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  who is Sark really??
 Posted: 01/25/03 21:56
# 1 



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I having been wondering this ever since i locked myself in my room, downloaded all eppys that are currently out and I have to ask...

do any of you think that Sark might be related to Syd?
He did admit to working with Syd's mom. And gave some cheap story about how he thought of 'her mom' as his own in a way.
but i was getting a feeling even before he said it.
there is a certain compition that he tries to provoke in her.

i dont' know, maybe i'm way off...

:) Heather

  who is Sark really??
 Posted: 01/26/03 08:02
# 2 
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Heather...that's actually the talk on alot of the Alias boards, that Sark my very well be Sydney's brother. I'm not real sure how he plays into it, but he sure does make things interesting!

  who is Sark really??
 Posted: 01/26/03 08:39
# 3 



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do you think on some level that maybe Syd's mom and Vaughn's dad could of had sark?

Syd's mom must recall Vaughn dad to pick up simliarities so quickly between vaughn and his dad.

I might be wrong because Vaughn speaks of his father as being such a straight arrow that it couldn't of happened.

i'm grasping a threads's like you take one idea and you run away with it! LOL.

:) Heather

  who is Sark really??
 Posted: 01/26/03 20:31
# 4 
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Ok...after tonight's eppy...I really have no idea!

I can't wait to see where JJ takes this character.

  who is Sark really??
 Posted: 01/29/03 22:29
# 5 



Posts: 13

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I want Sark to be Sydney's brother. I so do, it would perfectly top of there relationship :)

  who is Sark really??
 Posted: 01/30/03 09:16
# 6 



Posts: 1006

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if and when we find out that sark is syd's brother...all hell will break lose. b/c i doubt that he will turn good like Irine did...or will. I guess Irine isn't out of the clear yet?!


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