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  Fan Q&A with Michael Vartan
 Posted: 11/14/02 17:38
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In June 2002, fans had the opportunity to submit questions for a Question and Answer (Q&A) with Michael Vartan.

All of the questions that were submitted to this site were collected and many were provided for Michael's consideration. Unfortunately, because over 500 questions were submitted, not all of them could be answered.

Thanks goes to all the people who participated in the Q&A, and to everyone for being patient while the questions were compiled and answered.

A very sincere note of thanks also also goes to Stephen Hanks for making this possible, and to Michael Vartan for answering the many questions sent in by his fans.


Kathy from Boston asks: Filming Alias must gobble up huge chunks of time over months, as compared to shooting a film for 40-odd days and then having tons of hockey time. Have you needed to adjust your life to accommodate this kickass show so that it doesn't kick...yours?

Michael: Not really, it's actually a much easier lifestyle. We shoot in L.A. my hometown, so I'm able to maintain somewhat of a normal routine.


Rachel from Madison, Wisconsin asks: Have you done *all* of your own stunts for Alias (and in general) and do you have/had to do any special/unique training for those?

Michael: Yes! I carry my own files and sharpen my own pencils. Just kidding. Not much has been asked of me physically, but I look forward to it.


Erica from CA asks: First of all, thanks so much for doing this Q&A! After the season finale, literally hundreds of posts were put up on the message board and letters were sent into entertainment sites asking if you were going to come back, petitions were started to keep you on the show, and addresses were given out so fans could write to ABC about keeping you on Alias. Did you fully grasp just how big of a deal Vaughn's “drowning" / you returning next season was to your fans? How do you feel about the sudden loyalty and enormity of your fan base?

Michael: It's obviously flattering, but I think it speaks more about the show itself being popular. Each character is so important and I can't imagine anyone else in these roles.


Gwen asks: If there was an Alias "blooper" reel what would your contribution to it be?

Michael: Every foot of film of me ever shot… EVER!


Farrah from Gorham, NH asks: Not only are you amazing on the show, but you seem to be a huge fan of it too! I was just wondering what YOUR personal favorite Alias episode is so far and why?

Michael: Last year's season finale. It was the most fun to act in because most of my storyline was emotional as opposed to all the technical mumbo-jumbo.


Angel from Emporia, Kansas asks: Hi Michael. Thanks for doing this again. With the success of Alias, do you still plan to continue making films?

Michael: If people are willing to hire me – of course!


Lori asks on behalf of many fans: If there were only five CDs you could ever listen to again, what would they be?

Michael: Anything Jimi Hendrix. The Beatles, The Police, Sinatra, Stevie Wonder.


dramaqueen asks: What would one find in your refrigerator? Be honest.

Michael: Ketchup, Gatorade, mustard and water.


Julie from Indiana asks: You said in the last Q&A you don't have any pets but if you could what would you have? Are you a cat person or a dog person (or neither)?

Michael: I'm definitely a dog person.


Lucy asks: Does the cast of Alias get a video copy of each episode from the show or do they have to tune in on Sunday nights to watch the episodes?

Michael: We each get a tape of the episode after it airs, but many times we watch the episodes together.


Sue from Detroit asks: If you could spend a day playing and talking hockey with any NHL player, past or present, whom would you choose and why?

Michael: At the risk of sounding clichéd… Gretzky. He is the greatest after all…


Regina from Los Angeles, CA asks: What are your guilty pleasures: Movie? Music? TV Show? Food? Hobby? Website? Toys?

Michael: Sports. All kinds of sports, and lots of it! Guitar, video games, oh… did I mention sports?


Kris from Minnesota asks: First, I want to say thank you for recognizing Lori's incredible website and making it your official site. THANKS! My question is, if they remade your favorite film and you could be the lead, what film would it be?

Michael: Great question! Never thought of that before. The original Star Wars, Luke Skywalker. I also would have really liked the Ed Burns part in Saving Private Ryan.


Nicole from Nebraska asks: What's your biggest pet peeve?

Michael: I don't think Lori's server has the bandwidth for my list, but they are mostly all about Hollywood.


Nicole from Sydney, Australia asks: Michael, Vaughn is obviously a "handy" man (love the way he diffuses a bomb!)- are you handy around the house or do you need to call a tradesman at the first sign of trouble?

Michael: I'm rather good with electronics and more technical, things like computers… I would definitely call a plumber.


Anne from Elkton, Maryland asks: If you were offered a 5 year contract with the LA Kings or a 5 year contract with Alias, which would you choose and why?

Michael: Kings hands down, not even close. I could always play an old, bitter CIA guy after my hockey career.


Kelly from San Diego, California asks: What one thing in your life you can't live without?

Michael: Air. Just kidding. Well, my good friends, sports, and Alias of course.


Laura J from Toronto, Ontario asks: What is the worst injury you received while playing hockey?

Michael: Gashes, cuts, twisted knees, sprained ankles, dislocated finger, jammed back, herniated disks… God I love it!


Danielle asks: ALIAS has something that a lot of shows do not have: chemistry between the actors and incredible cast. Have you had that type of chemistry between actors on anything else you've been involved with?

Michael: Never, we all agree. This is the greatest working environment we've ever encountered. I'm glad to hear our real life chemistry shows up on screen too.


Haley from Minneapolis, MN asks: How often do you play guitar? Acoustic, electric, or both?

Michael: I try to play a little everyday but I can't always, so whenever I can, really. I play both.


Cheryl from New Jersey asks: Michael, during the past year, your popularity has exploded. Despite all the media attention you seem very down to earth and grounded. Your sense of humor seems to be one way you deal with the attention. What are some other forces in your life that help you to keep your perspective?

Michael: I've always had a very even keel attitude on most everything in my life. Acting is such an uneven profession. You kind of have to laugh at it or you might shoot yourself in the face.


Cassandra from Clemmons, NC asks: Chocolate or vanilla?

Michael: Vanilla… You?


Antoinette from Vacherie, Louisiana asks: If you could change anything about your character, Vaughn, what would it be and why?

Michael: I wouldn't mind seeing him go undercover… longer hair, street clothes… it would be fun, suits suck!


Charlie from Minnesota asks: You are an actor now, but when you were still a kid what did you want to be when you grew up and why?

Michael: Pro athlete… I still do. I'm good at sports, so I wanted to make a living at something I was good at.


Patrizia from Melbourne, Australia asks: Do you do much cooking at home and if so what is your speciality?

Michael: Can barely turn on my microwave.


Brielle from Los Angeles, CA asks: You seem to be such a down-to-earth soul. How hard was it to adjust to a very emotionally demanding and draining industry?

Michael: It only drains you if you let it. Sure, there are tougher days than others, but we're not curing cancer or ending world hunger… Hollywood is a joke but it has given me an amazing job.


Julianna from Maryland asks: Do you ever feel "starstruck" when working with other celebrities such as Robin Williams or Roy Scheider, etc...?

Michael: Not really… not to beat a dead horse, but I would be starstruck around my sports idols.


Lynn from New York asks: Is it true that you paint? Any chance we will see some Michael Vartan works of art?

Michael: HA HA! Not likely. But yes, I do paint, but haven't had the time recently.


Amy from Chicago asks: Do you find it easy or difficult watching yourself on screen on film/tv?

Michael: It's kind of like someone ripping my fingernails off one by one with a pair of pliars.


Jacqueline from the Netherlands asks: Hi Michael, if you could trade places for one day with a well known person (from politics, sports, acting, music etc etc), who would you choose to trade places with and why?

Michael: The President of the United States, although I'm not sure which one… HA HA.


Nita from Nacogdoches, TX asks: I've seen the transition in your career over the past years, and I think it's great, I am very happy for you. I was just wondering now that you are so busy, what do you do for fun, besides hockey which you obviously make time for; and how do you achieve that without publicity?

Michael: Thanks for the kind words, but I am still pretty much unknown to the public, which suits me just fine.


Kevin from Tustin, CA asks: What would it take to get you to sing Karaoke?

Michael: $1,000,000,000,000 in a Swiss bank account.


Natalie from Roselle, NJ asks: Why are the Mets your favorite team?

Michael: Because they suck (laughing). I've always had a thing for underdogs, and my first PJs were Mets… so you know…


tvfilm411 from Texas asks: What was the audition process for Alias? Did JJA create the role of Vaughn for you/with you in mind?

Michael: No. I auditioned for it, and after I managed not to vomit on the front row of ABC executives I got the job.


SandraR from San Luis Obispo, CA asks: Michael, I know you're a huge Mets you think they have a shot against my Braves this year? (I'm just teasing)

Michael: I love my Mets, but in all fairness, I must admit we have been your “bitch” for a while.


Emily from Indiana asks: What was the first concert you ever went to? The most recent?

Michael: Elton John, Dodger Stadium, 1976. Rolling Stones, Dodger Stadium, 1999… Love that Dodger Stadium.


Elisa from Lufkin, TX asks: Being the huge sports fan that you are, do you follow any college football teams? If so, which ones?

Michael: I confess, I'm a “homer”. UCLA and USC but UCLA if they play each other.


Jason from South Carolina asks: Of all the roles that you have played, which character would you say is the most like you and which is the least?

Michael: Vaughn the most and Sam Coulson the least.


Patricia from New Britain, CT asks: I really enjoyed Alias as well as Never Been Kissed, and look forward to next Alias season. I was born in Belgium and enjoy going back to my 'roots'. Do you ever get back to your hometown in Normandy?

Michael: Yes, as often as possible.


Melanie from Bochum, Germany asks: Have you ever developed an idea for a movie and thought of writing a script or directing a movie?

Michael: Never, I'm a terrible writer.


Ellie from Clearwater, Florida asks: Michael when you were on Rosie you mentioned that you are a huge fan of ebay. Do you ever see what's for sale under “Michael Vartan” or “Alias” with your likeness?

Michael: No I don't, it's kind of creepy.


Anne from Madison, Wisconsin asks: Thank you for doing another Q&A! If you could thank the person or people most responsible for where you are today who would they be? Congratulations on your success!

Michael: Definitely my parents for all their support no matter what I would have chosen as a career.


Molly from Mukwonago, Wisconsin asks: When you were shooting "One Hour Photo", was Robin Williams really goofy off camera, or did he stay more in character. Did you pull any pranks on the set?

Michael: He was very funny between takes, which was welcome seeing what a dark movie it was.


Annette from Chicago, IL asks: If you could pick one spot in the world, where would you take your dream vacation?

Michael: The South of France.


Bobbie asks: What was the last good movie you saw?

Michael: Jackass.


Cristina from Toronto Canada asks: How has Alias affected your life in a negative or positive way?

Michael: Positive, positive, positive. I'm incredibly lucky and feel blessed to have been given a steady job with such wonderful people

  Fan Q&A with Michael Vartan
 Posted: 11/14/02 20:05
# 2 



Posts: 2252

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Thanks, Cory! Loved reading it!

  Fan Q&A with Michael Vartan
 Posted: 11/15/02 06:22
# 3 
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Posts: 17353

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No problem! It just makes me adore him more! His total obsession with hockey...yummy!

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