Chloe: Is everything okay? I mean, I heard you were looking for me.
Clark: Yeah, um, I was, but... (He looks out toward the storm cellar) I can't talk to you right now.
He starts pushing her back to her car.
Chloe: What are you doing?
Clark: Look, I promise I'll find you later.
Chloe: Clark, I--
Clark: Don't worry. I'll find you, okay?
Clark starts to walk away and Chloe stands at her car, watching him.
Chloe: So how'd you decide? Rock-paper-scissors, coin toss, or did you just happen to draw the short straw?
Clark: Decide?
Chloe: (Walking toward him) Who was gonna tell me that you and Lana are together.
Clark: You know?
Chloe: Yeah. I came over to the barn the other night to warn you about something.
Clark: About what?
Chloe: You know, it doesn't matter now. The point is I saw you and Lana in a major lip lock.
Clark: I-I didn't mean--
Chloe: (Getting angry) Didn't what, Clark? Newsflash. You've always been in love with Lana. I tried to deny it, thinking that maybe we could work something out, but it's like fate, Clark. Inevitable, but always surprising when it actually happens.
Clark: I was gonna tell you.
Chloe: Really? Because obviously it was on the top of your to-do list. You know, I can deal with the fact that you guys are together. It hurts, but I was prepared for it. But we just made a promise to be honest with each other, and you didn't have the guts to keep you word!
Clark: Chloe--
Chloe: Or was it just that it was too much fun making a fool of me that you couldn't reveal your secret? (She starts walking to her car) Have a nice life, Clark.
Clark watches her drive away. Then he runs in the opposite direction.
Act 3 Scene 3
The Wedding March plays in the chapel and everyone is standing as Helen walks up the aisle in her white wedding dress. Day. She smiles at Lex and he smiles in return. She gets near the front and Lana is watching her, smiling but worried.
CUT TO Jonathan and Martha speeding home in the truck, clearly worried.
CUT TO Clark opening the door of the storm cellar. He grips the key box tightly and goes down the stairs. He approaches the ship, bathed in the foreboding blue light of the cellar, and holds the box in front of him. He takes a view breaths to prepare himself as he shifts back and forth on his feet and nods his head. Then he squeezes the box in his hands, crushing it, and revealing the Kryptonite key which immediately begins to glow and cause him pain.
Clark gasps a few times before falling to his knees. He is moving the key toward the groove in the ship with his right hand, which is already so weak that he has to hold it up with his left hand. The veins in his hand are a dark green and so prominent that they look like they are above the skin. Shaking, he slowly moves the key closer and closer to the groove, grunting as he finally gets it in and falls back onto the ground.
Immediately the surface of the ship starts to fester and burn in all directions from the key, accompanied by a sound of scraping metal. Clark crawls farther away as the ship continues to burn, rising jerkily into the air. Clark watches from the ground. The ship is trembling in midair, the burning surfaces sending out a green glow that fills the cellar as the screeching sound of the metal gets louder. The ship's shaking gets more and more violent until it disappears in a flash of white light.
Outside we see the door of the storm cellar sink into the ground and inside there is another burst of white light. It shoots out the door and straight into the sky and then sends out a ring of white energy expanding outward from the hole in the ground.
We see Jonathan and Martha driving, nearly home. They see the huge ring of energy, taller than a nearby telephone pole, shining and transparent, coming straight for them.
Martha: Aaah!
Jonathan swerves to avoid it and ends up driving into a field as sparks shower down from the telephone pole. The truck tips over and rolls several times, landing upside down.
CUT TO Lex's limo driving onto the airport runway. Lex and Helen get out smiling, and jog over to the LuthorCorp jet where a security officer is waiting outside the open door of the plane.
Man: Mr. and Mrs. Luthor, welcome aboard. It'll be a couple of minutes before we can take off. The tower's generator just kicked in. Seems the whole county suffered some sort of power failure.
Lex: Good. It'll mask our get away.
Lex gives the officer a playful slap on the shoulder and gets on the plane
CUT TO Clark lying on the ground, covered in rubble. He coughs and starts to sit up, pushing a plank of wood off his stomach. His shirt is shredded into rags, the sleeves almost completely gone. His face and hair are smeared with dirt. He finally gets to his feet and looks around, stumbling as he is slightly off balance. The angle widens and we see that he is in what is left of the storm cellar: a giant crater in the ground. The stairs up to ground level are the only recognizable feature remaining.
Clark runs up the stairs and trips at the top, falling onto his face. He gets up and looks into the distance where he sees Jonathan's red truck upside down in the field near the barn. He super speeds over to it.
CUT TO the LuthorCorp jet. We can hear the engines powering up as Lex sits across from Helen in the lavish plane. She has two glasses of champagne, one of which she hands to him. He takes her hand.
Lex: (Toasting) To our new life.
Helen smiles timidly, not responding.
Lex: What's the matter?
Helen: Nothing. Everything's perfect.
They clink their glasses together and sip their champagne.
Act 3 Scene 4
Jonathan stands outside a hospital room where Martha is unconscious. Day. Three different doctors are taking care of her as Jonathan watches through the window. Clark enters the hallway behind him.
Clark: How is she?
Jonathan: (Quiet) Doctors don't know yet. (Pause) What did you do, Clark?
Clark: I stole Lionel's Kryptonite key. I put it in the ship.
Jonathan: (Walking away from the window, behind Clark) And why did you do that?
Clark: Dad, I lied about the voice. (He turns to face Jonathan who is leaning against the opposite wall, facing away from Clark) It did come back. It told me I had to leave by noon. I didn't have a choice, Dad. I had to destroy the ship.
Jonathan: (Holding back tears) Why didn't you tell us?
Clark: I knew you wouldn't agree with what I did. Dad, I didn't want it to take me away from you. I'm so sorry for what I did.
Jonathan: (Turns to Clark, angry) Your actions have consequences, Clark. Didn't your mother and I ever teach you that?
Clark: Yes, but--
Jonathan: There's no time for excuses, Clark. It's too late. You didn't think this thing through. You had no idea what was gonna happen, and now... Now your mother is lying in a hospital bed.
The doctor comes out of Martha's room.
Doctor: Mr. Kent?
Jonathan: (Composing himself) Doctor, how is my wife?
Doctor: She has a mild concussion, but she'll be fine.
Jonathan: And how is our baby?
Doctor: I'm sorry.
Jonathan stands motionless as the doctor walks away.
Clark: Dad...
Jonathan shakes his head, unwilling to listen. He goes into Martha's hospital room and slams the door behind him. Clark stays where he is, shaken.
Fade to black.
Act 4 Scene 1
Lana walks up to the hole in the ground where the storm cellar was. Day. Clark is standing in the middle of it, a dazed expression on his face.
Lana: (Shocked) Clark, what happened? Looks like a bomb went off. (Coming down the stairs) Where are your parents?
Clark: (Quietly, without looking at her) Hospital. They're fine. My mom lost the baby.
Lana: (Coming closer) The baby?
Clark: This is all my fault, Lana. I did this.
Lana: How could you do this?
Clark: The same way I always do. I bring pain and suffering to everyone's lives.
Lana: Clark, that's not true.
Clark: Yes, Lana, it is. Lana, I've kept so much from you. If you knew the truth, you'd never talk to me again.
Lana: I don't believe that.
Clark: (His eyes fill with tears) I tried to cover up my past and push it away. I-I couldn't. (He paces around aimlessly) He said if I didn't go, everyone I love would be hurt. He was right.
Lana: (Coming closer) Clark, you're in shock. You're not making any--
Clark: (Pulling away) No, Lana, stay from me. Stay away from me before I hurt you too.
Clark runs up the stairs and away from the hole, leaving Lana confused and upset.
Act 4 Scene 2
Lionel pours a cup of tea for a guest in Lex's study. Day. The guest picks up the tea and sips it, but we can't see who it is.
Lionel: I'm glad you finally decided to accept my offer. You know, don't you, you have a very exciting future ahead of you, Miss Sullivan.
We see that he is talking to Chloe.
Chloe: Well, opportunities like this aren't dropped on your doorstep every day.
Lionel: Why the sudden change of heart?
Chloe: You were right about Clark. He wasn't who I thought he was.
Lionel: (Unsurprised) Oh.
Chloe: I'm surprised I hadn't noticed earlier. So much for my crack journalistic instinct.
Lionel: No, no, love has a way of blinding even the sharpest minds. We don't look because we don't want to see. But once love has been stripped away, then we see the real person clearly. They're revealed to us with all their flaws, their foibles, and their secrets.
Chloe blinks, only the slightest bit of nervousness showing on her face. Lionel looks at his watch.
Lionel: Oh, I've got a meeting. I'm sorry to rush you out like this.
Chloe: (Standing) It's fine.
Lionel starts to walk Chloe to the door and she stops.
Chloe: Mr. Luthor? Why are you so interested in Clark?
Lionel: (Chuckles) You don't expect me to show you all my cards, now do you?
Chloe: No, I guess not.
Lionel walks her to the door and opens it for her.
Lionel: All will be revealed in good time, Miss Sullivan.
Chloe: (Smiling) Thank you, Mr. Luthor.
Lionel chuckles good-naturedly and Chloe leaves. Once he closes the door, Lionel takes a silver LuthorCorp envelope out of his jacket pocket, seemingly the same envelope he tried to give to Helen. He holds it in his hand, contemplating.
Act 4 Scene 3
Clark walks to the window of Martha's hospital room. Day. Inside Martha is sobbing as Jonathan holds her in his arms.
Jonathan: I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here.
Clark touches his hand to the window, his own heartbreak showing on his face.
CUT TO Clark walking down the empty hall at school. He enters the Torch and goes to Chloe's desk, opening a drawer. He pulls it all the way out to look through it, then throws it on the ground and moves on to the next one. Pete enters.
Pete: Clark. I've been looking all over for you. I heard what happened.
Clark: (Still pulling out drawers) What, are you here to tell me I screwed up in some major way?
Pete: No. Hey, listen, I'm sorry and I want to help.
Clark: It's too late for that, Pete. No one can help me now.
Clark moves on to the other desk and keeps searching frantically.
Pete: Clark, what are you looking for?
Clark: I know Chloe kept one of those red Kryptonite rings around here somewhere.
Pete: Yeah, well, what do you want it for? You know what it does to you.
Clark: Yeah. It makes me feel better.
Pete: That's not the answer, Clark.
Clark keeps looking.
Pete: I saw Lana. I heard what happened to your mom's baby. Clark, you need to talk to your folks.
Clark: (Finally turning to face Pete) I did talk to my parents, Pete! You should have seen the way my dad looked at me. It was like I was an alien. If I'd have done what I should've in the beginning, none of this would have happened.
Clark glances at the floor and sees a small ring box under the desk among the other things he had emptied out of the drawers. He kneels down to pick it up and opens it, revealing the red Kryptonite class ring. He starts to leave and Pete stops him.
Pete: Clark, don't do it. When you put that ring on, you're not yourself.
Clark: Exactly what I don't want to be right now, Pete.
Clark pushes Pete out of the way and walks out the door. Pete comes after him.
Pete: Clark!
Pete shakes his head, discouraged.
Act 4 Scene 4
Clark walks a motorcycle out onto the dirt road outside his house. Day. Lana walks up, worried.
Lana: Clark, where are you going?
Clark walks away from the motorcycle and grabs his leather jacket from a bale of hay where it is resting.
Clark: Away from here.
Lana: The Clark Kent I know wouldn't run away from his problems.
Clark: (Putting on his jacket and going back to the motorcycle) The Clark Kent you know is a lie.
Lana: Why won't you let me in?
Clark: Because, Lana, you won't like what you see.
Lana comes to his side and grabs his arm, turning him around to face her.
Lana: I am not giving up on you.
Clark: No on can save me. Not even you.
Lana: (Starting to cry) Your parents need you. (Whispered as a tear rolls down her cheek) I need you.
Clark looks away painfully. Lana pulls his face back to her.
Lana: I love you, Clark.
Clark: I love you, too... more than you'll ever know. That's why I have to leave.
He turns away from her and pulls the ring out of his pocket. He sits down on the motorcycle and puts the ring on, the red in his veins crawling up his arm and his eyes glow red briefly. He takes a breath, almost relieved as the pain leaves his features, and turns to Lana.
Clark: Come with me.
Lana: Smallville's my home. It's your home too.
Clark shakes his head and puts on his sunglasses.
Clark: Not anymore.
He starts the motorcycle and speeds away, leaving Lana alone and in tears in the middle of the dirt road.
Act 4 Scene 5
We see the LuthorCorp Jet flying through dense clouds in the middle of a turbulent thunderstorm. Night. Inside, Lex is unconscious in his seat. Lightning flashes a few times and he slowly wakes up.
Lex: (Looking around) Helen?
Thunder crashes and Lex stands up. We can see the emergency oxygen masks hanging from the ceiling. The hum of the engines stops as they completely lose power, causing the plane to jerk. Lex grabs onto a seat to keep his balance.
Lex: Helen?!
Lex walks toward the front of the plane, the turbulence becoming more violent as he goes and he nearly loses his balance several times. He steadies himself in the doorway right in front of the cockpit. Then he lunges for the cockpit door and opens it. He freezes in fear at what he sees.
The cockpit is empty. The control panel has been torn apart, wires hanging down, and sparks flying everywhere. Through the front window, we can see the water of the ocean getting closer as the plane nosedives. Lex's eyes widen. The plane gets closer and closer until it finally hits, and the water crashes in through the windshield.
CUT TO Clark speeding down a country road on the motorcycle, an expression of fierce determination on his face. We hear the voice of Jor-El.
Jor-El: You will obey me, Kal-El.
Clark keeps going down the long straight road of Smallville toward the skyscrapers of Metropolis, just barely visible on the horizon.
Fade to black.
This Episode of Smallville featured music by:
"Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell on You)" by Aqualung
"High On Sunshine" by Kelly Brock
"Take Me Away" by Lifehouse
"Weapon" by Matthew Good
Transcribed by: Kerrplop