So far, this is "Our Story":
Once upon a time, I saw a cat flying at JK's face. Who then exclaimed, "YOU KILLED ROSWELL!" And JK cried out,"But I don't know where you came from. I couldn't help the fate of Roswell. It was Roswell. I'm a completely clueless moron that preferred KH's bad idea's over Majandra Delfino's wonderful ideas."
Just then, there was a loud crashing bang and everyone turned to see a pretty spaceship, sparkling. It was silver and glittery gold. And from a distance it looked full of people that were wearing spandex, whips, and bright green stripped antennas that glowed
And they had bright purple suspenders and neon shorts. That's just the men. The women on the ship about
puked when they heard the merry little men singing at the white wedding chapel that was holding a service for Max and Liz. And Maria was complaining, as usual, but Michael sang, while Isabel screamed, and Alex danced. The death of Kivar finally allowed evryone to rejoice.
Meanwhile, Mr. Parker headed back to his car shouting about alien grandbabies. And Mrs. Parker assured him that Liz was on top of making sure no one would find out their secret. Max said that everything would be alright, if they could just talk tomorrow. But now Max wanted Liz to make love.
They went back to the Crashdown and sat down. Suddenly, they heard clapping from (the) back. When they went to investigate, they, Michael and Maria, saw a green light coming from the TV set.
Meanwhile, Alex and Isabel went down to the sheriff's spotted leopard couch and made out until Jesse walked in and asked why she wasn't attracted to him and she said, "You're too stiff!" His face turned red and he went to drink.