The Djer's really think they got a better scene than us than they are mistaken. Our scene was a 100 times better. It just showed once again that Pacey is selfless and wants Joey to be happy while Dawson is a smug bastard who thinks he still owns Joey in spirit. Joey said what us PJer's have been saying all along. Dawson is Joey's past and Pacey is Joey's future. Joey said her love for Pacey was real. As in, the one for her. She even told Jen she was sick of running and always knew who she wanted to be with. Then, she tells Pacey she doesn't want to run from him anymore. Contrary to popular belief, Joey didn't run from Dawson. She didn't want Dawson. The fantasy never lived up to the reality.
Look at Pacey's face. He knew what Joey was going to say before she was interrupted.