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  10x2 - Shield
 Posted: 03/31/13 19:28
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Original Air Date on October 10th, 2010

Previously on "Smallville" ...

Clark: Well what would make you stay?

Lois: I would stay for you. [ Exhales ] Clark.

Oliver: You know, it's not what happened to you that destroyed this team, is it? It's what happened to her. Who was she, your partner?

Hawkman: My wife. Shayera and I were cursed by one of our enemies. Destined to fall in love only to watch each other die.

Oliver: You're not done. I will hunt you and I will find you, do you understand?

Man: You don't even know who I am.

[ Oliver yelling in pain ]

Man: Green Arrow.

Tess: With you, he has a purpose. I wish I could've given him that. And it kills me, 'cause you have everything right in front of you, and you can't even see it.

Perry: So, what do you say kid, Africa?

Lois: Perry White, he's offered me a job at the foreign desk in Kenya.

Clark: I think you leaving Metropolis is the best thing for you right now.

[ They hug ]

[ Car comes to a halt ]

Lois: Perry, it's Lane. I really hope this story is worth it because so far my dream assignment, is turning into a thousand and 1 Arabian nightmares. And you know what, I really hope your dm covers the 11 hour camel ride. And as for this newly unearthed tomb of Isis, all I see are some rocks and a couple of tents. Call me.

[ Indistinct Chatter ]

Lois: Hello. Lois Lane, Daily Planet.

Hawkman: They were star-crossed lovers. Guess you never know what fate has planned for you.

Clark: Chloe, where are you? I've left four messages. Jor-El warned me some dark forces were coming. I need your help.

Man: Check it out, page 3. Someone hit the big time.

[ Keyboard clacks, computer beeps ]

Clark: Lois?

[ Bag thuds ]

Cat: Nope, It's Catherine, but my friends call me 'Cat.' Cat Grant, with a C. Want a cookie? I just baked them this morning, really gooey so be careful. I used twice the sugar.

[ Clark Chuckles ]

Clark: Umm.

Cat: No relation to the woman on TV. I get that a lot.

[ Extends hand, Clark shakes it ]

Clark: Clark Kent. Welcome to the Daily Planet.

Cat: Can I tell you how excited I am to be working at the Planet? [ Giggles ] After all those weeks of small town paper, my words are finally going to have a real impact.

Clark: I'm sorry you said weeks?

Cat: [ Points to herself ] Classic overachiever. Got that from my granddaddy. Back home, I basically owned the front page of the paper. [ Shows paper ] [ Sighs ] Now I can finally have an influence on millions of people. [ Turns radio on ]

Godfrey on radio: Hero Mania? I say hero menace. Don't tell me these masked-anarchy-loving vigilantes are out there to protect my kids. Don't tell me some abomination, who is too grotesque to show his face, but vandalizes our town with the letter S, is a hero. What's the S stand for huh? I'll tell you what, 'Shame.'

[ Clark slams the radio hard ]

Clark: H.R. doesn't allow us to listen to radio during work hours.

Cat: Bummer. I'll get you the podcast. You know Godfrey is so right, about everything.

Clark: Let's find you a permanent desk, this one belongs to someone on temporary leave.

Cat: [ Annoyed ] Lois Lane? [ Scoffs ] She's the one that got this whole thing started, calling those costume vigilantes 'heroes.' Please like it's not totally obvious she's in love with the Blur. [ Cat throws Lois's name plaque in the garbage ]

[ Clark gets annoyed and grabs the plaque and throws the cookie away ]

[ Clark slams the plaque down hard ]

Clark: Lois Lane, is the best crime reporter this paper ever had. Now there is a desk available over here by the copy machine.

Cat: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, Mr. busy boots. I don't think you get it, I'm your new partner.

[ Clark looks even more annoyed ]

[ Credits roll in ]

[ Computer beeps, keyboards clack ]

Tess: I got your message. I have to say it wasn't the call I was expecting.

Oliver: Chloe's gone.

[ Tess chuckles ]

Tess: What you've been with her for 5 months, right? Sounds like things are right on schedule.

Oliver: No it's not like that. She just disappeared. No warning, no phone call, nothing.

Tess: Trust never was the golden rule for the kids in this clubhouse.

Oliver: Well, you just fit right in then, wouldn't you? Now if you think I'm going to sit around here and do nothing, just wait for my girlfriend to come back like Clark's doing, you don't know me very well at all.

Tess: Low blow, I'd say Clark's using every ounce of strength he has not to skip over the Azores and bring Lois home. He respects Lois enough.

Oliver: Maybe that's because Lois hasn't completely disappeared. There's not digital record of Chloe Sullivan anywhere.

[ Computer beeping ]

Oliver: Looks like she never existed.

Tess: [ Scoffs ] The only one who could erase Chloe, is Chloe.

Oliver: [ Chuckles ] O-kay. Come on now Tess, don't underestimate yourself. Although, I do have to say I thought the e-mail was a touch much.

[ Shows paper ]

Tess: [ Reads paper allowed ] Oliver, I never thought I'd have to tell you how I feel about us because the smile on my lips when I looked at you pretty much said it all. But now that you won't be seeing it anymore, I'll have to use words to tell you. I've never loved anyone the way I've loved you. And I never will again. You will always be my brightest star, my knight and shining leather, my hero. [ Tess smiles and chuckles lightly ] Oliver this may be difficult for you to face but I didn't write this. We both know Chloe did. I did help her reset the system, though. And in a bizarre way, she knew that I was the only one who would understand.

Oliver: [ Looks hurt ] Why'd she do this?

Tess: I just know it's what she wanted. I trusted that she had a plan. Maybe it's time you trust her too.

Lois: And I thought the Sex and the City girls had gaudy taste.

Hawkman: You might tell that to it's owner, the Goddess Queen Isis. She spent eternity searching for the cut up pieces of her dead husband.

Lois: Yeah, I can relate to that. My relationship just broke up into a zillion tiny pieces and I don't know how to put it all back together again. So, your a bonafide Indiana Jones, they fly you in to make sure that these aren't lifted from some souvenir shop, at Kairo?

Hawkman: If there intact and well preserved. Another words 'Hands off.' [

Typing on his cell phone reading the words "Lois Lane is safe. You owe me big time." ]

Lois: I know the Egyptians are big on the after-life but, burying your pet bird. Someone needs therapy.

Hawkman: That is the Sun-God Ra, bringer of light and life, he was revered.

Lois: He has the head of a parakeet.

[ Takes the stone ]

Hawkman: It's a falcon.

Lois: Potatoe - potato. So, why was this hawkguy so important?

Hawkman: Said that each day he traveled across the sky and through the underworld, to be born again at sunrise.

Lois: A God reborn with the sun.

Hawkman: Thank you Eti.

Lois: I have to admit this assignment, a little out of my strike zone. I mean I was raised by a very grounded 4-star general, who believed in what you can see, touch, blow up ...

Hawkman: Can easily be explained.

Lois: It's just, you can live your whole life without any proof of something, like a God or whatever, and then one day you look up and realize the guy sitting across from you is Ra.

Hawkman: You think the guy sitting across from you is an ancient sun-God?

Lois: No of course not. But what if he were? One minute you know, you know what you know, and the next you realize you don't really know anything but you want to know everything. What is the world like for him? Does he feel pain? How does he heal? When does he sleep? Does he even sleep?

Hawkman: This is going to require something stronger than tea.

[ Curtain opens ]

Lois: How can he stand driving in a car when they move so much slower then he does? Th-that would drive me crazy!

[ Carter slams the bottle down with 2 glasses ]

Hawkman: Maybe you should just ask Clark. Now, why don't you sit down, before you drive me crazy. [ Hands shot glass with tequila ]

[ Car passing by ]

[ Car doors open ]

Cat: Safety first. [ buckles up ]

[ Gun cocks, shoots bullet ]

Cat: My granddaddy always told me seat-belts save lives.

[ Car blows up ]

[ Clark saves Cat ]

Cat: [ panting ] Oh my gosh, Clark. We almost died.

Cat: [ Over the phone ] Hi, no, no don't tell him that it's me, he'll just get upset. Look, I'm not going to be able to make the pick-up tonight. I'll call as soon as I can. Okay, got to go.

[ Phone beeps ]

Clark: You want to tell me, what you got caught up in? Someone did just try to kill you.

Cat: [ Chuckles nervously ] I was valedictorian. I mean trust me no one wants to kill a valedictorian.

Clark: Well maybe they got you mixed up with someone else.

Cat; Would you listen to yourself? You sound an awful like Lois Lane. Conspiracy around every corner, always railing against the establishment against the normal people.

Clark: Normal?

Cat: Like you and me. God, it must have been hard, listening to Lois's justifications for all these alternative values and lifestyles.

Clark: Lifestyles? [ pats tie down ]

Cat: [ Laughs ] Uh-oh-uh. Don't act like some good-corn fed-boy next door. Like you was going to try to tell me that these vigilantes are part of the natural plan. I mean it would be one thing if they actually had remorse, or wanted to change, but you know they have no moral center.

Clark: [ Annoyed ] Well that's easy to say when they can't come out and defend themselves.

Cat: Sure they can! They could come out of the shadowy gutters and to the light, so we could see them anyday. They just choose not to. You know Godfrey says that if ...

Clark: Look stop. I found something. The police found a bullet in the engine block.

Cat: Oh my God. Why would anyone want to kill me?

Clark: Well we should get you some place safe. My friends won't mind if you stay at their apartment. No one will be looking for you in Smallville.

[ Dresser door opens ]

[ Oliver finds a photo of Chloe and looks hurt ]

[ Oliver finds a bottle and looks confused ]

[ Door opens, and closes ]

[ Phone beeps ]

Oliver: Don't move.

Cat: My self defense teacher said never stop moving unless your dead. Oh my gosh, It's you!

[ Oliver pulls the pepper spray can ]

[ Cat tries and use the taser but Oliver blocks it ]

[ Cat uses the bull horn but Oliver breaks it ]

[ Cat opens the door but Oliver slams it shut ]

Cat: No, just get it over with. I should've known you masked creeps were following me after your car-bomb backfired this morning. You call yourself a hero but really your just an arrow for hire.

Oliver: Trust me, I'm not doing this for the money.

Cat: Face it Robin Hood, you and your boys do this for no one but yourselves.

Oliver: I'm not a criminal lady.

Cat: Oh, yeah? That's what they all say. But I've got eye-witness testimony in photos, to back it up that a group of you heroes been torturing innocent people by the old brewery by the docks.

[ Oliver grabs cell phone hard ]

[ Cat grunts ]

Oliver: Give me that.

[ Cat tries and opens door but Oliver is long gone ]

Cat: See, this is exactly what I'm talking about! [ Sighs ]

Tess: All you had to do was ask.

Clark: Cat Grant, isn't who she says she is.

Tess: I knew you two would have a lot in common.

Clark: Her real name is Mary-Louise Shroger. And thats not the only secret she's keeping.

Tess: Let's face it Clark, your not going to like anyone sitting in Lois's chair. So why don't you just take a coffee break, run to the Sahara, and bring her back?

Clark: Lois left for a reason, if I care for her I'll respect that.

Tess: How progressive of you. If you really believe it.

Clark: Look the point is something weird is going on with Cat. She's making suspicious phone calls, and this morning she almost got blown up in her car. That explosion was caused by a bullet somehow lodged perfectly in the combustion chamber. It's engraved. The only letters visible are A, R, N, T.

Tess: Cat Grant. I think I've seen this work before. Let's hope I'm wrong. [ Typing ]

Clark: You know who did this?

Tess: If it's the op I'm thinking of it was a top target of checkmate. One of the few they never got and one of the even fewer they fear.

[ Computer beeps ]

Clark: I can see why. A number throughout interpols most wanted, and the top 5 in the FBI and CIA.

Tess: Strikes target with surgical procession. And assassinates all witnesses.

Clark: What's his name?

Tess: Checkmate never could I.D. him. They just called him Deadshot.

Deadshot: You failed to mention what exactly it was I was dealing with. I don't make it a practice to let my targets walk away.

Man: That was just a test, had to make sure we were after the right guy.

Deadshot: You should've told me. Thought we were supposed to be on the same team.

Man: You should be thanking me, I just handed you the hit of a lifetime.

Deadshot: Why would I thank you for something fate gave me?

[ Deadshot blows on the bullet ]

Deadshot: Somewhere out there, we all got a bullet with our name on it.

[ Door closes ]

[ Footsteps ]

[ Cat grabs a knife ]

[ Door opens revealing Clark, Cat gasps ]

Cat: [ Sighs ] Clark, I thought you were one of the so called 'heroes.' Thank god it's only you, you know you should really get yourself a bullet proof vest like me. We all think we're made of steel but really we're just made of marshmallows.

Clark: Cat are you alright?

Cat: Well I was just attacked by Green Arrow. I mean this is all part of that vigilante agenda.

[ Clark places knife down ]

Clark: And why would he want to hurt you?

Cat: The last thing they want is an honest A reporter like me, working at the Planet and exposing the truth about them.

Clark: If you're really about the truth, then why'd you lie to me? You seem to be hiding a few secrets of your own.

[ Cat zips up bag annoyed ]

Cat: No idea what you're talking about.

Clark: Why'd you change your name?

Cat: That's Adam. My son. He's with his grandparents until this all blows over, his dad and I went out for almost 2 years. I thought I'd found my prince charming but, little did I know they don't exist.

[ Clark sits down ]

Clark: You just have to be patient. You know I thought I'd found somebody who could make me happy.

Cat: Really? You think you'll get back together?

Clark: I used to. [ Nods ] But now I'm not sure. It's funny, when doing what you think is right for someone, it can feel so ... wrong. How about you and this guy?

Cat: Well Clark, not every guys as nice as you. I had to get Adam away from him.

Clark: I'm sorry. Does he know where you are?

Cat: I changed my name so he couldn't find us. You know, I had so much I was fighting for, trying to change the world. And now I have to hide behind the power of the pen and a new name. Making sure nobody knows whose behind the words I'm printing.

[ Clark nods ]

Clark: Kind of like the vigilantes. Must have been scary escaping from him.

Cat: All I know is I protected my son. You know the world may never see me as some big hero, maybe someday my son will.

[ Phone goes off ]

[ Phone beeps, revealing a message from Tess saying "meet me at the Planet ... URGENT!" ]

Clark: I have to go.

Cat: Clark, what about the Green Arrow? And those freaks that tried to blow me up? They know where I am!

Clark: Just stay here, you'll be safe. I'll be back. I promise.

[ Door opens, closes ]

[ Cat notices a black wig ]

[ Carter slams shot glass down ]

Lois: It feels like somehow I was destined to be with Clark, but his destiny is so much bigger. And the last thing that I would ever want is to be the one thing that holds him back or stands in the way.

Hawkman: And what if you're exactly the thing that might help him be the person you know he can be? What if you're the one who makes his burden easier to bear?

Lois: Do you think that's why he sent you? To make sure I was safe?

Hawkman: He worries about you. He still thinks you don't know about his powers.

[ Lois shakes her head ]

Lois: See thats another reason for me to be here. [ Chuckles lightly ] When it comes to big secrets I'm not exactly Mada Hare. I could blow it all for him.

Hawkman: With every great relationship Lois, comes a great burden. And the strength to carry it.

Lois: Okay, well ... I better get my beauty sleep. [ Stands up to leave ] All this dry heat.

Hawkman: Lois, [ Stands up as well ] I'd like you to have something, it was given to me by my wife. It's a story, about two star-crossed lovers. Prince Khufu and Shayera were murdered by an evil man but, there love was so strong they were bonded for all eternity. Lifetime after lifetime, they were reborn, to find their one true love. Only to loose each other in death again.

Lois: That's a terrible story.

Hawkman: I like it.

Lois: If you're into the whole Egyptian Groundhog day thing.

Hawkman: After many years Khufu grew tired of always waiting to find his beloved. So he traveled the world, seeking other women, trying to forget Shayera. Unable to rid her from his heart he returned home, resigned to his fate. No sooner did he arrive at the palace when he saw her, she was there all along but he didn't recognize her because the time wasn't right. He needed to wait, because it made their love stronger, and their kiss that much sweeter.

[ Carter kisses Lois ]

[ Lois slaps Carter really hard ]

Lois: Try that again and the next thing kissing your lips will be my fist. [ Walks away ]

[ Door opens ]

Tess: I had Luthorcorp ballistics people up all night taking up that slug from Cat's car.

Clark: I appreciate that, thanks.

Tess: I'm not asking for your thanks Clark, just your trust. You need me.

Clark: You said this was urgent.

Tess: After the lab techs pulled apart the bullet and re-assembled it, they found this. [ shows computer reading "Clark Kent." ]

Clark: Target is me?

Tess: Guess our assassin never was after Hello Kitty.

Clark: This guy doesn't know that car explosions and bullets don't hurt me.

Tess: It's possible he's just testing you. To see what you're made of.

Clark: Why hasn't he come after me again?

Tess: Maybe he didn't realize how difficult of a target you are.

Clark: This guy never gives up, and he gets every detail right. There must be more to his plan.

Tess: If he knows your faster then his bullets the only place to aim, is at someone he knows you'll save. And maybe, you'll be there to ...

Clark: Act as a shield. It's Cat, I've got to get back to Smallville.

[ Computer beeps ]

Tess: Too late, our kitten reporters already on the move.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Cat: Pack up Adams things and have him ready. Someones after me, and he may know about us.

Deadshot: I liked you better as a blonde.

[ Phone clicks off ]

Cat: Why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything.

Deadshot: Funny thing about fate, you can't outrun it. [ Shows gun, and cocks it ] Either it's your day or it's not, sweetpea.

Cat: Please no, my son. He's just 2 years old, I'm all he's got.

Deadshot: Trust me, he'll get over you. 3 or 4 years he won't even remember your face. People about to die always think that that special love won't be able to go on without em, but the truth is, that person just finds someone else to love. Everyone is replaceable.

Cat: I used to think everyone could be saved. Even those super hero freaks. But now I realize, some people are just born dead.

[ Hits him with a suitcase and runs ]

[ Takes wig off and throws herself out of a bin ]

[ Cat bumps into people and continues running ]

[ Cat falls down and grunts ]

[ Cat runs up the stairs and bangs on the door ]

[ Cat notices the big aim target and closes her eyes ]

[ Air whoosh ]

[ Beeps ]

[ Clark hits Deadshot and he falls to the ground ]

[ Clark saves Cat, placing the bullet on her vest ]

Cat: [ Panting ] Clark? That was so brave.

Clark: Are you okay?

[ Pulls Cat up, Cat takes the bullet off of her vest ]

Cat: I'm fine, thanks to my bullet-proof vest. Don't leave home without it, Clark Kent. You can never be too safe.

Clark: Well I'll be sure to pick one up.

Cat: See, I don't need a masked hero to rescue me. I've got a real flesh and blood one right here. [ Smiles all girly at Clark ] People need to see someones heart to believe in them. We need to be inspired by people who stand out in the light. Not people who shrink into the shadows. We need a good 'ol American hero in red, white, and blue. Or at least red and blue. [ Chuckles and walks away ]

[ Indistinct chatter ]

[ Carter splashes his face with water leaving a Deadshot mark on him ]

Man: Do you miss me? You know I've got to say we have something special, you didn't crack on the first beating. You made me work for it.

Oliver: I'm glad it was good for you too.

[ Cocks gun ]

Oliver: Take it easy there commando. I'm just a guy over here with a bow and arrow.

Man: You're wasting your talent Queen, you could make a real difference out there. Tide is turning, people are getting nervous about vigilantes roaming the streets. Taking the decisions and the glory out of the hands of the suits in power.

Oliver: I'm not running for office, I'm just putting bad guys in jail.

Man: Well it's going to get tougher the longer you and your little league of heroes stay half in, half out. That's the beauty of my group, everybody thinks we're dead. [ puts gun up ] We could use you, but this is your one and only offer.

Oliver: You raise a good point. [ Throws arrow ]

[ Man hits Oliver with a bullet leaving the sign on him ]

Oliver: On the other hand, you did just shoot me.

[ Oliver hits the guy, the guy falls and Oliver kicks him ]

Oliver: Where's Chloe Sullivan? Where is she? [ Man grunts in pain ] I'm sorry [ Oliver kicks him again ] Agh! I can't hear you. Where ... is Chloe Sullivan?

Man: [ Sighs ] It wasn't a kidnapping, it was a trade.

[ Oliver punches him ]

Oliver: Trade for what?!

Man: You! [ Chuckles ] You would've been proud of her, she didn't crack. She downed cyanide pills just to save your life. She's dead.

[ Oliver looks hurt and looks like he wants to cry ]

[ Oliver drops the guy ]

Clark: Oliver.

Oliver: Chloe is a gone.

Clark: What do you mean?

Oliver: Those people who were holding me at that old brewery, she a-she traded herself in so I could be free.

Clark: Who are these people? What do they want with Chloe?

[ Oliver shakes his head ]

Oliver: It's a group of people who call themselves crime fighters. They think we should all remain hidden in the shadows. They tried to torture her Clark, she beat them at their own game. She took a cyanide pill.

Clark: [ Shakes head ] No Chloe wouldn't.

Oliver: [ shows bottle ] Then she took this. [ Throws bottle to Clark ] I found that at her apartment, I had it tested and there's traces of a cyanide antidote in there. She faked her own death.

Clark: She was planning to go. She saw the future, she put on Dr. Fates helmet trying to find you, and said it was going to be okay.

Oliver: [ angrily ] You just let her go?

Clark: I'd no idea she was leaving.

Oliver: She put on the Fate's helmet Clark. That should've told you something.

Clark: Look, I understand how much she means to you Oliver, but for years she's been asking us to treat her as one of us, she begged me to trust her, and the decisons that she made. If she put this much planning and thought into leaving she knew what she was doing.

Oliver: I go out every night, I protect unfamiliar faces so that they can go home and be with the people that they care about. The one person that I should have been protecting the most ... ..[ Clark looks down feeling bad for Oliver ] I failed her.

Clark: We didn't choose this. We both know this is what we were born to do.

Oliver: You playing the fate card, is that what you're doing again? That's what gets you through the day? You sit around doing nothing while these people that we protect, they paint us as vigilantes, Clark! The woman that you love ran away.

Clark: You think I don't want to go get Lois and bring her back? [ Shows ticket ] They left us Oliver. With our lives we can't blame them.

Oliver: Well what if we hadn't remained hidden? Huh? What if we didn't put our identities out there to be held hostage? Would this still be happening? Clark I think we have to forge a new fate here. We've lost way too much, somethings gotta change.

[ Handcuffs clinking together ]

Man: Not even a hello?

Deadshot: Rotting in jail ain't my idea of a good time. Your draw.

Plastique: You nailed your target, now let's get you out of here.

[ Opens door ]

Deadshot: About time.

Plastique: [ Scoffs and chuckles, clearly annoyed ] I'm sorry, what's redneck for 'bite me?'

Man: Plastique.

Plastique: Sir, our costume counter parts are officially tagged and released. Soon as we spring wider, over here we can track their every move.

Man: Let's give these boys a taste of what it's like to mess with the Suicide Squad.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Hawkman: Lois! About last night, I'm sorry. I guess I got a little too caught up in my story.

Lois: You forgot to mention the most important part, it was an autobiography. I found this [ hands paper ] in the book. [ paper reads "To Carter, My once and ever Prince with Love, Shayera. Shanghai 1824" ]

Hawkman: Lois, surely you don't think that ...

Lois: Let's just say I wasn't born yesterday, you're not the only one of Clark's friends with a mysterious past.

Hawkman: Clark did say you were wise beyond your years. I hope last night will remain between us. I'm not sure Clark would forgive me if he knew.

Lois: Some leads are better left buried. [ Smiles ] So if you were just here to babysit me as a favor to Clark, what was with the heart-to-heart? Something tells me that story time wasn't exactly part of the agreement.

Hawkman: It's my wife, I've been hearing her in my thoughts and last night I had a vision of her. When that happens, I know I'll be joining her soon in a new life. But to do that, I must first leave this one.

Lois: Leave? Like die?

Hawkman: It's time I meet my destiny, Lois. But before I go, I wanted you to meet yours. He can't do it without you. You're his Shayera.

Lois: Carter I am not like you and Shayera and ... .Clark. My future is here in Africa.

Hawkman: You know the philosopher Nietzche believed we should live for the future but for the present. He thought that people who chased after some far off future dream were really running away from their true destiny.

Lois: Yeah well Nietzche can call me a chicken if he wants, but he has never dated someone like Clark Kent.

Hawkman: It wouldn't've mattered, to him the true hero was the person who embraced the life that he or she was given, and made it better. He called that person ubermensh.

Lois: A Superman.

Hawkman: Nietzche believed that all of us could be one. In our own way.

[ Clark reveals himself at the rooftop with a new suit ]

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