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  2x21 - City of Blood
 Posted: 05/03/14 03:41
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Previously on "Arrow" Tibetan pit viper venom.

A constant dose of that can't be good for you, right? It'll keep him sedated like it did Slade.

No mention on Isabel Rochev's death? Not a thing.

Slade: Choose.

Choose! No! No! No, mom! Mom, what are you doing? Both my children will live.

Thea: What are you doing?! You possess true courage.

No! [Sobbing] There is still one person who has to die Before this can end.

No Thea: Mom?! Sebastian: I do solemnly swear that I will support, defend, and abide by the Starling City charter.

And that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of mayor of Starling City.

That I will tirelessly pursue justice on behalf of all of starling's citizens Impartially, to the best of my abilities.

So help me God.

[Applause] Thank you.

[Indistinct chatter] Thea.


I'm here for you.

I know.

Sebastian: Ms.


I wanted to offer my sincere condolences on your loss.

Your mother was a good woman.

She would have made a wonderful mayor.

Thank you.

I'd love to speak with Oliver.

Well, if you see him, tell him he missed his own mother's funeral.

No one's seen Oliver for a few days.

We all deal with grief in different ways.

And the loss of a parent is [Clears throat] Well, it changes you.

When you realize that your ancestors now look to you; that your family's legacy, their continuing works, are solely in your hands.

If you see Oliver, please tell him that I came by.

Of course.

[Crying] Hey.


I don't even know why I'm crying.

I didn't even like Moira.

Terrible thing to say about someone after they've just died.

In my defense, she was not nice.

She was diabolical.

Not a word you often hear at someone's funeral.

You're not crying for her, Felicity, you're crying for Oliver.

[Sighs] Where is he? How could he not be here? [Exhales] I don't know.

If Oliver's smart He ran back to his island to hide.

But maybe he'll attend your funerals.

I always loved this photograph.

I thought your mother looked particularly beautiful.

Well, she didn't.

She thought she looked bug-eyed.

[Chuckles] She never said.

How are you holding up? I'm not.

Your mother gave her life for you, Thea.

She showed you how much she loved you in ways very few parents ever could.

I know.

She died thinking I hated her.

But all we ever needed was the truth.

It was a lie that killed her.

I don't understand.

Slade Wilson.

He was on that island with Oliver.

And despises him for some reason.

There was a psychopath in our lives and my brother never warned us about him.

Thea, your brother loves you more than life itself.

You should keep that photo.

This sub is over It was carrying the Mirakuru during the war when it ran aground.

Peter: Blood.


He was bleeding out, dying.

Until we decided to give him the Mirakuru.

Not one of your better ideas.

What about my idea for you to fix this sub? You were in the Navy.

The Russian Navy.

They taught us how to sink Japanese sub, not pilot them.

Anatoly, please.

I know it's a long shot, but if we get this sub operational, we can blow Slade and the Mirakuru out of the water and get the hell off of this island.

I mean, unless you have a better idea, this is our only chance of getting home.


I try.

No one has seen Slade Wilson since the night of the attack.

I mean, he hasn't made any further threats on the Queen family, but we got to find this son of a-- Excuse me.


Missed you at the reception.


I had to get back here, see what was happening with the case.

Any leads? No.

Wilson's a ghost.

He's not the only one who's disappeared.

You heard from your sister? Nothing apart from a text that she needed a change of scenery.

Something else on your mind? It's Sebastian Blood.

There's something that doesn't seem right.

Laurel Dad, I know what you're thinking.

When I accused him of killing his father, I was upset.

But just because I had a problem doesn't mean I was wrong about Sebastian.

Please, don't go down this road again, ok? What's bringing this on? I saw him at the reception.

And it struck me that the only reason that he's mayor now is because Moira was killed.

Yeah, by Slade Wilson.

What if there's a connection? You once told me, a cop is only as good as his gut.

Well, I'm the daughter of a cop, and I know in my gut Sebastian is not the man that you think he is.

You sure? Baby, last time I was a drunk.

And you were right not to trust me.

But, Dad I need you to trust me now.

This legislation is the first step toward making Starling City the jewel that it once was.

The jewel that it can be again.

Phone call for you, mayor Blood.

I'm still getting used to people calling me that, Alyssa.

Please take a message.

The caller insisted.

He said he's your father.

That's impossible.

Never mind.

I'll take it.

Hello? Slade: Hello, Sebastian.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I just wanted to check in and see how your first day is going.

Very well, thank you.

But I'm a little busy right now, so if you'll allow me to call you back, I'll do that as soon as I can.

I'm sure you have quite a lot of business to attend to.

You are the major now, after all.

So get to work.

Diggle: We're almost out of snake venom.

Seeing Roy like this reminds me of Barry.

And Barry reminds me of S.









Labs reminds me of the Mirakuru cure that they're working on, which we could really useright now.

Yeah, especially since Isabel Rochev was clearly injected with the stuff.

How do you know? 'Cause there's no other way she could be walking around after being shot dead-on with a nine-millimeter hollow point.

[Both sigh] I've left about a dozen messages for Oliver about Isabel being back.

No response.

You have any luck finding him? Tons.

All of it bad.

There's been no activity on his passport, cell phone, or bank accounts-- what's left of them, anyhow.

And facial recognition hasn't spotted him in any airport, bus, or train station.


What about Sara? Nothing either.

[Diggle exhales] Dig, people don't just go missing like this, unless Don't go there, Felicity.

What if she is? What if Oliver is? Maybe the reason we can't find him is because-- He's alive, Felicity.

If he wasn't, Isabel Rochev wouldn't be so shy about rubbing it in our faces.

Believe me, he's alive.

Well, I hope you have some way on how to find him, because I am running out of places to look and people to ask.

I know who to ask.

Thanks for agreeing to see us.



Thought I made it clear after our last meeting.

As far as A.





is concerned, you're out of favors.

I'm not asking for myself, Amanda.

I'm asking for everyone in Starling City.

I need you to find Oliver Queen.


That computer's running an XK-15 processor.

Felicity But that's not even supposed to exist yet.

I want one.

Amanda: Let me know what you find.

I don't have time to keep track of your friends, Mr.


We deal with more pressing issues here.

You don't understand.

Oliver's disappeared.

Maybe he needs some time.

Or is it possible that the two of you simply haven't been looking in the right place? Did you try facial recognition? Yes, I ran it three times.

Amanda, please.

Slade Wilson has an army of men just like him.

How many men have been exposed to the Mirakuru? Enough to lay waste to this city.

We need to find Oliver right now.

I'll see what I can do.

Thea: Have you heard from Sara? No.

Can you just call Mandy and see if she can cover the bar? Isabel Rochev.

I know who you are.

What can I do for you, Ms.

Rochev? I'm sorry for your loss, Thea.

Is that why you came here? Offer me your condolences? My condolences, and to give you this.

It's a notice to vacate the premises.

This club and the steel factory in which its located are all assets of Queen Consolidated.

No, you--you can't do this.

It's already done.

How long do I have? A couple days.

Councilman Tyson is asking about dinner.

I already have plans tonight.


Excuse me, I didn't mean to barge in.

It's just that nobody was at your front desk, so Laurel, of course, please come in.

Give us a moment.

Twice in two days.

To what do I owe the pleasure? I wish I could say that this was pleasure, but it's about a case.

I've barely moved in and people are already asking me for favors.

I guess I really have arrived.

You certainly have.

[Chuckles] So tell me, how can I help you? Murphy vs.


The state's charged a real estate developer for turning away low-income tenants based on his so-called "morality.

" Have a seat.

Let me guess.

Our dear fair housing commissioner isn't willing to testify as your expert witness.


And your predecessor wasn't willing to lean on him.

Well, lucky for you, I'm not my predecessor.

You know, this actually reminds me of one I had during my days as a community organizer.

I was hoping that it would.

I've seen dozens of cases like this at CNRI.

Well, it's a good thing we both remember where we came from.

I'm happy to help.

Thank you.

Laurel I'm really glad you got your job back at the DA's office.

I look forward to us working together for a long time.

As do I.

Quentin: Is it working? We're about to remote access the computer right now.

I'll tell you this, if you ever get tired of practicing law, you'd make a pretty decent spy.

You guys have a warrant for this, right? Just Terrific.

Could you at least tell me who's computer you bugged? [Beep] You're kidding.

I voted for him.


I need to know if there's anything incriminating in Blood's files.

What the hell, this is a dead end job, anyway.

This all looks pretty benign.

Lots of policy papers, old documents transferred from his campaign office.

Draft press releases Wait, wait, wait, click back.

"For immediate release-- my thoughts and prayers are with the Queen family in the aftermath of this unspeakable tragedy.

So he worked up a press release after Moira was killed.

No, he didn't.

He wrote that the day before Moira died.

She's right.

Look at the timestamp.

Quentin: Oh, my God.

Sebastian knew Slade was going to kill her.

Is that the satellite frequency communicator TX50? Can I touch it? I know that sounds a little weird and creepy, but I've never seen one in real life.

It's classified equipment, Ms.


You must feel very powerful Knowing everything about everyone.

Not powerful in an evil dictator Stalin way.

More of a Knowledge is power, way.


We have something.

[Sighs] I should have known.

What? Oliver's at the lair from which he conducts his operations.

But we were just there.

Not that lair.

His other one.

Like riding bicycle.


[Engines groaning] What's that sound? We're stuck.

[Grunts] Like Japanese were.

Submarines have torpedoes, right? Can we blast our way out? I can see why you two are made for each other.

You like your explosions.

[Murmuring] Chert voz'mi.

What? These are Kaiten torpedoes.

Manually operated.

Someone needs to steer from inside.

Okay, but then, how do they get away from the explosion? They do not.


How did you find me? Waller.

We were worried about you.

After you missed your mother's funeral.

I'm sorry that I didn't go.

I left for the cemetery.

But I ended up here.

Here is Here was a secondary facility in case the foundry was compromised.

But it became somewhere that I could just go and Be alone.

She's dead because of me.

Five years ago I could have cured Slade.

And that would have prevented all of this.

And now, all the people left that I care about, we are all in his crosshairs.

It ends tonight.

How? I turn myself over to Slade.

I end this vendetta.

Oliver, you think this ends with you turning yourself over to Slade? Yes, I do.

After she was gone He told that one more person had to die.

And then it would end.

This ends for Slade when he kills me.

I don't accept that.

You shouldn't, either.

You can't just accept things, Oliver.

If I had accepted my life, I would be a cocktail waitress in Vegas like my mother, and I never would have gone to college, and I never would have moved a thousand miles away to work at Queen Consolidated, and I never would have believed some crazy guy in a hood when he told me I could be more than just some IT girl.

Please don't do this.

Felicity Someone once told me that the essence of heroism is to die so others can live.

It's not that simple, Oliver.

Yes, it is.

Slade's whole plan was to take everything from me.

He did.

He wins.

All that's left is for me to die.

No, there has to be another way.

There isn't.

Walter: Thea, please.

I understand you're upset.

This is an emotional time for all of us.

I'm not being emotional.

I'mI'm an orphan! I'm a jobless and homeless orphan.

There's nothing left for me here.

I'm here.

I thank you for that, but [Sighs] Honestly, I need to start over.


We missed you at the funeral.

And the reception.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be there.

What's going on here? Thea's thinking of leaving Starling City.

No, I am leaving.

Walter, could I speak to my sister for a moment? I'm sure you'll have better luck.

Ollie, please.

Just don't even try to convince me to stay.

I won't.

I think it's a good idea.

You should get as far from Starling City as you possibly can.

In our family, out of you, me, mom and dad, you are the best of us.

You have the purest heart.

And I can't ever have you lose that.

Ok? You promise me? Ok.

I know that I haven't always been the best brother, or friend, or whatever you've needed me to be.

But there has not been a day since you were born where I didn't cherish having you as a sister.

I'll, um, get in touch when I get settled somewhere.

It's Oliver.

This ends now.

I'll be at the pier, I'll be alone.

I'll do it.

Peter, you'll die.

I'm already dead.

[Gasping] Radiation poisoning.

Ivo's little gift.

He said he needed to find out if Mirakuru could cure cancer.

[Scoffs] Guess we'll never find out.

Oh, I'm sorry, Peter, I didn't know.

Ivo said the essence of heroism is to die so that others can live.

I held on to that.

It's the only thing that gave me hope.

So I'll go.

I mean, I may not be saving millions of lives, but I'll be saving yours.

[Footsteps] This is where it all started.

Got on the "Queen's Gambit" right over there.

I should have died on that boat.

If I had, none of this would have happened.

I never would have met you.

Shado and my mother would still be alive.

No one else is going to die because of me.

[Dart whirring] Aah! Diggle, what the hell? Slade Wilson.

He told me who you were.

Did he hurt you? No.

He was trying to hurt you.

And when you went missing, I reached out to your partners.

They told me what you were planning on doing.

It's what I have to do.

Will you give us a moment? You thought about telling me The night of the Undertaking.

I thought about telling you almost every night.

Why didn't you? Tommy knew.

Didn't he? You were with him.

You were with him at the end.

His last words were about you.

He wanted to know if you were safe.

Sorry I couldn't save him.

And my mother.

But I can save you.

And Thea.

I can save the city if this ends tonight.


No! You can't commit suicide, Ollie.

You won't do that to me.

Or to Sara, or to your friends.

Or to Thea.

Oliver She just lost her mother.

Losing you would destroy her.

But she'll be alive.

I don't know anything about hoods and masks or human weapons or any of this.

But I know you.

I know you like I know my own name.

And I realize it may sound crazy in light of your secret, but I know who you are in your bones, Oliver.

And that person-- that person doesn't give up.

That person, he always finds a way.

Not this time.

You're wrong.

You want to protect the people who you love? Then the only way to do that is to stop Slade Wilson.

Laurel, I can't! Yes, you can! By stopping Sebastian Blood, because Sebastian is working with Slade Wilson.

I have proof.

Slade Wilson killed your mother so that Sebastian could become mayor.

You were right about him.

The man in the skull mask works for Slade Wilson.

And this entire time, it was Sebastian.

What's happening is bigger than you and Slade.

This city needs the Arrow.

What's this for? I don't want you to be in here.

No, I'm going to stay with you-- Sara.

If this doesn't work, I need you to be safe.

We will come for you when it's over.


Do you know how the torpedo works? I get in, he fires, I steer, you pray.

Peter, what you're doing is Practical.

My time's already up.


You need to know that.

And I don't think that I could do something like this.

You have.

What you did for us-- coming back to that boat, setting us free? I came back to the boat because I want to go home.

I wasn't thinking about saving anybody.

It'sIt's not who I am.

Maybe not yet.

Go? Is Sara clear? Yes.



Good to see you.


You can wait in the car.

Are you sure that's a good idea? Nothing's going to happen to me here.

Man: How are you doing, Mr.

Mayor? Hi.

Good to see you, good to see you.

Congratulations, mayor Blood.

Thank you.

Mayor Blood, hello! Hi.

We're all behind you, Sebastian.

Nice to see you.

Sebastian, may I join you for dinner? [Elevator dings] Diggle: Hey, can you hold that? Oh, thanks a lot, man, appreciate it.

[Thud] Clinton Hogue.

I have some questions for you.

Go to hell.

You sure that's how you want to play it? You think I've never took a beating before? Pal, you're going to wish I beat you.


I'll be your interrogator.

Is this a joke? Clinton Hogue.

Social Security number 306003894.

What the hell's this supposed to be? Oh, look at this.

You have a bank account in the Cayman Islands.


$2 million, quite the little nest egg.

ButLooks like you just approved a wire transfer of $1 million to a charity here in Starling City.

Very generous.

What should I do with the rest? Greenpeace.

Great cause! And they really appreciate the support.

You bitch! Bitch with WiFi.

Hey, Clinton, looks like your mom and dad have a really nice retirement portfolio, too, but they, oh, no, are just about to make some really bad investments.

Ok, wait, just wait--just--stop! What do you want to know? I missed you at your mother's memorial service.

I wanted to offer my condolences.

You're the mayor.


You've always wanted that.

Believe me, Oliver, I wish it had happened a different way.

Your mother and I, we--we didn't agree on much.

But we both wanted what was best for Starling City.

I will help this city find its heart again, I promise you that.

Do you really think that he Will let that happen? Slade Wilson.

How do you know I've been working with Slade Wilson? Because I'm the Arrow.

[Scoffs] Of course.

[Chuckles] It all makes sense now.

It was right in front of me.

You came to my office and you shook my hand.

You said that together, we can save this city.

You think that there will be a city to be saved after you unleash Slade's Mirakuru army? They'll only cause enough damage to make the city ready.

Ready for your leadership? For my vision of what this city could be.

A better city.

And after the storm they're about to suffer, the people of Starling will support and follow me to that city.

Whatever Slade promised you, he will not deliver.

He wants to hurt me.

You are a pawn in a much larger game.

Slade promised me city hall.

And he delivered.

He makes good on his promises.

I understand he made you a promise, too.

What are you going to do? You going to stab the mayor in a restaurant full of people? It's a new day in Starling City, Oliver.

And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

[Cell phone vibrating] Diggle: Slade's men are taking the city tonight.

They can try.

There's more men than we thought, all on Mirakuru.

It could be a massacre.

Not if we get to them first.

We stick to the plan, no matter what.

Slade's using the sewer system.

You can drop in at Rock Avenue and then head southeast.

The lines converge at Water Street.

If Slade's army's underground, that's probably where he'll be.


Let's go.

Diggle, you ready? Never not.

I'm coming, too.

[Sighs] No, you're not.

Felicity can give me a radio.

I'll just be your eyes and your ears.

I'll stay out of your way, I promise.

Nothing will happen to me.

What if it did? Slade's men, one on one, they are nearly impossible to stop.

I need you to trust me.

And I need you to be safe.

But not them? This started with the three of us.

It's time we got back to that.

Tonight we forge a new history.

Tonight we rise up as one and take back this city.

I have eyes on Blood's army.

Got it.

I'm forwarding Dig your ping along with the foundation schematics of the Topside Avenue.

Follow the route I laid out on the blueprints.

You'll see structural joints in the concrete.

Blow them all and Blood gets buried.

Got it.

Woman on TV: The market opened today at 400 points thanks in part to the surprise rally of Queen's Consolidated.

New leadership has-- [Indistinct chatter] the company's future in spite of this recent tragedy.

Um, excuse me, why can't I board my train? I'm sorry, ma'am, it's just business class right now.

Coach will be boarding soon.


Come on, pal.

Isn't that one of the Iron Heights escapees? Dumbass here tried to rob a convenience store but gave up as soon as I pulled in.

Mind if I just stick him here for a minute? No, go ahead.

Felicity: I'm just asking here.

Oliver, you've worked really hard not to kill anymore.

Dropping an entire block on these guys is murder.

Manslaughter, at least.

They're not men.

Not anymore.

Have Diggle blow the charges the moment he's ready.

Felicity: Oliver? [Both grunting] We will lead this city out of the darkness, and each one of you will help me.

[Both grunting] [Groaning and gasping] [Oliver groaning and gasping] Come on.

Oliver, where the hell are you?! You killed me Let me return the favor.


You got the time? It's, uh, 9:00.


[Gunshots, all screaming] Oliver, please.

[Cell phone rings] Cisco, now is really not a good time.

[Rumbling] There.

Ollie! There's too many of them! We can't fight.

We're not going to.

Anatoly: Turn the wheel! What direction? It does not matter.

Just turn the wheel.

[Grunting] I can't! That is not an option.

I got it! We're moving! Good, good.

Sara, we did it.

Sara! Sara: Oliver! [Ding]

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