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  Wildfeed Buffy 2/26/02 As You Were
 Posted: 02/25/02 04:45
# 1 
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All Credit goes out to Leoff Online & The Buffy Cross & Stake.Image

Wildfeed Summary for Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"As You Were"
Episode Number: 6ABB15
Running Time: 43:32
Summary written by Leoff

Previously: Riley tells Buffy that the military wants him back, Riley's ultimatum, Buffy chases after Riley's chopper, Spike and Buffy having their bedroom "Conversation," Xander and Anya announce their engagement, Buffy working at Doublemeat Palace.

Buffy scrapes the grill at the Doublemeat Palace after hours. She is tired and silent as she listens to another happier employee drone on and on about "politics" and the Doublemeat Palace. Her male company then makes mention of a literary figure which Buffy doesn't recall. The other employee apologizes, just remembering that Buffy dropped out of college, to which Buffy says that she's re-applied. Wishing her luck with that, the employee leaves for the night, giving her the final insult of wanting her to scrape the gum off of the bottoms of the tables.

"Get the double treat, that the double sweet, oh it's hard to beat, when the meet mee OH! Why can't I get that stupid jingle out of my head?" Buffy walks through the graveyard after her work, carrying a Doublemeat Palace bag. But then a vampire jumps out of nowhere and, after giving Buffy a chance to put her bag down, attacks! A brief struggle ensues and the vampire actually seems to get the better of Buffy. He goes to bite her and recoils!

"What's that smell? GEEZE, slayer, is that you?"

Buffy looks hurt "I've been working"

"Where, in a slaughterhouse?

"Doublemeat Palace"

"Oh. You know what? Let's just call it a night." The vampire starts to back away. "If it's all the same to you, and you've been eating that stuff, I'm not
so sure I wanna bite ya."

"You're DEAD! You smell like it! How do you get to say that I'm the one who's stinky?"

"Really, it's cool I'll just catch ya next time" But the vampire doesn't get to finish the sentence, as a stake flies straight into his chest and dusted! Buffy smells her jacket, makes a face, then picks up her food bag and continues on.

Opening credits: Nothing new.

Late at night, Buffy walks up to her front porch, tired from work and slaying, but she senses something "Oh, for pete's sake Spike." Spike appears from behind a tree and admits to being spotted as he approaches her. Buffy automatically says "No, Spike", knowing what he's there for. He continues to talk to her seductively, and even though she tries to fight the urge, and shows concern that Dawn is inside the house waiting for dinner, she is slowly brought over behind a tree and "talked into" some outdoor lovin!

Adjusting herself quickly, Buffy walks into the kitchen to find Dawn at the refrigerator. Dawn asks if she's had a rough night as Buffy hands her the Doublemeat Palace bag, presenting dinner, but Dawn opens it to find a very large, squished burger. Buffy apologizes, but Dawn says it's ok. Dawn then nicely tells her sister that she's getting sick of eating the same thing every night, to which Buffy offers something different from the DMP menu for tomorrow. Willow walks in, asking Buffy if she's had a rough night, noticing the grass stain on Buffy's jacket. Buffy takes it off in a hurry as Dawn asks if some vamp got rough with her. "He's not getting any gentler" Buffy then hears her faux pa and back peddles, saying THEY aren't getting any gentler. Dawn not so sneakily asks Buffy if she wants to go with Willow and her to the Bronze for a night out. Buffy smiles at her sister, saying it's ok if she goes (home by 11), but Buffy's gonna stay behind.

At the Bronze's bar, Anya and Xander discuss the seating arrangements yet again! The two are "discussing" back and forth while Xander happily munches on a bag of chips. During the conversation, Anya grabs the chips away from him, saying he's just nervous, and starts munching herself, before he grabs them back, agreeing that he is nervous with friends, family, and demons coming in for the nuptials! Dawn walks up smiling, asking them if they're doing good, if they're nervous? "NO" both fire back, sending Dawn off a little timidly.

Handing Willow her drink, Dawn and Willow joke about the "happy" couple. Dawn notices Willow is in a great mood! Willow answers because she and Tara are at least on speaking terms, and although it's still too early for her to be invited to the Bronze (a suggestion by Dawn), things are looking good.

At home, Buffy scrubs the grass stain from her jacket late that night.

That morning, Buffy is awakened by the sound of a passing garbage truck and she immediately throws on her coat, rushing after them outside with two big garbage bags, but she doesn't catch them in time and she slumps back into the house.

Walking into the kitchen, Buffy sorts mail as Dawn says good morning, and reminds her that "today is trash day." Buffy looks at her sister sarcastically as she opens up one of the letters and starts to read:

"Dear Ms. Summers,

We are sorry to reject your application for re-admittance to USCD"

Dawn asks what the letter is, but Buffy quickly hides it, saying it's nothing. Dawn says the Bronze was fun last night and wishes Buffy would have come along. Buffy says "maybe next time." Books gathered and ready to take off, Buffy asks Dawn where she's going. Dawn looks at her sister strangely, noticing she's really out of it "to school?" Buffy shakes it off. Dawn starts to go, hoping she'll see her sister later that night, or whenever she's free. She kisses Buffy on the cheek before she leaves. Buffy leans against the counter, slightly confused and still tired, and spots a LARGE pile of dishes in the sink, sighs

Flipping burgers on the grill, the same dude employee that was talking to Buffy before he asks her to help out front. Buffy approaches the counter, at first without even looking at the customer. "Welcome to Doublemeat Palace, how may I hel..." She looks up and is stunned to see the face of Riley Finn! "Hey." He answers back.

Commercial Break: Victoria's secret, putting men in the mood for over 50 years!

For Riley, the initial visit is hurried. He apologizes for simply "showing up" out of nowhere and knows she has a lot of questions, but he needs Buffy's help and quickly! Buffy, on the other hand, is in shock, staring at Riley (who sports a nice new scar across his upper and lower left eye), and saying things like "Were you always this tall?" and "I have a cow on my hat."

Riley (dressed in black combat gear) says he's been up for 48 hours straight and he's been tracking something really bad. That something has come to Sunnydale and he needs Buffy's help! Without even thinking of her job, Buffy takes off her hat, ducks under the counter, and walks off the job to accompany Riley.

Buffy and Riley walk outside. Riley apologizes again for the rush, and starts to say if there's time, he'd like to catch up, but then a "gadget" goes off on his person, alerting him that his target, a Suvolte Demon, is nearby. Buffy starts to giggle at Riley's constant use of spy gadgets. Riley goes on to explain that the Suvolte Demon is not only dangerous, but it's a breeder. One is killed, ten take it's place! The demon is then spotted and Buffy and Riley rush it, but it quickly throws the two off and disappears down an alley.

(The demon looks kinda like the Alien from the Alien movies, but a little more lumpy.)

In the alley, the Suvolte surprises the pair again and swats Buffy aside, but Riley shoots a tracking dart into it just before it hops over a wall, out of sight. Buffy comments that it's too fast, but Riley disagrees

In a Blazer, Buffy races after the demon with Riley at the wheel. Tracking it on a little computer monitor, both ask how the other is doing and begin to talk. Riley says he's got a lot to tell her, but Buffy asks him "Did you die?" He answers no. "I'm gonna win." She smirks. The two talk lightly about Riley's "black ops" lifestyle as Buffy changes into some black combat gear like Riley's. Riley then says that it's good to see her and there's no one else he could ask for help. And "I love the hair." He quips

Sitting in traffic, Xander and Anya talk about picking up his Uncle at the airport. The two nervously munch on various bags of chips as Xander talks about his Uncle staying at their place and how much he hates his family, that's why he's marrying Anya, so he can start a new family that will grow up to hate him! Anya mentions that some demon friends of hers are teleporting in soon, and if she's not there to greet them, someone's gonna get incinerated! "Why did we agree to let your friends, who are demons, and my family, who are monsters, to stay at our place?" Xander asks? Anya complains about staging the wedding, but insists it is going to happen, even if "I have to kill every one of our guests and half the town to do it!"

Pulling to a stop, Riley and Buffy exit the vehicle and walk up to the side of what turns out to be a Dam (yep, Sunnydale's also got a Dam apparently), and saying that they do have to go down the side, Riley says the line he begins to lower can barely hold two, so they'll have to leave most of their equipment behind. Buffy is lifted into his arms and she has a slight look of well, you know, as the two start down the dam wall (not the damn wall, but the dam wall heh).

Arriving on a cement platform at the bottom, the two hear noises nearby and stealthily approach. Turning a corner, Riley is attacked! A good battle ensues with a tag-team attack style. The two eventually knock the demon as Riley spins Buffy out of harm's way, up against a wall. The two look at each other hard to tell what Riley's thinking, but Buffy is clearly emotional. Just then, in the background, a figure lowers and then approaches "What are you doing with my husband?" The woman asks

Commercial Break: Windex makes it SHINE!

Riley awkwardly introduces "Sam" to Buffy while Buffy processes the information, but the Suvolte demon wakes up and charges again! Sam turns and starts to beat up the demon while Buffy and Riley watch and talk. Riley apologizes again for not telling Buffy, saying he wanted to mention it when the time was right. They've been married for 4 months and, watching her battle, it's obvious that she's a good fighter. The two were brought together by the pursuit of demons. The Suvolte demon then overpowers Sam and Riley rushes in to help, but even his assistance isn't good enough and the demon is winning. Buffy comes up from behind and offers the two a "wedding present", grabbing the demon's head and twisting, breaking it's neck. Mission accomplished!

Riley and Sam aren't quite so pleased, though. They tell Buffy that they wanted the creature alive to track it. Sam then starts to get on Riley, arguing with him that he should have informed Buffy about the mission objectives. Riley is embarrassed and Buffy is bothered that she did wrong, but knows it wasn't her fault. Sam doesn't blame Buffy, though. Not wanting to impose, Sam asks Buffy if she has a "safe house?" Buffy says "I've got a house don't know if it's safe? Sometimes, you can't even leave"

Entering the front door, Buffy apologizes to Sam and Riley for the place being a mess. They are met at the door by Dawn. "Agent Finn returns" she says coldly. Xander and Willow walk in, greeting Riley much more nicely, shaking hands and smiling. Riley introduces Sam to them and pleasantries are exchanged (Apparently they phoned ahead, telling Xander and company what was up). Willow takes Buffy aside and says that she's ready to hate Sam for Buffy if she wishes. The two watch the couple lightly laugh and flirt, then Buffy says "Go nuts."

All sit in the living room as Riley and Sam give the lowdown on the Suvolte demon, saying it's a killing machine that has destroyed many places in Central America and now it's headed to the Hellmouth to nest. The plan was to track it and have it lead them to it's nest, but it got screwed up when Buffy killed it. Xander occasionally interjects with some wedding-based questions for the couple, to which Sam eagerly supplies some "helpful tips."

Buffy asks about a timetable for the eggs hatching, but Riley says that's not the problem. The eggs are probably going to be sold on the black market, and word is there's a dealer in town by the name of "The Doctor." Sam then asks Willow to do a little "location spell", hearing that she's good with the Wicca magic. Willow is stunned and hurt, uncomfortably saying that she can't cast anything, she got addicted and is trying to control it. Willow turns and walks out, clearly bothered. Riley lays out the plan: two teams. Riley will look for the Doctor, Sam and Buffy will look for the nest, which throws Buffy for a second, but after a few seconds, she readily agrees.

In the kitchen, Sam approaches Willow hesitantly, telling her that she once knew two shaman back in a Central American village where she was. They studied the dark magics and it got out of control, and now there's literally NOTHING left of them. Sam praises Willow's strength for being able to quit, and Willow, silently, looks at Sam.

Walking in the graveyard, Sam tells Buffy that she feels honored to be there with her, the "legendary" slayer, but it's also more than that, saying that Riley has talked of her many a time. Sam says that she met him in Central America after her peace core village got destroyed, and the two grew close, but it still took him a year to get over Buffy. Sam asks Buffy if she's seeing anyone, but Buffy gives a vague answer before changing the subject, saying that they should split up as Buffy wants to go and talk to an "informant" alone.

Barging into Spike's crypt, Buffy confronts Spike, wanting information on someone called "The Doctor." Spike hints that her problem isn't THAT urgent and there's time for

"Tell me you love me." Buffy says.

Spike is surprised "I love you you know I do."

"Tell me you want me."

"I always want you. In point of fact"

"Shut up" Buffy orders him and the two collapse on Spike's bed in each other's arms.

The aftermath in the crypt is seen, as Buffy and Spike lay naked and resting, but not only seen by us. Riley stands by the bed as Spike takes notice. Buffy is shocked, upset, and embarrassed, but remains silent. Spike throws some verbal jabs at Riley about he and Buffy, but Riley says "That's not why I'm here... Doctor." Buffy looks at Spike in horror.

Commercial Break: Looking for high quality demon eggs? Come, visit "The Doctor."

"Oh god" says Buffy as she climbs out of bed, grabs her clothes, and goes to dress. Spike confronts Riley, saying that he should shove off, Buffy is his gal now. Riley confronts back, saying that he knows who to beat for information in Sunnydale and Spike is his first stop. Riley demands to know where "the eggs" are, but Spike doesn't know what he's talking about. Riley hits Spike, but Buffy goes to intervene, saying Spike couldn't' be responsible. Riley says that Buffy has forgotten who she's dealing with. Spike tries to defend himself but Buffy shuts him up by hitting him. Riley goes in search of the eggs in Spike's lower living area as Buffy follows, still not quite believing.

Buffy still tries to defend Spike as Riley searches, agreeing that Spike isn't good, but that Spike isn't capable of such a thing. Just then, the pair walk upon the eggs! (They look like the eggs from the Alien movies, only turned on their sides). But Riley says that Spike screwed up and he didn't keep the eggs frozen. They could hatch at any time. Spike starts with a story about him holding the eggs for a friend, but Buffy punches him, ordering "No more games!"

Spike backs up, hurt "Well that's bloody funny coming from you no more games? That's all you've ever done is play me. And you keep playing with rules you make up as you like. You know what I am, you've always known, but you come to me all the same" He walks off, disgusted.

Just then, the eggs start to hatch. Little crab-like creatures (yes, kinda similar to the Alien movies) pop out and start to crawl around, jumping at Buffy and Riley. Riley hands Buffy a gun and she takes a couple of shots, each missing VERY badly. The two back up and start to retreat up out of the hole to the upper crypt. Just as they exit, Buffy grabs a grenade off of Riley's belt, pulls the pin, and drops it down the hole. The explosion rips through the place, killing all the baby demons and, naturally, trashing Spike's pad.

Xander and Anya are hiding in the bathroom, apparently away from his relatives and her demon friends. Crashes and arguing can be heard in the background as the two discuss how Xander can't shut up about Riley and Sam's marriage. It bothers Anya that he talks so much about it, but then he gets his point across, that they HAVE a good marriage, no matter what their wedding was like, and that's what he's looking forward to: a great marriage, not the wedding. She calms down, realizing that the wedding is NOT the marriage, and all is good (as another crash is heard from outside).

Riley and Buffy walk outside of the Summers home. It's time for Riley to leave and make his goodbyes. He says that, by mission parameters, he has authorization to take out "The doctor" and asks Buffy if he should? Buffy says no, openly admitting that she's sleeping with him, but can't explain why. She complains that this was easy for him, coming back, tossing his loving wife and good life in her face when compared to her pathetic life. Riley counters that it was very hard to come back, to see her. She accuses him of patronizing her, but he stops her, saying that despite the fact she's sleeping with an idiot, has to wear the obnoxious uniform, and smells like hamburger meat, she's still the first woman he ever loved and the strongest woman he ever knew.

Buffy says that she's sorry she never got a chance to tell him how sorry she was that night he left. "you never have to" Riley says. Just then the front door opens and Sam, Willow, Dawn, and Xander come out to say goodbye. Sam makes sure Willow has her e-mail address, to which Willow says yes with a smile. Hugs are exchanged as Dawn asks Riley coldly if he's going to just "disappear" like last time, but Riley asks her for a hug as he embraces her and says goodbye. A chopper can be heard overhead as a spotlight shines on the couple from above. Riley attaches a hanging rope onto his belt, Sam hops in his arms, and the two are literally lifted off into the night. The group waves goodbye as Buffy stands alone. Willow walks up to her and quips "What a bitch"

Looking over the wreckage of his under-crypt, Spike sees Buffy enter. She says that Riley is gone, and Spike wonders if she's come by for some "cold comfort."

"I'm not here to and I'm not here to bust your chops about your stupid scheme, either. It's just you I should have remembered."

Spike can sense something's up "Oh, this is worse then, is it? This is you telling me..."

"It's over."

"I've memorized this tune, love I think I have the sheet music. Doesn't change what you want, love."

"I know that. I do want you. Being with you makes things simpler. For a little while."

"I don't' call 5 hours straight a little while."

"I'm using you. I can't love you. I'm just being weak and selfish."

A little nervous and hurt, Spike quips "I'm really not complaining here."

"And it's killing me. I have to be strong about this. I'm sorry, William."

Buffy turns and exits slowly, with Spike standing, very confused.

Buffy walks out of his crypt, the new day's sunshine on her face.

Grrr... Arrrg...

  Wildfeed Buffy 2/26/02 As You Were
 Posted: 02/26/02 06:07
# 2 
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Okay, I have a quick question... Does anybody even read these Wildfeeds? If not, then why don't I just go back to posting the UPN Descriptions? I just don't want to be wasting my time, if no one even reads it... I could just post the link. Let me know.

  Wildfeed Buffy 2/26/02 As You Were
 Posted: 02/26/02 10:41
# 3 
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Ok now im depressed. I love Riley! he can't be married! He;s supposed to relaize what an ass he was for leaving Buffy and promise to stay forever and ever -sob- I need to eat a bag of something fattening with 100x's my daily reccomended amount of salt.

  Wildfeed Buffy 2/26/02 As You Were
 Posted: 03/02/02 13:13
# 4 



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That episode was really awesome (sorry I didn't read it before like I normally do but I was really busy that week and YES Mary does read them and I love them! THanks be to the bunny ;) bye bye)

  Wildfeed Buffy 2/26/02 As You Were
 Posted: 03/05/02 12:57
# 5 



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I haven't been so disappointed by an episode of Buffy since season 4 (the Adam nonsense). It seemed to me that the only reason they brought back Riley was because they just couldn't figure out how to break up Buffy and Spike. The demon chasing stuff just didn't work - I think it would have been better if Riley had come back and he & Buffy had talked over their past, their relationship ending, and why they weren't meant to be. She still could have come to the conclusion that her relationship with Spike was unhealthy and she needed to end it.

Annoying things:
- Riley's wife: ho hum
- Riley not telling Buffy not to kill the demon: and so what was the point of getting her to help?
- Dawn acting all snotty about Riley leaving without saying goodbye: um... were they ever all that close? Did she ever express disappointment in his departure prior to this?
- Riley not asking about Joyce / no one telling him she died
- Riley not asking where Tara was
- Buffy not telling Riley that she had died

I do still have faith in Joss, but I just plain didn't care for this episode.

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