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  Why did Wood bury Jonathan?
 Posted: 03/05/03 19:32
# 1 



Posts: 245

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:fight Anyone have a clue? Cause I was re-watching some of the eps and was a little dumb-founded as to why Wood buried Jonathan so secretively in "Sleeper.":wtf I mean when I first saw the ep I remember thinking "Oh he's controlled by the First too", but 8 episodes later, I'm thinking not. Hold on tight boys and girl I'm gonna contradict myself. Although I don't believe the principal is being controlled by the First, it is a possibility what with all the Sunnydale High students it was sending on a rampage in "Storyteller.":mad My best theory that ties both facts together is that it can control certain people that are around the Hellmouth (i.e. the school). Of course, Wood went far beyond the school grounds to bury Jonathan. Oh hell. Anyone else with Questions? Comments? Answers?:help

  Why did Wood bury Jonathan?
 Posted: 03/06/03 19:24
# 2 
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Wish I could help, Mr. J. But I missed that eppy. I've been watching this season sporadically...sorry.

  Why did Wood bury Jonathan?
 Posted: 03/07/03 18:43
# 3 



Posts: 245

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:fight Have you no shame, Destiny?:nono How could you miss an ep?:nono Sporadically is not the proper way to watch Buffy.:nono You watch each episode on the first airing. Then if you've taped the event, you watch it the next morning and analyze the sucker to death till you feel in you're heart that you know exactly where the hell the show is going so you can accurately comprehend how it will all end so that you don't go insane with madness attempting to figure out what the cunning and brilliant team Whedon will do next.:silly Just Kidding. Seriously, if you get the chance to check it out in the re-run they're sure to play in the next few weeks, you should. Was an all around decent ep. Plus Buffy slayed like 7 vampires at once in an enclosed space, very cool dusting effects.On to that wacky principal. Personally I'm think Wood just didn't want to attract all the police attention, cause they'd probably all have been eaten forcing the school to close and the First to take over. I think everyone else would agree that letting the first take over the structure that sits atop the Hellmouth would be a bad thing. Ubervamps would be popping out all night. Ok done ranting about Buffy, gonna go have a moment of silence for each and every member of Wolfram and Hart. I can now since the last member of their staff was officially declared dead last night on Angel. Show won't be the same without em...specially Lilah...:missu and I've suddenly remembered Lindsey is still living...maybe I'll hold off the silence till he officially bites it.:popcorn

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