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  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/13/03 15:00



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yea I saw it too! I was all excited... I love angel season 4! and willow seams really efficiant. I think she's gotta be the one who hs a spin-off! I mean she just seemsa perfect. and I'm sure Joss will find a way a put Amy back in the mix! can't wait to be on wednesday! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/13/03 16:20
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Angel really, honestly is going to be in the finale? Don't toy with me! :grin

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/13/03 17:38



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:fight No toying to speak of. It's been confirmed by several sources including Entertainment Weekly. It's gonna happen. I'm expecting him to join in the final assault against the First and then have one last farewell session with Buffy...bring the Kleenex folks. It's sure to be a teary final goodbye.:missu

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/13/03 18:32
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Not that I don't believe you...I totally do, but do you have any links to any of those spoilers? :grin

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/15/03 07:04



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it's not qa question of belief it's a question of trust...I'm very sad that you don't trust us...:cry2 :cry 2:cry2

but if you really want to have confirmation, check that

From Tonoreasa: Is there a chance you will be in any future episode of Buffy?
David: Yes, I will definitely make an appearance on the finale. I think you owe that to the fans. I think it's my responsibility.

so a little more trust now...no ok check the link:

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/16/03 10:47
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Ahhh! Pymfao! Please forgive me! :sad

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/16/03 16:50



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:nono you think it's that simple...? well it's not! you think you can just ask me to forgive...pffff you'll have to beg me...:notgonna
I think I'm may have gone a little too far... I'm gonna start sound like dawn...:wall oh no no no no! gotta stop that...:help :silly I think wednesday's angel will help me...I think the waiting is driving me crazy...;)

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/16/03 18:27
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  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/17/03 16:09



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:thinking :thinking :thinking oh well ok... :celebrate

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/18/03 16:10
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SWEET! :dance :dance :dance :dance

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/21/03 08:02



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I know...:thanx

hey I've read some spoilers about episode 21... I hate it! angel arrives at the end of the episode... and... if you want to know what happens say it... I can't wait to talk about it with someone...it's really getting on my nerves...:mad

I saw orpheus yesterday...willow's tremendous. she's really my favorite for the spinn-off. have you heard rumours about a spinn off about a potential slayers school financed by kennedy...? with some of the scoobies beeing teachers there. this sound too harry poter for me.

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/21/03 19:28
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I can't wait to see Orpheous!

And give me all the spoilers you've got! :grin

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/22/03 02:09



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all right!

you must already kno everything about lies my parents told me. but just in case...

Giles returns with information on how to detrigger Spike. Willow does a spell to determine what the trigger is, but a chained up Spike refuses to co-operate. Buffy unchains him and lets him leave, with the trigger still intact. Robin Wood convinces Giles that Spike is a danger and must be killed, he tells Giles who his mother was, but insists that he doesn't want revenge. Giles agrees and arranges for him to be alone with Spike. Giles takes Buffy out 'patrolling', while Robin lures Spike back to his home. Meanwhile, Willow gets a phone call from Fred, she is needed in Los Angeles and leaves immediately.

As Robin is talking to Spike, he has a flashback of when Spike killed his Mother. Spike also has a flashback of when he was first sired. He sired his own Mother. Anne was a caring woman, who used to sing his trigger song. The demon that she became hated William, which left him with no choice but to stake her. Spike's trigger disappears. While Robin and Spike fight, Giles asks a clueless Buffy if she could kill Dawn this time around, to save the world. She says yes and realises that Spike is in danger. Giles tries to convince her that it is for the best, but she tells him that Spike is innocent. "So was Ben", Giles replies. Buffy rushes back to find Robin beaten up and Spike unharmed. She tells Robin that if he tries anything again, Spike will kill him, and more importantly... she will let him.

I know that then buffy and giles don't talk to each other anymore.

dirty girls:

As they drive into town, Willow and Faith find themselves behind a truck. A young girl is thrown out with a deep wound and the truck drives off. The girl is unconcious so they take her to the hospital and report to Buffy. Faith's arrival brings a lot of tension to Buffy's house. All the potentials ask questions, but Faith is only interested in talking with Buffy. They clear the air and then receive a phone call from the hospital. The girl is called Shannon, she tells Buffy about a young preacher that saved her from bringers. He then called her dirty, branded her with his ring and stabbed her. Willow takes a photo of the mark from the ring. Shannon mentions the man's message; that he has something that belongs to Buffy.

The gang discover that 'Caleb' is dwelling at a nearby vineyard with his bringers. They set out (against Giles' advice) to confront him, but upon arrival Faith gets knocked out in one punch. Caleb kills Molly and breaks Rona's arm, then approaches Xander. He says Xander is 'the one who sees things', then stabs his finger into his eye socket. Spike knocks Caleb away, giving Buffy a chance to rescue Xander. Admitting defeat, Buffy and what's left of the gang escape.

EzCode Parsing Error: size=5]empty places:]

Xander is now blind in one eye. Everyone is upset including Buffy, who is taking all the guilt. She pays a visit to the 'now closed' school, where she is approached by Caleb. He knocks her out. Faith takes the potential Slayers to the Bronze, but their fun is stopped short when some assassins in police uniforms arrive. When Buffy discovers where Faith and the Potentials have been, she shouts at her. She tells them they need to listen to her orders. At this, a big arguement heats up concerning Buffy's recent decision. Buffy reminds them all that she is the Slayer, so they will listen to her. They tell her that Faith is also the Slayer, so from now on they are siding with her. They tell her she can either obey Faith's orders, or leave. Meanwhile, Spike and Andrew look into an abandoned missionary and discover a plaque which reads; 'it is not for thee, it is for her.'
and buffy leaves...

nothing about episode 20.

but now here's episode 21 : End Of Days

As Buffy gets her hands on the scythe, she finds that she is able to kill three Turok-Han with ease. However Caleb is becoming jealous, but feels less worried once the First decides to merge with him making him more powerful than ever. Meanwhile, Faith and the potentials get caught up in an explosion, leaving many dead and Faith unconcious. After giving Buffy his word, Xander leaves Sunnydale with Dawn, against her will. Buffy and Spike are feeling awkward regarding the recent events, so she sets out for information on the scythe.

She finds a tomb where she runs into an old woman. She tells Buffy how the scythe was created to destroy the last pure demon, but it was made in secret and hidden from the shadow men. Caleb arrives and snaps the woman's neck. He and Buffy wrestle control over the scythe until he gets the upper hand. As he is about to strike, Angel knocks him down, leaving the scythe in Buffy's hands. She guts Caleb and leaves him for dead, before passionately kissing Angel. :barf Spike watches them from nearby with a broken heart :cry2 :cry 2:cry2 :cry 2, as the First approaches him in the form of Buffy.

I've read the complete summary there...www.spoilerslayer.com/buffyblog.php

in the beginning of the episode it's all B/S but the end with the B/A thing!:mad I hope joss's not gonna put B/A back for real. 'cause it can also only be a happy to see you kiss...
or maybe... spike's gonna realize that she's nothing but a slayer...and will come to me instead...? what do you think? lol:silly2 don't kill my hopes to brutaly please...a little compassion for the stupid james marster fan I am...

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/22/03 15:33



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:fight I sincerely doubt Joss is putting Buffy and Angel together. They'd be together for what an episode and a half tops? I know Buffy is supposedly going to survive this whole ordeal, but survive or not the show is becoming dust in the wind like all the vamps she slew, while Angel seems dead set on enduring into next year with season 5. If those two got back together, they'd have to have a long term thing with mock phone calls between the characters and secret meetings like at the beginning of season 6 of Buffy. I mean how many times can they have those two "meet somewhere in the middle?" Another point is that Angel isn't any different than when they parted 4 years ago. He's still a vampire cursed. He's gonna live forever, Buffy's gonna die. He still can't hit the sheets with Buffy, and he certainly still can't take her out into the daylight, like he wanted before. I realize I'm not giving Spike any ground with these comments either.. so sorry Spuffy fans. It just seems like those two hooking back up would be pointless. There's no reason for it...besides the Angel/Buffy fans out there still clinging to the possibility.:grin Now that I look over everything I typed I'm forced to wonder, if Buffy and Spike screw around, will he lose his soul? Or because he got his a different way and it wasn't really considered a curse, will he be able to be free and clear with the Buffster or if they have sex and he doesn't lose it, does that mean Buffy didn't give him "perfect happiness?" Converse amongst yourselves. ;)

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/22/03 16:36



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Okay first of all theres still the whole Shanshu prophesy that Angel is going to become human. Second of all Buffy is the only one who can give him the 'perfect happiness' he needs to lose his soul.

I had some sources tell me that when before Angel turned bad in 'Awakening' or 'Souless' I don't know which one he said Buffy's name.

The same source told me that if both Buffy and Angel end this season that their going to reunite Buffy and Angel that Joss got permission to reunite them from the presidents of WB and UPN, and the posibillity of Angel getting renewed is still up in the air and my sister who's an entertainment expert thinks it's 95% chance that Angel is going to get cancelled at the end of the season as well. I :dunno :dunno :dunno

If the writers still have brains if both shows were to end they would reunite Buffy and Angel plain and simple! It would plane dumb to not reunite the power couple Spuffyfans wheather you like it or not I still believe that Buffy and Angel are the power couple on both shows, at least for those who watched it from the beginning.

~Hannah :kitty2 :kitty2

:dreamer :candy Stargazer InCrowder Lamptrimmer Dreamer Awakening Double Dipper Anti-Rebel Journal Keeper Healer Teflon Babe Donor Valentines Applesaucer Behrian Pixie Chick Hanker Brat

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/22/03 20:00



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:fight I remember the whole "To Shanshu in L.A" deal. I also remember it was only 3 years ago that he learned about it... and it supposedly said he'd have to face several apocalypses...plagues and other demonic stuff. So far this whole ordeal with the Beast:missu has been the only true apocalypse I've seen the Fang gang face. Wolfram &Hart was supposed to have some big apoocalypse waiting in the wings, but well gosh they got slaughtered:missu so I guess that's out...unless you count Lindsey, but he seems long gone. That's true about Angel saying Buffy's name when he lost his soul. The soul loss-age didn't require sex or Buffy though, just a spell. It was funny though cause he said it after having a fantasy about screwing Cordelia. Guess we all know who he'd be thinking about while making it with Cordy. I'd love to see Buffy and Angel get together at the end of this thrilling rollar coaster ride we've all been on for the last 7 years. What I don't want is Angel to go away just yet. I do feel that the show has established itself and emerged from Buffy's shadow and could be a true successor to the void that's sure to be left when Buffy slays her last vampire in May. Personally, I don't think Angel will go anywhere for at least one more season. I think everyone at the WB knows both its potential and that Joss seems to have some huge things planned for the fang gang next season. I'm no entertainment expert, but you really don't have to be one to read the signs when a show is going, and so far I haven't seen any in Angel's case, however there's always a chance. The thing that shouldn't be the deciding factor is the Buffy/Angel relationship. Cancelling a show to guarantee a relationship between characters is foolish:nono . Sure it gives a certain percentage of fans a happy sigh, yet can also eliminate the franchise's foothold in the media. This new spin-off is a wild card at best. No one can tell if it will be able to establish itself as well as Angel has. It'll be best to have both shows when the 2003-2004 season begins. Otherwise the whole Buffy-verse could become "dust in the wind" to coin a current Faith term.:silly

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/28/03 05:51



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hey there!

sorry I've been away for a while ... but I've seen both players and lies my parents told me! and men these were real good episodes. I loved seeing spike the poet again... he sucks so much! but it was iteresting to see what kind of man spike was as a human beeing. he was loving and devoted to his mother,while angel was kind of looser, bad guy... so which could mean that spike with a soul will be a better man than angel. maybe.but in the same way Angel has the redemption stuff. it's taking him years and years. but spike don't seam to have to deal with his past as hard as angel. well I think that's because Joss didn't want to play the angel story another time.

I have to say that I agree with you Mr J all the way . I don't want angel to leave either. I don't think WB will do it. they know that all buffy fans are gonna rush to angel next year. as there's not another spinn-off planned for sure. all the people that grew up with the buffyverse won't let it go like that... and I think angel ratings will increase because of buffy's ending.

well now that everything is getting more and more intereting and exiting in buffy and angel. what do you think will happen between angel/ cordy, cordy/ the gang, cordy/connor, angel/connor, buffy/giles, buffy/spike, buffy/the gang...

plus I am so waiting to see buffy and faith together again :tantrum ... I've read the spoilers, couldn't help myself...:wall shame on me. sounds really interesting.

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/28/03 19:13
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I'm still trying to figure out what is up with Cordy to figure out what or who she should be with! :lol

I am so thrilled to see Buffy and Faith together again. It should be very interesting!

As far as the WB goes...they haven't made the smartest programming decisions within the past couple years, so it's hard to say what they will do with Angel.

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/29/03 15:17



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:fight Ok WHAT THE HELL?!? I've been sitting by, waiting patiently for team Whedon to hurl out the next Buffy spinoff in carnation... and what happens? BAM! NOTHING! Can you believe it? NOTHING!:wall I know some people didn't want a spin off because they figured everything had either been done by Buffy or would eventually be done by Angel, but I know in my gut that anything created by Team Whedon would have been a great thing. I was even coming around to the Potential /Watcher school run by Willow and Kennedy. I know Joss didn't care for it, but I saw "most promising new drama" wrote all over that bad boy. I think I'm still in shock over this:tantrum . I mean first the Buffy animated series gets shut down (which would have been kick ass) and now any spin off possibilities get stomped. I have faith in Angel:angel (no pun intended), but he can't last forever either. I know someone said a while back that the Buffyverse is like Star Trek... it's universe is huge, which allows for multiple incarnations of the Slayer. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a Tales of the Slayer series.It could follow a Slayer through like an episode or two and maybe witness her death and then BAM move onto the next generations Chosen one. It would be very twightlight zoneish changing cast memebers every other episodes, but it would guard against another actress holding the future of the slayer in the palm of her hand (much like SMG has done for all 7 seasons). This would also be a cool way to see one Vampire nemesis kill a slayer then decades later see that same vamp nemesis pop up again and get dusted. Like I said Just an idea that popped into my head while watching Nikki fight Spike in "Lies my parents told me" Ok enough Ranting. I'm also looking forward to seeing the Slayers Unite. And Bring on Caleb dammit. He sounds like the baddest of the bad.:silly

  Buffy's not dead yet. Again.
 Posted: 03/29/03 15:33
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MR. J, I'm assuming by your post that they've decided to not do any Buffy spin-off. Am I correct? And if so...WHY?

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