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# 1 



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When Dawn starts thinking she might be a potential, she makes a comment about how Buffy would have to die in order for her to become the next Chosen One. If this were true, another Slayer would have been activated when Buffy died at the end of Season 5 in "The Gift." Also, Faith is the official Chosen One of the moment. She would be the one who has to die in order to have the next one called.

Did anyone else notice this? Any thoughts as to where Josh and Co. are going with this?

# 2 



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Did anyone else notice this? Any thoughts as to where Josh and Co. are going with this?

Great big honking continuality error, no slayer was called last time, so no slayer will be call next time.

*Tekka whaps Joss on the nose with a rolled up newspaper

Bad Writer! No Cookie!

# 3 
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*Tekka whaps Joss on the nose with a rolled up newspaper

:drink :rollin :rollin

# 4 



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i would just like to say that faiith is the slayer of the hour. buffy had died twice, the first time she died kendra was called in, then when kendra died faith was called in and since faith has yet to be deceased she is still the slayer.:run

# 5 
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Welcome to FD, rabbitdazed! :welcome :wavey :wavey

Gotta agree with you there. It's all up to Faith as far as I'm concerned now that Buffy is pretty much gonna be dead since the series is ending. Honestly, that would be the only "proper" way to end the series. IMO

# 6 



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:fight Buffy is kinda like a fluke. She dies twice, yet keeps on coming back live and kickin'. I was watching the finale of season 6 today (you know when willow went bad) and Buffy was talking to Giles about it being her time when she died fighting Glory and that another would have risen to take her place... he just gave her a look that kinda said "no one was coming to take over for you." So I'm thinking Whedon and Co just got confused or something in "potential" when they had Dawn mention Buffy having to die for a potential to be all chosen, because they seemed on track with the whole chosen one deal in season 6. Although Dawn never was the sharpest stake in the vampire, so it's very possible she just doesn't understand how it will work.By the way did anyone notice in the season premier "Lessons", that The First TOUCHED Spike when he...she... IT was in Drusilla mode:wtf . I'm thinking either that was another mistake by team Whedon or maybe it's not as untouchable as we've been lead to believe. Oh by the way, anyone else think the "Heroine" show Eliza Dushku is "supposedly" doing sounds lame?:rolleyes

# 7 
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rabbitdazed ~ Welcome to the board! Hope you enjoy your stay! :welcome
:wavey :wavey :wavey
:wave :wave :wave

# 8 



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thanks for the welcome

# 9 
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From one rabbit to another- most welcome :lol :lol

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