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:lol Yeah, I'm leaning toward that myself.

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I was thinking immacuate conception, but I guess test tube isn't that bad.

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Either one is probably a possiblity!

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Whah. It just makes me sad that we're even considering alternate theories. LOL Like Sydney and Vaughn are the television version of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, minus of course the nuttiness and Scientology.

Sorry, I needed to say that... I've been waiting for the right moment, but now... it's been said. ;)

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oh hannah lol

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What? You can't tell me that thought didn't occur to you? Okay, maybe it's just me. My mind operates differently. ;)

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:lmfao :lmfao :lmfao :lmfao

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Okay, I can see your response now. For some reason last night, I couldn't. LOL

But really, I can NOT be the ONLY one who thought of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. I just can't.

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Is that a "Yes, Hannah; you are the ONLY one who thought that 'cause that's just sick..." or is that a "OMG! I thought about it too!" well... LOL

I have a very twisted mind because I'm convinced the Holmes/Cruise kiddie is test tube... or was blasted down to earth from Mars. There's a reason we haven't seen it. LOL

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A little bit of both! :lol

And I find it VERY odd that we haven't seen Suri yet. What's up with that? I mean, I'm all for privacy and stuff and not getting children involved in the whole celebrity thing, but another part of me thinks they deserve it. They've choosen this life...deal or get out. At least you see Angelina/Brad, Jennifer/Ben, Gavin/Gwen...all them at least out in public with their babies. Why not Katie and Tom?

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Okay, so I'm only a little bit more twisted than you? Is that what you're saying? :lol

Yeah, it's very odd and it's why I'm convinced s/he is a martian. You know green and has those little anteas on her/his head. LOL Or, you know s/he is black, asian, chinese... 'cause seriously, this is Tom Freaking Cruise... no way would he NOT pimp his baby out to everyone. Afterall, it's proof that he has bullets in the chamber... but he isn't 'cause it ain't his and it's obvious. LOL

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And I find it "funny" that the only person who has now seen Suri is Leah Remini...a fellow Scientologist. ;)

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Yeah, me too. And, she said the baby looked like Katie, but she didn't say anything about Tom. So, again methinks the baby is probably green or asian or something.

Seriously, if it was REALLY and TRULY Cruise's, he would have already introduced it to the media. He's such pondscum like that.

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So...why would he stick with her if it wasn't his?

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Because it was HIS idea?

I admit I'm a conspiracy theorist, so I'm probably nuts... but I think he and KH came to some kind of agreement. I remember before they came together, I heard that he was interviewing potential women to be his girlfriend and he considered JG, but she was all "Um, no.." LOL He looked at a lot of women, but it seemed like KH was the only one who would agree. I think she was promised millions to do this. She was totally impregnanted by in-vitro and I doubt it's his, but they'll make it seem like it. I'm sure it's by someone inside the Church of Whacked Out Nutcases(you know Scientologists). Not that everyone who is a Scientologist is nuts, but those who associate with TC seem to be nuts.

I've ALWAYS thought Katie Holmes was brainwashed because she acts so nutty, especially in the beginning. Then there was her scientologist babysitter who goes everywhere with her to make sure she adhears to the bible of Scientology.

Blah, blah, blah...

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I didn't know that he was "interviewing" for girlfriends. :wtf All I know is that whole situation is whacked! Katie Holmes always seemed to have been more level-headed than this.

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Yeah, it was bizarre, but that just shows what a nutjob TC is these days. The article that I read said TC approached JG's people about setting up an interview, but JG refused. She wanted none of that. As much a publicity whore as JG is, she ain't that nuts or desperate. lol

I don't know why KH even agreed to any of it, but I'm guessing money talks and she's getting far more press than she ever got prior to the TC hookup and that's the way of life in Hollywood. Though, she has gotten nothing, but snark, but at least it's soemthing, I guess. LOL

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But the funny thing is, Katie hasn't even done anything since she hooked up with TC. Plus, she had alot of buzz after Batman (there it is again). Why would she need TC? I think she's ruining her career instead of helping it.

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LOL I know, but she's young and stupid. She probably thought it was a good idea at first, but now? Not so much. LOL I can not believe it's love or anything. I can't and I won't believe that. LOL

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