Opening shots and series recap
JACK : (VO) Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes and you gotta be ready.
Gwen leans on her elbow in bed watching Rhys sleep.
RHYS : You know it’s rude to stare.
Gwen laughs as he rolls over towards her.
GWEN : Is it too late to get you to make me a cuppa.
RHYS : What’s it worth ?
GWEN : What do you want ?
RHYS : I’ll draw you a diagram shall I ?
They kiss and Rhys gets out of bed, naked.
GWEN : Nice arse.
Rhys slaps a tune on his butt as he leaves the room, Gwen laughs at him and her phone rings.
RHYS : Don’t answer it !
Gwen picks up the phone, checks the screen and stops laughing when she answers.
GWEN : Yep.
JACK : (Over phone) You watchin’ the news ?
Gwen stands before the television in her dressing gown.
REPORTER : (On TV) There’s speculation that the incidents over night may be linked. Initial reports suggest terrorist involvement, but this morning some intelligence experts have claimed the incidents may be a stunt. The first sightings were of UFOs over the Taj Mahal in India…
The news station shows footage of UFOs before moving to a London location where English civil war soldiers fire their muskets at armed police officers.
REPORTER : (On TV) …they came in just after midnight. In London this morning there were reports of men in historic dress firing upon police. Some religious groups proclaiming are a vindication of their teachings.
RHYS : Do you think it is terrorists ?
GWEN : Terrorists bomb things, this is different.
RELIGIOUS WOMAN : (On TV) …People didn’t believe us, now they should. Judgement day is finally here. This is the End of Days.
Ianto reads from the Bible.
IANTO : …and I heard but did not understand, and I said ‘Master what is the end of all these things ?’ and he said ‘go Daniel, for the things are closed up and sealed until the end of time’. Daniel twelve, verse ten.
GWEN : Sounds a bit close for comfort.
Owen looks at the hand in it’s jar, holding his shoulder still.
OWEN : This machine’s on the blink, keeps loosing power. Sorry don’t let me stop your portents of doom, or have you finished ?
IANTO : No, plenty more where that came from.
Jack sits in his office with Toshiko looking at a laptop thinking. As Ianto starts reading another end of the world story he gets up and walks into the main hub.
IANTO : Abaddon, the Great Devourer, will lead the world into shadow.
JACK : Yeah, thanks, Ianto I can do without the superstition. You people love any story that denies the randomness of existence.
IANTO : Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better.
JACK : Okay, I’ve been fielding calls all night, the government, UNIT, the CIA. Half the Western world and a good proportion of the Eastern are all asking the same question : is this anything to do with us ?
Jack glances at Ianto who looks away, knowing it is and thinking it’s as much his fault as Owen’s because he didn’t stop him.
GWEN : Is it ?
TOSHIKO : I’ve run a profile on every reported temporal anomaly and tracked any physical temporal pattern.
Toshiko uses her palm pilot and a global map appears on the monitor. Red lines clearly extend from Cardiff.
GWEN : Shit !
JACK : The cracks in time track back here to the rift: this city, this hub, is the centre. What you’re seeing around the world are ripples and aftershocks. The rift is splintering because of you.
Jack looks directly at Owen who looks up defiantly.
OWEN : What ?
JACK : You opened the rift without knowing what you were doing. You’ve caused the temporal cracks to widen, time is seeping through.
OWEN : If it wasn’t for me you’d still be in the 1940s. so are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we going to do something about it ?
JACK : Bring those who’ve fallen through time back here, into the vaults.
OWEN : And do what with them ?
JACK : We’ll deal with phase one first, then I’ll tell you about phase two.
OWEN : You can’t control time, you can’t send ‘em back ! What are you gonna do !
JACK : We’ll think of something !
They all fall to silence in the face of Jack’s spilling anger and the lack of any cohesive plan.
JACK : Hey, this is not the end of the world. I’m certain of that.
An alarm sounds and Ianto moves to Jack’s laptop to check.
IANTO : Priority one attendance requested at the hospital, mortality rate’s gone through the roof. They’re sealing off the area and designating a hot zone.
OWEN : I’ll go.
JACK : Tosh go with him.
OWEN : Er, no thanks, I’m fine on my own.
TOSHIKO : Then you’ll be even better with me alongside. Shut upo Owen.
GWEN : Did you have to pick on his in public like that ?
JACK : All of our actions have consequences.
GWEN : And all your staff have feelings, Jack. Even Owen.
JACK : Well, you would know.
Jack walks away leaving Gwen stunned.
GWEN : He brought you back ! Would you rather be stuck in World War II ?
Gwen’s phone rings and she answers it angrily while Jack looks at her impassive.
GWEN : Hello ?
PC ANDY : (Over phone) Gwen ? This is Andy. Listen…
PC ANDY : (Into phone) I didn’t know who else to call.
A Roman soldier shouts in a cell. Jack and Gwen stand at the custody desk with PC Andy watching the inmate on the CCTV camera.
PC ANDY : Double murder, stabbed two blokes in Penarth. Brutal it was, no mercy. What are we supposed to do ? He doesn’t speak a word of English and he’s dressed as a bloody Roman soldier.
JACK : He’s not dressed as a Roman soldier, he is a Roman soldier and he’s shouting in Latin.
PC ANDY : The only word I could pick out was Gethly Geyer ?
GWEN : Gathly Gyer. There’s a Roman fort out in Gathly Gyer, built around seventy five a d.
JACK : So he was on his way there, time splintered and he ends up here.
PC ANDY : ‘scuse me, hi. Any time you feel like talking sense…
JACK : That soldier came through a crack in time.
PC ANDY : He’s not serious is he ?
They walk down the cell block to the soldier, Jack leading the way while Andy still tries to make sense of he situation.
PC ANDY : This sort of thing just doesn’t happen, not in Cardiff.
JACK : Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
GWEN : I know it sounds mad Andy but…
PC ANDY : Alright, Mulder and Scully, say I do believe you, which I don’t, ‘cause it’s bollocks, say I do, how exactly are we going to handle a prisoner from two thousand years ago ? I mean, has he got the same rights as anyone else ? How’s this gonna work with the CPS ?
Jack opens a small tin enclosing a syringe and faces the cell door.
JACK : We’ll take him off your hands.
Jack opens the window in the door and the soldier runs towards him and starts shouting through the hole.
SOLDIER : Ego somesempre homo indomitus. Varere, valva varere. (I always dream to be an untamed man... truly great and powerful.)
JACK : Under any other circumstances and exuberant Roman soldier would be my idea of a perfect morning.
Jack hands the tin to Gwen, keeping the syringe.
GWEN : Careful Jack.
Jack enters the cell and Gwen and Andy force the door closed behind him.
PC ANDY : Everyone’s saying it though, word on the streets. Do you think it’s the end of the world ?
GWEN : Oh, Andy, don’t be silly. Do you think the world’s gonna end on your shift ?
PC ANDY : I’ve seen you use that smile on a lot of people.
GWEN : What smile ?
PC ANDY : The smile you use to reassure people when deep down you know everything’s going to shit.
Owen walks into the ward speaking to a doctor, Toshiko behind them. All wearing bio-suits.
DOCTOR : This was the first one to die, no ID on her, just appeared in the middle of A&E. nobody saw her come through the doors, she didn’t register at the desk.
TOSHIKO : So what happened ?
DOCTOR : She started coughing up blood, we moved her into isolation immediately. An hour or so later the staff started presenting similar symptoms.
The enter a plastic lined cubicle housing the body of the first victim.
TOSHIKO : Which were ?
DOCTOR : Bit-like bumps on the skin, chills, fever, headaches, along with black patches on the skin.
OWEN : Indicating bleeding into the skin and possibly other organs.
DOCTOR : From the staff it started spreading to other patients who’d been in reception when she came in.
Toshiko opens the plastic bag at the end of the bed and pulls out some of the woman’s clothes, confirming the worst.
TOSHIKO : These aren’t contemporary clothes.
OWEN : Her teeth aren’t exactly modern style either. Shit.
DOCTOR : As soon as we realised the rate of infection we closed down the whole area.
Owen leaves the cubicle, having seen all he needs. The Doctor and Tosh follow.
OWEN : How many others are infected ?
DOCTOR : Thirty, maybe forty.
OWEN : All quarantined off ?
DOCTOR : We think so.
OWEN : Then have their clothes and their sheets destroyed immediately.
Owen looks at Tosh, breathing shallowly as the Doctor leaves to issue instructions to burn the material.
TOSHIKO : What is it ?
OWEN : That woman isn’t from this century. More like the fourteenth. It’s the, it’s the fucking black death Tosh. She’s infected Cardiff A&E with the plague. And it’s, my fault.
DOCTOR : The team are instigating procedures.
Owen and Toshiko start to walk away, nothing more they can do.
OWEN : The infected will need thirty milligrams of Streptimisin, four grams phenecol plus two of tetricyclin.
DOCTOR : That’s plague medicine ! Standard issue for Bubonic.
OWEN : Well done House, that’s what you’re up against.
DOCTOR : So, what are you going to do now ?
OWEN : Well, you’re a hospital, you’ve got procedures haven’t you ?
DOCTOR : Yes, but everybody said that Torchwood would sort it out. What if we get more carriers appearing out of the blue ?
TOSHIKO : We’re working to stop that.
DOCTOR : We’ve waited for you ! You’ve gotta stop this ! You’ve gotta do something !
OWEN : No, you’ve gotta do something. People are dropping through time and they are going to bring every disease in history through your doors, so you better be ready.
OWEN : You scarred enough yet ? ‘Cause fuck knows I am ! Common, Tosh.
TOSHIKO : Make sure they get the medicine, call us if things get worse.
DOCTOR : How much worse can they get ?
Toshiko looks at the Doctor without answering and leaves the area to catch up with Owen. Toshiko removes her head cover and walks into a cross corridor. Owen nowhere in sight.
TOSHIKO : Owen ? Owen ?
Toshiko looks around for Owen. Toshiko’s mother stands in the corridor a distance away and speaks to Tosh in Japanese.
TOSH’S MOTHER : It is coming… Out of the darkness.
TOSHIKO : (In Japanese) What is coming ?
TOSH’S MOTHER : If there is no other way… You’ll have to do it.
TOSHIKO : (In Japanese) Do what ? Mum !
The apparition disappears and Owen walks into the corridor.
OWEN : Tosh ! Come on, stop messing about.
Jack and Gwen scan the comatose body of the soldier.
GWEN : If Owen managed to open the rift to get you and Tosh back, can’t we do the same for these people ? We’ve still got the rift manipulator.
JACK : Huh. There’s a world of difference. We’re talking about taking control of time not bringing two people back from the past. Besides, look at the damage Owen caused. We mess with it further, we’ll put the whole planet in danger. When have I ever let you down ?
Gwen half smiles and walks down the cell block leaving Jack to continue his work. As she walks she hears a voice call her name. She turns to see Bilis sitting in the cell to her left.
BILIS : (Telepathically) I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
Jack looks up to see Gwen staring into the cell.
JACK : Gwen. Gwen ! Gwen !
She turns to Jack when he shouts.
JACK : Come on. Hustle.
When Gwen looks back into the cell Bilis has vanished. She goes in to check but there is no sign of him. She backs out concerned.
The Roman soldier lies in one of the cells unconscious. Gwen and Jack stand looking at him through the glass wall.
Jack : Are you sure it was the same guy ?
GWEN : It was definitely him, Bilis, the caretaker at the dance hall.
Gwen walks away from the cell.
JACK : That’s all he said, ‘sorry’ ?
GWEN : Uh huh.
JACK : Well what’s he got to be sorry for ?
The door at the end of the corridor bangs open and Ianto enters pushing a weevil in front of him, holding anti-weevil spray toward the creature’s head.
IANTO : Coming through.
The weevil hisses at Ianto and he sprays it in the face before pushing it into a cell where the weevil stands close to the glass howling.
IANTO : Thirty more reports of weevils on the loose, we’re not gonna keep up with this one.
JACK : Everything’s on the increase.
GWEN : Can’t we stop them from making that noise ?
IANTO : If you’ve got any ideas how.
JACK : Maybe they’re time sensitive, this disturbance may be too much for them.
IANTO : We’re now full in all vaults across all nine levels. Do you want me to activate the vaults below ? It’s just we’ve never used them since I’ve been here.
JACK : Do it. Gwen, maybe you’re right, lets run a search on your dance hall buddy, we need to find him.
GWEN : Okay.
Jack leads the way from the vault, Gwen following, leaving Ianto to watch the weevil as it continues crying. He notices movement to the side and turns to see Lisa standing by the wall - fully human.
LISA : Hello, Ianto.
Ianto is rendered speechless at the sight of Lisa, remembering their last moments together. Lisa walks towards him slowly.
IANTO : What do you want ? Why are you here ? This isn’t happening.
LISA : There’s only one way to stop this, before things get worse. People will die, Ianto, thousands of people, unless you open the rift.
Ianto closes his eyes, when he re-opens them Lisa is gone. The weevil growls at the place where she was standing - it wasn’t just Ianto who saw Lisa. Ianto looks around, breathing hard at the vision. He glances once at the weevil who hisses at him.
Owen enters the hub and is spotted by Jack walking back into the central hub with Gwen.
JACK : Owen, how was the hospital ?
OWEN : Laugh a bloody minuet. They’ve got an outbreak of the black death.
Toshiko enters behind Owen and stops at her computer staring aghast at the monitor.
GWEN : What ? Oh my God !
JACK : Have they got it under control ?
Does doesn’t respond.
JACK : Tosh ! How are they coping ?
TOSHIKO : Erm, Owen got the place quarantined and organised treatments for those who’ve been affected.
OWEN : Only consolation is, it’s treatable these days, but you know, what happens when the next carrier comes through, Jack ? Someone carrying small pox or Ebola or something from the future we don’t even know about yet, what do we do then ?
JACK : Yeah, well, it’s not doing us any good standing around speculating.
Jack starts to walk away and Owen stands in his way before he can pass, standing face to face while Owen demands answers.
OWEN : We need to be prepared. We’re helpless. All we’re doing here is putting sticking plasters on gaping wounds !
JACK : What do you suggest ?
OWEN : I suggest you lead us and you tell us what the instructions are.
Toshiko and Gwen both watch, Gwen taking a step forward and calling to him as he gets progressively more aggressive.
GWEN : Owen.
Ianto enters the central hub and stands near Toshiko, watching.
OWEN : No, I can’t. You’re all thinking it to, you’re the Big Man here, you keep all the secrets, well now’s the time to tell us a few and tell us how the hell we’re gonna get out of this !
JACK : You wanna know a secret ? There is no solution. I can’t fix this, because this was never meant to happen. The first thing you learned when you joined Torchwood was don’t mess with the rift, you disobeyed those orders and now everything that’s happening is down to you.
OWEN : I only disobeyed instructions to get you back !
JACK : Now people are dying.
OWEN : What ? So I shouldn’t have bothered ? Who the fuck are you anyway, Jack Harkness ? You don’t even exist, we’ve looked. So if you’re not even a real person then why the hell should I follow your orders ?
JACK : Get out.
OWEN : What ?
JACK : Get out ! I am relieving you of your duty.
TOSHIKO : No, you can’t do that.
OWEN : Bollocks you are.
GWEN : Jack, wait.
Jack ignores the protests and leans into Owen’s face menacingly.
JACK : You’re done here.
OWEN : What so that’s it ? The whole world is going to shit and you’re going to fire me !
GWEN : Stop it both of you ! We need to stick together on this.
JACK : If I can’t rely on you , if I don’t have your complete trust you don’t belong here, that goes for the rest of you. Anyone who agrees with Owen, leave now.
Gwen, Ianto and Tosh all look at Owen and look away, knowing they won’t leave. Owen nods to himself.
OWEN : So now we know how it is, so that leaves me twenty four hours to savour the good times.
GWEN : What you talking about ?
OWEN : You know it Gwen. Nobody leaves this place intact. Sometime in the next twenty four hours, I get retconed, all my memories erased. I don’t know where, or when, but he’ll get me.
GWEN : Jack,, this has gone far enough.
Owen removes his gun from the back of his trousers and holds it briefly, really not wanting to leave but unwilling to back down and apologise to Jack.
OWEN : Well, I guess this is goodbye.
He puts the gun down and moves to leave.
OWEN : Yeah, good luck with the end of the world.
Owen pauses next to Gwen.
OWEN : I would say thanks for the memories.
Owen leaves the hub.
GWEN : Jack ! For god’s sake !
Owen exits through the cog door and when it shuts behind him he pauses, leaning on the banister and the wall fighting back tears before the lift opens. He stands in the lift for a moment before pressing the button, still unable to take any action against his removal.
Jack and Gwen walk through a shopping arcade, Ianto directing them over the com.
IANTO : (Over com) Okay guys, Bilis’s shop is coming up twenty meters on your left.
A sign outside Bilis’s shop reads ‘A Stitch In Time. Timepieces repaired and refurbished’ - it is a watch and clock shop. Jack and Gwen enter the store which is filled with antique clocks. They glance around waiting for Bilis to enter without going to find him.
GWEN : Wow. Some of this stuff must go back centuries.
JACK : Scavenges antique pieces from the past, brings them here, sells them for profit, not a bad business plan.
GWEN : Hum.
Bilis enters the shop down a spiral staircase at the back.
BILIS : We all have to earn a living.
JACK : You’re from 1941.
BILIS : As you were. Hello again.
Bilis walks between Jack and Gwen into his work area at the side of the shop.
GWEN : How can you be in two time zones at once ?
BILIS : I can step across eras, like you’d walk into another room. At first it was the most incredible gift, now I know the reality. It’s a curse.
GWEN : Why ?
BILIS : I can see the whole of history, but I don’t belong anywhere within it. So, you’re return to this time had a price, time splintering. This city exists on a rift in time, the only way to make it right is to re-open that rift and let it suck back what fell through.
JACK : No way. It’s too dangerous.
GWEN : Can we even do that ?
BILIS : Of course you can. Isn’t that right, Captain ?
GWEN : Jack ?
JACK : You’ve seen what happened, we open that rift fully, millions of lives will be at risk.
BILIS : And yet if you don’t, more will fall through, lives will be lost.
Bilis speaks directly to the humanitarian in Gwen. Jack laughs in response and aims his gun at Bilis, seeing the attempt. Gwen steps back out of the way and Bilis holds his hands up in surrender.
JACK : You know so much you’re coming back with us.
BILIS : I’m sorry.
Bilis smiles and disappears. Gwen enters the room to wonder at his vanishing act and Jack holsters his gun.
JACK : Damn it. Trace the temporal activity around this location, we need to find out where he is. Come on.
Jack leaves the shop, Gwen backs out slowly, the clocks becoming deafening to her. She hears Bilis’s voice say her name. As she turns to leave she nearly crashes into Bilis. Gwen goes for the door and Bilis reaches over to hold it shut. Gwen steps back to allow Bilis to talk.
BILIS : I am not your enemy.
GWEN : In the cells, why did you say you were sorry ?
BILIS : Sometimes it’s better to live in ignorance. Unless… do you really want to know ?
GWEN : Know what ?
BILIS : Hold my hands, I’ll show you.
GWEN : Okay.
BILIS : Only if you’re sure.
GWEN : I’m sure.
Bilis holds out his hands and Gwen takes them. Her eyes wide, Bilis shows her a vision of the future as he would have her believe it: Rhys lies on the floor of their flat in a pool of his own blood. Gwen rips her hands away terrified.
BILIS : I’m sorry.
GWEN : What did you just show me ?
BILIS : The future.
Gwen grabs open the door and sprints from the shop past Jack who walks along casually.
JACK : What took you so long ? Gwen ?
Jack starts to jog after her but she turns down an alley at the side of the arcade and Jack doesn’t see where she goes.
Gwen enters the flat and runs to the living room. She looks round unable to see Rhys until he looks up from the kitchenette.
RHYS : Hey you.
Gwen smiles in relief at the sight of him.
GWEN : Yeah. It’s me. Ah ! You’re cleaning the oven !
RHYS : Aye, somebody’s gotta love.
Gwen grabs his arm.
GWEN : We’ve gotta go.
RHYS : Why, why ? What’s happened ?
GWEN : We’ve gotta go, that’s all.
RHYS : Well let me finish here first.
GWEN : Rhys, we’ve gotta go, now.
RHYS : Oh, here we go again, always in a hurry with you, every since you started that bloody job…
Gwen takes a tranquiliser gun from her bag and shoots Rhys in the chest. Rhys collapses to the floor crying out quietly in painful surprise.
GWEN : I’m sorry.
Owen leans on the bar, three empty glasses beside him as he holds his head. A voice whispers his name and he looks round. Diane stands next to him.
DIANE : Owen.
OWEN : Jesus, Diane. Oh, Jesus.
DIANE : I’m lost, Owen.
Owen reaches out to the vision.
OWEN : I can touch you. I don’t understand. Where did you end up ?
DIANE : Please. Bring me back, Owen. You can do that can’t you ?
OWEN : Dunno. Everything’s out of sync.
DIANE : Please. Please, bring me back. Open the rift.
A barman leans in between them to pick up a glass, unable to see Diane.
BARMAN : You want another drink there mate ?
When the barman leaves Diane is gone. Owen stands open mouthed, tears running down his cheeks, looking at the place Diane stood seconds before.
Gwen looks into a cell where Rhys lies. He wakes with a start and sees Gwen.
GWEN : wow, take it easy.
RHYS : What’s going on ? Am I dreaming ?
GWEN : This is where I work.
RHYS : You work at a prison ?
GWEN : These are just the cells.
RHYS : You locked me in a cell ? What the hell are you playing at ?
GWEN : I was just trying to keep you safe.
RHYS : I was safe at home !
GWEN : No, you weren’t. You really weren’t.
RHYS : Listen here, Gwen. You better tell me exactly what’s going on, ‘cause I’ve taken some shit through the last few months. I mean what’s all this ?
GWEN : Rhys, listen to me. I need you to trust me. Okay, it may not seem like it at the moment but I am just trying to take care of you. I love you, sweetheart.
A howling echoes through the vault from an upper level and Rhys looks around.
RHYS : What the hell was that ?
GWEN : Just try and relax and I’ll come back for you.
RHYS : What do you mean ? You’re not gonna leave me down here !
Gwen backs away from the cell towards the door.
GWEN : I’m sorry.
RHYS : Gwen ! Gwen !
GWEN : I’m sorry.
Gwen leaves the vault, closing the door behind her leaving Rhys alone in his cell.
RHYS : Shit.
Gwen re-enters the main hub and goes to her station. Jack stands with Tosh and Ianto nearby.
JACK : Did he wake up ?
GWEN : Yeah. Yeah, he did. Tosh, can you bring up the CCTV of the vaults ?
Toshiko nods and looks to her palm piolet.
GWEN : Just leave it on the screen, I know it sounds crazy but…
TOSHIKO : Sure, no problem.
GWEN : Thank you, for helping me bring him here.
TOSHIKO : I can’t understand how Bilis was able to show you that vision.
Gwen looks at Rhys on the CCTV, pacing his cell before sitting on the bunk with his head in his hands before she answers.
GWEN : It was so real, Tosh. I was in my flat, it smelt of my flat, it had all of the sounds of my flat…
Ianto looks uncomfortable and Jack walks over to Gwen as she gets more distressed recounting the vision.
GWEN : …I could touch the blood, I can still feel it on my hands. Rhys’s blood.
Jack takes Gwen’s hand to comfort her.
JACK : Not gonna happen.
Gwen closes her eyes trying to believe him.
JACK : Come on, there’s still work to be done.
Jack walks back over to Toshiko and Ianto. The lights go out and an alarm sounds.
JACK : What’s going on ?
TOSHIKO : We’ve got a security breach.
Toshiko and Ianto move to deal with the situation.
JACK : Alright, nobody panic.
Gwen runs past Jack back to the vault.
GWEN : Rhys !
Jack chases Gwen from the room.
The front of Rhys’s cell swings open. He walks carefully to the entrance, looking around. He tries the vault door but it is locked down. He turns to see Bilis kneeling at the other end of the corridor, facing away from him. Bilis stands quickly and turns to Rhys.
RHYS : Oh, do you work here ?
Bilis smiles tightly without answering and walks towards Rhys with his hands clasped behind his back.
RHYS : I’m Rhys, Gwen’s boyfriend.
Bilis walks quickly to Rhys without responding, when he gets close he thrusts a knife into Rhys’s stomach. Rhys steps backwards pulling free from the knife, glancing from the blood seeping from the wound to his attacker. Bilis impassively steps closer and pushes the knife into Rhys’s chest, up into his heart. Rhys falls to the floor, dying. Bilis calmly walks away wiping the knife with a hanker chief. Bilis disappears.
Toshiko and Ianto are at their stations, the power returns unaided and they look to each other in confusion.
Gwen rushes into the vault, closely followed by Jack. She sees Rhys’s body on the floor. In a pool of blood the same as in her vision.
GWEN : No !
Gwen grabs ar Rhys’s body, trying to pull him to her while shouting incoherently. Jack tries to pull Rhys back away from her. She turns to Jack in desperation.
GWEN : We can bring him back !
Jack holds Gwen’s cheek, forcing her to look at him. His eyes are wet with tears knowing that he has failed her.
JACK : There’s nothing we can do.
Gwen clings to the body screaming.
Rhys’s body lies on the autopsy table. Toshiko and Ianto stand on the stairs looking on. Gwen sits next to Rhys holding his forehead and gazing at his face, trying to take in his death. Jack cleans the blood from her other hand.
GWEN : I’ll have to tell his family.
IANTO : We’ll deal with it.
GWEN : The way you dealt with that porter the first time I met you ? No, you won’t deal with him, Ianto.
TOSHIKO : Gwen, I’m so sorry.
Gwen laughs at Toshiko.
GWEN : You never even met him.
Jack stops cleaning Gwen’s hand and moves away.
GWEN : This is what happens here. We all end up alone. Not me. No way. You bring him back.
JACK : No.
GWEN : The resurrection gauntlet…
IANTO : Was destroyed.
GWEN : We’ve got to have something else.
JACK : I said no.
GWEN : Well, there’s something wrong with time so, er, we can go back and, to the moment, to the very moment…
JACK : Gwen.
GWEN : Well there’s gotta be something that you can do otherwise, what’s the fucking point of you ?
Gwen lunges at Jack screaming and lashing out at him. Jack holds her gently from him while she struggles, before pulling her into a fight embrace.
JACK : Sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.
Tears stain Jack’s face as he holds her crying to his chest. Owen runs into the autopsy room and stops at the top of the stairs at the scene before him.
OWEN : Shit. What happened ?
TOSHIKO : You came back.
Toshiko smiles broadly at Owen’s return but he runs down the stairs to Gwen ignoring her. He pulls Gwen away from Jack and she pushes him away brutally.
GWEN : Don’t touch me !
OWEN : How many other people have gotta suffer ?
Gwen returns to sit next to Rhys’s body. Jack looks at Owen unspeaking.
OWEN : I’m gonna fix this. I’m opening the rift.
Owen walks back up the stairs to the main hub. Ianto looks at Jack and then follows Owen.
JACK : Make sure you stop him.
Ianto stops and turns to Jack.
Jack stares after Ianto as he leaves, not believing that even Ianto would side against him. Toshiko follows.
TOSHIKO : I’m gonna help him.
Gwen gets up and leaves the autopsy room quickly, pausing to speak to Jack as she leaves, madness colouring her eyes.
GWEN : Bilis was right, he said open the rift and everything goes back to normal. Owen’s right. I’m gonna get Rhys back.
JACK : Gwen. Gwen !
Owen types onto a computer to Ianto’s instructions.
IANTO : Enter emergency protocol one.
Gwen pushes Owen from the keyboard and takes over typing. As the code is entered an alarm sounds through the hub.
Jack picks up his gun and runs upstairs.
Gwen continues typing as Jack enters. Owen stands in front of him.
JACK : Get away from the computer, Gwen. This is a trap, all these cracks around the world, they’re diversions, this is what Bilis wants.
OWEN : What are you afraid of, Jack ?
Gwen continues typing regardless and the computer requests a password. Ianto leans over.
IANTO : Rhea Silva.
Gwen types in the code and Jack aims his gun at her. Owen backs out of the way.
JACK : I said move.
They all look round at Jack.
TOSHIKO : What the hell are you doing ?
JACK : Final warning.
Gwen walks towards Jack, straight towards the gun.
GWEN : Come on, Jack.
JACK : You’re a united front now. Toshiko, the poor girl who’ll screw any passing alien who gives her a pendant; Owen, so strong he gets in a cage with a weevil, desperate to be mauled; Ianto, hiding a cyber girlfriend in the basement, your three comrades here pumped bullets into her, remember ?
GWEN : I’ve gotta get Rhys back.
Jack lowers the gun to look at Gwen.
JACK : Yeah, ‘cause you’re so in love with Rhys that you spend half your time in Owen’s bed.
Gwen punches Jack hard in the face, knocking him to the floor in anger. Owen takes the gun and aims it at Jack.
GWEN : Fuck you !
OWEN : We are relieving you of your command, Captain. We’re opening that rift and getting back what we lost.
Gwen returns to the computer which now reads ‘retina prints of all Torchwood personnel required for authorisation. Enter’.
GWEN : Shit !
Jack starts to get to his feet, glaring at Owen.
OWEN : Stay down !
JACK : You wanna be in charge, Owen ? You gotta have significantly bigger balls.
Jack stands and Owen shoots him in the forehead. Jack falls to the ground dead and Owen fires two further shots. Toshiko puts her hands to her mouth in shock while Owen shakes holding the gun.
OWEN : I am sick of people doubting me.
Gwen slowly reaches to take the gun from Owen while Ianto moves to Jack, crouching down next to him.
IANTO : What have you done ?
They all stare at Owen in disbelief. They must continue what they started and all input their retina scans into the computer.
GWEN : We’ve still gotta do Jack’s.
Owen scans Jack’s eye. The scans are checked and the computer screen changes : ‘Authorisation complete. Institute emergency protocol one ?’ Gwen presses ok and a notice appears : ‘Warning. Protocol activation will endanger Torchwood infrastructure’. Gwen glances at the rest of the team before her eyes land on Rhys’s body, furthering her resolve. She presses return to institute the protocol. An alarm sounds immediately and the hub starts to shake as the rift starts to open. The guests in the vault start shouting as the team looks around them. Jack gasps back to life, Gwen screams as he grabs her ankle. The rest of the team stare at Jack shocked.
OWEN : Oh my god !
JACK : What have you done ?
Gwen looks round towards the water tower. Electricity sparks onto the tower from the surroundings and the water tower becomes a blaze of light, powering up the tower and into the sky, as the rift opens in earnest. The hub shakes more violently and the team rush to vacate the premises. The roman soldier vanishes from the cell - opening the rift did reverse the process. Gwen tries to pull up Jack, Ianto goes to help as the board room explodes in a shower of glass.
GWEN : Help me move him !
Jack staggers through the hub towards Owen and Tosh, an arm slung around Ianto and Gwen’s shoulders. Unseen by Gwen Rhys’s body disappears from the autopsy room. Owen forces open the gates to the cog door. As Jack, Ianto and Gwen goes through Jack’s office Ianto picks up Jack’s coat and Jack pushes him in front as they go down the narrow stairs, gaining strength.
JACK : Go.
They exit the hub in a maze of falling walls.
Owen jogs down the street, Toshiko next to him. Jack, Ianto and Gwen bring up the rear, Jack still leaning on them for support.
GWEN : It’s alright Jack, everything is gonna go back to normal.
Owen and Tosh stop and look ahead of them. Following their gaze Gwen moves away from Jack to stand between the others, leaving Jack to lean on Ianto. Bilis stands in the road looking at them, confidently. Gwen walks forward, stopping a distance away as Bilis speaks triumphantly.
BILIS : From out of the darkness, He is come.
GWEN : What is he talking about ?
Gwen shouts in angry dismay, realising that she has been tricked by Bilis.
BILIS : Son of the Great Beast. Cast out before time, chained in rock, and imprisoned beneath the rift.
GWEN : What !
Bilis doesn’t answer but stares upwards.
BILIS : All hail Abadon. The Great Devourer…
Gwen follows Bilis’s gaze behind them, followed by the rest of the team. A huge horned beast towers above the buildings behind them striding towards them roaring, setting off car alarms as the ground trembles with each step.
BILIS : …come to feast on life. The whole world shall die beneath his shadow.
Abadon roars down at them and moves away, striding over the city as the terrified public run screaming from him. As his shadow falls over them they fall to the ground dead.
BILIS : And look upon him my god and know my work is done.
Gwen hears Bilis vanish and turns slowly to check. She returns to the rest of the team, Jack now firmly back in charge.
GWEN : How do we stop it ? Tell me what to do, Jack.
Jack looks around at his team and makes no comment - allowing them to accept his leadership once more without telling them that he told them so. He lands his gaze on Gwen, knowing how to stop this monster.
JACK : Just you. Get me to an open space.
Gwen willingly drapes Jack’s arm over her shoulder.
Gwen speeds the SUV to a stop on a large piece of wasteland and Jack gets out of the vehicle. Abadon still moving over the city before them. Jack staggers away from the car and Gwen runs to him, afraid for him.
GWEN : What are you gonna do ?
JACK : Abadon is the bringer of death, let’s see how he does with me. If he feeds on life, then I’m an all you can eat buffet.
Gwen grabs Jack trying to stop him.
GWEN : No wait, wait you’re too weak.
Jack forces Gwen’s hands away and pushes her back towards the SUV, his eyes only on Abadon.
JACK : Get out of here. Get, go ! Drive as fast as you can.
Gwen stands where she is, watching Jack walk to the top of the hill to confront Abadon.
GWEN : Jack !
JACK : Bring it on !
Abadon turns to Jack, sensing his life force and coming over to tower above him. As his shadow falls over Jack he feeds, howling as he pulls the life force from him until he collapses in his gluttony and disintegrates. Jack falls to his back, dead. Gwen runs to Jack’s side and rocks his body in grief.
Gwen runs into her flat and sees Rhys in the living room.
GWEN : Oh you’re here.
RHYS : Weren’t you just here a minuet ago ?
GWEN : You’re here !
Gwen goes to Rhys and pulls him down for a kiss in relief.
GWEN : Go to bed, get some sleep and I’ll be back for you.
Gwen kisses Rhys again before she leaves.
Jack lies on one of the shelves, Owen and Tosh standing to one side, Ianto on the other. Gwen walks towards them and stands next ot Ianto. She looks down on Jack, lying pale and dead.
GWEN : You’re certain ?
OWEN : He’s ice cold, no vital signs.
GWEN : He survived when you shot him. When I first joined he said he couldn’t die.
OWEN : He was wrong.
GWEN : I want to sit with him.
Owen nods and moves away while Gwen strokes Jack’s face lightly. Toshiko leave silently, leaving Gwen alone with Jack. Hours pass while Gwen paces the mortuary, waiting for Jack to come back and alleviate her grief and guilt. The others watch her from the central hub on a monitor.
OWEN : How long is she going to do this ?
Ianto glances at Owen, silencing him. Ianto tidies Jack’s desk before picking up Jack’s coat and holding to his face, a grief hidden from the others. Toshiko stands in the mortuary with Gwen.
TOSHIKO : It’s been days. We have to face up to it, he’s not coming back.
GWEN : I believe in him.
TOSHIKO : Let him go, Gwen.
Toshiko walks away. Gwen knowing Toshiko is right picks up Jack’s hand and holds it to her face before leaning over and kissing him softly. She walks away.
JACK : Thank you.
Gwen stops in her tracks at the Jack’s whisper and smiles. She jogs back to him and Jack grins at her. Jack holds Gwen’s hand as they walk into the main hub. Toshiko looks over and runs to hug Jack when she sees him. Ianto sees and follows Toshiko, approaching Jack more slowly he reaches out to shake Jack’s hand. Jack pulls Ianto into a hug before kissing him. Owen rounds a corner and sees Jack, half approaching. Jack walks to Owen and stands silently while Owen struggles to find words.
JACK : I forgive you.
Owen starts to cry and Jack pulls him into a fatherly embrace while the others watch.
Jack sits behind his desk flicking through papers. Gwen perches on the desk.
GWEN : What’s happened to the rift ?
JACK : Closed up when Abadon was destroyed, but it’s gonna be more volatile than ever.
GWEN : The visions we had, we all saw people we loved. What did you see ?
JACK : Nothing. There was nothing.
GWEN : Jack ? What would have tempted you ? What visions would have convinced you to open the rift ?
JACK : The right kind of doctor.
Jack gets up from his desk, not wanting to share any more and leaves his office.
GWEN : Jack.
JACK : Where are they with those coffees ?
An alarm sounds and Jack looks over at the hand in its jar. The light inside flashes slowly and Jack smiles slightly. Uncertain that it is really happening until he hears a sound in the distance - the TARDIS. A wind flows through the hub throwing papers to the floor. Gwen walks through the hub to where Jack was standing - he is no longer there. Toshiko, Ianto and Owen enter the hub through the cog door and Gwen walks down the stairs to meet them.
GWEN : Did you see Jack on your way in ?
OWEN : I thought we tided up in here. What’s the matter ?
GWEN : Erm, he was just here. Something’s taken him, Jack’s gone.
Bilis Manger - Murray Melvin / PC Andy - Tom Price / Lisa - Caroline Chikezie / Diane Holmes - Louise Delamere / Doctor - Matthew Gravelle / Toshiko’s Mother - Noriko Aida / Policeman - Russell Jones / Roman Soldier - Jamie Belton / Newsreader - Carrie Gracie / Weevil - Paul Kasey / Religious Woman - Rhian Wyn Jones.
Please note that this script has been re-produced as accurately as possibly for [ Torchpedia] from the televised episode. It is not a transcript of the original script by Chris Chibnall.