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  1x20 - Home Invasion
 Posted: 04/26/13 22:25
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My name is Oliver Queen.

For five years, I was stranded on an island, with only one goal: Survive.

Oliver Queen is alive.

Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish-- to use the list of names he left me, and bring down those who are poisoning my city.

To do this, I must become someone else.

I must become something else.

Previously on "Arrow" So you met up with the Hood guy? He's contacted me before.

You're a murderer.

You were my best friend in life, but now it's like I don't even know you.

I quit.

Listen, Lyla, Lawton is a very dangerous man.

What do you know about him? That's everything you need to locate who's giving Deadshot his targets.

This Lawton kick his dog or something? He killed his brother.

I can't move on with my life knowing that he's still out there.

I thought if anybody got that it'd be you.

You two have unfinished business.

Where do we start? You feel better? I'll feel better once we end Deadshot.

Welcome to Germany, Mr.


Good to see you.

Henrik, you're looking great.

We have to end this guy before he makes any more widows out of wives.

We will.

Diggle, we'll stop him.

I promised you I'd help take him down, and I keep my promises, but he's on another continent.

Not anymore.

I thought it would be helpful to track A.




S' manhunt for Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot, so I decrypted their communication logs.

Which means, I just hacked a federal agency.

Which kind of makes me a cyber-terrorist, which is bad because I really don't see myself fitting in well at Guantanamo Bay.

Don't worry, Felicity, they don't send blondes there.

I dye it, actually.

I keep your secret Hey, what'd you find? Deadshot is scheduled to meet with a potential new client here in Starling City.

Except the potential contract is bogus.

Your friend Lyla is setting a trap for him.

Lawton took the bait.

Great, I'll talk to Lyla, see if I can suss out any details.


I've got to have lunch with Laurel.

So when did you become, uh, lunch dates with Laurel? Look, we're just We're friends.

Friends are good.

But? Couldn't you be friends with someone less complicated than your ex-girlfriend, who's your ex-best friend's current girlfriend? I wear a hood and I put arrows into criminals, so when it comes to complexity I grade on a curve.

Rescuing your father and stopping Fyers is not going to be some walk in the park.

They're not going to allow us to just stroll on into their camp.

Which is why we'll need cover.

If both of us are infiltrating, who'll provide that? He will.

Me? The assault rifle is flushed.

It's useless.

We have a bow, arrows.

And no one capable of shooting them.

No offense, kid.

I was going to say the same thing.

I think we should be spending our time trying to devise a plan, not lower our already slim chances of survival.

He'll hit his mark by sundown.

If not, we'll do it your way.

Lyla! What is it, Johnnie? Just came by to see how things were going on your Deadshot investigation.

Anything new come up? Funnily enough, it did.

I was curious why you, a bodyguard, were so keen on taking down such a high profile assassin, so I did some reading up on Lawton.

Lyla, listen Did you really think I wouldn't find out that he killed your brother? That you were using me--me! To what? Draw him into the open so you could take him down yourself? I will not let you use my agency to settle your blood feud.

Lyla I need to see this guy in a bag.

You of all people should get that.

Get this--stay away from Lawton, Johnnie, or so help me, I will have you arrested.

You doubt me? Never have.


Did you get my voicemail? No.

Things got a little crazy around here-- back to back meetings I am so sorry, rain check? Sure.

I could definitely catch up on some club paperwork.

We're way behind since Tommy left.

I'm still shocked that he went to go work for Malcolm.

You know, you were really understanding to let him take this opportunity.

Tommy said you were cool with it.

Why wouldn't I be? He's my friend.

Like you.

I'm sorry, are we early? No, not at all.

Uh, Oliver, this is Eric Moore and his wife, Nancy.

I'm prepping them for a deposition for tomorrow.

And this must be your bodyguard? This is our son, Taylor.

Well, you are in very capable hands.

It was nice to meet you.

Eric, Nancy, I want to make sure that you guys are up for this.

Edward Rasmus isn't known for playing with kid gloves, so this could get rough.

We invested our entire life savings with Rasmus and he stole it.

Our retirement.

Taylor's college fund.

He stole our future, Ms.


We want it back.

Well, then let's go get it.

Hello? Mr.

Moore? I have some documents for you from Ms.

Lance related to tomorrow's deposition.

What a nice home you have here.

You can really Feel the love.

Sorry about the mess.

This works better if it looks like a break-in.

Ah! Is it done? The parents, yes.

I'm afraid there's been a variable.

The child got away.

Got away? Did he see you? No, Mr.


What he saw was the face of the man who will reunite him with his parents.

Starling City is expected to be host of this year's Festival of Lights exhibition.

In other news, the bodies of Mr.

and Mrs.

Moore were found early this morning.

The couple were being represented by attorney Laurel Lance of CNRI in a lawsuit against financier Edward Rasmus.

Miraculously, their seven-year-old son Taylor survived the horrific attack.

Original Air Date on April 24, 2013 This isn't your fault, Laurel, you shouldn't feel guilty.

I don't feel guilty.

I'm angry.

This wasn't some random break-in.

Edward Rasmus is involved, I know it.

Ok, listen, our guys are looking into this.

But you need to stay out of it, ok? Because if Rasmus is behind this, he's clearly not messing around.

Uh If you'd like to say good-bye to Taylor, I will be taking him over to child services.

Doesn't he have any other family? Grandparents are in Melbourne.

We're tracking them down, but until then, he's going to be a temporary ward of the state.

He can stay with me.

As his attorney, I am assigning myself temporary guardianship.

You'd still need a judge's order.

I'll have it to you in an hour.

Well, have it your way.

Ok, look, I'm going to park a patrol car outside your place.


And you You look after them, all right? I spend most nights at your daughter's anyways.

There was probably a better time to tell you that.

Probably not.

Hey, come stay in my house, ok? What are you doing here? I heard what happened, I just wanted to make sure Laurel was ok.

You could have just called.

I met Laurel's clients and their son yesterday and I felt badly.

You met them? Yeah, when I was picking up Laurel for lunch Which she didn't tell you about.

Tell you what? Nothing.

It's settled.

Taylor's coming home with us tonight.

Well, if you need anything-- we're fine.


We should really get going.


Set your sight.

Hit the tree.

Probably hit a tree.

Set your sight.

Hit the tree.

Steady your anchor point.

I hope you're getting closer At teaching him how to be a better marksman.

It's not as though our lives depend on it or anything.

Try again.


What's this? Lyla's mission profile on the trap they've set for Deadshot.

Lawton is set to meet his new employer and get his assignment tomorrow at 8 pm.

Only, his new employer Will be an A.






Lyla will then swoop in with her team and arrest him.

Do you want Lawton arrested? No.

Then tomorrow night, we cross Floyd Lawton's name off your list.

There is something else we need to look into.

Two of Laurel's clients were murdered last night.

Their seven-year-old son barely escaped.

That's terrible.

Edward Rasmus, the financial advisor Laurel was taking to court, may not have pulled the trigger, but he probably called in the hit.

I want you to get into his corporate accounts, phone records, anything that may link him to the killer, ok? Where are you going? Laurel's.

Another friendly meal? My daughter is secure at her place? So far, all quiet All right, let me know if there is any movement.

I'm heading over there right now.

What did you steal this time? You got a minute? No.

It's about the Hood.

When my men found you on that subway car after you were kidnapped, you told them you didn't know anything about the vigilante.

So there's something you forgot to tell them? No.

I just want to see him brought to justice like everyone else.

Don't worry, kid.

We'll get him.

Just keep making sure I don't have a reason to get you.

Taylor? Sweetheart? Are you hungry? You know, I make the world's best macaroni and cheese.

It's the only thing she knows how to make.

I miss my mom and dad.

When I was your age, my mom tucked me into bed that night before going out.

Then the next thing I knew, there was a police officer at my door.

He said that she was gone and that I would never see her again.

But you know what? He was wrong.

You saw her? Mh-mmm.

Every time I close my eyes, I can see her.

Every time I go to bed, I see her in my dreams.

Really? Yeah.

Now try it, close your eyes.

I see them.

Whenever you are sad, or scared, just remember that they will always be there.

You constantly surprise me, Merlyn.

I'll get it.


Lance? Lieutenant Kessel, SCPD.

Your dad asked me to check in.

Lieutenant, can you hold your badge up to the door, please? Ok, great.

Just one sec.

What? His badge number begins with a zero, Lieutenant's badge numbers begin with a one-- It was the badge that gave me away, right? You know, my father's a cop.

And that's not all he taught me.

I'm feeling like it might be time for you to move.

Dad, whoever Rasmus hired is going to keep coming until he finishes the job, otherwise Rasmus will just hire someone else who will.

Ok, listen, I want the three of you in protective custody immediately, and don't even think about it.

He killed two of my men.

The Hood just saved our lives.

We can trust him.

He won't let anything happen to me.

Even if I was comfortable with the idea of him watching over you 24/7, which I'm not, something tells me he's got better things to do.

What about Oliver? Sorry, you got another friend named Oliver? The Queens have more security than the President.

They've got cameras everywhere, bodyguards in every wing, and no one goes in or out without being accounted for.

We both only want what is best for Laurel.

And right now that is to stay close to Oliver.

Trust me.

This is Mr.


Where you go, he goes.

You'll be very well protected, Ms.


Thank you.

I hand-selected these men myself.

The house and the grounds are completely secure.

Please make yourself at home.

You must be Taylor.

How about I show you where I hide the good cookies? Ok? Mr.

Queen, whenever you're ready, I can take you to your next appointment, sir.

The Lawton meeting? Yes.

I just need to swing by the club and pick up my good suit.

So, I'll meet you there.

Of course, sir.

You're leaving? There's something else I need to take care of.

It's important.

More important than what's going on here? No offense to Oliver, but I think we need Mr.

Robbins and his men more than him.

You are the reason why we're here, and trust me, that wasn't easy to admit.

You'll be fine.

I promise.

You know, chewing might help.


Not dainty enough for you? I could eat you under the table, Roy Harper.

Don't forget that.

All units, code 10-80.

Starling City port, What is that? Suspected vigilante activity, requesting all available units.

Do you have a police radio in your pocket? No, I'm just happy to see you.

Got to run.

I think you've got something that belongs to me.

You set this up, just to get your radio back? Well I do love that radio.

Come on.

I'm uploading a satellite overview of the Plaza to your phone Thanks, but I know the place-- Dig was pretty specific about where you should perch-- you know, what position gives you the best shot at Lawton.

I think.

He used a lot of military jargon.

So you're sniping a sniper.

Kind of ironic, don't you think? Me neither.

What's that? I had a remote access trojan scouring the Internet for Edward Rasmus.

His name just popped up on a flight manifest, He's running.

That's good, right? If he's leaving town, he won't be after Laurel and the child anymore.

But if you did want to stop him, looks like it's now or never.

Deadshot or Rasmus Your choice.

Trap one, this is Harbinger.

Wait for Lawton to enter and make contact.

Then we'll take him down.

Damn it, Oliver Just until this CNRI mess dies down.

And if it doesn't, two best things about China-- wontons and no extradition treaty.

Hey, hey, I thought I was paying you extra not to stop at the reds.

Trap one, possible target acquisition.

Get ready.

Stand down.

Maybe Lawton didn't take the bait after all.

We're blown! Take cover! On your knees.

On your knees.

Hands behind your head.

I saw you coming a mile away.

Thanks for tipping me off.

I'll kill you for what you did to Andy.

I'd be pulling these triggers right now, except there's nobody paying me.

There's space for you right here, right next to your brother.

You'd do best to remember that.

What happened? You didn't show, things didn't go well.

Rasmus was skipping town And I had to reprioritize.

Thanks to your new priorities four agents are dead, Oliver.

You could have stopped this guy, ended this maniac once and for all.

Lawton got away? You seriously think a man who goes by the name "Deadshot" was going down without a fight? I needed you there, man.

Taylor Moore was relying on me, Diggle.

But this was never about that kid, he is safe under armed security at your house.

This is about Laurel.

Diggle, I made a choice.

I know.

You chose Laurel.

Always her.

Everybody else be damned.

Something to say, Felicity? Nothing you want to hear.

Try again.

You're thinking too much.

Nobody ever accused me of that before.


I see my target in the distance, I feel the variation in the wind, I hear the bowstring tighten And I let go.

Give in to your senses Don't think.

You're right, this is definitively not the time or place No, it's--no, it's just there's, uh Someone.

And it's a mile past complicated, but I can't.

Does she know how much you love her? I suspect right now she doesn't.

But as soon as I'm home, she will.

You looked so beautiful that night.

I remember Oliver telling me once that he wished your father would let him come over to your house more often.

That being there made him feel less like Robert Queen's son and more like himself.

I liked who my son was when he was around you.

Thank you.


The police just called.

Edward Rasmus was arrested.

Really? What happened? Apparently he confessed to everything.

He's going to go to prison for a long time and won't be able to hurt anyone ever again.

Why would he confess? The vigilante was involved.

Good for him.

So, I guess it's over.


Great, I'll go wake up Taylor-- No, Tommy, please.

He's sleeping, he's been through a lot.

Now you all are welcome to stay.

We certainly have enough room.

It's your call.

Thank you, Mrs.


I guess we'll stay, then.


Your lawyer's here.

It's you.

I'd like to discuss loose ends.

You didn't get my message? Forget about the Moore boy.

I've already confessed, that freakshow in a hood told me he'd kill me if I didn't.

We need to make this meeting appear legitimate.

Lawyer stuff.

Sign here, please.

Am I clear? You leave the boy alone.

I wish I could, but he's seen my face.

Just like you.

If you put pressure in just the right areas above the forearm, like I did to you, an embolism will form in the medial antebrachial vein.

When the air pocket reaches your heart in, give or take, fifteen seconds, you'll die.

It's relatively painless.

Oh Nothing personal.

We're done here! Excuse me, hi, I'm looking for my boyfriend, he's kind of a regular around here.

Piercing blue eyes, and may or may not have stolen a police radio.

Yeah, that's him.

Behind you.

Well, that's a nice look.

What were you thinking? Well, if it isn't the wonder twins He's very sorry for stealing the radio, and he won't ever bug you or steal anything from you guys ever again.

Both of you.

Come with me.

What are we doing here? Well, your boyfriend is so interested in the Hood, I thought he might like to meet someone else who already made his acquaintance.

Oh, God Who was he? Well, that's the thing.

When you're alive, you get a name.

When you wind up down here, you get a number.

Meet 26.

See, your pal the Hood, he's already sent since he started his little one-man War.

Maybe this guy deserved it.

Maybe he did.

But that's not how justice works.

You see, the vigilante, he doesn't have to answer to anyone but himself, and that's a very dangerous power to give to any one man.

He saved my life.

And how do you know tomorrow he won't just as easily take it? Get out of here.

Let's go.

He's safe now, Laurel.

With a hard road ahead of him.

Well, he's lucky to have you in his life.

I know the feeling.

When you first got home, I didn't think that you changed much.

But you have, and It's nice to see.

Thank you.

I have a delivery van coming in for Ms.

Lance, his I.


checks out.

Thanks for the heads up.



What a beautiful home.

Hmm Such pain here.

A sense of loss and regret, you can feel it, down to the wood paneling Tommy Can you two stay here with Taylor? Where are you going? It's an old house, fuses blow all the time, it's probably nothing, just please Come on.


He's here.

Where's the child? This house is quite large and I don't particularly care to check every room.

Very well.

Have it your way.

Laurel Laurel, don't-- No, Ollie is still out there.

What happened to you on that island? You're about to find out.

Death by poker.

That's a new one.

He was going to shoot me.

And then, uh, mister Robbins, he grabbed the poker and saved my life.


Robbins was a real hero.

If it weren't for him, we'd all be dead.

I've got enough details for my report.

I'll clear my boys out of here.

Let's go.

You still love her.

Don't you? It doesn't matter how I feel.

Because of what I do I could never be with her.

You see, you don't have anything to be afraid of.

She is never ever going to know my secret.

It doesn't matter if she knows.

I know.

And I don't know how to be with Laurel knowing the entire time that if she ever found out who you really are she would choose you.

Thank you for everything you tried to do for Eric and Nancy.

And for keeping Taylor safe.

Come here.

You keep being a good boy, ok? Be still and go on to bed nobody knows what lies ahead ♪ Tommy, I really need to talk to you And life is short to say the least What's that for? It's my stuff.

What's going on? I'm not sure that I'm ready for the kind of commitment that you're looking for.

I don't want to hurt you in the long run, so-- Wait.

We both almost lost our lives, and I'm emotional, too, but you can't be serious.

This is me serious, Laurel.

But But it doesn't make any sense, I mean, why Why now? Why even at all? I thought that I wanted this.


And the other night made me realize I don't.

You're lying.

I am not a liar.

If you've changed, and I know that you've changed, then you wouldn't-- you would never do this.

Then I guess I haven't changed as much as we all thought, then.

And may your limits be unknown ♪ and may your efforts be your own ♪ if you ever feel you can't take it anymore ♪ don't break character ♪ I know.

You think I'm an idiot.

I always thought you were an idiot.

Now I think you're brain dead.

Yeah, you're probably right.

Look, I don't understand this, Roy.

Why is finding the Hood so important to you? I can't stop replaying that night in my head.

The night I got kidnapped by that psycho, I just I thought I was going to die.

But you didn't.

Yeah, because of him.

You don't owe him anything.

You're wrong, I owe him everything.

And I can't go back to the way things were, Thea, I can't just go back to being nothing.

You're the one that keeps telling me that I can be better than who I am, and this This is my chance to be.

I can't explain it, but It feels like my life is connected to his.

Rise up like the sun and labor till the work♪ So let's find him.

I can tell this means the world to you.

And you mean the world to me.

So let's find him.

You and me.

Vigilante, here we come.

Was hoping you'd be here.

I want us to get back on the same page.

Oliver, we're not even in the same book, you and me, not anymore.

I just did what I thought I had to.

Just like I'm doing what I have to.

We're done.

Don't do this.

The only thing you have to stop me from going out that door is an arrow.


Where's he going? So how did our Robin Hood do? As expected? So back to the drawing board we go.

Yao Fei! Ba! How did you escape? I didn't.

You son of a bitch Hey! Your time on this island is at an end.

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