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Angel. Cause I've always had a soft spot for them.
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I was the don't care one.. as I've never watched Buffy. So doesn't really matter to me.
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Don't watch Buffy... but I do find Spike's voice sexy so I'd go with him. Especially since I want Cordy with Angel.
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I want Angel with Cordy.. but I voted that Buffy would choose Angel in this poll. However, I don't think she's gonna live to choose anyone.
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Probably. It's seem to be the only "proper" way to end the show.
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I chose none. I don't think they are going to kill her off because there are still rumors going around that there is going to be a spin off show. They might want her around to maybe come on as a guest star. But who knows!
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Mr J all the way
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She's not gonna die. Joss practically confirmed it in one of his random interviews. I'm one of the 2 that voted for Spike.The guy went and got souled for the Girl. Angel didn't do that. Although Angel never tried to rape here either. Then again Spike didn't have a soul then. When Angel didn't have a soul he would have done a lot worse than rape her. He's a nasty bastard when he's Angelus. At least Spike was Protecting Dawn and helping them fight the good fight when he was still technically evil "on a leash." If Angelus had got a chip, he'd have still found a way to mess with her. Plus I still think it's so cute watching those two converse. I used to miss the whole ANgel/Buffy thing when he left 3 years ago, but I think they've developed something even better with the Buffy/Spike relationship.
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we always agree Mr J!
to me it has to be spike! first love is really cute and made for having good memories...
I totally think that spike was better than angel. remember in season 5... he didn't have a soul, but he had the chip. ok the chip was keeping him from attacking humans, but it wasn't forcing him to help them...he choose to become good without a soul and then decided to get a soul for buffy. he's the man!
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i don't mean to make myself unpopular, being the newbie and all, but he technically didn't get the soul for her. as far as i can tell he went to get the chip removed in africa, but got a soul instead...of course, i may be mistaken, but it's just the way he was saying "make me what" i was. i guess you could take it either way...
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I chose Spike. I used to like Buffy and Angel, but they have both moved on. Spike has been there for Buffy through some really rough times, and he has loved her even without a soul.
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Mr J all the way
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I gotta disagree desirable. I've watched and re-watched that episode (some say a few times too many) and I think he felt so wrong and so un-clean after the attempted rape thing that he thought the only way to work through that was to be accepted by Buffy again and the only way he could do that was to be come more like Angel (i.e. Soul Man). That's how I took it anyway. He's never really come out and said that "all I wanted was the chip out, but I got a soul instead". So it's still a very debatable subject, but my personal feeling is that getting a soul was his intention from the get go. Pymfao we do agree on a lot of things, must have been separated at birth, or maybe we're on the same wavelength or something. Reading over all the stuff posted on this thread, I've been remembering when Spike first started dreaming of Buffy and was smoking like 30 cigarettes outside her house because he was so nervous to talk to her after having the "dream." He's been so cute through this whole thing . Their relationship just seems more special and unique than when she was with Angel. Like when Spike and Buffy first had sex, the look on Spike's face said it all. It was like this was something he'd wanted the first time he laid eyes on her. I actually thought he was gonna cry. And when Buffy slept with Angel is just didn't appear on film like it was that special to Angel. It was like he more of less expected it to be coming , while Spike was just blown away (no pun intended). And I better shut up and go to bed, cause showing up to class yawning and half dead is never good.Night all.
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Blacked Out
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I have something to add to that... I think he wanted the bad in him to believe he wanted the chip out, when really, in his heart, he wanted his soul back...
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Mr J all the way
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I'm down with that explinations too.
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See the whole Spike thing and what he wanted...I just don't know. Honestly, I think he wanted to be a full-on Vampire again. No chip. No problem. He could be what he's been for all these years...William "the Bloody." But he made the mistake in making the comment..."Make me what I was." Well, at one time, he was a man with a heart and soul. Frankly, I thought the demon was going to turn him back into a mortal man. But no, he kept him a vampire but gave him back his soul. He wanted to go and get Buffy out of his head. He wanted to show her he was a man. Well, he was so pissed off at the time, he obviously wasn't thinking too clearly. Otherwise, I think he would of said. "Make me a vampire without this damn chip!" IMO
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Mr J all the way
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My only problem with the whole " he only wanted the chip out" thing is that Spike could already hurt Buffy physically. Getting the Chip removed wasn't gonna help him any in that area. Unless he was planning on pulling an "Angelus" and trying to kill her friends. I doubt that one very much though. It just doesn't seem his style IMO. I think the whole "make me like I was so Buffy can get what she deserves" was just there as a set up for the big "surprise" at the end of the finale when he got ensouled. Now if he had done a big dramatic "NOOOOO" , then maybe I would have figured "damn Spike just got screwed", but all he did was screamed a lot. It's probably quite a shock going from vicious animal to sensitive vampire. Plus I go back to my first statement, Spike has never come out and said "I didn't want this" or "this is wrong". He's just been a new improved Spike. It's already been stated that a vampire ensouled remembers all the past deeds their vampire alter ego commits, so it's not a case of not remembering what no soul spike intended when he went to Africa. I think he knows and either he's truly happy with the way things turned out or he just doesn't have the heart to tell Buffy that he intended to get the chip out and then return to kill them all. Again I doubt that was the case. This debate will probably go on and on till Joss himself puts it to rest by telling us exactly what Spike had planned before departing for Africa.
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I don't think the whole show is based on who Buffy will choose unlike Dawson's Creek. I think she will choose nobody cause she has more bigger fry than some guy.
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Mr J all the way
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That's probably true, but we had to debate about something before the big finale or else we'd go nuts with anticiapation and probably have a little foaming at the mouth.
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Exactly...I personally think their going to kill her off...why else would Willow and Spike go to LA? Just a thought.
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