There are so many reasons I watch it... for starters ~ I love all of the characters, and I don't often love every single character in a show! I love how different they are... Buffy, well, she is an amazing character, Willow ~ she is pretty much my idol - I adore her character! Xander, he is so sweet, Tara (who I loved and miss!) was an angel, Spike, he is a complete babe, Giles ~ I have always liked for his wise words and attempts at being funny American style (which he just can't seem to get sometimes!) Dawn, who I think has developed into an amazing girl... and well, I could go on.
I also love it because of the story lines ~ they are original, they are catchy, and they are never boring. Certainly, Joss Whedon could win the prize for the "most original show, and the most original demons!" ~ where does he get some of them from!? I love it, though.
I also love Buffy because of the fact that I do not believe it can be given a genre ~ it can be terribly sad, terribly funny, terribly serious and terribly exciting. Also, it has had a few scary moments, too!
I just think that I watch Buffy (and Angel, which I think I have left out a bit ~ more on that in another post when I have more time) is an amazing combination of so many things.
Oh, and did I mentioned I love it!?