Opening credits
JACK : (v.o.) Torchwood : outside the government, beyond the police, fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes. And Torchwood is ready.
Everything is quiet as Mike and Beth Halloran are in bed for the night. Beth is still awake. She hears a soft noise coming from the other room. She sits up.
BETH : Mike.
Mike sits up, now awake.
BETH : Did you hear that ?
MIKE : Someone's in the living room !
They're now both awake. Mike turns the lights on.
BETH : Are you going to go in there ?
MIKE : Are you ?
She gives him a look. He turns and reaches for the cricket bat under his bed. He gets up and heads slowly toward the door. Beth grabs the cell phone and dials. Mike heads for the bedroom door, his bat raised.
OPERATOR : (from phone) Emergency. Which service ?
BETH : (to phone) Police.
MIKE : Who's there ?
Mike exits the bedroom.
BETH : (to phone, rushed & quiet) My name's Beth Halloran, I'm at 114 Brodsky Gardens. I think there's a burglar in the flat. Come quickly.
Mike is thrown back into the room and hits the wall. Beth screams. Burglar 1 grabs Mike and pushes him into the room.
BURGLAR : Come on then ! Stay down !
BETH : Mike ! Mike ?
Beth drops the cell phone on the floor in her haste to get to Mike.
BURGLAR : Sit down there !
Beth gets up and climbs out of bed.
BETH : There's two of them ! My husband's been injured ! Send an ambulance !
BURGLAR : Stay down while I get the TV stuff unhooked.
The burglars approach her.
BETH : Wait. Just take whatever you want !
BURGLAR : Keep her quiet. Wait, wait. Did you hear that ?
They hear the operator on the phone.
OPERATOR : (o.s.) Emergency. Are there any other exits ?
She looks at them and takes a shuddering breath.
The cell phone connection is still open. We can't see anything except for what's on the ground, but we do hear the burglars yelling and screaming, terrified of something.
BURGLAR : (o.s.) What's happening ?
BURGLAR : (o.s.) Get away ! Get away from me !
A man screams painfully loud and long.
BURGLAR : What is that thing ? Oh, please, don't... don't, please... stop !
The bedside lamp falls on the floor. We still can't see what's going on, only that it's not good for the burglars.
BURGLAR : Stop, I'm sorry ! What's going on ?! I'm sorry ! (Screams) No-o ! Get away ! No-o !
Focus on the lamp as it gets brighter and brighter.
Police are at the scene out on the street in front the building. The Torchwood vehicle arrives.
JACK : (v.o.) Tosh, what happened here ?
TOSHIKO : (v.o.) Two IC, one males, one fatality, one seriously wounded after a fall from a fifth-floor window onto a police vehicle.
The Torchwood SUV parks to a screeching halt. The doors open. Owen rushes out with his kit and heads over to check on the man. The others get out and follow. Owen looks at the burglar.
OWEN : Bloody hell ! (He motions for the officer to give him the IV bag.) Here you are. Has he been stabilized ?
Gwen looks up at the building above.
JACK : Gwen, Owen, go with him to the hospital. See if he says anything. Interview the husband and wife while you're there. Tosh, with me.
Jack turns and heads inside the building.
ZOOM up the side of the building.
Toshiko is checking the damaged bedroom window with her scanner while the officer talks with Jack.
OFFICER : (o.s.) Bit weird, this one. Might be one of yours. Nobody saw anything, heard anything. Blah, blah, blah. The usual. Don't know why we bother asking.
JACK : Thanks so much. We'll take it from here. Now, if you could just wait outside.
The officer turns and heads for the door, and he stops.
OFFICER : In my opinion, the husband did it. He was looking for trouble, expecting to be burgled.
Toshiko watches them, amused.
JACK : Really ?
Jack tries again to get the officer to leave.
OFFICER : Yeah, look. No other reason I can think of for keeping sports equipment in the bedroom.
He indicates the bloodied cricket bat on the floor.
JACK : Oh, you should come round to my house for a game of hockey sometime.
Jack manages to get the officer out of the room. He closes the door on him.
TOSHIKO : Making friends ?
JACK : Not really. What have you got ?
TOSHIKO : No glass inside, so it was definitely broken out.
Jack kneels and examines the dead burglar sitting on the floor.
JACK : Police say the stab wounds were caused by some sort of long, narrow blade. (points) Which that isn't. No other weapons in the room could have done this. So how the hell did they manage it ?
TOSHIKO : Husband was unconscious, and the wife probably weighs less than I do. I can't see either of them doing this.
JACK : When you fear for your life, you'd be surprised what you can do.
Mike is in bed while Beth sits next to him holding his hand. Gwen stands at the foot of the bed while Owen takes samples from Mike.
BETH : I didn't see anything. We all heard this weird noise, then the next thing I know, I'm in the corner and he's just... sitting there, dead. The other one was just gone.
GWEN : And then what ?
BETH : Nothing. I just stayed there till the police arrived. Couldn't move. (Owen swabs Mike's hand.) I should've checked on Mike.
MIKE : Don't be silly. You did the right thing. I'm fine.
BETH : Quiet, you. The doctor said you should rest.
MIKE : I don't think the doctor meant my mouth.
Owen tests the swab.
BETH : (deadpans) Actually, he did. He was very specific. He said no talking for a whole week.
MIKE : Lies, lies. Why so many lies ?
Owen shakes his head at Gwen. Whatever the test was, it was negative.
GWEN : Okay, thanks for your time. We'll let you get some rest now.
Owen picks up his bag and follows Gwen out.
Owen and Gwen talk.
OWEN : Not a trace of blood on their hands, either of them.
He moves his gloves and tosses them into the bin.
GWEN : Then who did it ?
OWEN : She did, obviously.
GWEN : Why "obviously" ?
OWEN : Well, look at her.
Gwen does. She turns and looks back behind the curtain and finds Beth crying and Mike comforting her.
MIKE : (to Beth) It's okay. It's okay.
Back on Gwen and Owen.
GWEN : Yeah, I can see what you're saying. She's absolutely terrified.
OWEN : It's always the one you least suspect -- they're all in the room together, hubby's out cold, and somehow, she survives while two burglars get mangled. She did it, she must have.
GWEN : How ?
OWEN : I haven't worked that bit out yet, Gwen.
GWEN : Oh, I see, I see.
She pats his shoulder and heads out.
OWEN : All right then, Jessica Fletcher, whodunit ?
GWEN : The husband. His wife's in danger, he keeps a cricket bat under the bed. You fill in the blanks from there.
OWEN : Right, okay. So, he kills one man, wearing gloves, and then he swallows the murder weapon and the gloves, and then he knocks himself out ?
GWEN : Something like that, yeah.
OWEN : Right.
Owen's earpiece chirps.
OWEN : (to Gwen) To be continued.
He steps aside to answer the comm.
OWEN : (to comm) Yeah ?
JACK : (filtered) It's me. Anything ?
OWEN : (to comm) No, nothing. They're completely clear.
Jack is on the comm with Owen. The police car lights flash.
JACK : Well, one of them did it. We just need to figure out how. Stay with the burglar all night if you have to, and keep an eye on those two.
OWEN : (filtered) Okay, fair enough.
JACK : Tosh...
Jack heads out. Owen turns back to Gwen.
OWEN : Uh, that was Jack. He says that you should stay with the burglar and find out if he knows anything. All night, if you have to... I know... and keep an eye on the other two.
GWEN : Brilliant. Brilliant. (Gwen turns to head back to the rooms while Owen heads off in the other direction.) Oh, will you get me a coffee before you go ?
Owen turns to get the coffee.
OWEN : Yeah, yeah, course. What are teammates for ? (He turns back.) Er... You haven't got a pound for the machine, have you ?
The hallway light near them crackles, flickers and turns off.
OWEN : Hospitals. They have to fall apart before anyone fixes them.
GWEN : (hands him the money) Pound. Coffee. Thank you !
Owen heads out to get the coffee. Gwen turns and waits.
The burglar is in bed. The heart monitor beeps steadily. Gwen is sitting next to the bed. She nods and catches herself. She looks over at the burglar sleeping in bed. Her eyes close again. She drops her empty coffee cup and it startles her awake again. She picks up the coffee cup, then finds the burglar awake and looking at her.
GWEN : Oh, shh, shh ! Oh, you're safe, all right ? You're safe, just tell me who did this to you.
His heart rate increases and increases.
BURGLAR : The woman... in the flat, keep her away from me !
He flatlines and passes out. The monitor alarm goes off. Nurses enter the room.
NURSE : Page the doctor. Can you move, please ?
NURSE : Look here, we need to get him lying him down.
NURSE : Start charging that.
NURSE : Get out.
The nurses surround him and get to work. Gwen edges away from the room.
Jack walks into the room.
The door slams shut behind him as he grabs the hood off BETH'S head. He tosses the bag aside.
JACK : Tell me everything.
Beth is sitting at the interview table in the grimy interview room. Her hands are tied in front of her. Gwen is in the room with them and holding some photos close to her chest.
BETH : Where am I ? Where's my husband ?
JACK : He's safe.
BETH : What do you mean, "safe ?" What have you done with him ?
JACK : Nothing yet.
Jack leans in close, his hands flat on the table.
JACK : Tell me what happened in the flat, Beth. It had to be you or Mike, so how did you do it ?
BETH : You can't treat people like this. I've been burgled, attacked ! I want a lawyer, I want a phone call. If you're charging me with something...
JACK : We're not charging you with anything. We don't have to. And there'll be no lawyer, no phone calls, just us, and this room for as long as it takes. Now, tell me what happened !
BETH : I told her... and the police.
Ianto and Owen watch the interview from above through the two-way mirror.
BETH : (filtered) Please, I don't know anything !
Gwen spreads the crime scene photos she's been carrying out on the table in front of Beth. Beth flinches when she realizes what she's looking at.
JACK : Look at them.
She looks at the photos of the injuries sustained by the burglars.
JACK : The second one just died in the hospital. "Keep her away from me. The woman in the flat." Those were his dying words. Now, why would he say something like that ?
BETH : I don't know, I swear. I never touched him.
JACK : Is it Mike ? Are you covering for him ?
BETH : No !
The light goes out.
GWEN : Jack ?
Jack leaves the room.
GWEN : Beth, we know these men attacked you and your husband. Now, if you fought back, people will understand. It was self-defense.
BETH : I promise... I promise I have no idea what happened to them. All I know is that it wasn't me.
Jack walks through the workstations and appears at the window to the interview room with Ianto. Owen steps back.
IANTO : "Just us and this room for as long as it takes ?" Terrifying.
JACK : Really ?
IANTO : Absolutely. Shivers down my spine.
JACK : You don't look scared.
IANTO : Oh, it... passed.
Jack growls with disappointment. He turns and addresses Toshiko, who is working at the computer.
JACK : Tosh, anything on the body scan ?
Jack sits at his desk.
TOSHIKO : Nothing out of the ordinary.
JACK : What about the light ? Power surge ?
TOSHIKO : Nothing from us. There was an electromagnetic build-up around her, but I can't see how she caused it.
OWEN : Same thing happened at the hospital, Jack. Can't be a coincidence.
JACK : It's her, I know it is. (To Owen) Okay, let's do some tests, see who or what we're dealing with.
OWEN : I'm on it.
Owen heads out. Toshiko goes back to the computer.
Gwen leads Beth out of the interview room and through the corridor.
BETH : What kind of tests ?
GWEN : Just little things to clear this all up. Blood samples...
BETH : Blood samples ? I haven't done anything !
GWEN : Look... I believe you, but this is our job. Something really strange happened at your flat and we've got to make sure you had nothing to do with it.
BETH : I didn't.
GWEN : Then you've nothing to worry about. They are doing these tests whether you like it or not, Beth. Don't make this any harder on yourself. Come on.
They continue through the corridor.
Gwen and Beth enter the hub through the back near the armory. Beth looks around, taking it all in.
BETH : This is where you work ?
GWEN : Yep. Cozy, isn't it ?
BETH : Who are you people ? Don't you have any windows ?
Beth's hands are still tied in front of her. She starts up the steps to the workstation area.
GWEN : It wouldn't really be in keeping with the whole secrecy thing, people looking in, you know ?
Beth stops and smells a piece of machinery near the steps. Ianto pops his head out from somewhere behind her.
IANTO : We don't sniff the subetheric resonator.
BETH : Sorry.
She walks past them and takes in an eye-full. Ianto steps out past her, leaving the concrete central column open wide and showing the rift manipulator hidden inside. He's been working on it and Beth can see it all.
BETH : (looking up and around) It's so big. This is crazy.
GWEN : Yep.
BETH : I suddenly feel very, very small.
GWEN : Come on. Let's just get these tests done. Then you can get home, okay ? (loudly) Come on, Owen !
Beth is strapped sitting up on the table while Owen holds up the syringe.
OWEN : We'll start with a few blood tests, nothing to worry about, just a little... (He uncaps the syringe. She sees it and gasps.)... needle.
Owen tries to inject her arm and the needle breaks. He looks at it.
JACK : What ?
OWEN : Needle snapped.
BETH : Haven't you got a nurse to do this ?
GWEN : He's a doctor. It's okay.
Owen clears his throat. He picks up a second syringe and tries again.
The needle snaps again. Owen looks at the needle.
BETH : Ah, okay. Look, I'm not going to do this if you can't even... (Owen turns around and he's holding a scalpel). What are you doing ?
OWEN : Bear with me.
BETH : Oi ! Hey ! Oh !
Owen tries to cut into Beth's arm and the scalpel tip snaps off with barely a scratch to her. The scalpel metal tip falls to the floor. Owen looks at the broken scalpel.
OWEN : When was the last time you were in hospital, Beth ?
BETH : I... I don't remember. I don't think I ever have. Why, what's wrong with me ?
OWEN : Well, any operations ? Checkups ?
BETH : No, nothing.
OWEN : When was the last time you felt ill ? You had a cold ? Anything ?
BETH : I don't think I ever have. I take a lot of vitamin C.
OWEN : Mm, hell of a lot I reckon.
He drops the broken scalpel back on the tray.
JACK : Okay, Beth. You make light bulbs blow, we can't break your skin. What planet are you from ?
BETH : Earth.
JACK : (hard) Stop wasting our time ! We know you're an alien !
BETH : There's no such thing as aliens.
Jack pushes Beth into the containment cell area. He slams her up against the window to the weevil cell. Janet growls.
JACK : Beth, Janet. Janet, Beth.
Gwen is watching Jack and Beth on the security monitors.
BETH : (from monitor) What is it ?
JACK : (from monitor) It's an alien. But you know that 'cause you are, too.
BETH : No, it's not.
Beth looks scared.
BETH : I'm not. I work in an office...
JACK : Why do you give off electro-magnetic waves ? Why ?
BETH : (crying) I don't know ! Stop it ! Why are you doing this ? I want Mike. I want to go home.
The weevil leans in close to the window and looks up and down at Beth. The weevil groans, lowers its head submissively and backs away. Jack notes the weevil's behavior. The weevil continues to back away.
BETH : Why is it doing that ?
JACK : I don't know. It's never done it before.
The weevil cowers in the dark corner, its head still lowered submissively.
BETH : This is real, isn't it ?
JACK : Yeah.
BETH : I don't know about my skin, or any of that other stuff. I just... how can I prove it to you ? How can I... prove to you... that I'm not an alien ?
Jack looks at the weevil moaning and cowering in the dark corner and considers the question.
ZOOM over the bay area.
Ianto rolls out a wheelchair while Jack carries a box out of his office. Ianto removes the thick wires to help set it up. Toshiko turns around and watches them. Jack puts the box down in front of Toshiko and uncovers it. He removes a metal helmet.
TOSHIKO : You said we weren't allowed to use that again.
JACK : It's just a mind probe.
IANTO : (pipes up) Remember what happened last time you used it ?
Ianto continues putting the chair together. Owen helps set it up.
JACK : That was different. That species has extremely high blood pressure.
IANTO : Oh, right, their heads must explode all the time.
Gwen's eyes get really wide. Toshiko tilts her head to the side.
GWEN : You can't do this. What if you're wrong ? If she is human, it'll kill her.
Ianto sits in the metal chair.
JACK : I'm not wrong. We have to find out what she is.
Ianto grabs the metal armrests, the straps over his wrists.
TOSHIKO : Take it easy, Jack. Stop at the first sign of trouble.
IANTO : (deadpans) Or the first sign of exploding.
JACK : Gwen... bring her up.
GWEN : Ok.
Ianto shudders, imitating being electrocuted - complete with sound effects.
JACK : Hey !
Ianto gets up off the chair. Owen looks at him and shakes his head.
Beth is in the chair as Toshiko adjusts the wrist straps.
TOSHIKO : Not too tight, is it ?
BETH : It's fine. (to Gwen) Are you sure this is safe ?
Toshiko and Owen complete attaching the helmet to the wires. Gwen nods and smiles stiffly.
GWEN : Yep.
BETH : Just try not to, you know, kill me or anything, okay ?
IANTO : You'll probably get dehydrated... during the probing.
He offers her a sip of water. She drinks.
BETH : Thank you.
Owen holds the helmet over her head and looks at Jack. Jack nods. Owen sets the helmet on Beth's head. It lights up and hums. Gwen clears her throat and tries to smile. Toshiko types on the keyboard and everyone waits. She looks at Jack, and he nods.
TOSHIKO : We're all set.
Jack steps forward to explain the procedure and process.
JACK : The probe drills down through your consciousness, so if there's anything hidden, it'll pop to the surface.
BETH : Will it hurt ?
JACK: Yeah.
BETH : Your bedside manner's rubbish.
GWEN : (rambles nervously) You should see his manners in bed, they're atrocious. Apparently. So I've heard.
IANTO : Oh, they are. I remember this one...
Jack clears his throat loudly. Gwen kneels in front of Beth.
GWEN : All right, we all ready ?
BETH : I suppose.
GWEN : Okay, we'll do this slowly. Tosh will control the probe, Owen will make sure you're not in danger, Ianto will have more water when you need it, and I'll be right here, okay?
She pats her hands on Beth's knees.
BETH : (re: Jack) And what about him ? What does he do ?
JACK : I'll be watching.
GWEN : Are you ready, Beth ?
Beth nods.
GWEN : Okay.
Gwen stands up and backs away to stand nervously next to Jack. Owen types on the keyboard. He stops.
JACK : Okay, Tosh.
Toshiko types on the keyboard and the probe starts. Beth gasps and cries out in pain. Owen types on the keyboard.
BETH : Human.
She cries out in pain again.
INSERT : CGI EFFECT - Follow the probe as it fires through her nerves and synapses (in blue). Her heart flares (in red).
Beth cries out in pain. Jack is looking at Owen.
OWEN : (to Jack) Safe.
Jack turns his attention to Beth to start the questioning.
JACK : Who killed the burglars, Beth ?
BETH : (grimaces) I don't know ! I... Oh, my... Ah !
Owen continues monitoring her.
OWEN : (to Jack) Safe.
JACK : What planet are you from ?
Beth hyperventilates.
INSERT : CGI EFFECTS - Her heart flares and nerves fire.
BETH : I'm human ! Oh, God, it hurts ! Please, please, st-stop !
JACK : Go deeper.
TOSHIKO : (hesitates) Are you sure ?
JACK : (shouts) Do it !
Beth cries out in pain.
INSERT : CGI EFFECTS - ON blood cells.
Beth continues to cry out as the probe continues.
OWEN : Vital signs are all over the place, but still safe.
Toshiko turns to another monitor and types, continuing the mind probe.
TOSHIKO : Getting electromagnetic build-up again.
JACK : Who killed those men ?!
BETH : I don't know ! Make it stop !
GWEN : For God's sake ! Come on !
JACK : Go deeper !
Gwen can't take much more of it. Jack glances annoyingly at her. Owen and Toshiko continue.
OWEN : Safe.
JACK : Deeper !
INSERT : CGI EFFECTS - The probe starts firing up various cells.
Even Toshiko is being affected by Beth's cries. The lights start flickering.
INSERT : CGI EFFECTS - Beth's heart flares, nerves wire up and everything goes haywire. Something inside her bursts wide open.
The lights continue to flicker, an alarm is going off somewhere. Everyone is noting the effects.
IANTO : Something's happening to the lights !
TOSHIKO : The electro-magnetic pulse is off the scale.
OWEN : I don't know how much more she can take !
GWEN : Jack, we've got to stop this !
Toshiko continues typing... then Beth exhales and passes out. She slumps forward in her seat. The lights stop flickering. No one is moving. Everyone turns and looks at Jack. Suddenly, Beth sits back in the metal chair - coldly, efficiently. Her right arm is turned palm up. The skin on her forearm CGI morphs into something horrid and dangerous-looking. It looks puckered with the inside and layer under it glowing red. This is the alien. Jack looks like he knows what it is.
GWEN : Oh, my God !
Gwen starts to move forward. Jack stops her.
JACK : I wouldn't get that close. Toshiko, what happened ?
TOSHIKO : Hit a buried compartment. Locked away. She couldn't have been aware of it.
Jack steps in front of Beth.
JACK : Who are you ?
BETH (ALIEN) : Kayehla janees, putaak graszh, ish nin fas du hap vac nal.
JACK : Where are you from ?
BETH (ALIEN) : Kayehla janees, putaak graszh, ish nin fas du hap vac nal.
JACK : How do you like my boots ?
She glances down at his boots, then eyes back straight and forward.
BETH (ALIEN) : Kayehla janees, putaak graszh, ish nin fas du hap vac nal.
Jack grabs the hand-held scanner and uses it on Beth's alien arm.
GWEN : Jack, what is it, what is she saying ?
JACK : Name, rank, serial number, and that's all she's gonna say.
TOSHIKO : How do you know ?
JACK : 'Cause I know who she is and why she's here.
He tosses the scanner to Ianto. He catches it.
JACK : Switch off the probe.
Toshiko types.
Beth's arm CGI morphs back to normal. Beth breathes in deeply as her right hand opens and closes. Owen steps forward and removes the probe off Beth's head. Gwen cautiously remains apart from Beth and doesn't go to her. Beth shudders.
BETH : Oh, you weren't lying, that really hurt ! (She takes a deep breath and looks at Jack.) Did you find anything ?
Everyone looks at each other and no one answers her.
Jack meets with the team.
JACK : She's a sleeper agent. It all clicked when I saw the implant.
OWEN : A sleeper agent ? Who for ?
JACK : No-one knows very much. They don't leave survivors. Official designation is Cell 114. They infiltrate planets, adapting their bodies, gathering intelligence, sometimes for years, watching, until they're ready to take over.
GWEN : Okay, that's... creepy.
JACK : If we're lucky, she's the first. They send an advance guard to gather intel. Give them false memories so they blend in.
Jack looks at the security monitor on the wall behind them showing Beth in the containment cell.
JACK : She has no idea she's not human. Her real self must have taken over briefly, killed the burglars. Self preservation.
OWEN : (to Gwen) Told you she did it.
JACK : The point is, by the time they attack, they know every single thing about the planet. (This is very serious.) Tosh.
Toshiko stands up and gives her report.
TOSHIKO : The implant gathers information. Normal X-rays don't show it. She's projecting a false image. It's got all this data stored inside it.
On the monitor she shows swirling red and quick flashes of multiple images. Everyone is stunned. Toshiko continues. She shows them her laptop reading.
TOSHIKO : This is a force-field generator. It creates an impervious layer above the skin, just a nanometre thick. That's why you couldn't get the needle inside her.
OWEN : Right, well... God, look, they even know about us.
He points to the monitor showing their images and information.
IANTO : They know more about this place than I do. Nobody knows more than I do.
GWEN : What if there's more of them ? What are we gonna do about this ?
JACK : For a start... I think we should tell her.
Beth is in the cell as she watches the monitor with the recording of her as the alien.
BETH (ALIEN) : (from monitor) Kayehla janees, putaak graszh, ish nin fas du hap vac nal.
JACK : (from monitor) Where are you from ?
BETH (ALIEN) : (from monitor) Kayehla janees, putaak graszh...
BETH : (upset) Can you turn it off, please ?
Gwen stops the footage. Beth looks at her right arm.
BETH : So I killed those men ?
JACK : Yes.
BETH : And I'm a mass-murdering alien ?
JACK : Yes.
BETH : My whole life... all my memories, they can't be fake. I know I love Mike... and he loves me.
GWEN : He does, and you do.
BETH : So what's real ?
GWEN : You both are, you both fell in love. That happened. (Gwen goes up to the glass.) Do you feel human ?
BETH : Yes.
GWEN : Yes. Well, then you are. What makes us human ? Is it our minds or our bodies ?
She turns and looks at Jack.
BETH : And what happens when the disguise comes off ? I want to have kids one day. Is feeling human... enough for that ? (She presses up to the glass.) Can you fix me ? Can you make me human ?
JACK : No. Eventually, you'll activate. Your real memories will come back, and Beth will disappear.
BETH : What do you mean, « activate » ?
JACK : Once you gather enough information, you'll send it back home, and start the invasion.
BETH : There must be something you can do. All this technology, everything you do here... You can't keep me locked up next to that thing !
Gwen steps forward to reach out to Beth, but puts her hand down. She remains quiet.
BETH : Are you going to kill me ?
GWEN : (quickly) No. No, of course we're not.
Jack looks at Gwen, who suddenly turns and looks at him.
BETH : Have you killed other aliens ?
GWEN : Only when we've had to. When it was the last resort : kill or be killed.
BETH : Oh. I wish, I wish this wasn't happening. I'd never know. I'd just live a normal life.
JACK : Until the day of the attack.
BETH : I won't do anything ! I'm not that person !
Jack steps up to the glass.
JACK : I'm sorry, but you are.
He turns and walks away. Beth covers her mouth and cries. Gwen rushes out after Jack.
Jack addresses everyone.
JACK : We can't let her go, she's too dangerous.
TOSHIKO : We could freeze her. Use the alien cryogenics. Wake her up if we figure out how to stop her memories from coming back.
Owen is on the opposite end of the room watering the plants.
GWEN : Freeze her ? For how long ?
TOSHIKO : As long as it takes. At least she'd be alive.
JACK : Her implant would still gather information.
GWEN : Can't we deactivate it ?
TOSHIKO : I can isolate the transceiver and fry it in an EM pulse. Right now, it's not sending or receiving anything. I've checked it five times on every frequency.
OWEN : Won't that let them know we're onto them ?
TOSHIKO : No. If we freeze her, she'll never activate and they'll never know.
OWEN : What about her husband ?
JACK : She'd have to disappear completely. (To Gwen) No goodbyes.
Jack turns and heads out.
Gwen and Jack lead Beth through the corridor.
BETH : We had a holiday booked. Nothing special, just a weekend away. Am I ever gonna see him again ?
GWEN : I don't know.
Beth gasps and stops walking.
BETH : Oh !
INSERT : FLASHES OF - Beth chopping up the burglars and fighting back with her alien arm. The men scream.
BETH : Oh-h... those men...
INSERT : FLASHES OF - Beth attacking the burglars with the clinical precision of a trained killer.
BETH : Oh, my God, those poor men ! What's happening ?!
INSERT : FLASHES OF - (red hue) a bomb exploding. And another bomb exploding.
JACK : The real memory is coming back, destroying the fake human persona. The sooner we do this, the better for everyone.
Beth nods.
GWEN : Beth ? Beth, come on.
They continue to lead Beth through the back corridors.
Owen pulls out a cryogenics chamber and gets to work. Beth is on the table nearby. Gwen sits with her.
BETH : Promise me something. If you can't figure out how to keep me human, then don't wake me up. Just turn the machine off.
GWEN : That's not a promise I can keep.
Beth looks behind Gwen.
BETH : Okay, you then. I bet you can.
Jack is standing at the top of the entryway and looking down over the railing. He watches them.
BETH : Just don't let me hurt anyone.
JACK : You have my word.
Gwen glares at him. He cross his arms in front of him.
BETH : It's funny, I've always had this nagging feeling like I didn't fit in. Just... so desperate to have a more exciting life.
Toshiko walks up to Beth. She's holding a hand-held device.
TOSHIKO : I'm going to hit the transceiver with an EM pulse.
GWEN : You won't feel anything. It won't harm you.
TOSHIKO : It'll take out the force-field generator, too, I'm afraid. So, I'll have to fry them both.
BETH : Do it. I don't want to be invincible.
OWEN : After that I'm gonna sedate you, then we'll freeze you.
GWEN : It'll like... just like going to sleep.
OWEN : Only a bit colder.
BETH : Bye, Gwen.
GWEN : Bye.
Toshiko starts the device and moves it slowly along Beth's right arm. The green lights on the device blink.
Owen injects Beth in her right leg. Hold on the monitor with an X-ray of her implant. The implant flares alive again and the lights inside pulsate. Whatever they did is not working. And they haven't noticed it.
ZOOM out of the plaza. Various cuts of the city.
David's wife is sitting on the couch listening to David recount his story as he steps out of the kitchen with a glass in his hand.
DAVID : "If you want the whole bloody seat to yourself, be my guest."
She laughs. He hands her a glass of something to drink. He gets a bottle out of the refrigerator.
DAVID : "In fact," I said, "Why don't we ask the other passengers to get off, and you can have the whole carriage to yourself ? Would you like that ?".
DAVID'S WIFE : You didn't !
He takes a glass out of the cupboard and fills it.
DAVID : I did. I was really loud, too. I couldn't help it, I was just really annoyed. So then... So then, right, she gives me the dirtiest look, right, and she...
An electronic beeping sounds. He suddenly stops and stares at his wife as she waits for the rest of the story.
DAVID'S WIFE : David ?
He puts his glass down on the counter and lifts up his right arm. Red lights glow under his unbuttoned long sleeved shirt. It hums and whines.
DAVID'S WIFE : What is that ?!
He pulls his sleeve back and looks at the red lights along his arm.
DAVID'S WIFE : What's happened to your arm ?
Without another word, he gets up and heads toward the front door.
DAVID'S WIFE : Hey ! Where are you going ?
He ignores her and is nearly at the door.
DAVID'S WIFE : David, you're scaring me !
He turns around and looks at her.
DAVID'S WIFE : What are you doing ?
He raises his left arm and looks at his watch. He's got time.
DAVID'S WIFE : What's happening ? Come back here !
He walks up to her...
DAVID'S WIFE : David !
...and twists her neck. She falls. He turns and heads toward the door.
Two paramedics are working on a man on the ground. One leaves the other to do chest compressions on the victim on the ground. Suddenly the paramedic stops and raises his right arm. It's beeping. It CGI morphs into the alien arm. He stands up, turns and walks away.
A woman is out pushing a baby carriage on the sidewalk. Her arm beeps. She stops and pulls her jacket sleeve back. Her arm CGI morphs into an alien arm. The baby carriage rolls away from her with the baby crying inside. The woman ignores it, turns and walks away. The baby carriage heads for the street with oncoming cars. The woman walks away. Off screen, tires screech and a car crashes.
Owen is down in the autopsy area. Beth is in the cryogenics chamber. Her eyes are closed. Owen checks the readings.
OWEN : It's done. I'm sending her down to the vault.
Gwen is sitting on the floor above, her feet crossed at the ankles and her hands clasped around her knees. Owen slides the chamber into the cabinet and secures the outer door. Gwen gets up and rushes out. Owen turns and braces his hands on the table. He looks up.
Ianto slides the cryogenics chamber into the vault. Gwen is standing next to him as he shuts the door to vault #007 and locks it. He looks at her. They turn and head out. He holds his arm out and she takes it as they leave.
The vault doors rattle and shake. Off screen, a door closes.
The monitors and scanners continue as normal. The computer chirps. In the window, Beth is frozen and her eyes are closed. Suddenly, her eyes open. A red light switches on.
Beth's scanner and readings continue normally.
Gwen returns to the workstations. Toshiko is at her computers working. The lights start flickering. Alarms blare. Owen has a flashlight on in the autopsy area as he heads up. Beth's vitals are projected up on the autopsy wall.
JACK : (o.s.) Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on ?
Gwen works on the security monitors and checks the vault. The vault door holding Beth's chamber is wide open.
GWEN : Oh, shit !
JACK : What happened ?
GWEN : Beth's gone.
JACK : I thought she was frozen !
OWEN : (o.s.) She was ! All her vitals were at zero.
Toshiko is working on the computers.
TOSHIKO : Checking systems, command history...
JACK : What did she do ? Is it a virus, a lockdown ?
TOSHIKO : No, she just turned off the lights.
JACK : What is it with her and light bulbs ?
They turn the lights back on. Toshiko checks the monitors and finds the cog door rolled open.
TOSHIKO : She went through the tunnels.
IANTO : Time to change the locks again.
Jack is thinking.
JACK : She knew everything about this place. It was all in her arm. The tunnels, layout, security codes. She could've shut us down, blown us up - anything !
GWEN : But she didn't.
OWEN : Oh, I swear, she was frozen.
JACK : Tosh, you switched off the transceiver ?
JACK: Are you sure ?
TOSHIKO : Well, I was until you asked. (She glances at her monitor.) Unless it was another false image.
OWEN : Hang on, hang on, hang on. Everything about her was a lie. All of her vital signs were a false image. She can fool the equipment. She can tell it what we're expecting to see. So, you know, she gets scared and it projects an increased heart rate. We try and freeze it and it does the opposite.
TOSHIKO : Simulating that much information would need a huge amount of energy. No wonder she had a big electromagnetic field.
OWEN : Well, that's why the lights blew every time she got upset.
TOSHIKO : So, what's she doing ? Did we activate her ?
JACK : She couldn't be activated. If she was, we'd all be dead. We took her off the network. She has some other agenda.
Mike wakes up. Beth is sitting next to him.
MIKE : Hey.
BETH : Hey. How are you feeling?
MIKE : What's going on ? The doctor won't tell me anything. You all right ?
BETH : I'm fine. I... Listen, you know I love you, don't you ?
MIKE : Course I do. I love you, too.
BETH : Do you promise ?
MIKE : Why ?
BETH : Just... I just had to be sure. I have to go away.
MIKE : What do you mean ? Where ?
BETH : I can't tell you, but it's for your own good.
MIKE : (sits up) Beth, what are you talking about ?
BETH : No. I'm sorry. I just... I have to stay away from you. If I don't... I'm gonna end up hurting you.
MIKE : Well, this is hurting me. Don't go.
BETH : Whatever happens... just know that I love you... and I always will.
Mike sits up and leans in close to her.
MIKE : If you've... If you've done something, I don't care, just don't leave me. We'll get through this.
BETH : (upset) No, not this time. I have to put things straight, and I can't do that anywhere near you. I love you too much for that.
She puts her left arm around him and they hug.
MIKE : Don't let the police take you! I'm not gonna let you go. I don't care what it is. (Beth's arm starts beeping.) I don't care what...
Mike gasps and stops moving. His face registers surprise and we hear a squishy-fleshy
MIKE : What was that ?
BETH : I don't know. It sounded like...
Beth pulls away from him. Mike is in pain and is gasping for breath. They look down. Beth's arm has morphed into a sharp, pointy weapon that has impaled Mike clear through his abdomen. She pulls her arm back and the weapon out of him. She's just as surprised as he is.
BETH : Ah... uh... uh... Oh, my God ! Oh, my...
Mike is bleeding.
BETH : (screams) He... Help ! Help ! Somebody, get a doctor ! Help ! Somebody !
MIKE : What are... you...
Beth's right hand is back to normal. She presses the call button frantically. The alarms start blaring.
BETH : (screams) Somebody !
Mike gasps for breath.
JACK : (o.s.) Beth !
Jack and Gwen are in the room, their guns raised. Beth stands up and backs away from him. The red lights in Beth's right arm are on. Jack moves past Beth to check on Mike.
BETH : Sorry... I was just... It was an accident. I just wanted to say goodbye...
Beth falls to her knees.
JACK : She's got a weapon system built into her arm.
Gwen uses the hand-held device and moves it slowly down Beth's right arm.
GWEN : Clear.
JACK : It's getting worse. She's losing control. We need to contain her fast.
GWEN : Come on, Beth. Let's get you back.
Gwen puts the device back in the bag.
BETH: No !
GWEN : Come on !
BETH : (crying) No...!
Jack helps Beth stand up.
JACK : Come on ! Get up !
GWEN : Get up ! Go !
Jack and Gwen put Beth's arms around their shoulders and they rush her out of the room as the nurses rush in to tend to Mike.
NURSE : He's bleeding.
Patrick Grainer puts his things down on the foyer table. He looks up at his daughter.
PATRICK : So, what else happened at school today ?
DAUGHTER : Alex has got a girlfriend.
Alex is walking out and carrying a stack of dishes.
ALEX : Have not !
The front doorbell rings.
DAUGHTER : Have too. She's called Jessica.
ALEX : I'm gonna kill you so much.
He carries the plates over to his Mrs. Grainger, who is setting the table.
Patrick Grainger opens the door and finds David, the alien, out on his porch.
DAVID : Patrick Grainger ?
Mrs. Grainger takes the plates from Alex.
MRS. GRAINGER : Alex, don't kill your sister.
David holds his alien right arm out. It morphs into the bladed weapon as he pulls it back and stabs Patrick Grainger in the stomach. He opens his mouth and bleeds. Mrs. Grainger puts her arms on Alex's shoulders.
MRS. GRAINGER : Not before tea anyway !
David forces his way into the house and steps into the foyer. There's blood spattered on his shirt.
MRS. GRAINGER : Patrick ? Oh, my God, stop it !
She pulls her children to her, covers their eyes as best she can as they back up to the dining room area. David stabs Patrick over and over again - squishy-fleshy sounds ensue.
MRS. GRAINGER : (screams) Get away from him !
He pulls the blade out of Patrick and Patrick falls to the floor.
MRS. GRAINGER : Oh, no ! Please, don't hurt my children !
He stabs one more time. Blood spatters on Mrs. Grainger's face.
DAUGHTER : (o.s.) No, please !
David turns and leaves.
A large fuel tanker screeches to a halt on the road under the overpass. The cars following it are stuck. The driver of the car directly behind the tanker beeps his horn. The paramedic, dressed in green, jumps out of the fuel tanker and heads toward the back. The driver of the car opens his door, stands and yells at the paramedic.
DRIVER : Oi ! Fuckflap ! Get back in that truck or I'll shove it up your arse !
The paramedic removes a circular disc off his arm and attaches it to the side of the fuel tanker. It's beeping and has a light flashing. The driver looks at it and can guess what it is. He turns and runs.
DRIVER : Oh, shit !
The paramedic stays where he is and watches the driver run.
The hallway doors open. Jack, Gwen and Beth hurry out.
JACK : (to comm) Tosh ? We got her. It's all over. We're on our way.
The blast blows out the windows and knocks them - and everyone else in the hallway - off their feet.
The hub shakes. Toshiko is at her workstation.
TOSHIKO : What's going on ?
Owen is in the autopsy bay and Ianto is coming down the spiral stairs.
Jack looks at Gwen.
JACK : You okay ?
GWEN : Yeah... I think so, yeah.
JACK : (to comm) What the hell was that ?
Toshiko is at the computer looking it up.
TOSHIKO : Petrol tanker. Looks like someone wanted to take out the M4 link road for some r... (Owen runs out to join her. Toshiko checks the map.) No ! It's not the road. There's an underground fuel pipeline. (To Owen) It's a special fuel supply for the military. They use it in emergencies.
OWEN : Not anymore. Hold on. (Owen turns to his own workstation.) I've got a report coming through. Patrick Grainger's been murdered.
OWEN : Leader of the council, stabbed several times in the chest, and once in the forehead. Sound familiar ?
Gwen and Jack continue to help Beth out through the hallway.
GWEN : (to comm) Why would anyone want to kill him ?
IANTO : He's also the city co-ordinator. Takes charge of the city in case of major emergencies. Has all the security protocols.
OWEN : Well, how do you know that ?
IANTO : I know everything. (Points) And it says so on the bottom of the screen.
JACK : They're putting all the pieces in place. Gwen, take her.
Jack releases Beth and rushes outside toward the SUV. Beth collapses and Gwen has to help her.
JACK : (to comm) Tosh, Owen, it's starting. It's happening right now !
The woman alien walks along the sidewalk. Her arm is in Alien mode and she's carrying a detonator in the palm of her other hand. She turns and enters the building. The plaque on the wall reads : TELECOMMUNICATIONS SWITCHING STATION & MOBILE SWITCHING CENTRAL. The building explodes. The bystanders standing out in the sidewalk are hit hardest. Alarms blare. People scream and run.
Jack is trying to listen to his comm. It's down. There's massive feedback. Gwen grimaces from the sound.
JACK : (to comm) Tosh ?
There's no response. He heads back to Gwen and Beth.
JACK : It's not just her. She's part of a cell, and they've activated. It's happening. (Shouts to Beth) Tell me how to stop it !
BETH : (shakes her head) It can't be.
JACK : Think !
GWEN : Beth, look at me. (Gwen turns her. She doesn't want to look.) Look at me ! (She looks at Gwen.) How do we stop this ?
BETH : I don't know. I'm cut off from the cell. I don't know what the mission is. I'm sorry.
GWEN : What about your implant ? How did you get out of Torchwood ?
BETH : The technology is part of me. I can switch it on, I can use the tools.
GWEN : Can you do that now ? Can you trace the other cell, Beth ?
Beth shakes her head.
BETH : No ! What if it goes wrong ?
GWEN : If you don't, Beth, other people will die. Not just Mike.
Beth takes several deep breaths. She holds her left hand over her implant.
The implant flares. The cells in her arm activate.
Beth looks at Gwen.
BETH : There's only one left. I can track him.
JACK : Let's go. Come on.
Jack and Gwen help her up and they head for the SUV.
The Torchwood SUV drives away, tires screeching.
David is driving. His hands are bloodied, his implant is turned on. As he drives, he presses one of the red lights on his implant.
Jack parks the SUV on the sidewalk.
JACK : Hang on, I've got an idea.
Jack gets out of the car.
Owen is dialing his cell phone while Toshiko tries to explain it to him.
TOSHIKO : No, I can't just hook something up ! The entire telephone network is down !
OWEN : (points) What about mobile connection ?
TOSHIKO : (slower) The entire telephone network is down !
Ianto joins them.
IANTO : Mobiles, landlines, tin cans with bits of string. Everything. Absolutely everything. No phones, phones all broken. (Holds his hand up to his face as if talking with a phone.) Hello ? Anyone there ? No, 'cause the phones aren't working.
Jack has a large roll of tape in his mouth. He takes it out.
GWEN : What's that ?
JACK : CB radio. They knocked out the phones, but they can't knock out the radio waves. (Glares at Beth) Not yet, anyway.
Jack rips the tape off.
OWEN : What about we try...
TOSHIKO : (interrupts) There is no way of getting in touch with Jack ! No way !
JACK : (from radio) Tosh, Owen, can you hear me ?
They turn around and see the radio in Jack's office. Toshiko runs and answers it.
TOSHIKO : Jack ! (to radio) Thank God. What happened ?
JACK : There's a cell, it's active. Four including Beth - two are dead. We're tracking the last guy now. (Jack has the radio antennae strapped to the passenger side-view mirror.) If we can get to him before he does anything, we can stop this.
TOSHIKO : What can I do ?
JACK : He's heading for an abandoned farm just outside the city. I need to know what's out there.
Jack is driving again.
David is pressing the lights in his implant.
Owen and Ianto are looking at the map on the monitor.
OWEN : Where the hell's he going ? (He turns toward Toshiko.) There's nothing there !
TOSHIKO : Nothing on the surface.
Jack is driving.
BETH : He's nearly there, we need to hurry.
JACK : Yeah. Hurrying, thank you.
GWEN : What happens when it starts, Beth ?
JACK : How do you get in the heavy weapons ?
BETH : I don't know. Um, I think we just have this arm stuff.
GWEN : So, how do you manage to take over so quickly ?
BETH : I don't know. I didn't even know how to use this thing until today.
The signs read : DANGER KEEP OUT, DANGER MINEFIELD TESTING, NO TRESPASSING. David smashes through the road barriers.
Ianto is reading a book and headed back toward the workstations.
IANTO : This is as far back as they go. There used to be a coal mine in the cliff. The Army sealed it off in the '40s, doesn't say why.
Owen holds the radio.
TOSHIKO : Let me see if I can get into the military files.
Toshiko works on the computers and breaks it rather quickly. RESTRICTED ACCESS AUTHORISATION REQUESTED. The number is: 3769416.
TOSHIKO : Come on, guys, that wasn't even difficult. You disappoint me.
IANTO : (mutters) It's almost obscene what you do to security systems.
The contents appear on the monitor.
TOSHIKO : Oh, God.
JACK : (from radio) What is it ?
TOSHIKO : The mineshaft. The military are using it for storage. Nuclear warheads. Ten of them. Nobody's supposed to know, not even us.
GWEN : That's how it starts.
JACK : No heavy weapons.
GWEN : Exactly ! They don't need any ! They use our own against us.
JACK : We left the key under the doormat. All you need is to walk in and take over.
TOSHIKO : Please tell me you can stop this.
JACK : Going as fast as we can. If we don't, we won't feel a thing. We're at the center of the blast radius.
TOSHIKO : That's comforting.
JACK : Come on ! Have a little faith ! With a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail ?
IANTO : He is dashing, you have to give him that.
Owen breaks contact.
OWEN : And what if they can't stop it ?
TOSHIKO : They'll stop it.
OWEN : Yeah, but if they can't ?
IANTO : Then it's all over.
OWEN : Let's all have sex.
IANTO : And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse.
David's car arrives at the farm field.
The Torchwood SUV is out on the road.
The Torchwood SUV is by the grassy area.
David approaches a post.
SOLDIER : Halt ! Stop the vehicle ! Get out of the vehicle now ! Lie face down on the ground !
David parks the car and opens the door.
SOLDIER : On the ground or we shoot !
He walks out and heads toward the building.
SOLDIER : Fire !
The soldiers fire on David. The bullet hit him in the chest. He jerks from the impact, but he doesn't fall. He again starts toward the building. A soldier comes up behind David and tries to choke him with his rifle. David flips the soldier over and holds onto the rifle. His arm changes into the long, pointed blade and he lifts it up high. He stabs the soldier. He pulls out the blade, now covered with blood. A couple more soldiers step out and fire on David. These bullets also hit David in the chest. He continues up the road toward the building. This time, he fires the rifle he's holding.
RANDOM SOLDIER : Take cover !
The soldiers continue to fire on him. Nothing seems to stop him. He successfully picks off the soldiers as he nears the building.
One-by-one the soldiers fall. And still he keeps coming.
The torchwood SUV passes the broken gates. Tires screech and it speeds past.
Beth sits in the back seat. Jack is driving.
David shoots the soldiers in the bunkers near the entryway. He walks past. One of the soldiers on the ground is playing dead. He gets up to shoot David, but David whirls around and shoots him dead first. Having cleared the entry of the soldiers, David tosses the rifle aside and heads for the security post.
The Torchwood SUV continues to speed through the road. They're almost there.
David reaches the security post and keypad. He holds the metal side with his right hand and uses his left hand to punch in some buttons on his arm. He then punches in the access codes. As he reaches the right code, the bar on the side rises, granting him entry to the next levels; it changes from LOCKDOWN to UNLOCKED. The list on the side includes :
He continues to punch in the keycode combinations.
Jack is still driving. Beth's arm beeps. She holds her arm.
David continues to punch in number combinations into the keypad. He UNLOCKS Area 3. He punches in the final number combination and UNLOCKS AREA 4. The building clangs and unlocks. The big RED LIGHT changes to GREEN. The buzzer sounds.
Jack is still driving.
GWEN : Have we thought this part of the plan through ?
JACK : This isn't gonna be pretty, brace yourselves.
David walks away from the security post. The Torchwood SUV is right behind him.
GWEN : How are we going to stop him, Jack ?
JACK : Like this.
Jack turns and rams David down with the SUV. David hits the concrete. Jack stops the SUV. David's hands shake and he's still moving, trying to head toward the building. Jack, Gwen and Beth exit the SUV. Jack runs over to David. He turns him over. Gwen reaches them and takes out the scanner.
JACK : This wasn't supposed to happen today. (Pulls his gun out on David.) How do we stop it ?
Gwen turns on the device.
JACK : Gwen ? (David's arm CGI MORPHS into the pointed blade.) Gwen ! Argh !
David stabs Jack. The blade pierces him clear through his chest.
DAVID (ALIEN) : Ooh ! Doesn't matter. You can't stop us. We know what your weakness is. We know who you are, Jack Harkness. We know all about you, and Torchwood. We got a lot of information before you switched her off. You'll be factored into our plans.
JACK : Oh. Gwen ?
GWEN : Nearly there. I've got it. He's done.
Gwen puts the scanner away. Jack pulls himself off the blade.
JACK : Ohhh !
He stands over David with his gun pointed at him. David looks at his blade.
JACK : Don't bother, your transmitter's dead. And so's your force-field.
DAVID (ALIEN) : You're lying.
JACK : Oh, yeah ?
Jack shoots David. Beth flinches and turns her head away. David spews blood from his mouth.
JACK : Factor that into your plans. (David gurgles.) Now, when are the others coming ?
DAVID (ALIEN) : They're already here.
ZOOM in on Jack and Gwen's reactions. David laughs. The detonator in his hand starts beeping. He opens his palm to show them.
DAVID (ALIEN) : I won't let you take me.
JACK : Run !
Jack, Gwen and Beth turn and run. David laughs maniacally. David is gone, but Jack, Gwen and Beth are all right.
JACK : Whew !
Hold on the three.
Owen is down in the autopsy area. He looks at Gwen and nods.
OWEN : It's done.
Gwen hurries back into the workstation area. She's carrying a sheet of paper. Toshiko and Jack finish their conversation and step out of his office into the workstation area.
TOSHIKO : I'll do it, but I'm not happy.
JACK : Just do what you have to.
Jack finishes adjusting his shirt and he shakes his head at her back. She passes Ianto, who is carrying an aerial of sorts. He looks at Jack, but Jack turns and heads back into his office. Ianto follows him. Toshiko is back at her workstation.
Gwen exits the workstation area and enters the lab. Beth is there, quiet and sad.
GWEN : We're set with the cryogenics when you're ready.
BETH : Will it work this time ?
GWEN : Tosh has reconfigured the casket. It'll work around the implant. No more false images.
BETH : If we'd been one minute later...
GWEN : We weren't. We stopped him.
BETH : Then what happens when you have to stop me ? If the freezing doesn't work ?
GWEN : It won't come to that.
BETH : I can feel it coming. It's pushing me out. (She looks down at her alien arm.) What will you do when I lose my last bit of me ?
GWEN : We will figure something out, Beth.
BETH : No, we won't. I'm too dangerous for that, we both know it.
Gwen is quiet.
BETH : Do you... have someone... at home ?
GWEN : A fiancé.
BETH : Have you ever hurt them ?
GWEN : More than once, yes.
BETH : Remember how guilty you felt ? (Gwen nods.) Imagine that... times a billion... all the time... every second of the day. That's how I feel now. And the worst part is, when I turn back, I won't feel guilty any more. I'll want to carry out my mission. I won't even care about Mike. I'll forget all about him. I don't wanna die as one of those things, Gwen. I don't wanna forget about Mike.
GWEN : Then don't. Let's do this. Who knows what we'll be able to do in a month ? A year ?
BETH : Thanks for being so good to me. Remember me the way I am now. Remember... Beth.
Beth's arm beeps. Suddenly, she holds it out at Gwen and the blade appears. Gwen gasps. Gwen backs away as Beth slowly advances.
GWEN : Beth... Beth...
Beth grabs Gwen and holds the blade up to her neck.
BETH : I won't let you freeze me !
She pulls Gwen out into the hub.
BETH : I'll kill you all !
Toshiko grabs her gun from her bag under her workstation. Jack runs out with his gun out.
VOICE : Let her go !
Owen and Ianto run out with their guns out.
VOICE : Let her go !
GWEN : No ! No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, don't shoot ! It's a trick. She won't hurt me. She won't hurt me.
TOSHIKO : Move away from her now !
JACK : Everybody, calm down ! Beth... Beth... You don't want to do this. Let Gwen go.
BETH : I'll kill her first, then all of you, then the rest of your miserable species !
GWEN : Beth, please ! They will kill you. You have proved to be better than that; you helped us to stop the invasion. You can be human. Please ! Beth !
Beth shakes her head.
BETH : Not human enough.
GWEN : Beth...
BETH : Goodbye, Gwen. (whispers) Good luck.
Beth pulls her arm back. Everyone fires. Gwen gasps. The bullets hit Beth's chest and she falls backward. Gwen sits down hard. Jack and Owen run up the stairs on either side of the catwalk. They stop and wait, their guns still on Beth.
GWEN : She wanted you to shoot her ! She used her last shred of humanity to do this.
OWEN : We couldn't take that chance. She must have known that.
JACK : She did. (Jack puts his gun down.) She just wanted to make it easier for us.
Everyone is quiet.
TOP VIEW DOWN on Beth, dead on the concrete floor.
Gwen is sitting next to her. She reaches out and holds Beth's hand. Jack is standing near Gwen. He holds his hand out and touches her shoulder. After a moment, he pulls away.
Jack is at his desk holding and looking at the alien blade. Gwen enters. Jack sits back in his chair and puts his legs up on the edge of the desk, crossed at the ankles.
GWEN : Do you think we stopped it ?
JACK : Maybe. Maybe we've just put it off for a while, I don't know. We don't know anything.
GWEN : We know plenty. We know about the implant. We can disable their force-field. We know how they attack. We know that they can be killed. And while they think they have the element of surprise, we know they haven't. But, until that day, we just keep doing what we do.
JACK : (pirate accent) Oh, them be fightin' words, they be, Gwen.
He sits up. They share a smile. And a chuckle.
JACK : So, have you set a date ?
GWEN : Oh, don't get me started, please. My mam's already been on the phone, saying, « What about the local church, Gwen? It's ever so lovely. »
JACK : Good. Go home. Keep doing what we do.
She nods to him. She nods back.
GWEN : Good night, Jack.
Gwen turns and leaves. Alone once more in the office, Jack picks up the alien blade and examines it. He looks up, knowing there may be more out there.