
Don;t you people know that Louis is the woman for Supes not Lana or Chloe... (though Chloe is very Louis like). I for one hope she is introduced in the show as a one or two shot guest appearance to hint at Clarks future (kind of a cool little easter egg). As for those that have said the show has its own continuity and is not bound by DC's... WRONG, they have said that while the little details about how Clark goes from point A to point B will change the big things do not, ie... Clark moving to Metropolis and working for the Daily Planet, Lex's going bad, Clark and Louis hooking up ect ect ect...
So for all you Louis haters out there

relax she won't become a regular on the show... but be aware that she is going to hook up woth Clark, not Lana and not Chloe (he being Chloes cousin would be cool though
