All right. I don't know how this will be taken here, but for a few reasons, I'm posting a topic from the DC board over on the Internet Movie Database. It's funny how there's more DJers there & this board seems like 80% or mroe PJers. That's fine. But since I got in a growing debate on that never-ending DC issue, some of the stuff I'd inevitably want to say is in this script, so that's one reason, to get some of these concepts out there. I also foundout a lot of new things & have some questions that maybe I could get answered..
Some iMdb user on why the finale supposedly sucked
Joey should have stuck with her heart and went with Dawson...
the writer sure did mess up a great show with a disappointing finale.
Sure there was closure but not with Dawson & Joey... this is his show..
Should have left Pacey mingle with one of the few other handful of girl he got together with while Dawson was still struggling with his love for Joey... I mean he had Emma for a little bit, Audrey, and Andie that they could have put him with to close the series...
Well at least O.C. is turning out to be a show that could show a lot more promise in it then Dawson's did. Though I do give them a lot of credit for letting Dawson go through with his dreams of being a director but they did they ever have him meet Spielberg like he always wanted to?
I am just hoping O.C. doesn't screw up the made to be together relationship like the writers of Dawson did... in all reality, Dawson's Creek ended for me at season 2 and started back up in the middle of season 5 when Dawson's dad died... Season 3 and 4 had Pacey & Joey... and those two aren't meant for each other... Pacey is meant for a business life with a high risk wife...
Re: Finale sucked by - FunShine1218 (Thu Jan 29 13:19:59) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, Dawson/Joey fans! If it makes you feel any better, Joey was originally supposed to end up with Dawson. They were soulmates. The first two drafts of the final episode script both had Joey and Dawson end up together. That's why, if you watch closely, during the first hour of the two-hour finale, more interaction happens between Dawson and Joey, because they were supposed to be together. However, at the last minute, the writers decided that it just didn't feel right, and knew that it was a lose-lose situation... if she ended up with Dawson, the P/J fans would complain... and if she ended up with Pacey, the D/J fans would complain (which is obviously happening!) Anywayz, the writers/directors/producers never failed to believe that Dawson and Joey were soulmates. But a soulmate doesn't necessarily have to be the person you end up with. Sorry, I'm just rambling now... just wanted you to know this information... if you've watched the commentary on the series finale, you already knew!
Anywayz, I think that's the reason the finale wasn't as well-accomplished as it could have been... the writers wrote the first half of the episode with the intentions to put Dawson and Joey together... so it didn't flow when she ended up with Pacey.
As a Pacey/Joey fan, though, I was quite pleased with how it ended up. I still believe wholeheartedly that Dawson and Joey were soulmates. But Pacey and Joey just complemented each other better. Happy Creek-watching!
Re: Finale sucked by - Vegeta670 (Thu Jan 29 14:06:09) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NawlimitSoulja first off I don't see a best friend triangle happening in the O.C.(yes I watch the O.C.). For the argument that Dawson should have ended with Joey but didn't just talk to Paculliton and she'll tell you all the reasons(even though there wrong, lol).
Re: Finale sucked by - NawlimitSoulja (Thu Jan 29 14:58:06) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe not a best friend triangle since Seth & Marissa will never get together... Ryan doesn't want to be with either Anna or Summer... but they do have love triangles available for Seth...
But the writing is cleverly better with storylines intertwined with the adults also... the show isn't just about teenages but the adults also...
And the girls are of course better looking too... and guys are funnier...
Don't get me wrong, Joey is beautiful but Jen didn't get beautiful until the last two seasons even though her hair cut leaves a lot to be wanted...
Anyways... Dawson's Creek was excellent just they ended it all wrong for the occasional viewers that watched it or even the hardcore fans that watched it for original relationships between the characters...
Re: Finale sucked by - Paculliton (Thu Jan 29 15:06:27) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegeta, I'm leaving you for Nawlimit. LOL Well put my friend.
Re: Finale sucked by - NawlimitSoulja (Thu Jan 29 17:32:32) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks for the compliment... They should have ended it like it was intended to... imagine if the writers found out that after season 2 the show was going to be canceled... so do you think they would still allow Dawson not to have Joey? No, they would have stuck to the right decision...
anyways... I think The O.C. will make me forget about all the bad seasons of Dawson's Creek...
Re: Finale sucked by - joeyanddawson (Thu Jan 29 21:47:16) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the finale didn't suck it just didn't end up the right way, and trust me kevin will make up for those d/j fans like myself. dawson joey 4ever
DAWSON: What? JOEY: I love you, too.
Re: Finale sucked by - shabab123 3 days ago (Mon Feb 2 13:20:25) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- joeyanddawson, how is Kevin Williamson going to make up for d/j fans? He can only do that by re-making the finale and giving it the proper ending in which Joey and Dawson end up together.
Re: Finale sucked by - tope_fun 3 days ago (Mon Feb 2 13:42:23) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it was the right ending: Joey and Pacey together; while in Dawson's show about the creek the characters playing Joey and Dawson (don't remember their names)ended up together in the tv show. So there you have the 2 endings. *# Note from me : uhh NO! That was just re-enacting the Sn.1 end & if his show went on, & went with the DC reality, it'd be the same ending. This person was out of it entirely. #*
People keep saying that DC is about Dawson, but as the show developed it was more about Joey (which I really enjoyed). Joey was the center of attention. The show focused more on Joey's character in the final seasons. Her storyline was far more interesting than that of Dawson's. I am watching TBS reruns too and to be honest... Dawson was really sweet during the first seasons, but later on, he became very possessive of Joey and finally he turned into a really boring character. Pacey and Eddie's lines were more attractive and interesting.
Re: Finale sucked by - joeyanddawson 3 days ago (Mon Feb 2 15:59:28) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pacey maybe but eddie? give me a break he killed the show.
Re: Finale sucked --------------------------- I got the announcement that Kevin was coming back to write the finale and my heart literally *sang* with joy, because I felt that he would at least end the show right... he would give us the payoff, after 5+ years of rooting for D/J to get together, and way too many episodes of a lesser writing staff messing things up for everyone with plot twists that don't stay true to the beautiful characters that he carved. (For instance, I thought the Eddie character was not something/one that the real Joey would have gone for -- so I was actually rooting for P/J around the time of the KMart episode.)
Then to not only have the show end in a way that was contrary to what the longest fans had invested their viewing heart in, but to find out that he HAD originally written the finale the way I wanted it to be...TWICE...but had to re-write the finale under an edict from network suits based on the actors' popularity rather than based on the characters themselves... it disgusted me and left me very angry at the show.
Re: Finale sucked by - shabab123 3 days ago (Tue Feb 3 04:01:44) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is Kevin Williamson really going to do something about the ending?
Re: Finale sucked by - Paculliton 3 days ago (Tue Feb 3 05:21:49) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm quite sure he will not. Much to my dismay!
If they weren't going to offer an alternative ending with the DVD release of the series finale, they never will.
Re: Finale sucked by - shabab123 2 days ago (Tue Feb 3 16:30:23) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're probably right. Then our last hope will be when they release season 6 on DVD. They should take time and use their heads and do the alternate ending with d/j which is the real ending.
Re: Finale sucked by - Paculliton 2 days ago (Tue Feb 3 16:41:26) Ignore this User | Report Abuse UPDATED Tue Feb 3 16:42:49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shabab -- do you have AIM? A girl in Germany actually created an alternate (proper ) ending, by using the original DC footage and some groovy editing software.
The file is a little too large to transfer directly via email, but it can be sent as a peer to peer file transfer on AIM. If you have an AIM name and want me to send it to you that way, let me know your AIM name and I'll put you on my buddy list and if you're on at the same time I am sometime (as it seems we both are right now actually) I'll transfer the file to you. You will really enjoy it.
It's about 5 minutes long, as I recall, and it's set to music (that song "Broken Road" that was used when Dawson realized he was in love with Joey at the end of S-1).
joeyanddawson, or anyone else who would enjoy it, same goes.
Re: Finale sucked by - joeyanddawson 2 days ago (Tue Feb 3 20:20:22) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nicholas012345 thanks
Re: Finale sucked by - joeyanddawson 2 hours ago (Fri Feb 6 05:55:30) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks pac for that great video it truly shows with out adoubt how it should of been thank u. dawson joey 4ever
Re: Finale sucked by - T1Flippy (Thu Jan 29 21:52:40) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to NawlimitSoulja: When you say that joey should have followed her heart. SHE DID!. And about her and Dawson. They did find closure because they were soul mates. They would always have a special connection in this lifetime and everyother lifetime. Like they said it goes beyond friends and beyond lovers. It's forever. And Personally I think that Joey and Pacey never got over eachother and that they loved eachother all along. Also that they make the cutiest couple. *# Must be a girl & an attraction bias for Pace #*
Re: Finale sucked by - joeyanddawson (Fri Jan 30 06:51:12) Ignore this User | Report Abuse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
they did love one another but don't give me this bull that they loved one anmother all along did she love pacey when she was having sex with dawson? bad writing don't want to hear that anymore its bad writing. kevin said he didn't do his job that line from the finale should have been taken out cause she hasn't always loved pacey.
Re: Finale sucked by - Paculliton (Fri Jan 30 07:22:11) Ignore this User | Report Abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nor has Pacey been the one she's always run from. So clearly those lines were written about her feelings toward Dawson and then the script ending was changed. So absurd.
It wasn't totally absurd for her to end up with Pacey, even I'l acknowledge that. A lot of times at that age people think with their groin and not their heads. But for them to write the lines about always running from Pacey, etc. is an insult to the viewers' intelligence--- D/Js, P/Js and undecideds!
I hadn't known of the commentary & the fact that they'd originally written for Joey to end up with Dawson. I still gotta get the Finale DVD off eBay or something. Now my questions I had. First of all, does anybody here know anything of this German girl's alternate ending? If so, I was thinking I'd like to see that, although I'm leaning against not watching a fictional ending even if it was what was planned originally. Gotta come to terms with what they actually did show & the love triangle resolution wasn't such a terrible thing to me. If anyone knows how I could view that, though, I'd like to know at least where to get it or how & I'd rather not ask this person on iMdb although I could. Second question, does anyone know the schedule for the next Releases of the DVDs? I know Sn. 2 has been out for a bit & I'm wondering when all the next ones will be out. If they waited too long, that wouldn't be too smart.
Finally, my third question is way off subject. Does anyone know what the difference is between the two Blue Lagoon movies? I haven't seen em' both fully, but I think one's got Brooke Shields in it & the other Milla Jovovich. Is one just a remake? That's what I'm thinking. Anyways thanks for putting up with this gigantic post, lol.