Episode #221 - "Accelerate"
Original airdate: May 6, 2003
Written by: Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer
Directed by: James Marshall
Act 1 Teaser
An old black and white horror movie is playing in the theater at the Talon. Night. Pete, Clark, Lana, and Chloe are seated in the audience.
Man: (In the movie, to a woman) Now I'm going to knock on the other wall. When you hear me, you knock on this wall.
Pete: What is she, crazy? (Yells at the screen) Hey, get that candle and get your butt out of there!
Clark: I don't think she can hear you, Pete.
Chloe: Guys, hit the mute button okay?
The woman in the movie turns around and there is a scary statue standing behind her. She screams. Lana jumps slightly and grabs onto Clark's hand. Clark turns to her and she keeps looking at the screen. Chloe notices Lana's hand on Clark's. Lana slowly removes it.
CUT TO Lana sweeping the floor of the empty theater after the movie is over. The lights suddenly go out.
Lana: Hello? Who's there?
The film projector suddenly turns on and we can hear a recording of two little girls' voices singing Ring Around the Roses.
Girls: ...pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down.
Lana looks at the screen and sees the two little girls playing. They laugh and wave at the camera. The doors to the theater close loudly behind Lana. She turns around to look and the seats in the theater start to flutter. One of the girls on the screen, EMILY DINSMORE, talks to the camera.
Emily: (On the screen) Would you like an apple? Lana?
Lana looks down and Emily is standing right in front of her, holding a stuffed rabbit.
Emily: You're so big.
Lana backs away and starts running to the door. When she gets there Emily is already in the way.
Lana: Aaah!
Emily: Why are you scared?
Lana runs the other way and Emily is already sitting on the stage.
Emily: Do you want to play with me?
Lana runs to the door one more time and runs into Clark.
Clark: Lana, what's going on?
Lana turns around and looks at the theater. Emily is gone and the movie isn't playing anymore.
Lana: I... I thought I... The lights went out and I guess the movie creeped me out and I just, I thought I saw--
Clark: Thought you saw what?
Lana: (Still out of breath) Nothing.
Clark: Let's get out of the dark.
Clark leads her out of the theater as she continues to look back. She still doesn't see anything.
Clark: (As they go) Are you sure you're okay?
Inside the theater, Emily is standing in the aisle watching them.
[Opening credits]
Act 1 Scene 1
Lana is sitting on her bed looking at a book of photos. Day.
She is looking at a picture of the two girls from the movie the night before. Emily is suddenly beside her.
Emily: That's my favorite dress.
Lana: (Standing up and backing away) You're... you're not real.
Emily: I am too real.
Lana: No, you died.
There is a knock at the door.
Clark: (From outside) Lana? Chloe's dad said you were up here.
Lana goes to answer the door.
Clark: (Seeing the look on her face) Lana, what is it?
Lana looks at the bed and Emily is gone.
Lana: Clark, I... It sounds so ridiculous.
Clark: You can tell me anything, Lana. You know that.
Lana: Clark, do you believe in ghosts?
CUT TO Clark and Lana walking onto a bridge high above a river.
Lana: We used to come out here all the time. We'd make little boats out of flowers and float them downstream. They always sunk before they got around the bend.
Clark: Is this where she drowned?
Lana: (With tears in her eyes) It was raining, and the bridge was slippery. The next thing I knew...
Clark puts his hand on her shoulder.
Clark: It's okay.
Lana takes his hand and then turns around to face him.
Lana: The funny thing is, Emily always believed in ghosts. Whenever a candle flickered or a curtain rustled, she'd insist it was my mom trying to talk to me. As much as I wanted to believe her, I always knew it was make believe. Maybe this is her way of showing me that the dead really can communicate with us.
Clark: If she's a ghost, why do you think she waited so long to contact you?
Lana: I don't know.
Clark: There's got to be a rational explanation for this girl. Have you kept in contact with her parents?
Lana: No, they split up after the accident. I don't know where her mom is, but her dad moved to Grandville.
Clark: Maybe you're not the only one who's seen her.
Act 1 Scene 2
A man, MR. DINSMORE, is closing the trunk of his car in front of his house. Day. Lana and Clark drive up and get out of the truck.
Mr. Dinsmore: Didn't you see the No Trespassing signs?
Lana: Mr. Dinsmore, it's--it's me. Lana Lang.
Mr. Dinsmore: (Recognizing her) Well, look at you. All grown up.
Lana: Mr. Dinsmore, this is-- this is gonna sound strange, but I think I saw Emily.
Mr. Dinsmore: What is this, some kind of sick joke?
Lana: I don't mean to upset you. It's just, I've seen her twice.
Clark: We figured if anybody else had seen her, it'd be you.
Mr. Dinsmore: Sure, I've seen her. (Clark and Lana look hopeful) Whenever I hear her favorite song or see a young girl jumping rope in the park. Losing a child is something a parent never gets over. Now if you'll excuse me.
He gets in his car and drives away.
Act 1 Scene 3
There are tables covered with wedding cakes in the Luthor mansion. Day. Lex is looking at them. A woman who is obviously a catering director stands near him with her planner and her cell phone in her hands.
Woman: Mr. Luthor, I would think quick decision making would be your forte.
Lex: That's why I made the quick decision to put Helen in charge of the wedding.
Woman: Well, I don't see her here, and we're three weeks away and counting.
Her cell phone rings. She walks away to answer it.
Woman: Hello?
Lionel enters.
Lionel: (Looking at the cakes) Ah, I knew you had your vices, son, but I didn't realize gluttony was one of them.
Lex: Well, I suppose if there's anyone who's an authority on the seven deadly sins, it's you, Dad.
Lionel picks up a piece of cake and takes a bite.
Lionel: (With his mouth full) Mmm. Amaretto truffle. Could I have some water, please? The liqueur seems to be overpowering the butter. (A caterer gives him a glass of water) Thank you. (He takes a drink)
Lex: As much as I value your epicurean input, Dad, I'm curious. Why are you in Smallville?
Lionel takes an envelope out of his coat pocket.
Lionel: I wanted to give you my gift in person, since it's obvious by now that I won't be receiving a wedding invitation.
Lex: You offered the woman I love a hundred thousand dollars to leave me.
Lionel: I did you a favor, Lex. That was the ultimate test of loyalty and she passed with flying colors. You should be thanking me.
Lex: Thanking you?
Lionel: Mm.
Lex: Well, my thank you note must be lost in the mail along with your invitation.
Lionel: (Laughs and holds up the envelope) Go on. Open it.
Lex takes the envelope and opens it.
Lex: A Caribbean honeymoon.
Lionel: Your own private island. I'll throw in the LuthorCorp jet as well.
Lex: Why?
Lionel: I just want you to be happy, Lex.
Lex looks at him doubtfully.
Act 1 Scene 4
Clark is researching on the computer at the Torch. Day. Chloe enters.
Chloe: Uh, sorry, Clark. When you turned in your press pass you relinquished all of your computer privileges. I don't mean to be hall monitor, but it is school policy.
Clark: I'm trying to help Lana.
Chloe: (Hanging her coat) Of course you are. What are you saving her from today?
Clark: She's being haunted by a girl who died six years ago.
Chloe: Okay, I'm piqued. Go on.
Clark: She thinks it's a ghost, but I'm not so sure. It's not like people haven't come back to life around here.
Chloe: Even though it goes against my natural slant towards all things Wall of Weird, I think there's another explanation for this. Look, Lana's been through a lot in her life. Maybe this haunting is a way she's dealing with it through her subconscious.
Clark: You think she's seeing things that aren't there?
Chloe: No, I think to her they're very real.
Clark: She's not crazy.
Chloe: I wasn't saying she's crazy. All I'm saying is there's a lot of things about Lana you don't know. I mean you don't hear her crying in her room at three o'clock in the morning. What you see is just a mask.
Clark: Why are you telling me this?
Chloe: Because she talks to you. Now regardless of what's going on between us, she's still my friend.
Chloe starts to leave.
Clark: Chloe. (Chloe stops) Thanks.
Chloe: Lock up when you're done?
She leaves. Clark looks at the computer screen where we see an article from the Smallville Ledger with a picture of Emily. The headline says Local Girl Drowns.
Act 1 Scene 5
Emily is swinging on an old tree swing in a deserted yard. Day.
Emily: (Singing) Ring around the rosies, pockets full of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down.
Mr. Dinsmore walks up to her and kneels down next to her.
Mr. Dinsmore: Sweetheart, I've been looking all over for you.
Emily: Everything's different.
Mr. Dinsmore: What do you mean?
Emily: Where are all the bunnies?
We see a stack of empty rabbit cages.
Mr. Dinsmore: Honey, we can talk about that when we get home, okay?
Emily: This is our home, Daddy.
Mr. Dinsmore: Not anymore, sweetheart. Our home's in Grandville.
Emily: I don't understand. Lana said I died.
Mr. Dinsmore: Lana doesn't know what she's talking about.
Emily: Yes, she does. She's my best friend.
Mr. Dinsmore: (More urgent) Emily. Get in the car.
He puts out his hand and Emily slaps it away.
Emily: No. (She goes toward the rabbit cages) I'm not going. I don't want to be locked up anymore. I want to be a normal girl. I want to play with Lana!
Mr. Dinsmore: You have to listen to me, Emily. You are never to see Lana Lang again. Do you understand?
Emily: You can't tell me what to do. I'll do whatever I want!
Mr. Dinsmore reaches for her and she runs away with super speed.
He turns around and looks for her. Suddenly a rusted metal pinwheel comes toward him and stabs him in the stomach. He falls to the ground and we see the point sticking up from his back as he lies there groaning.
Fade to black.
Act 2 Scene 1
Clark and Pete are walking through a cemetery. Day. It is pouring rain.
Pete: Clark, couldn't the bone yard visit have waited till after the rain stopped?
Clark: It's the only way to disprove the zombie theory.
Pete: Yeah. Well, if this Emily girl really is a ghost I really don't think she'd appreciate you scoping out her coffin..
Clark finds a headstone that says Emily Eve Dinsmore, January 20, 1986 - April 14, 1996. Loving Child, Blessed Angel.
Clark: Pete. Here it is. Emily Eve Dinsmore. Loving Child, Blessed Angel.
Clark looks into the ground with his X-ray vision. He sees Emily's skeleton inside the coffin.
Clark: The body hasn't been touched.
Pete elbows Clark and points into the distance. They see Emily standing there with her stuffed rabbit. She is dripping in the rain. She runs away with super speed.
Pete: Where'd she g--
Clark steps forward with super speed and we see him in normal speed as everything around him goes into slow motion. The rain drops hang in the air, almost completely still. He watches Emily run away and he runs after her. Time speeds back up to normal and Pete has barely moved.
Pete: (Finishing his sentence) --o? (He realizes that Clark is gone) Clark?
Clark runs after Emily into an open tomb. When he gets there he doesn't see her anywhere, but he notices a small heart-shaped locket on the ground and picks it up.
Act 2 Scene 2
Lana locks the doors at the Talon. Night. Emily suddenly slams her hands against the outside of the glass.
Lana: Aaah!
Last edited by bunniefuu on 12/31/69 19:00, edited 1 time in total.