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  ROSWELL The Movie : Fan Film
 Posted: 02/07/09 20:17
# 1 
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Hi Roswell Fans! It's time to start taking action and make this happen. Start getting your cameras ready and send in your videos today to be apart of the Roswell The Movie Fan Film. If you don't have access to a camera, you can send in voice audio and a picture of yourself, or just audio, whatever works for you. If you can't do either of those, send in text and that will be used instead. Once there are a lot of videos together, the plan is to include this on a DVD and send it with other Roswell The Movie information to the creators/cast of the show, as well as have it shown and featured on the website. This is your chance to tell them just how much this means to you and how important it is to you. Don't miss out on this opportunity. More exciting things are coming, so start getting involved now. The time is NOW to make this happen! Head on over to: and click on "EVENTS" for more information on how to submit your videos. Looking forward to seeing your videos, Jen

  Re: ROSWELL The Movie : Fan Film
 Posted: 03/09/13 21:20
# 2 
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Hey roswellthemovie I never got the chance to say welcome to the board - :fd

And thanks for sharing this info! I wonder if it ever was done and I still wonder if they will ever make a movie based on this series? Anyone, have any news or updates on this?

  Re: ROSWELL The Movie : Fan Film
 Posted: 03/14/13 18:42
# 3 
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This is on her website:

Dear Roswell Fans,

It is with great sadness that I write to you today. As you'll notice the website ( is now gone, including the Roswell: The Next Generation site.

I was contacted by 20th Century FOX's legal counsel and they demanded that I remove everything and stop work on all Roswell projects or they will be taking legal action against me. I spoke with them in regards to the purpose and mission of Roswell The Movie and Roswell: The Next Generation, letting them know that what we wanted all along was for them to work with us in getting these projects produced and available to the fans. I was told they would talk to people, within FOX, about it, but I still had to remove everything immediately.

I hope that all of you will have gotten something out of this project. What I hope you got out of this project most, is the realization that when we come together for a common cause, we can be heard. More often then not, people feel they have no voice in this world and can't actually make a difference. Sure, we may not have gotten our project made, but we did accomplish one goal we set out to do, and that was to get FOX's attention. We made ourselves heard! Also, we came together, combining our skills, passions and talents to make something out of nothing. I wish all of you could have read the screenplay for Roswell The Movie and especially could have read the story and concept for Roswell: The Next Generation. Sue, our writer on that project, had an incredible vision for the show and really put together an outstanding story. I know it would have definitely blown all of you away. Bradley, a very talented composer, shared his work with me and was going to begin work on musical compositions for the webisodes. If you could have heard his music, you would also have been incredibly wowed. Lena, from crashdown.comm helped in every way she could by giving ideas and suggestions and promoting the project on her website. I hope you will continue to support her site and dedication. And many, many other people helped as well. Actors and actresses were willing to lend their talent and time to this project as well. People who worked in all different areas were willing to donate their gifts to this project because that's how much it mattered to them. Even all of you who supported the project and sent in email after email of encouragement and support were a HUGE part in all we did.

One thing I want all of you to know, is that no matter what I never lost hope or faith in this project. I truly believed in it and believed that we would make this happen. I wish with all my heart that FOX would truly see how important Roswell is and how wrong it is to shut us down. I am very upset and saddened by their decision and hope that all of you know how much your support, encouragement, dedication and concern for this project meant.

Although I have written all of this, I am truly at a loss for words. What this project meant to me personally were so many things. I can't even begin to explain how devastated I am right now. Again, I just want all of you to know that this was NOT my decision and I tried everything I could to change FOX's mind. FOX made the decision to shut this project and website down. Up until I heard from FOX, I was working on arranging everything to be filming the RTNG webisodes. We were moving along really well, but FOX has quickly put a stop to everything we've been working on.

If you have any questions, comments or things you just want to say, feel free to email me:

My email still works and I will check it from time to time. Obviously we were onto something really good and FOX didn't like it! I am so very sorry and wish that there was something I could do to change FOX's mind, but they won't budge.



  Re: ROSWELL The Movie : Fan Film
 Posted: 05/31/13 19:58
# 4 
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Oh that is so sad! Especially since the fans had such an outcry for a Veronica Mars movie after that TV show was cancelled and now they are actually doing it-- they are filming now and it's supposed to hit theaters this year! I don't understand why Roswell can't do the same. :dunno :sad

  Re: ROSWELL The Movie : Fan Film
 Posted: 08/20/13 11:56
# 5 
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Well, if I recall correctly, this was from a few years ago, so who knows...maybe...

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