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  Season 6 Spoilers
 Posted: 10/29/02 10:40
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Posts: 26090


hellmate fluffing and being a bit too affectionate with Pacey in Joey's face, so I think her and Dawson are perfect for each other.

ITA. I felt very uneasy last year when they just skipped right over Joeys feelings of just being dumped by Pace and then him hooking up with her roommate. Very uncomfortable IMO. I didn't like it then and I still don't like it now.

And in a way (under different circumstances) I could respect a guy if he said to put her shirt back on. (Like if he were saving her from being attacked or something) But when *she* bares herself to the guy and crosses over the line of humilation the guy is a moron for telling her to get dressed. If a guy really loved her that would of been the very LAST thing on his mind to say to her IMO. Therefore, he's lost his chance forever. If I were her I'd be embarrassed to be anywhere around him. :lol

  Season 6 Spoilers
 Posted: 10/29/02 10:56



Posts: 435


The DC Writers hate us Pacey and Joey fans.
I really hope the Wb will come to their senses. I am not naive. The writers are sick individuals who will stop at nothing to put the hellmates together. I finally realized something. I think the writers purposely wrote Joey and Pacey in season 5 the way they did. They had many angles they could have went with. They could have gone with the season 1 banter, dislike angle, the season 2 ignoring each other angle, or the way Andie and Pacey were written after they broke up angle. They chose the fake friendship angle. Of course, I didn't want to admit to myself, but when Joey saw Pacey on the boat, there was no anger at all. I thought that was a good thing, but I was wrong. In a way, I wish they would have written them like the Pacey and Andie angle. The writers figured that they were selling the hellmates, so there was no reason for Joey and Pacey to deal with any post relationship angst. They write these few scenes for them throughout the first half of the season. The scenes were not bad. They were friendshippy and it was a lot better than the season 2 angle. Then, you have Joey's roommate Audrey. She is contracted for about seven episodes. Her and Joey are good friends, so why ruin that. The audience and critics take a liking to her, so what are we going to do with her? Pacey's not doing much and Audrey's there. Let's hook them up. To let the audience know that it is totally over between Joey and Pacey, let's have Joey give her blessing. That way, everyone is happy. The girls stay friends and nobody is mad at Audrey and Pacey because Joey is fine with it. Let's write the most uncomfortable situations for the PJ fans that we can come up with. In a way, I would have preferred the season 2 angle than the fake couple fluffing crap we got.

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