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 Posted: 04/15/03 12:42
# 1 



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:fight She came out full grown. Everyone drops to their knees at the very sight or sound of her.She had all of L.A under her spell by the end of her first episode. Now I'm wondering why the vampires in the bowling alley weren't affected? I mean if Jasmine really is the big bad evil the fang gang has been waiting for, then why aern't the vampires bowing down to her (one of them actually attacked her). It just doesn't make any sense or is it all part of her plan? Is she pitting the good verse the bad just to sit back and watch them finish each other off? Is she giving the forces of evil the same motivating speeches before the battles begin? And why didn't she destroy Angel when she had the chance? No one would have cared. They would have all just been happy she was there and with them. And lastly, is Jasmine some dark demonic god or what? I mean she bled easily enough just by being scratched by a lone vampire which to me says normal human type. It's all probably an act. I'm sure sooner or later she'll step up with some super powers and seem a bit more invulnerable that before. She had just been born, so it's possible she's still fragile and with time her powers and strength will manifest.Just going by gut feeling on that one. Comes from seeing 100 plus eps of Buffy and almost 88 eps of Angel.Nothing gets a birth like that, without bringing forth a whole mess of evil along with it. I kept figuring that once Cordelia had her baby all my questions would be answered, SURPRISE, more questions. P.S. Buffy looks cool tonight. Caleb...Faith...aggghhhhhhhh!:silly

 Posted: 04/19/03 13:31
# 2 
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See, that's what Joss is great at...when you think he's going to answer all your questions...he gives you a million more!

 Posted: 04/20/03 08:11
# 3 



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:fight As long as they all get answered, I'm cool.:silly

 Posted: 04/20/03 10:47
# 4 
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Well, if you're lucky, Joss won't be a dumbass like Katims was with Roswell and we'll get the answers we need. Katims screwed up Roswell so much and never gave any of us any real closure to alot of the questions he had started. Dumbass! :shake So, here's to hoping Joss won't be a dumbass! :drink3

 Posted: 04/20/03 15:40
# 5 



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:fight Well Joss hasn't been a dumbass all 7 season on Buffy. he's kept it very simple; Big bad rises first few episodes, halfway through something happens to shake up the season (1st season -Buffy found out Angel was a vamp, 2nd season- Angel lost soul, 3rd season-Faith went to the dark side, 4th season Adam woke get the idea), then there's a big fight with the big bad at the end, which usually clears up all questions, rants and confusion. Angel's always been a wild card with the "shake ups" mid season. Usually they don't happen. Cept this season, The BEAST can definitely be called a "shake up." I agree with you Destiny on Katims' Roswell. I mean the end of the 1st season you knew they had a purpose to save their home world from the skins and such, but then in season 2 they did everything in their power to mess us the hell up. The 3rd season got a little better and more on track but still lacked the grace and perfection of season one. I was so alienated by season 2, I stopped watching for like 4 weeks in protest (that'll show em). In the end I had a good feeling on the show ending. It did leave a lot hanging, but you take what you're given and try to coup without feeling the need to scale a bell tower with a semi automatic rifle.:silly

 Posted: 04/22/03 14:16
# 6 
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Ok...I just watched last week's Angel...since I was out of the state. :lol This is the first I've seen of Jasmine. :wtf Cordy is braindead? And why didn't the blood work with Conner? I'm so damned confused! :wall :lol

 Posted: 04/22/03 16:20
# 7 



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:fight Well giving birth to a hell demon bitch would probably make anyone go commatose. And I have a theory on the Conner deal; I think that the blood didn't work because Conner is Jasmine's dad (how weird did that just sound?). I mean his "fluids" mixed with Cordy's which in turn made Jasmine. So naturally if It was basically his own blood that created Jasmine than naturally Cordys blood wouldn't have an effect. Because Jasmine is a mingling of the two. I'm guessing even if Cordy woke up from her Comma she wouldn't know the difference either. She'd still be a petty disciple like the rest of LA. If that made sense, let me know, cause I feel like I was explaining it wrong.:wall In lamen's terms...because Conner is Jamine's daddy, he's unneffected. Of course I could be wrong and Conner could just be losing it. Either way I'm sure we'll find out in the next week or two.:silly

 Posted: 04/23/03 14:29
# 8 
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No, that makes sense. But I wondered if Conner really is Jasmine's dad or if Cordy just told him that to keep him at her beck and call. And some demon is really the father. :dunno Just a thought. We'll see. ;)

 Posted: 04/24/03 09:43
# 9 



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:fight I actually feel that Conner is the father. Cause Conner's at least part demon and Cordy's part demon so it makes sense that they could create a big honking demon. Last night's ep ran kinda slow for me. It was a good ep and everything it just felt like it took too long for the 3 legged demon to show up before things got good. Also the part where Jasmine was getting sliced open then healing herself was too cool. I was like "I knew this was gonna happen!" It looks a lot like the more people she infects, the more powerful she becomes. In the first episode she was in she'd only infected the fang gang with her spell and then a vamp scratched her and she was beleeding lots, and it took her a few days to heal. Now she's healing wounds in seconds and genuinly laughing maniacaly, so I think it's safe to say she's officially embraced her inner "big bad.":silly

 Posted: 04/24/03 11:55
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Well, it's on tonight here for me, so we'll see what's going on with her. :grin

 Posted: 04/27/03 05:13



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:fight So Destiny, what did you think? Is she bad ass or just so so?

 Posted: 04/27/03 06:38



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As far as Connor goes, who knows, maybe Jasmine's blood did work on him.
He could be not revealing that he sees Jasmine as evil in order to devise a plan to defeat her, or so he can stay near as her right-hand man so he always know what she is planning to do. Although we did see Jasmine speak through Connor, which would lead me to believe that is not the case.
Another possibility is that he does not want to believe what he sees because he loves Jasmine so much. After all, the others had a hard time accepting it. It would be especially hard for him given that he and Cordelia are Jasmine's father and mother.
This season is full of many plot twist and turns, hopefuly they will all be revealed.

 Posted: 04/27/03 12:07
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Welcome to FD, InLiquid! :welcome :welcome

Jasmine is whacked! Damn! She eats people! That's not right! :lol And she's getting stronger. It's kind of creepy how she can see and talk through other people. Here you see Conner, but you here Jasmine. :shake :shake

 Posted: 04/27/03 15:31



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:fight I'm hoping we actually get to see her eating people. Stop looking at me like that! I mean all we've seen is a green glow. I want to know if her mouth opens real wide and she just chomps down. Or maybe it's all mystical and they become floating souls and just flow into her kinda like Shang Tsung does on Mortal Kombat. Either way, I'd kinda like to know...ok seriously stop looking at me like that.:silly

 Posted: 04/29/03 15:20
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:lol Ok...maybe your whacked! :lol Kidding! :lol Actually, it would be kind of interesting to know how exactly she does that. I'm sure it's some mystical thing, but ya never know! :lol

 Posted: 04/30/03 12:27



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:fight Well if they're gonna show us, they better show us tonight, cause this is the next to last ep of the season I think. And Jasmine was only supposed to be in 3 eps and she's been in 2 so the math people. Chances are she's getting put down tonight.Unless I read something wrong and she's around till the end. Guess we'll see. One things for sure.. that scene at the end of last week's ep with her getting cut up and healing instantly was very cool.:silly

 Posted: 04/30/03 15:22



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:fight I knew I should have waited for the ep to air before I posted, cause now it looks like I'm having a conversation with myself. Have a big "loser" sign on my forehead.:rollin Anyway SPOILERS AHEAD! GET OUT NOW!I'M NOT KIDDING!

Jasmine like got her face punched out. What the hell? I read it in a spoiler like a week ago, but I was like "that's not gonna happen, this is crap?" The spoiler not the show. I was very leery of Jasmine and her "love is the way crap", but tonight I changed my tune BIG TIME. She was really throwing down against Angel. I was like "he is so gonna lose." I was happy as hell that she finally showed her true colors and became the big bad we all knew she was capable of being. I loved that her face changed from the loose maggots to the normal face with maggot type prosthetics. I'm kinda confused about her being a higher power though. I mean if another power was to descend to earth would they have the same Maggot type deal. Or maybe Jasmine's lust for power and greed, made for a physical manifestation of ugliness. I mean the powers that be are supposed to be these wise and just individuals and Jasmine was just a corrupted. That's how I took it anyway. I also took the feasting on people as a side effect of her becoming semi human. I'm betting if any other power mosied on down to Angel Inc., they'd have a case of the munchies too. I was actually pleased with Conner tonight. He seemed to get a little more on track, but still has a ways to go. If he makes it is anyone's guess. I'm hoping this comma Cordelia's in passes quickly, cause it doesn't work on daytime tv and it sure as hell doesn't work on Angel. Also I couldn't be more thrilled that Lilah's back. She's been out of it for too long.All in all was a great episode. Jasmine became the perfect big bad, Conner saved the day, an even badder bitch returned from the grave and we all discovered that love is indeed NOT the way.Can't wait for the finale.:silly

 Posted: 05/03/03 01:53
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OMG! I knew Lilah was coming back, but I about fell off my chair when I saw her! For a moment there, I thought maybe Cordy had finally waken up. bad. Like I said before, I can't wait to see how they explain her resurrection! And thank god Jasmine is gone! The girl was getting on my nerves with her sweet and innocent act! Gotta say though, that I loved the scenes between her and Angel. She really did show her true colors. And she's one of the power's that be? :wtf If she was, do you think that the other powers would let her cause she havoc on Earth?

So, next week is the finale?

 Posted: 05/03/03 04:28



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:fight She claimed to be a Power from (you guessed it) The Powers that Be. I'm pretty sure Lilah had something in her contract that binds her to Wolfram & Hart even in death. Holland Manners did, hell probably even Lindsey does. Of course that's probably null and void now that he's somewhere. Back to Jasmine being a power. I'm guessing that everything Jasmine did to bring herself into the world (the creation of conner, rain of fire, blotting out the son) was so she could be born into the world without the other powers knowledge. Or maybe what she said was true. Maybe the powers don't give a damn or maybe they felt this was something that needed to be done to test their champion. I haven't a clue, but Jasmine waited 4 years to be set free. She had to have waited for a reason. If she was a power, one would think she could just step through a portal or something. Although never really seen the powers that be, so I'm a little fuzzy on what they can and can't do. Maybe next season we'll see a few more in a not so human form...and yeah next week's the finale.:silly

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