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Well, we were on page nine on the last thread, so here's a new one to fill up!
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Let's hope nothing comes up this weekend and let's hope that I actually find the feed.
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Just think positive thoughts, Diana, and all will be well in Aliasland!
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Did you ever find out what time they've moved to for sure? And anyway the last few eps didn't have a lot of V&S anyway.. so maybe this weekend. I still say it's not going to heat up with those two until the finale. I'll guarantee it.
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No. I still don't know what time the feed comes on Saturday.
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Is there some place that we can look to find out what time the feed will air?
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Well I figured I would go search those SD6 boards to see if I saw anything and then maybe check Leoffs site on feeds. But maybe some other Alias sites might know.
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Hey D I totally forgot that Yahoo has a mailing list just for Wildfeeds. For people who own them and have Q&A. I don't have a link to that but do remember it from last year when I was serfing Yahoo. Also I wrote Gertie from Fredfarm to see if she knew the time it would air so hopefully she'll email me back in time. And here is a list of the times for some Wildfeeds, although I'm not really sure how accurate they are-
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Well okay, I sent all the info to D today and she emailed me saying she's been checking every hour of the day so far. So we'll see. Plus, we need to help Amanda make not being spoiled so easy.
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Jen! You are too funny. I've been here twice today looking for the caps, so of course I'm going to cave!
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Diana, oh Godess of Wildfeed and Screen Caps, we love you! BE HAPPY! I know! I'll go out, dart Michael Vartan (or the hunk of your choice), and bring him to your house. And if he tries to escape, I'll dart him again! Just think, all that eye candy, all to yourself.
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Come on Diana! Don't let this GH crap get you down. We WILL get J and E together. Just keep telling yourself that. Now I'm hope GH is the reason why you are sad, if not I will feel like a big ass.
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Guess it's time for me to make good on my promise of the door to door eye candy delivery. *loads up dart rifle* Be back soon. So, any requests on what kind of eye candy I should pick up while I'm out?
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Zook...I'll take Michael Varten since your asking for suggestions.
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The Zookeepers Apprentice
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Fair enough; I shall do that. Meet me in LA; it's hard to drag limp, unconscious bodies onto airplanes without people asking all those pesky questions.
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