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That certainly explains it then; I was an art history major. I painted an ape once for one of my classes, so that's as close to apes as I've ever gotten. LOL
But at least you liked it. I get bored with that kind of stuff...
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i get bored with art history lol. i had to do at least one art history unit in every single art class i took in high school. it was enough to cemete my resolve to never study art in post secondary lol. well that and im hopeless with a pencil and i doubt i could could get very far doing nothing but ceramics lol
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Ohhhh! I love art! My dream is to be a famous painter and I'm going to art school now. LOL I love it! Except when I go through artist block(like writers block), it sucks!
I started painting when I was 3.
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I can draw stick figures!
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That's cool. Stick figures are pretty hard. One of my friends who is super talented at drawing can't make stick figures, but she can draw just about anything else. LOL
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i can draw diagrams and very very crude anthro sketchs lol. back when i was actually taking art i did a few nearly respectable drawings but i am sooo out of practice. i never could paint though. my art teacher gave up on me lol
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Painting rocks! I love painting; it, skecting and photography are my specialities. I'd go insane if I couldn't paint. lol I painted my house. Even when I was little. I got paid to paint my dorm at boarding school. Ha!
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i can paint a wall lol. i can paint ceramics too but for some reason it never transfered over to canvas
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See? You can PAINT! That's good.
I'm doing some watercolouring right now. I love watercolour.
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jealous lol
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Hey, you know apes and monkeys. That's cool. Of which, how did you get into that? Was that always something you were interested?
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i wanted to be an archeaologist when i was kid lol. by the time i got to high school i realized that it was alittle impractical but i took some anthropology courses in HS just cause it was interesting. when i started uni i took an anthro course as an elective cause i though it would be easy but i ended up loving it so much more than my major so i switched this year. I have no idea what so ever what i can do with my degree when im done. not much demand for BA hons majoring in Anthropology with a contentration in Paeloanthroplogy and Archeaology and minor in geography. its the most random thing ever lol
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That sounds pretty random. You could try museums... or something. LOL
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need a masters to get a job at any museum in Toronto ( I checked). i mind go in to teaching. that was my original plan when i started school
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I always wanted to be a teacher...history teacher actually. Unfortunately, I never did get there. I also wanted to be a marine biologist but did not want to go to college in California or Florida. So...that didn't happen either.
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Aw, I'm sorry! That sucks.
I have no patience for teaching... but I'm learning... I do volunteering at a local art center where I teach art for two hours a week to 10-12 year olds. Fun times! Until the last 20 minutes when I usually want to bash my head into a wall. LOL I was so not cut out to teach, but I LOVE art and spreading the joys of art to others. Especially kids. We need more appreciation of art in this world.
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i agree. i think that far fewer kids would become screw ups if someone taught them an artistic skill, weather it be finer arts, music, literature or all three! its sad that so much emphasis if being put on math and sciences at the expense of the arts.
i love 10 year olds. 8-12 is my fave age group. no nose wiping or show lace tying but far less hormonal than teenagers.
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I've never been a big art person. I love looking at it to enjoy it, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about it...just if I like it or not. I've always been a history dork...still am. I love the History Channel and Discovery Times Channel!
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Exactly! I work for the school district(I'm basically an exec assistant to the President of the school Board), and this past week, they made the decision to scrap art/music classes and band and orchestra. It was quite devastating for me because I LOVE art and music and I really fought hard for those, but was told that participation in those activities had gone down greatly over the past 5 years.
It's so sad.
I love the Discovery Channel, but only so I can watch FBI Files! I LOVE FBI Files!
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That really does suck. I hate when schools cut things like that. Just because I don't do art but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't experience it. I hate those people that think that way. It doesn't benefit me, so it won't benefit anyone else. Bull!
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