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 Posted: 01/23/03 05:16
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Oh Claire?! :grouphug How I've missed you terribly! :missu
I saw you on the other morning and was like OMG -Claire is on :omg :omg :omg :omg

But then you left. :( So do tell-- however have you been? Sucked in by FF? :lol :lol Are you getting the Roswell Reruns over there? :dunno

Well, myself I've been horribly busy as I'm moving out of state next week... so I'm buried to my head in boxes. I still have this horrible cough from a month ago. :sick And latest would be that my whole family called me last night about my great-grandmother who is in the hospital. It really doesn't look to good. I'm supposed to get a call later today on how everything is or isn't going. She started out with the Flu and has worsened to both lungs having pnemonia (sp?). The doctors came in yesterday and since she was still in "right mind" asked her if she wanted life support or to be revived should something happen and she said no- as she is ready to die. My mom broke out in hysterics, everyone was fighting on the issue. Big mess really. My sister called last night and said she actually looked like she was the happiest she's seen her (besides all the pain) and that she said to a few of them in the room that she wanted to go to the mall. They replied, why? And she said because she wanted to pick out a dress to go to heaven in. :cry2 It's all pretty sad. I'm going to miss her terribly. :sad

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 Posted: 01/23/03 06:12



Posts: 2252

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Bunnie, :hug . It's always hard to loose someone you love. I'm dreading the day when I loose my maternal grandmother. I'm very close to her, and...yeah. I'm here for you if you need me.

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 Posted: 01/23/03 09:07

Blacked Out

Blacked Out

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Bunnie - Oh my, I'm so sorry for you! :grouphug It's so hard to see them go. It's certainly horrible for your great-grandmother in the state she's in - elderly people catch pneumonia immediately often enough as soon as there is anything that has them confined to bed. But if she's happy in this state, it's good for her. Sometimes elderly people are just fed up with everything. My brother is currently working at a retirement community and he says the elderly people there are very often fed up with life. I know this is of no comfort to you, but if you think about that your great-grandma seems to be at peace now with her life and everything else, that she is okay with what's happening, it might help you. :hug :hug :hug

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