All credit goes out to Leoff Online
Wildfeed Mini-Summary for Angel
"Sleep Tight"
Episode Number: 3ADH16
Running Time:
Summary written by Leoff
Previously on Angel: Angel being proud Dad, Sahjhan asking for Connor's blood, Cordy and Groo take off for a while, Wesley's discovery of the prophecy, Earthquake.
A very sleep-deprived Wesley watches over Connor as Angel walks in, saying he feels energetic and alive after the Earthquake. Outside, Lorne is interviewing a friend and client, who is playing a guitar for him. Gunn and Fred arrive just as Lorne asks them all to check something out with his friend. All watch her as she starts playing, then is suddenly possessed by a demon!
Opening credits: Nothing new.
Talking over the singer's "problem", Wesley and Fred discover it's a type of infection caused by some demons who are singer wannabes. During the discussion Angel is hyper, joking, and ravenous for blood, drinking glass after glass. Gunn, Angel, and Fred go off to kill the demons while Wesley goes "off" to do some business (and Lorne watches Connor).
Justine and her cohorts practice combating a vampire (controlled by chains) until she questions Holtz, showing concern over killing Angel's human friends. Wesley calmly appears and interrupts.
In an abandoned warehouse, three members of a demon band play punk/thrash music before Angel, Gunn, and Fred burst in. Fred helps some girl "fans" out of the way while Gunn and Angel attack, but Angel is a little TOO involved in the fight, being overly violent and enjoying himself. The three demons are quickly finished.
Holtz and Wesley talk of wanting as little violence as possible. Wesley learns of Justine's sister's death and sympathizes with her, but only to a point, saying that Angel is a good vampire and killing him is wrong. Holtz then reminds Wesley that Angel will soon kill his son as the prophecy says, and gives Wesley one day to decide what to do with Connor before Holtz himself decides.
Returning from the battle, Angel continues to act strangely, complaining about Connor's crying and yelling at the child. Gunn, Fred, and Lorne look on as Angel then realizes something's wrong with him.
Commercial break: Coca-cola, now removes rust!
The four members talk things out. Angel realizes that recently he's been craving more blood, and that the blood may be "tainted" somehow.
Wesley walks alone at night and is followed by Justine, who confronts Wesley about her belief in Holtz's quest. Wesley disagrees with Holtz's plans, saying it's more a vendetta and that he's leading a cult, before he walks off.
Analyzing the blood that Angel has been drinking, Fred says it's partially human. Angel tells them that he knows part of it is actually Connor's own blood, as lately he's been "smelling like food" to the vampire. One guess who is responsible
At Wolfram and Hart's bar, Angel comes up behind Lilah and asks her how even SHE could do something so low as to feed him his own child's blood? The two talk of how heartless she is (to which she doesn't disagree) before Sahjhan interrupts. It is here that we learn that Sahjhan is Angel's sworn enemy, but Angel has no idea who he is.
Wesley begins to pack Connor up for a trip out before Lorne interrupts. Wesley tells him a lie, saying he's taking him overnight with Angel's permission. Connor starts to stir as Wesley starts to sing a lullaby to calm him, which allows Lorne to read him and he gets nothing but bad vibes. Lorne turns to run but Wesley attacks him, knocking him out. Angel, Fred and Gunn all show up as Wesley leaves with Connor, not knowing Lorne is knocked unconscious.
Just then, Holtz and a bunch of his lackeys show up, searching for the baby.
Commercial break: Gateway computers- coming soon, Zebra striped boxes!
A fight ensues and Holtz's henchmen are beaten up. Holtz walks out unmarked. Lorne comes to during the fight and informs Angel that he read Wesley briefly and knows that Wesley has seen Holtz twice, and that Wesley intends to take Connor away forever.
Wesley packs an SUV with Connor's things as he is approached by a wounded Justine, who is faking her injuries to get closer. She pulls a knife, slashes Wesley in the throat, grabs Connor, and takes off in the SUV, leaving Wesley to bleed to death.
Commercial break: Windex makes it SHINE
Roughing up one of Holtz's lackeys, Angel finds out the location of Holtz's lair and heads out.
Lilah and some Wolfram and Hart commandos slowly track where Holtz is and pursue (Not noticing that Angel has taken control of one of the group's vehicles and is following).
Justine picks Holtz up in the street and the two drive off just as Angel's Humm Vee swerves them off the road to a stop. Wolfram and Hart vehicles pull up behind. A tense standoff between Holtz and Justine, Angel, and Lilah and her group ensues. Holtz holds Connor as the bargaining chip, threatening to kill the child, but then deciding otherwise as all want the child alive.
Sahjhan appears, saying he's the only one that wishes the child dead. He summons a portal which opens up into a flaming, evil dimension which threatens to swollow them all up whole if someone doesn't kill Connor now. Holtz takes Connor and jumps into the portal, which Sahjhan then closes before Angel can jump through. Lilah and her Wolfram and Hart followers take off, as does Sahjhan, leaving a shocked, grief-stricken Angel all alone at the loss of his child.
Grrr... Arrg ...
Thank you, thank you very much...