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Ok...Mr. J...what'd ya think? Cause all I can say right now is
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WOW. That's all I can think to say on this episode. It was fantastic from beginning to end. I cried the through the ENTIRE episode. Even during the funny parts, I was laughing through my tears.
Goodbye, Buffy, it's been one hell of a ride.
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Blacked Out
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All right, I will admit it. I cried. I bawled my eyes out. SPIKE Yeah, and the whole "I love you" part was just the most heartbreaking because it was like she was saying goodbye...
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Blacked Out
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Also, I am wondering... how does Spike get to be on Angel now that... that...
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Blacked Out
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Oh, yeah... Anya!
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Mr J all the way
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I don't think I have the words to describe this incredible show that just took it's final bow, but I'll try anyway.The show started when I was 13 and I remember being all excited when I got the first glimpse of the cast in the winter preview of TV guide. I honestly had no idea what I was in for. The way I understood TV then was that nothing that was good could last more than 12 episodes so I figured it would be a very short affair. I would have never believed you if you'd have told me that 7 years later I'd be crying over the fact that one of my most beloved heroes was leaving. Buffy had this style and grace that just took hold of you and didn't let go. It left you wanting more and needing more. By season 2 when Buffy was forced to kill Angel to save the world and I was trying my damndest not to cry I knew I had an emotional interest in this girl. It became more and more apparent that the characters in Buffy felt more and more like my friends. Assuming the definition of a friend is someone you deeply care about and pull for. The coolest thing about Buffy that has become apparent over these seven years is that Buffy has more or less been a metaphor for life. She started out young and brash and over the course of time became a very caring and empowered woman.Ok onto the finale itself. I have never witnessed such a finale. I actually rolled my eyes through Smallville's finale, which was odd because it was a pretty cool episode for once. I went into the finale being spoiler free which made for a lot of unexpected heartache. I went into hoping that everyone would live and carry on, but the realist in me knew this was not to be so. I knew someone had to die so Joss could drag a few more tears out of us before this spectacle came to a close. He succeeded all around with me. The entire day I watched like the entirety of season 7. 10 am to 8 pm stopping only for dinner and the occasionall lavatory break. I did this in the hopes that it would speed up the day and bring me closer quicker to the event I'd been dreading since January when I first received the news that MY show was ending. But as the faithful hour approached I realized I wasn't ready. I'd had a strong front till approximatly 7:30 when I realized that this was the last time I'd watch Xander throw out his quirky humor, Anya admit her fear of rabbits, Dawn whine about her current dilehmas, Giles instill his pride in his slayer, Spike prove he's indeed a champion, Willow conquer her fears, and Buffy save the world. It was the last time for any of that. Eventually I came around and accepted the inevitable just as Caleb went half-sies. The episode was pitch perfect from the beginning. I loved the Angel-Buffy conversation. I'm suddenly on the fence with who I'd want her with forever and ever. I loved her and Spike, but Angel has his good points too. I suppose that's a decision every fan can make for themselves now. The obvious sketch of Angel on the punching bag was precious to be sure. The First's wicked whispers to Buffy all through the episode were cool and clever. I wasn't sure about the First being the big bad this season, but I honestly feel it may have been the best bad ever after viewing season 7 as a whole.I loved the part before the final battle began when Giles stated "the Earth is definitly doomed" because I instantly recognized that exact quote from the first season after Buffy and the gang had just survived their first encounter atop the hellmouth.It felt like a very "full circle" statement and the scene that showed all the slayers coming into their powers was beautiful. I loved the little girl at bat and the overweight girl that stopped her abusive dad from striking her. It really gave a sense of how empowering being the slayer must be. The part when Willow's hair turned white was the precise time I started crying A LOT. I knew then that it was the beginning of the end.I composed myself a little through the initial battle against the uber vampires, but then Anya went down and I freakin' lost it. I cried all the way till the end. Just seeing her lying there with her eyes wide open was such a tear your heart out moment. I never realized how much she meant to me till that damn bringer took her down. Especially after that talk she had with Andrew where she said humans never quit and that she'd never quit either. Knowing that she wanted to fight till the end regardless of the end result made it such a bittersweet end for her. I cried cause she had such a heroic death and was a great end for a great character. I'm never going to forget the line she had in the last episode ; "talking will only kill you quicker." That was one of her best lines ever. On to Spike. He definitely proved himself a champion tonight. I wish he would have just believed Buffy when she said she loved him. Also the fact that James Marsters is going to Angel next season is going to lead to me working up several scenarioes on how Spike's returning from the grave.The scene at the end between Andrew and Xander was touching. I'm glad Xander can remeber Anya like that. I was happy to see Buffy smile in the end. It's something we haven't see much of this season. She's been in the fight of her life and it's nice to know she can take a well deserved rest if she so wishes.While writing this I'm figuring out that there is indeed life after Buffy. It's a very tough loss, but I suppose in a way they'll always be with us in our hearts...or in the less mushy sense; in our DVDs and VHS tapes. Seven years ago I met an incredible girl and it may indeed take another seven to let her go entirely. Either way it has truly been the finest ride that I've ever embarked on without leaving my home. I want a spin-off even more than ever now and I believe it'll happen when the time is right.Because one things for sure I'm not ready to leave the ride just yet.I probably should have waited till tomarrow morning to write this cause I'm way too damn emotional right now. It's been a blast guys and I'll see ya right back here tomarrow morning and the day after that and the day after that and all through next year as Angel continues the legacy left by the Chosen ones.TTFN
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very touvhy Mr J!
I couldn't help myself and rewatched the whole 7 season last night. but the thing was that I was crying from the 1st episode to chosen...
so here are the questions I still have left if someone got an answer... 1/ why can the first take buffy's form? (she's not dead anymore) 2/ what is dawn ? I mean is she over with beeing the key? 3/ is willow done with "the dark side of the force"? well i got so many others...when is the next episode? when is the spinn-of?
here's my theory about why spike will be leavin buffy and go on angel. finally buffy has what she's ever wanted, the choice. she chose for the first time in her life. all the seasons through, buffy kept telling that she hates beeing the slayer, she never wanted that.then after season 1 she took her responsabilities and decided to fight evil. but I think that now there are other slayers, she'll finally have tha chance to decie what she wanna do with her life. and if she decides to have a normal life, then Spike can't be part of it. I mean the most normal thing isn't to have vampire boyfriend, right? so I think that Spike will not go and tell her he's back. while I'm writing, I'm thinking about what if Spike sanshus!?
ohhhhhhhhhhh can't wait to see angel!
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Mr J all the way
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The way I understood it was that the First could take anyone's form that had died. Buffy definitely died. And we know she came back different because Spike could hit her after she returned. So maybe because she returned "different"was the reason the First could become her.The question I had that relates to this that I had was why was the First able to attack the slayer line? Did bringing Buffy back upset the demonic power that each slayer is granted? I was all very confusing. A cool story line, just confusing to a sense. In response to the Dawn/Key question, I still feel she's still key girl, just nobody happened to want to use her in some dark ritual to open a portal to a demonic hell dimnesion that would inevitably wreck havoc, death and destruction. Plus Dawn could only be used as a key at a certain point and time in a very certain ritual to be used as a key. I doubt Glory built that huge tower for nothing.I think it'll be safe to say Dawn will never be over being the key.It's just a part of who she is. Onto the Willow side of the force. When Willow's hair became all white I instantly thought of that woman that Buffy met in the crypt. Maybe Willow's become one of the guardians of the slayer, which leads one to believe she's very very done with the dark magicks. New paragraph for Angel. The thing i'm expecting to happen with James Martsters going to Angel is that perhaps he's going to play a different character altogether. I don't want this to happen at all, because it just wouldn't be the same, but that is one possible outcome to this thing. Another thing I think may happen is that the powers that be may just decide it wasn't Spike's time to die and may ressurect him so they can help their champion in LA. I really wish Joss Whedon would come out and say "ok this is what happened yesterday and this is what's going to happen tomarrow" , but that's seriously not his style. He'll make us ponder these questions till Fall. God I hope Buffy shows up on Angel. I want to know what she did after the Hellmouth swallowed the town.
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ok, here's how i feel. i have the same feeling in my chest that i had when i got rejected by this guy i really liked, that's how emotional i am! and i haven't even seen the damn episode, i just read about it! all me and my friends could say all day was "spike can't be dead. spike ISN'T dead". we are happily holidaying in the land of denial.
i've been on the verge of tears all day. when the episode shows over here i'll be there with my king size box of tissues! we were (i mean, me and my friends) talking about how, after a character dies, you suddenly realise how good they were. i came to the decision that spike and anya were probably the best characters out of the lot. i had the same feeling as mr j, how there will never be another...something from each character and that really hits it home.
ok, this isn't making much sense, but to be truthful, this whole situation is pretty senseless! what's going to happen to buffy? what about all that slayers around the world that have been called? wont somebody notice thata whole town has just disappearded and a dirty great crater has been left in it's place? and what's this i hear about spike being dead? i mean really, who could believe such a thing! obviously not true...yeah, that would be the denial.
i am interested to see what the writers have in store for angel, but i just cant stand all that waiting! i dont know if i can go that long without a weekly dose of new buffy or angel brilliance! it's more that the human mind can take!
i suppose a short summary of my feelings is needed, as i'm treating this whole writing process as a sort of therapy to get me through it...*sniff*. buffy gone. me sad. last episode weird. me confused. spike dead. me sad and confused. buffy finally says she loves spike (and we know she doesn't say that lightly what with her "losing the ability to love") and he doesn't believe her. me like huh? you fool! new angel has james masters in and alyson hannigan. part of me yay, but other part dreading what this means if he comes back as another character...that'll just add to the weirdness factor!
i want, no NEED to know more, and more than a little bit of me is wondering whether all this 'last ever series' stuff is just a publicity stunt. or maybe i'm just willing it to be. there are just far too many unanswered questions, and that is just uncool. maybe it will be resolved in angel, maybe not. but i'm just pretty damn confused and upset right now and in no state to make an informed or coherant judgement. wait till i see the eppy, then the madness will really start to show!
and dont you think someone will notice that sunnydale has disappeared and a crater has been left in it's place? not that previos eppy's haven't shown peoples ability to ignore stuff like giant snakes, low flying dinosaurs and wierd guys in armour trotting around the place.
oh god, it's started already!
i have to go back to putting all my energy into mentally blocking the last 12 hours now. sigh
boo hoo
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Mr J all the way
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There are several unanswered questions and it is a little dissapointing, but this seriously doesn't feel like just a stunt. I truely believe that I was witness to an ending last night in every way, shape and form.I know that the show could go on for another few season at least and I really wish it was, but the hard fact is it's not.And yes Spike and Anya being dead is very bad and very wrong and very stupid, but it's just one of those things that inevitably made the episode better. All season long Buffy said people were going to die in the coming war, it only made sense that a few of the regulars were taken. If it had only been the potentials getting slaughtered it wouldn't have been as tear worthy. Although I was a little sad to see Amanda hit the wall. She seemed so out of place all along, but she really came into it toward the end. Also Vi (red head potential) really took to the power. She was all over the place. I was loving that so much. It's like she became this leader type in under 2 seconds. I did notice something today about the same actors playing different characters. Like in season five in the episode "real me" Tom Lenk (Andrew) played a vampire in Harmony's gang. Was very funny. Also the vampire that Buffy fought in "Conversations with dead people" was the same guy that gave Fred the science lab tour in the finale of Angel this year. And of course I think we all realized that Brian Thompson (The Judge) was back in season Two also played Luke in the first few episodes of season one. I'm really not going anywhere with this, I just think it's cool that cleary quite a few characters have identical twins in the Buffyverse.I'm hoping the same fate doesn't befall James Marsters. He plays a great Spike.Plus Spike and Angel's character dynamics would be a laugh riot to watch.Specially if Spike does more Angel drawings on punching bags.
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Ah i remember when i first started watching Buffy, i was only 10 or so! But i don't have to whine about it finishing right now because it hasn't been on in the UK yet so... But to all of you who have seen it So was it better then the other season finales?
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mr j...thank you for proving me sane! a little off topic, but i thought it was tom lenk in season 5! (also the guy who plays d'hoffryn (sp?) was in angel season 1 episode 'i fall to pieces'). well, back to my mind numbing denial...the weather here is lovely, but that isn't the point. i just thought that for anyone suffering as badly as me, you might like to read this fanfic by my fave author. i dont know whether it made me happy, sad or just think, but it's really nice. Not A Goodbye - by kantayrahope that helps! and yes, i have now re-read te episode review and am sure that this really is the end as there is no longer a setting to come back to and no where could be as useful as sunnydale for plot devices and stuff such as amazing appearing temples etc. i'll just have to face my grief by buying season seven when it's out here on vid...the sacrifices we must make ...*sigh* i think i need a hug oh yeah, and what's with anya being dead. i may have missed something but isn't she a vengence demon? immortal and all that? hm...i miss spike.
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Mr J all the way
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Anya had her powers for a while then she slaughtered an entire frat house and begged D'hoffryn to undo the carnage. Because it was quite a few bodies it would require the life of a vengeance demon in exchange. Anya agreed, D'hoffryn didn't kill her though, he took Halfrek's life (the other vengeance demon Anya hung out with a bit)instead. He then stripped Anya of her powers because he was majorly pissed she wanted to take back such a perfect massacre. This effectively rendered her human and allowed for that bastard bringer to kill the hell out of her in the finale. I believe it was the 5th episode of this season and it was titled "Selfless." Hope this clears ya up. By the way that was a beautiful piece of fan fic, thanks for the site.
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Ok...sorry I've been MIA all week. Although I didn't know Buffy as well as you all did (I've got Roswell and Alias for that), I've watched her off and on throughtout the years. Especially the last couple. I adored her love with Angel...thus my reason for watching Angel. I loved the lust with Spike. The amazing friendships with Xander and Willow. Joss is a brilliant man! Although none of us wanted to see anyone die, it was going to happen. As you said, Mr. J, it just wouldn't of hurt as much if someone less significant died. I am so thrilled that I was wrong and it wasn't Buffy. Although, I really started to wonder there for a few minutes. The look one her face when she was stabbed...I honestly thought she was just going to give up when she saw everyone getting they're asses kicked! But of course, Buffy rocks and that just made her the First getting all up in her face probably helped! I am so happy that she can finally move on with her life. She's not "THE" Slayer anymore. It's not all on her shoulders anymore. She can just be Buffy. It's exactly what she's always wanted! Anya...poor, sweet, pain-in-the-ass, bunny hating Anay. I loved that the one thing to get her in the fighting mood was her hatred for bunnies! As much as she annoyed me, I loved her to pieces. She was brutally honest...most of the time without realizing it. I'm glad Xander didn't have to see the way she died. My heart skipped a beat when the Bringer sliced right through her. Damn! Although I hated seeing her die, I'm glad it was her. To me, Buffy was always about Giles, Buffy, Willow, and Xander. And those scenes right before they all split up...wonderful. How they're sitting there talking about going shopping after it was all done! Perfect! What else do you talk about before you go save the world one last possible time? Xander...I'm glad he got to remember Anya the way he did. It was perfect that way. And the fact that Dawn hauled his ass back home... Poor Xander! I do agree with you, I'm glad he got to talk to Andrew about her. And how he goes on and on about all the shops that are now gone, and who's going to tell everyone... Faith...God, I just love Faith! She just kicks ass! Spike...God, I love Spike! The little drawing of Angel! It was perfect. You knew exactly who it was of when you saw it! And the ending...I was bawling. I was sooooo bawling. That is when I finally lost it. And then the next instant...I was wondering how he's going to be on Angel now. He finally got to be a champion. He finally got to be "worthy" of Buffy. Willow...she did it. Of course, I knew she could do it. But just seeing her take control...and not lose control...was breath-taking. I couldn't help but smile. And her little " that was nifty" comment as she fell to the floor. LMAO! Go Goddess! I loved seeing Angel and Buffy together again. I've missed that. I've missed that alot! As much as I enjoyed Spike and doesn't compare to her and Angel. IMO It was sad to see it go, but I smiled right along with Buffy at the end because I knew she finally got her life back. Thank you Joss for an amazing show!
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glad you like the fic mr j! and thankyou for clearing up the whole dead anya thing. that episode seems so long ago that i totally forgot all about it! i just can't wait for the last episode to be on over here! i'm emotionally preparing myself! i'm still having trouble believing it's all over, but i still got the memories, i guess (sentimental stuff is not my fortay).
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Desireable, where are you at episode/season wise?
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well, i just saw the last episode of season 6 on bbc2, and i've got all the episodes before that (seasons 1-6) on video, so all i'm missing is season 7, which should be out soon...yay! but i know what happens in season seven cos i've read the scripts and stuff. can't wait to see it, sounds great!
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Yeah... the last episode was sooooo friggin sad. I was sooooooo upset. Well, for those who are sad about spike... he isnt really dead so you dont have to worry. he is going to be in angel season 5 so chill. but anya. that is depressing. it actually hurts to watch the other episodes knowing that she is going to die. just think... if she was still a vengence demon... she would have survived.
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Okay, I can finally post my opinions on this! I addminitingly cried from begining to end also... from about the time the opening credits started "for the last time" I was crying, and my eyes were red for the rest of the episode. I was bawling my eyes out when it said "Executive Producer Joss Whedon Marti Noxon" for the last time.
I loved it, but oh my lord it was so sad!
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Flynn 19
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I feel a strange desire to let out my disappointment in the final episode of season 7 of Buffy.
Don't get me wrong it was a good episode. But they won way, way too easily. I mean having them find a mystical superweapon and as soon as the potentials are slayers haveing each one of them beat the living crap out of hordes of Turok-Han is a cop out. I mean Buffy could barely take on one of them earliuer in the season and they were crying "The End Is Nigh" in a way. Granted the scythe was a powerful weapon and could slice them and dice them easily, but the other newbie slayers didn't have that. They had normal run-of-the-mill weapons. I mean you'd think that even with the super weapon she'd have a hell of a lot more trouble fighting the very thing that created evil wouldn't you. I mean after all the talk about the first being big, and old and more powerful then anything she had ever felt, she still took the first down. Although some might argue that she didn't kill the first, merely thwarted it. But as Giles said the first was stupid enough to have all the Turok-Han come from the Hellmouth in Sunnydale and not have it in Cleveland where it would be much more difficult for Buffy to reach in time.
I like the way Spike died, again a cop out as he took down all the Turok-Han in one go. I mean having what could have been the greatest villain in Buffy History defeated so easily by a trinket and a magical battle-axe was not the ending I would have planned.
I would have made it much more epic. I mean THE evil for pete's sake. Not a day to day try-hard who Buffy could slice up in an instant. But it should have been a fight between Buffy and the first, one on one, while the Turok-Han were handled by the others. And it should have been a fight that Buffy lost, and that she was only a diversion to keep the first busy while Spike and his trinket worked the real magic. Closing the Hellmouth and stopping the First right under it's shape-shifting nose.
And then the first could really pissed and turned up on Angel where it uses the divine+evil powers of Wolfram and Hart to it's advantage to make itself coporeal. Then the real fun would start as Spike turns up.
Sorry but the way they ended Buffy didn't appeal to me. If it did to anyone of you. Then that's just jolly-well good. Each man to his own.
Sorry for ranting, once I start I cannot stop. Forgive me.
Flynn 19
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