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  01x12 - Legacy
 Posted: 01/22/12 17:55
# 1 
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You are being watched.

The government has a secret system--

A machine that spies on you every hour of every day.

I know, because I built it.

I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything...

Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you, crimes the government considered irrelevant.

They wouldn't act, so I decided I would.

But I needed a partner--

Someone with the skills to intervene.

Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret.

You will never find us.

But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you.

Your coffee's getting cold, Detective.

Nice suit.

You finally found me.

But I don't hear any sirens or see you reaching for your gun.

I looked for a "I'm sorry I got you shot" card, but they were all out.

I had no idea what Snow was capable of...

That he'd actually try to kill you.

Why did you contact me, Carter?

Got a lot of questions.

Well, you managed to lose your tail.

That's quite a feat.

Those CIA boys spend a lot of time learning how to be invisible.

You think Snow is my only problem?

Is there another agency following you that I'm not aware of?

You've got an entire NYPD task force looking for you.

Had to run two lights getting here just to make sure my own people weren't trailing me.

I'm a cop, which means I've got rules.

Rules that can't be broken.

There's no looking back.

How are you getting your information?

All I can tell you is we hear about people in danger.

Or people who are causing it.

Why me?

Because your moral compass is pointed in the right direction.

Because I'm tired of you chasing me.

How does this work?

Andrea Gutierrez?

Civil litigation attorney with a sealed juvie record.

I need it unsealed, Carter.

What did I just say about rules?

You have your rules...

And you have the chance to save a life.

It's your choice.

I'll be in touch.

You look worried, Finch.

Did your tailor move out of the city?

How was your breakfast meeting with Detective Carter?

You heard her.

She wants to know how we get our information.

She can never know about the machine.

I doubt if she'd believe it if I told her.

She did agree to get us Andrea Gutierrez's juvie file.

Well, that's a step in the right direction.

What else did you find out about our lawyer?

Andrea Gutierrez, born and raised in Queens.

Got her GED after dropping out of high school.

Worked her way through community college, then SUNY New Paltz and Queens College law where she studied civil litigation.

She's a scrapper.


Just trying to make a better life for herself.

Yes, but a better life can be expensive.

She owes $50,000 in student loans...

And another $20,000 on her credit cards.

That's a lot of debt.

Maybe she borrowed money from the wrong person.

It's possible; She owes money on her business, too.

Excuse me. Sorry.

Apparently she's trying to carve out a niche for herself by suing the State on behalf of inmates and ex-cons with grievances from their stay behind bars.

How's that working out for her?

She's 0-for-6.

I imagine she hopes her current case will be lucky number seven.

Objection, Your Honor.

Relevance of this testimony?

Your honor, I'm just trying to prove my client's only wrongdoing was not cleaning his apartment well enough.

The drugs were old, dusty, from the days before Mr. King was clean.

Objection. Is Ms. Gutierrez testifying now?

Judge O'Connor, this case is baseless, just like every other ex-con nuisance case Ms. Gutierrez has brought before this court.

And we, the State, ask you to treat it as such.

Give me a break.

Ms. Gutierrez.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I just have a hard time taking the State seriously when it's wearing that tie.


Let's adjourn while you two grow up.

Get your witnesses in order.

We'll reconvene on Friday.

[Taps gavel]

I'll come see you tomorrow, I promise.

And you'll bring Jacob?

You bet.

This is so wrong. Andrea, I mean, I didn't...

I didn't even do anything.

Remember what I said about not communicating with anyone from the trial, Terrence?

He's my--

He's my parole officer.

Not right now, he's not.

Galuska, I told you those drugs weren't mine.

I mean, you tested me, man. Why don't you believe me?

I just did my job, Terrence.

Those drugs were in your place. That makes them yours.

You should have been more careful.

Thank you for calling DFS. How may I assist you?

Pastrami from Zabar's?

You must need something big.

Terrence King's blood test.

His parole officer did one when he was arrested, and I need it to help me prove that he wasn't using.

Did you put in a request?

Weeks ago, but...

I'll look into it, Andi.

Thank you.

[Whispers] You better go. Boss lady's coming.

I thought you were working through lunch, Chris...

Not entertaining visitors.

She just came for a file.

Did you go through proper channels?

I did Gloria, I swear.

But those channels are so freaking... slow.

[Mouthing words]

All right, to Poe finally getting his diploma.

Did Ms. Gutierrez go home?

She stopped for drinks with some friends.

I was worried you'd change your mind.

Ha, not yet.

I've got your girl Andrea Gutierrez's juvie records.

Teenage troublemaker, B&E her sophomore year, and a string of larceny charges.

One moment, Carter.

What is it, Lionel?

Carter's up to something.

You need to watch your ass.

I appreciate your concern about my ass, Lionel, but I can handle Detective Carter.

I'm telling you, she's talking to someone and keeping it on the down low, working something on her own.

I'll keep that in mind.

You still with me, Carter?

Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm still with you.

So what do we do now?

We'll watch and wait.

And Carter?



Mr. Reese, I'm not sure that keeping both of our detectives in the dark is the best course of action.

This could get really complicated.

They're assets.

The less they know about each other, the safer they'll be.

Right now, I'm more concerned with Ms. Gutierrez.


Finch, someone's tailing our girl.

Someone other than you?

[Both grunting]

Mr. Reese?

Mr. Reese, are you all right?

Yeah, wishing gunshot wounds...

Healed faster right about now.


Assailant's into anabolic steroids.

Where's Ms. Gutierrez?

She's safe for now.

But with the way that guy handled himself, I don't know for how much longer.

Any guesses about who'd want to kill our attorney?

The guy who tried to attack her last night looked like he'd done time.

Could be, uh, angry former client?

Excuse me.

Well, we need to get her files.

See if the assailant is one of her clients.

Narrow down our suspects.

[Phone rings]



I'll be there as soon as I can.

Half day, Finch?

Stay close to Ms. Gutierrez.

I'll be back soon.

You cut your hair... finally.

Got new glasses. Finally.

I suppose you could use some rest before I lecture you on the perils of underground gambling.

That'd be great. I've been up almost 48 hours.

My cellmate snored like a freight train.

Happy you're home, Will.

Sorry you had to bail me out again.

Well, it's good to have you back either way.

[Cell phone rings]

How'd you get into my office without anyone noticing?

Trade secret.

I need you to help me to find out where to buy that brand of steroid.

What, you looking to beef up?

It belonged to a guy I had a run-in with last night.

Skilled fighter.

Looking to track down the gym where he juices up.

Are you having second thoughts?

There's just a lot of prying eyes around this place.

You're getting paranoid, Carter.

That's a step in the right direction.

So you want to sue your boss.

Wonderful, uh... We can absolutely do that.

Um, what, uh...

What type of work do you do?

Uh, it's um, complicated.

Okay. How did you hear about me?

A bailiff said ex-cons with gripes against the State is your specialty.

Is that bad information?

Um, no, not at all.

It's just I thought you were a clear-cut civil case.

The unicorn I've been looking for...

Like the perfect man.



Sorry, I'm all thumbs today.

I do it all the time. I'll be right back.

Nicely done, Mr. Reese. I have a signal now.

How was your appointment?

Quite productive, thank you.


Here we go. Okay.

So, tell me, why do you want to sue your boss?

Well, my working conditions are, um...


I slipped and hurt my back.

Did that happen on the job?

Just last night, actually.

Mr. Reese, I've got sound in both microphones, now.

Connecting to her hard drive.

I sent an email with a virus promising 40% off any purchase at Bloomingdales.

She couldn't resist downloading it.

So, what's this boss of yours like?

Very manipulative. Secretive.

We've had some personality conflicts.

I take it he has a lot of money.

He's, uh, one of those rich loner types.

Kind you'd call strange if he didn't have so much cash.

So, instead, he's, uh, eccentric.

Well, this case is going to rack up a lot of hours.

I can pay upfront.

Then I can start immediately.

Well, after my next appointment.

I'm, uh, running late.

I'll call you.

I look forward to it.


There he is.



Chris did me a big favor by picking him up from the foster family's place.

When are you coming home, daddy?

I don't like my room.

Andrea's gonna get me out of here sooner than you know it, all right?

That's right, buddy.

Yeah, Jacob, why don't you go over there right now, hang with Chris for a minute and let me finish talking with Andrea?

So, um, so did you get the blood test?

Chris is working on it, but even if we get it--

Right. They still found the drugs in my house.

Maybe we can get you tested at an independent lab and prove that you were clean. It could help.

Whatever you need, I'll do it.

Look, I know I can't pay you and I know that it's not looking good, but...

Thank you.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

[Cell phone vibrates]

You've found something.

Brand name's Anadrol.

It's a popular compound found in some MMA gyms.

Turned up in buy-and-busts at three gyms in the boroughs.

What are the locations?

I'll tell you only if I don't wind up getting called to a crime scene, understood?

You have my word, Detective.

Any sign of our assailant?

Third location, and still nothing.

Could be our friend from last night decided to take the day off.

Finch, I see him.

Hey, you remember me?


[Both grunting]

[Car horn honks, brakes screech]

Look out!

[Brakes screech]

Reese, are you okay?

Yes, but I can't say the same about the other guy.

So much for not dropping any bodies.

Our dearly departed hit man, Alonso Garcia, was an ex-con.

He served three years at Five Points for second-degree manslaughter.

But Andrea wasn't his representative.

Then what's their connection?

Terrence King.

They share a parole officer named Dominic Galuska.

Yeah, saw him at the courthouse.

Maybe I should pay Mr. Galuska a visit, see if this is more than just a coincidence.

I know what you're gonna say.

I give you an address, and you promised me no one would get dead, and what happens?

In my defense, Mr. Garcia didn't look both ways before crossing the street.

[Camera lens clicks]

How did you know the dead guy's name?

We couldn't find any ID on him.

It was on his driver's license.

You stole a dead guy's wallet?

He tried to kill Andrea Gutierrez last night, and he was going to try again.

Garcia had just under, what, 10 grand on him?

My guess, it's a payoff for a hit.

Who'd want to kill her?

I'm working on it.

I can't pay you this month, Galuska.

If I don't get my cut, I bet I could find a dozen parole violations, throw you back inside.

[Lens snapping]

That's 10%, okay?

When I got you this job, our deal was 30% of your paycheck.

Don't you cheap out on me, Lou.

Hey, Dominic!

Where's my money?

Who do you think you're talking to?

I thought I was talking to the guy who's shaking down his parolees for their legit pay.

See if you can find me a bottle of booze in there, will you?

Thank you.

911, state your emergency.

I'm Dominic Galuska, and I may be a danger to myself and others.

Wow, the old loft.

Yeah, haven't been here since the funeral.

I thought you might come back to it someday.

I'm packing some stuff up to send to storage.

If there's anything that you're interested in, let me know.

Thanks. You thinking about staying?

No, I'm thinking about selling the place.

Never really liked it much here.


It's where he moved after the divorce.

Always seemed too big... Expensive... vacant.

Well, he worked a lot.

Guess I can see how you might think that.

Sorry, I forgot to ask--

How's the insurance business going?

Boring as ever, thank you.

Have you had a chance to go through everything?

It turns out dad was a bit of a pack rat.

It looks like half of it's mine.

Projects, awards, papers from school.

Well, you always were an outstanding student.

Have you thought about finishing your residency?

No, got plenty of action around the world with MSF, Red Cross.

Didn't feel like I was helping people.

You're a doctor. All you do is help people.

I treat symptoms of the disease after the fact, never the underlying cause.

I want to really help people.

I was just thinking how much you sound like your father.


Any chance I can convince you to stay?


Well, don't leave without saying good-bye.

I won't.

[Cell phone rings]

You framed Galuska for making a death threat against one of his parolees?

You said you needed evidence.

Not like that.

If you don't wanna interrogate him, Carter, I'd be happy to do it for you.

He's already in the box.

Good, we need to find out if he's working with anyone.

See if he's sent anyone else after Andrea.

I know how to do my job, thank you.

But I did find something interesting about Galuska.

Several of his parolees that got sent back inside complained about him setting them up.

Said Galuska planted evidence on them.

What does he get out of it?

I'm gonna find that out.

In the meantime, can you try not to break any more laws?

[Cell phone vibrates]

Hello, Lionel, miss me?

Yeah, like I miss a hangover.

I've got a job for you.

This about Carter?

Because she's still acting all hinky.

No, it's not Carter I'm concerned about right now.

It's someone else.

All right, what's this job?


Do we have an appointment?

No, but I have a question.

I was just assigned a new PO.

He's being difficult.

His name's Dominic Galuska.

I know that guy. Total jackass.

He keeps searching my apartment, and there's nothing to find, but he keeps coming back.

If he shows up again, call me.

I'll be there, anytime of the day or night.

On the clock, of course.

How's that site working out for you?



It's hard to find the right kind of guy in my line of work.

That seems odd, because you're very attractive, smart...

Let me stop you there, John.

I don't date my clients or ex-cons.

Been there, done that.

This is Andrea 2.0 you're looking at.

Plus, I need your money.

And I like my guys not quite so...

Better looking than me.

Why did you stay in the town where you grew up?

I mean, why not start fresh?

Because I'm not running away from who I was.

I was taught it's okay to make mistakes, and I believe everyone deserves a second chance.

Threatening a parolee's life, Dominic?

This is some kind of misunderstanding.

Just a little depressed, huh?

You got a tough job.

From what I'm seeing here, you're not very good at it.

You got the worst recidivism rate in your office.

Kicked more guys back inside last month than I did.

Some were even saying they were set up.

You know a criminal's motto, Detective, "I didn't do it."

You're doing a public service, Mr. Galuska.

Hard work, crap pay.

Which is why it's interesting you drive such a nice truck.

My aunt passed away a couple of months ago.

Left me some money.

Why do you care?

I care when people get hurt.

Like your parolee, Alonso Garcia.

Guy got run over in red hook this afternoon.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Did you know Mr. Garcia tried to kill Andrea Gutierrez two nights ago?

Like I said, couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

I can't, for the life of me, figure out what kind of grudge Alonso Garcia would have against Ms. Gutierrez, can you?

I think I'm ready for my lawyer now.


How'd it go?

I'm sorry, got a big goose egg on this one.

Galuska walked.

Oh, no, you did great, Carter.

Because while you two were having a chat, I got into his apartment, borrowed his computer.

You broke into his apartment?

You said you couldn't do anything illegal.

You didn't say anything about me.

Mr. Galuska should know better than to protect his important files with his birth date.

That's a hell of a lot of money in the bank for a man who makes less than 50 grand a year.

Each deposit coincides with when he sent one of his parolees back to prison.

He's getting kickbacks from somewhere or someone.

Prisons are big business.

The more inmates, the more funding.

Mr. Galuska took out exactly $9,900 from his savings account three days ago.

Anything over 10,000 gets flagged by the IRS.

He paid Alonso Garcia to kill Andrea.

That's not the only withdrawal.

There's another one in the same amount just last night.

That means--

He hired someone else to finish the job.



John, what is going on?

I don't need your services anymore, Andrea.

But I think you're gonna need mine.

Mr. Reese, are you at the safe house yet?

Heading there now.

Okay, what the hell?!

You're in danger, Andrea.

Um, you think? Who was the guy with the gun, and who are you, because your back seemed just fine when you went ninja on that guy.

I'm like you-- I give people second chances.

So you were never in jail?

Not in this country.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Excuse me.

Mr. Reese?

An arrest report just came in for the gentleman you apprehended in the law library.

His name is Wendell Lentz, and I've confirmed that he's one of Dominic Galuska's parolees.

Okay, we need to make sure Galuska doesn't have any more killers out there looking for Andrea.

What did I do?

Galuska's getting money from someone to set up his ex-cons and send them back to prison.

You kicked a hornet's nest with Terrence's case.

Galuska may have planted those drugs in his home.

Oh, my God.

That means Terrence is actually innocent.

You weren't sure?

I wanted to be.

Terrence was given a drug test the night he was arrested, and it came back negative.

Galuska and the department of corrections conveniently misplaced it.

I never got a copy of the report.

A little more digging, you'd also have found all the complaints filed against him.

Parolees who said Galuska set them up.

I need to tell Terrence.

You need to stay here until I find out who else he may have hired to kill you and who Galuska's working for.

Stay here, lock the doors, and don't open them for anyone.

I take it you know how to use this?

You grow up where I did, you know how to handle yourself.


You're getting better at ditching your tail.

Maybe you got a knack for breaking the law.

I've been going back through Galuska's files and found a pattern.

In the past year, all the parolees he's busted were single parents.

Which means their kids end up in foster care.

Galuska wasn't getting paid for the parolees.

He was getting paid for their kids.

Each child is worth about 800 bucks a month.

Galuska's gotta be working with someone at DFS.

Well, DFS is a big agency.

I'm gonna have a talk with Mary and Paul Kinsey--

The foster parents looking after Terrence King's kid.

You're good at this, Carter.

It's my job.

And I didn't even have to shoot anyone to do it.

I just have a few questions, Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey.

I promise not to take up too much of your time.

Something wrong?

I certainly hope not, ma'am.

I see here you have six foster children under you care.

Is that still correct?

It is, yes.

Okay, and, uh, Jacob King is one of those kids?

This is about Jacob?

He misses his dad, but... He's adjusting just fine.

Do you, either of you, know a man named Dominic Galuska?

No, who's that?

What about Gloria Copeland?

She's the head of foster placement at DFS.

Where do all six of the children that are under your care sleep?

Because it looks to me...

You live in a one-bedroom apartment.

Not much space for six kids and two adults.

Okay, you tell me the truth now, or I arrest both of you for interfering with a criminal investigation.

Jacob's the only child living with us right now.

So the others on the list, Rebecca Johnson, Trey White...

Rebecca ran away months ago.

Trey White and the other children, they...

The others don't exist.

But I bet you're still getting paid for all of them.

Enough, Paul.

You shut your mouth.

[Cell phone rings]

Galuska's not smart enough to pull this off on his own.

So he had to have a contact at DFS, and you are going to tell me who that person is.

We want a lawyer.

And our phone call.


Don't go anywhere.

Who is this?

You know who, Detective.

I want you to give the Kinseys their phone call.

You are interrupting me in the middle of an interrogation.

Sounded like the end of an interrogation to me.

They asked for their lawyer.

How would you know that?

Are you bugging my phone?

I want you to give the Kinseys their phone call.

Not until I find out who their contact at DFS is.

We think we already know who that person is, Detective.

We've checked the DFS filings for the last six parolees that Galuska busted.

The signatures on all six belong to one woman, Gloria Copeland.

Yeah, but that's not enough evidence to arrest her.

DFS is a mountain of paperwork.

It'd take months to sort through it all, and if the Kinseys tip her off, Copeland's only gonna destroy the evidence.

That's exactly what we want her to do.

If we're gonna work together, Detective, a little bit of trust is in order.

Finch, are you in?


Well, you need to move fast.

Thanks for that newsflash, Mr. Reese.

Here I was planning to move at a sloth-like pace and get myself captured.

The scanner's installed, Mr. Reese.

Was that fast enough for you?


[Phone rings] Hello?

Will you accept a collect call from Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, on behalf of Terrence?

Yes, of course.

Terrence, what's wrong?

They're moving me to Attica tomorrow.


Why? I don't know.

But look, that's not a detention facility.

That's maximum security...

And I can't make it in there.

Look, I'm just gonna file an injunction to stop the transfer.

We're gonna need some help convincing a judge.

Okay, all right.

I'm gonna take care of this, okay, T?


We were right.

The Kinseys must have contacted Gloria Copeland.

She's begun shredding the documents.

I'm getting the scans now.

Every time Dominic Galuska sends one of his parolees back to prison, Ms. Copeland uses the foster care paperwork to hide the kids she's fabricated.

She makes it look like the parolees have more kids than they actually do.

This scam must be worth upwards of $1/4 million a month.

We got a problem then, Finch.

Gloria Copeland left work early.

She isn't the one shredding the documents.

Galuska's got a different contact at DFS.

Andrea, wh-- what are you doing here?

Terrence is being transferred to Attica in the morning.

Um, what do you want me to do about it?

Call his case worker, Chris.

Tell her to contact the judge who made the order.

The transfer's not in the best interest of the child.

I can't do that.

What's wrong with you? Why not?

Because I'm the one that asked the judge to move him.

You're working with Galuska.

You know the shame of it, Andi?

Turns out you're actually a pretty good lawyer.

Not that anyone's ever gonna know it.

Mr. Reese, I'm running a handwriting analysis on the signatures of Gloria Copeland and Chris Scollard.

The Rs in both names are identical.

He forged her signature.

Gloria Copeland had no idea what was going on.

Why would you do this, Chris?

How could you betray all those families?

Those kids were better off with their foster families than they ever were with their convict parents.

Terrence's son gave him a reason to stay clean.

He got a job, a life.

Who are you to take away their chance at being a family?

I admire that bleeding heart of yours.

I'd rather it bleed than stop beating altogether.


He's getting away.

No, he's not.

NYPD. Turn around.

Drop your weapon.

Drop it!

[Overlapping chatter]

Whoa, come here, buddy.


Oh, I missed you, man.

I missed you so much.

Um, I'll be right back.

Yeah, yeah.

I read about your settlement with the State.

Wrongful imprisonment, defamation of character--

Don't forget violation of civil rights and malicious prosecution.

You get 30% of $10 million. Not bad.

Maybe you can stop sneaking into NYU's library.

I think I'm gonna start with a new pair of shoes.

Besides, I like it in there.

Has a good vibe.

Even after you almost go killed?

Well, I had you and your complicated job to save me.

You ever think of having a less hazardous profession like mountain climbing or bear wrestling?

I mean, is it really worth risking your life for people you don't know?

You're not the only one who believes in second chances.


Thank you.

Hey, Uncle Harold.

When you called, I assumed it was going to be good-bye again.

No, I'm not gonna sell the place.

Not right away, anyway.

Are you taking up your residency again?


I'm done patching people up, and I wanna find out more about my dad.

Look at this.

This was the day you got into med school.

He was so proud of you.

Always was.

Going through his things, I realize how little I really knew him.

I think most fathers are a mystery to their sons.

Well, most sons don't have the advantage of reading the unauthorized biography.

Or all this.

It's from the audit the lawyers did when he left me his half of the company.

Now, most of it I don't understand.

I get lost when it comes to computers, like you, right?

[Laughs] Right.

But, there are some things I do understand.

Inconsistencies like... Did you know that he shut down IFT for nearly seven years?

Yes, I knew that he downsized a bit.

Well, he gave all his employees severance and sent them packing.

Why would he do that?

And, look, whatever it was that he was working on, he sold it to the government for a dollar.

So that means it was either something worthless...

Or priceless.

Did he ever talk to you about it?

I mean, you were his closest friend.

No, he never did.

[Phone rings]

Where have you been, Finch?

I won't be back in the office today.

Maybe you should take the rest of the day off as well.

You want to talk about it?

Not particularly.

But you admit there is something going on, something that you're worried about.

That makes me worried.

Well, you needn't, Mr. Reese.

I hope you understand that there are certain things that I can't tell you.

Oh, I understand completely, Finch.

[Phone rings]

How's it going, Lionel?

I'm on that new assignment you gave me.

I gotta say, I should at least be getting cab fare for this.

This job ending any time soon?

As soon as I get some answers.

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