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  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 07/29/03 16:56
# 1 



Posts: 245

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:fight I was watching E! and on one of their randon news briefs they said that the guy that plays Will Tippin will indeed be returning to Alias in the fall BUT...(there's always a but) he will not be a regular. He'll be in a handful of episodes and then be wrote out. I don't know if he'll die or if he moves or whatever. One things for sure, Sydney doesn't have many friends left. They're all either dead or on their way out. Who is she gonna hang with after will departs? Vaughn and his new wife? I DON'T THINK SO. I'll admit watching Sydney pal around with her friends wasn't the most interesting part of the show but it was good for the character to have a little down time and a break from the spy game so that she didn't go insane. This also will completly kill the Sydney-Vaughn- Will triangle...although the whole Vaughn marrying another girl kinda ruined that too. WHAT IS JJ DOING TO US!?!?!?!?! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH...sorry that was a weak moment. I'll try to keep them to myself in the future. Anyone else having issues with this?:bat

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/02/03 15:55
# 2 
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WAIT! Will is leaving? WTF? That's bull! He can't leave! They went throw all the trouble of creating this great story with him getting in the CIA as a consultant and now he's just going away? :glare :glare

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/08/03 15:35
# 3 



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It's too bad that Syd will have no friends by the end of season three it looks like. and really...trying to gain new ones will be hard because of her profession.
can she really trust anyone else?

season three is going to be an interesting one, more so than season two. BECAUSE it seem to support or tie together from season one and get ready for season three.

One more thing...can we play to all get together on Sept. 28 and watch the premier and chat either during the commerical breaks and definitely afterwards!

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/09/03 14:55
# 4 



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:fight I'd love it if she met some new people in the CIA. It would be cool if she befreiended one of the mission oversight people that watch the mission play out trough computer surveillance. It would also be cool if another guy shopped up to give Vaugne a run for his money and that could go out in the field with Sydney. It just seems right to give her a new guy to pal around with now that Vaugne went and did the dirty dirty with another women after only two years.He's a male whore. DAMN HIM!:bat

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/10/03 03:49
# 5 
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Well, if Will really is leaving.. :cry2 I would really like to see her get closer to Weiss...friend-wise. I don't want to see a relationship there...I don't think that would work. But I would like to see Vaughn get some competition for the exact reason Mr. J stated...He's a male whore! VAUGHN! :thud

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/10/03 10:03
# 6 



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I can't say that I agree with you guys/gals ... b/c i don't see Vaughn as a 'male whore' but he never got paid for the marriage or the sex.

But back on topic...seeing a little compitition is always nice b/c that's what we saw in season one between syd and vaughn and that's what made us love them and finally bring them together.'s not what kept them together b/c they had alot there to build from. They truely loved each other :) and in the end i think we can believe to see later. if it be this season or the next.

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/11/03 00:42
# 7 



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Geeze ! Will leaving the show , that cannot be !
I mean , i live in france for now and we are still waiting for the second season of ALIAS , anyway i read all the episodes on the transcripts page of our community , but after the last episode of the season two , i was sure that Syd would have a relationship tighter with Tippin , that would sucks if not .

well , i guess , time will do THE TELLING :)

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/13/03 02:43
# 8 



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Aww, he's leaving? I love Will. :cry

  Bye Bye Tippin
 Posted: 08/13/03 20:39
# 9 



Posts: 69

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Oh that sucks I guess Syd will have to hang out with Weiss

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