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The Kids Are Alright
By Jessica | Season 6 | Episode 1 | Aired on 2002.10.02

Later, Joey and Pacey meet at the jukebox. She complains that it hasn't played her song yet. "Maybe the jukebox rejected it," Pacey says, "on the grounds that there's been enough whiny chick rock for one night, I think, pretty much." Personally, I simply don't believe that jukeboxes ought to contain any variation on whiny ovary music whatsoever. The jukebox is the sole domain of oldies, classic rock and Bon Jovi and that's really about it. Joey pouts. "Bite me," she whines. Pacey leans over and nips her upper arm. "Pacey, gross!" Joey squeals. He chuckles. Aw, that was a cute, if fifth-gradey, moment. Joey demands an explanation of the day's earlier dorm room shenanigans. "Do you remember our particular summer together?" he asks. Wow, I can't believe the writers remember their particular summer together. Joey indicates that she does. "Remember when we came back, we were all lovely-dovey and we didn't really want the summer to end, as such?" he asks. Joey grins. "Speak for yourself," she retorts. "But I do recall something to that effect." Pacey smiles down at her. "Let's say for the sake of argument that I am not at all unhappy that this summer is ending," he admits. Long story short: Hollywood Audrey is a little exhausting. Joey listens to this quietly, then tells Pacey that she has a bit of a conflict of interest. The part of her that is his good friend and "erstwhile paramour" thinks that "life's too short" and he needs to do what makes him happy. "Erstwhile Paramour" is the name of my Morrisey cover band. On the other hand, she says, the part of her that is Audrey's friend and roommate says, "you know what? You breaka her heart, I breaka your face." Joey pokes him in the chest. "You got it?" she asks. Pacey grimaces and rubs his left pec. He gets it. Joey grabs his hand and drags him into the corner to make out. Er, I mean, "back to the table."

# 2 



Posts: 435

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Capeside Revisited
By Jessica | Season 5 | Episode 3 | Aired on 2001.10.24 pg 11 of 14


The Cutest Scene Of This Entire Season. Joey, wearing The Low-Cut Pants Of Doom, ambles toward Pacey's new boat (I'm calling it the True Love Two: Electric Boat-a-loo). On board, Pacey's fiddling with some nautical paraphernalia, sporting a red shirt and a vaguely better haircut. The Piano Music Of On-Screen Chemistry twinkles in the background as Pacey takes a swig from his root beer. Joey, unnoticed, watches him look up at the sky. "Can't see them very well, can you?" she asks. He looks over at her and smiles, startled. "At night, in the city," she continues. "What, the stars?" Pacey asks. "No, you can't see them very well, but what the hell? I've seen them all before, right?" Joey smiles up at him. "Me, too," she says. Pacey comes over and helps her onto the boat. They stare at each other, and Pacey mumbles something about "Lindley" selling him out. Joey tells him that she saw him herself, at the restaurant, but, when confronted, Jen "unraveled like a cheap suit." Pacey hypothesizes that Jen's shame over betraying him explains her absence of late, but Joey explains that Jen has "met a boy." The look at each other, all cute and awkward. "Good for her," Pacey says. More staring. "So I guess, um, [Jen] told you about these Sunday dinners we've been having," Joey offers. Pacey shifts. "Um, yeah. I seem to remember something to that effect." Joey tells him that the dinners are nice, "because it's easy to get lost in the big city." Pacey agrees. "You don't have the stars to guide you," he points out. Joey tells him he ought to come to one of the dinners, sometime, and Pacey drops his voice and tells her that he'll "try and do that." Joey fiddles with her sleeves and hems and haws and finally tells him that she would hate if he skipped the dinners because of "anything to do with [her]." Pacey looks at her quizzically. "Or this thing we shared, called 'a romance,'" Joey offers, half-smiling. "You know. It ended really badly? And there was bitterness? And tears? And recriminations?" Pacey smiles at her. "Yeah, I think I remember that," he says. "We dated once, right?" Joey screws up her face in mock consternation. "Yeah, we did, didn't we? But, you know, I've practically forgotten, now that I've slept with half the football team." Pacey grins, and helps her over toward the wheel of the boat. "Just half?" he asks. "I think that shows incredible restraint on your part." Joey tells him that she had to save the other half for her roommate. Pacey sits down, after sticking his butt in the camera for a nice, long shot, and asks about Audrey. They get to talking, comfortably, complete with banter about small spaces and snoring. Joey, sitting by the wheel, tells him that she read something for class recently about how, soon, humans may be able to regrow brain cells. "I think what it means is some point in the not so distant future, it may be possible to forget all the bad stuff and just remember the good," she offers, shyly. Pacey tells her he thinks that's already possible. They smile at each other, and Joey tells him that she wants to know all about the boat. "This is one mother of a boat," she says, grinning at him. Aww. Joey and Pacey 4EVA! Wow, I have no idea where that came from. It's just refreshing to see actors who appear to be having some small measure of fun with each other, instead of looking like they're about two seconds away from throwing themselves in front of a truck wearing a "Teen Suicide" t-shirt.

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