie! :lol

 Posted: 02/19/03 18:47
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AND.. what's even funnier...( I should of posted way back when) is that the Bachlor show.. with Aaron.. I *so* thought that Helena was not going to work. I never saw anything remotely close to love between them. Actually, out of all the girls.. I didn't see any "true" love for him at all.. and now.. he's not in love with her anymore. How funny! I knew that too.

Okay.. can't wait for the next show now! :lol I'm getting good at this. :drink

 Posted: 02/21/03 03:55
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:lol :lol

 Posted: 06/30/05 06:40



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Not into reality tv that much and besides none of them really ever last or get married!

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