The German was sick.
Should I be worried about that? Art you're about the only person I trust to figure the whole thing out.
You need a warrant for Sarah Manning.
They can tell us apart by our DNA.
Dig faster.
Cosima's safety is at stake.
Well, she's not only researching her own biology, but she is aware of eight others.
You know, I've never been with a woman before.
Yeah, it showed.
Maybe it's not just Aynsley.
Maybe they're all monitors.
You want to mess with my life? I'm going to mess with yours.
I'm about to give Helena to Leekie.
She said she'd be here.
I grew up pure in a convent in Ukraine.
No! Where's Helena? I tied her up in the trunk.
Sarah! Sarah, this is Amelia.
I'm your birth mother.
I had twins.
One to the state and one to the church.
Ready? Yes.
I carried you both.
I need to see her.
I don't think that nine months of gestation entitles her to risk us all.
Hey, look, Helena's my twin sister.
She has a right to know.
Because you shared a womb? Helena.
She's had her whole world turned inside out, just like I have.
How Helena takes this determines what we do with her.
I need to see you privately, away from here.
What for? I have something for you.
From back then, about my in vitro treatments.
Okay, I've got a place we can meet.
Helena, this is Amelia, your birth mum.
Eh, look.
Hey! You listen to what she has to say, or I'll put you right back in the trunk and I'll take you straight to Leekie.
How can you be my birth mother? Helena, I am birth mother to you both.
Who's here? Ah monkey, you're not supposed to be up! What's the matter, love? I think something bad is going to happen again.
Yeah, that's what this is, our connection.
We were implanted by doctors, all of us.
You split inside me, into two baby girls and I hid you because I felt you were in danger.
You're my twin sister.
I don't want to be your sister, meathead.
Look, I just want you to know you're not the original.
Got it? You were born of science, not of some immaculate womb, or whatever bullshit Tomas fed you.
This is the police! - Shit.
Sarah! - We have a warrant! This is your last warning! Sit down.
You're just visiting.
Sarah Manning! - Come out with your hands up! - Come out now! Put your hands on your head! - Turn around! - Hands up, now! Sarah Manning, you're under arrest.
Let's go.
Original Air Date June 1, 2013 Sarah.
I still see Beth.
I didn't kill her, Art.
You watched her commit suicide and then you went straight for her wallet.
Beckwith finished Jane Doe's facial reconstruction.
Who's this one? You've been obstructing this investigation from the minute you took over Beth's life.
You're the prime suspect, Sarah.
I didn't kill her, Art! You know who did? We've got your foster brother Felix in custody for abetting and your daughter? She's going to be one lonely little girl, unless you start talking! You wouldn't believe it.
Yeah? Try me.
Good, slide it out again, go.
Go, come on, feel it work.
Mnh! Push it up.
You got it.
Clap it high.
You know what? Slide it out for 2.
Here's 2.
Slide it to the right again.
Go Mnh! Yeah? Alison! Dr.
Aldous Leekie.
It's a lovely home.
I'm warning you I'm armed.
What do you want? To make amends.
So, you want me to sign a contract.
No, more like a treaty Rules both sides will abide by.
Even though everything you've done is illegal.
You must think I'm so stupid.
Stupid, suburban Alison.
Quite the opposite.
You're a pragmatic and decisive individual and, now that you're self-aware, we can start to answer some of your questions.
I don't want answers anymore.
I want my life back.
I want my family back, I want my privacy back, I want you out of my life! And I want things to be normal again.
I'm so glad you said so.
This enshrines your family's freedom, guarantees protection from the likes of Helena, and ensures you'll be unmonitored.
Unmonitored? Yes.
But in return, you agree to twice-yearly medical testing, private and noninvasive.
I don't want to scare you, but, there are health concerns Katja's respiratory disorder, Helena's mental illness.
Regular testing is in everyone's best interest.
So, read it over, discuss it with Sarah and Cosima.
And, as a gesture of good faith, your monitor has been lifted.
She has? Mm-hmm.
Don't get up.
You purposely misidentified the body of a police officer.
It was a terrible case of mistaken identity.
You know it's fraud by false representation.
That's 2 to 5, with your priors.
I thought it was my sister.
You know, Angela Deangelis, I'm actually quite a fan.
But you really need to get laid.
Yeah, tell me about it.
But all I seem to meet are gay men.
So, public defender, then, is it? We'll get you a real shitty one.
Thank you.
Cosima! Please, don't be alarmed.
I'm beyond alarmed.
I'm pissed.
Let me give you a lift to your hotel.
I have an offer you may find interesting.
It's your phone.
Well, it's Beth's phone, actually.
So help me wrap my head around this.
Art, if you're hearing this, you found the body.
It's not Beth.
It's me.
My name is Sarah Manning and You're about the only person I trust to figure the whole thing out.
Sarah, my partner killed herself.
I didn't see it coming.
Help me.
Help Beth.
I know you care.
There's a reason we look exactly the same, Art.
Why the prints match, and the DNA's all screwed up.
But you have to promise to protect me and my daughter.
I will.
If that's what you need, I promise.
Detective, this interview is over.
What is this? Sorry, Art.
Miss Manning, I'm your lawyer, Daniel Rosen.
Unshackle her, please.
Miss Manning will be leaving with me.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Miss Manning.
This is an employment contract for the Dyad Institute.
Very generous compensation.
We want to work with you, Cosima.
You've got to be kidding me.
This is your complete sequenced genome.
base pairs.
My offer is the freedom to study yourself and your sisters.
Unfettered research.
We share the same concerns, the same questions about organism stability, but nobody nobody Is more invested in your own biology than you! It's yours.
Just think about it.
Where are you taking me? We had your brother released as well.
Who's "we"? You work for Dr.
Leekie? Indirectly.
Great, should've known.
Can we have a minute? You left me hanging with Leekie when you didn't show up with Helena.
Do you work for Leekie now? They still have Afghanistan on me, understand? What is that? You changed the game for everyone, Sarah.
Now, I can only help you from here.
Listen to what they have to say.
Do I have a choice? Right.
Sarah Manning.
So, my name is Rachel Duncan and we are going to come to terms.
The agreement defines mutual disclosure and formalizes contact with what I call "Top Side".
"Top Side"? So is this the part where 20 more of you robot bitches walk in for effect? You're not an orphan anymore, Sarah.
We found you and my role is to transition you to self-awareness.
A clone fixer.
You know, maybe it's time I just embraced my clonage, went on "Oprah".
We could be famous, you and me.
We're not the enemy.
Helena and her ilk are and we are going to help with that.
You want to help? Why don't you tell me why? What am I doing, sat here, looking at you? What are we for? Disclosure is defined herein.
We want your trust.
You want precious answers that cut to the core of who you are.
But, above all, I know you want to make the right choice for Kira.
You're very lucky.
Motherhood is wonderful.
The forces behind Helena will never stop, Sarah.
The most important thing in this for you is protection for you and your daughter.
Yeah, no, thanks.
I'll get by on my own.
Scrambling to stay alive? You'll remain free to live as you wish with Kira, provided for; unmonitored, but available.
Call it "sovereignty association.
" Yeah, like I said, I'm not interested.
Take 24 hours to think about it.
Midnight tomorrow.
They're offering us security, a truce.
Rachel didn't feel like a truce.
She felt like a gun to the head.
Okay, little reminder? While you and I were being arrested, Helena escaped.
Yeah, thank you, Fe.
Would you also like to remind me my birth mum popped round and Helena's my twin sister? Ah, Jesus Murphy.
Uh, Sarah, I so should've listened to you about Delphine.
I You're all right.
A career at the Dyad Institute.
Yeah, studying us.
What are you going to do, Cosima? Well, we have to know our own biology.
That's what this is all about, right? Maybe I can help us best from the inside.
I want to know what you're going to do.
Well, I can't trust this Rachel bitch, can I? Not if Kira's the first child of a clone, scientifically unclassified.
She could be what Rachel's actually after.
Who is Rachel? Can someone tell me? So she doesn't just show up at my door and I have no idea who she is.
Amelia said she heard her doctors, back in the day, discussing a child raised by neolution.
She's a proclone? God, you three are weird enough.
Well, if there won't be any more spies in my life, if my kids are safe, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you I'm inclined to take the offer.
Yeah, that's okay.
That's totally your choice.
Yeah, no judgment.
Oh, shit.
Delphine just got off a plane.
Here? Stupid, needy bitch.
She wants to help, right? Just like Art, Paul, and Rachel.
Everybody wants to help.
I'm going to Mrs S's.
I want to be there when Kira wakes up.
I'll catch up.
Yeah, I mean, we make our own decisions, but I wouldn't trust anybody.
Katja Obinger.
German? Yeah.
We finally ID'ed our Jane Doe and she falls under Federal jurisdiction.
This whole thing reeks.
Hey, you still want to get to the bottom of Sarah Manning? I found a known associate.
I guess my turning point was when the love of my life Let's just call her "Sarah" Sarah broke up with me by faking her own death, initiating events which began with the loss of my finger, led to various other humiliations, and, ultimately, to the business end of a nail gun.
That's when I just said to myself "I need help.
I need help.
" So Like I said before, my name's Victor.
I'm an addict, maybe, you know, so Peace out.
You're moving.
Chad got his own place with the dog and I got a very handsome offer on the house.
It's the perfect opportunity to get the kids out of this toxic environment.
Mm, that's priceless.
Goodbye, Alison.
I'm packing.
Oh, Alison, get out! Admit it! Admit what?! That I organized your intervention? My bad.
Sorry I care.
Leekie came to see me.
Who? Cray-cray! If it's professional help, I'm all for it.
I want the truth, Aynsley! - The truth?! - Mm-hmm.
Is that you screwed my husband and I'm moving because of you! Look at this! Yours! Gifts from my best friend! A felt Christmas angel.
I made that! - Yeah? - Yes! Well, to hell with you and your Christmas angel.
You know, you, you turned this whole thing around on me because you're jealous.
You're barren and you can't have your own children! Oh! Oh.
Oh, my God! Alison, help! Uggh! Ohh! Alison, help me! Ow! Ahh! Alison! Alison! Aynsley.
Aynsley? Aynsley.
Nice speech.
Yeah, I'm moved, personally.
Isn't this place off- limits to you guys? You know, sacred ground or something? Not if you got an outstanding warrant for selling stolen meat? No, smoked pork.
I didn't know it was stolen.
You know, that's lame, but I'll take the collar.
Eh, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, man! I'm trying to turn my life around.
All right, okay, so then give us something useful on your femme fatale Sarah Manning.
Of course, Sarah.
Step 9 of the program, I got to suck it up and apologize for shit that I did to her.
You believe that? But, since she's not going to apologize back Last time I saw Sarah, she was playing housewife in the suburbs.
Husband, kids, minivan, the whole shebang.
That That isn't Sarah Manning, is it? No.
That is another person, entirely.
You got to be friggin' kidding me.
When police come, mummy goes away.
No, darling, not this time.
She's back.
To keep us safe from Helena.
Don't worry about Helena, Kira, okay? I don't.
She's not a real monster.
Okay, we're going to have to hide this bag.
We might have to go on a trip, but you can't tell anybody.
Not even Mrs S.
It's a secret.
Yeah? Promise? Okay.
Do you have a spare toothbrush? Go get it.
Where are you off to? Meeting Amelia.
You all right? Just edgy, with Helena in the wind.
Sarah, mind Amelia.
Why? It's true, right, that she's my birth mum? Yeah, it all seems to track, just She didn't raise you.
Yeah, I know.
You did.
It was all a long time ago.
You all right? Yeah.
Yeah, sorry.
Well, now, I get it.
Um, is Cosima? is sh It's Delphine! She's got baggage! You know, if Sarah were here, she'd kick your willowy arse.
I promise you I did not tell Leekie about Sarah's child.
What difference does it make? Why are you here? Because I Because Leekie is a liar and I think you can prove it scientifically with that, your synthetic sequence.
He gave me my whole genome.
But you can't find that sequence anymore, can you? He would've scrubbed it.
I'm on your side now.
Please believe me.
You need to trust someone.
I think the sequence is a message.
Like Dr.
Craig Venter watermarked his synthetic DNA.
It's a key to our origins.
May I? Mm-hmm.
Thank you for meeting me, Sarah.
Drink? Just water.
That poor child, Helena.
How can two fates be so different? You two are like night and day.
Thank you.
I'm sorry to bring you such burdens, but I must warn you, Sarah.
Your foster mother, Mrs S, she's not who she says she is.
I have something you should see.
How did scientists put babies inside you? What? You gave me to them.
You let them make me this way.
No! Oh! Helena, what have you done? We missed you, sister.
Come join us.
Alison? Donnie Ally.
Ally, you're shaking.
I'm a horrible person.
No, honey.
I am.
I let those people in our home.
They had no right to intervention you like that.
They don't know the real you.
Oh, Judas priest.
What have I done?! No, no, no no no.
It doesn't matter.
We can put it all behind us, every little bit of it.
Really? Yeah.
Really?! Okay, here's the synthetic sequence.
And this is the differentiated portion.
Yes, this is an encrypted I.
It's how they tell you apart.
But how to decode it? I have four nucleotides to work with G, C, T, and A And no idea how they're encrypted.
I mean, there's thousands of permutations and we're running out of time.
Yes, but I know your tag number.
You do? Yes, I saw it many times.
It's numeric, so, if we know how that translates, then we can figure out the rest.
What is it? It's 324b21.
I'm 324b21.
I'm sorry.
Well, let's run these letters through a decryption program.
Helena! Helena! Ugh! None of these results match the I.
Okay, think.
We're molecular- encoding, from 30 years ago.
Yes, but we're looking at it from now.
Of course.
They weren't coding nucleotides.
It was whole base pairs? Not four letters, but two, AT and GC.
Ones and zeros.
They were coding in ASCII! Shit! Amelia! Amelia.
Amelia Keep pressure.
I'm going to get you help.
What's this? Your foster mother.
She what? She what? Foster mother.
Shh shh shh.
She What? Moja Sestra.
My twin.
I'm sorry, mother isn't very well.
She's dead, you psycho.
You killed someone I've been dreaming about my whole life.
She separated us.
She tore us apart.
But, now, we're together.
No, we're not.
You're nothing to me, just some crazy bitch wearing my t-shirt.
"London Calling".
Scientists made one little baby and then we split in two.
So I cannot kill you, sister.
Like you could not kill me.
We make a family, yes? I've already got a family.
Okay, moment of truth.
It's your I.
You cracked it.
Let's see what else there is.
Okay, CAGT GT Rachel Duncan.
It's Sarah.
Yes, Sarah? I want to know my daughter won't have to live like this.
We can do that.
I'm coming in.
One down, two to go.
What's going on over there? Oh! None of our business.
Your tracksuit! Mm-hmm.
I'm going for a jog.
I've been a lump.
You deserve better.
I feel like a weight has been lifted.
All right.
Here we go.
Have fun.
See you in a bit.
Be safe.
I will.
Going up.
Don't! You asked me what happened in Afghanistan.
I was a private contractor.
I killed six marines.
Friendly fire.
They covered it up.
That's what they have on me.
If you were born outside their control, what do they really have on you? Yeah? Sarah, you can't make a deal.
Why not? Any freedom they promise is bullshit.
They're liars.
That synthetic sequence, the barcode I told you about? It's a patent.
A patent? We're property.
Our bodies, our biology, everything we are, everything we become, belongs to them.
Sarah, they could claim Kira.
They patented us.
Back on track, I think.
It's the It's not easy.
She's not easy.
_ You know what to do.
"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property".
I'm sick, Delphine.
Siobhan! Kira! Kira-a-a!