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  1x03 - Earth Kills
 Posted: 04/04/14 07:32
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I was born in space.

I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air, or floated in the water.

None of us have.

For 3 generations, The Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind.

desperate mission to the ground.

Each of us is here because we broke the law.

On the ground, there is no law.

All we have to do is survive.

But we will be tested, by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all, by each other.

Man, voice-over: Previously on "The 100" Man: Prisoner 319, take off the watch.


It was my father's.

Mom? - You're being sent to the ground.

Clarke, I'm sorry I got your father arrested.

They didn't arrest my father, Wells.

They executed him.

Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp.

Anyone who touches her, they answer to me.

Bellamy: Atom.

Clarke: Jasper was hit.

They took him.

Clarke: He's alive.

[Crowd cheering, announcer speaking indistinctly on TV] Man: There we go.

There we go.

Feel that? Feel that? See that? Here comes the momentum change.


The defense is there.

Serve it up.

Yeah! Oh! - Yeah! Ho! - Man: Right here, kid.

They're unbeatable.

Prepare for crushing defeat.

It's not over yet.

Actually, it was over 147 years ago.

A technicality.

Give it up.

You're going down.

What'd I miss? Your husband and daughter being obnoxious.

Better play nice.

Wells: Come on, get down the field, fire.

Waste of time.

Waste hey, baby.


So, I ran into Bennett when I was leaving the clinic and he has that systems analysis that you asked for.

Ho-ho-ho-ho! This isn't gonna last.

Wells: What was that about momentum? Oh, oh, I feel the momentum.


What? You're going now? Just for a few minutes.

Everything ok? Oh, yeah.

You know this old boat.

It's always something.

[Moaning] His pulse is 380.

[Moaning] Man: Go back to sleep! Second man: Quiet! Don't listen to them.

You're gonna make it through this, ok? [Moaning] Promise.

Man: Can he just die already? I'm gonna get clean water.

Keep an eye on him.

[Jasper moaning] [Man moaning] Child: No! Child: No! Child: No! No! Hey, wake up.

It's ok.

It's ok.

It's just a dream.

You're Charlotte, right? I'm Clarke.

It's ok to be scared.

Do you want to talk about it? It's my parents.

They were floated and they and they seeded my dreams and I just I understand.

My dad was floated, too.

So, how did you end up here? Well we were taking my parents' things to the redistribution center and I kind of lost it.

They said I assaulted a guard.

I can't say I blame you.

See that bright star up there? That's the Ark orbiting above us.

I think whatever happened up there, you know, the pain maybe we can move past that now.

Maybe being on the ground is our second chance.

Do you really believe that? I'm trying to.

I think this is north.

Come on.

Really? Because we just came from that way, miss I-can-navigate-with-the-stars.

It's your fault we've been lost for two days.

Never should've gone off by ourselves.

Come on.

We'll find the dropship tomorrow.

That's what you said last night.

And I'm hungry.

Trina, relax.

We're fine.

Did you feel that? What is that? I don't know.

I don't know.

Oh! I can't see! Let's get out of here.

Oh, my God, it burns! Aah! Aah! [Both screaming] [Jasper moaning] That damn kid, always messing with my head.

He's not gonna last much longer.

Better think of a new excuse.

That's how it's done.

We searched a half-mile all directions.

No sign of Trina or Pascal.

Visit your special tree when you were out there? Atom took his punishment.

Let it go.

Could be grounders.

Yeah, or they could be in pound town.

Lot of that going around recently.

[Jasper moaning] Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here.

Morale will go up when I find them more food.

And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal? Now? Nothing.

It's possible they're just lost.

We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later.

Let's go kill something.

You're not going.

I need you to stay here.

If the grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected.


Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut.

The grounders cauterized the wound.

Saved his life.

Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait.

Garden of eden this ain't.

This is infected.

He could be septic.

Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark? Monty? That would be a firm no.

My mother would know what to do.

How's he doing? How does it look like he's doing, Wells? Hey, I'm just trying to help.

[Jasper moaning] Right.

You want to help? Hold him down.

I'm not gonna like this, am I? [Jasper moaning] Hey.

I could really use a break from this place.

What do you say you and me take a trip to the butterfly field? Huh? Am I being too subtle? [Scraping] Atom.

[Continues scraping] - Man: With weapons - What did you do to Atom? Atom's fine.

Then why did he blow me off? Maybe he's just not interested.

You can't keep everyone away from me.

Atom had to learn.

You disobey me, you pay the price.

He paid the price.

Now we're good.

Now I'm paying the price.

So, next time you decide to go on, a power trip, leave me out of it.

Jasper: Aah! [Screaming] Hold him still.

I need to cut away the infected flesh.

Stop it! You're killing him.

She's trying to save his life.

She can't.

Back off.

We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die.

Kid's a goner.

If you can't see that, you're deluded.

He's making people crazy.

Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark.

Down here, every life matters.

Take a look at him.

He's a lost cause.

Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people.

If I say there's hope, there's hope.

This isn't about hope, it's about guts.

You don't have the guts to make the hard choices.

I do.

He's been like this for 3 days.

If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself.

Octavia, let's go.

I'm staying here.

Power-hungry, self-serving jackass.

He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

No offense.


Bellamy is all that.

But he also happens to be right.

[Door closes] How'd it go? Hey.

Well, I told Jaha it's definitive.

The Ark's got a year of oxygen left, maybe two.

You'll fix it.

Not this time.

I've tried, Abby.

This isn't a glitch.

It's a system failure.

People need to know.


They'll panic.

You sound like Kane.

Because he's right.


We can't avoid the truth.

We have to let everyone on the Ark put their minds to a solution.

What, and risk anarchy? No.

It's too dangerous.

Promise me that you'll obey the council's orders, that you'll keep it quiet.

Promise me.

I can't.

For Clarke.

Do it for Clarke.

I am doing this for Clarke.

They'll float you, Jake.

If you do this, I won't be able to stop it.

You're mad.

I'm not mad.

You want to think Jasper's a lost cause, go ahead.

You're wrong.

I hope I am.

Whatever this stuff is, it has to have had antibiotic properties.

Let me take a look.

Before you refuse my help, remember who aced botany in Earth skills.

The grounders used it as a poultice.

I'm thinking a tea might be even more effective if we can figure out what it is.

I know what it is.


Look no root structure.


Well, then there must be a water source nearby.

Yeah, it would have to have a slow current, lots of rocks.

The water would probably be more red than green.

I know just the place.

All right.

Let's go.


I know what this stuff looks like.

Do you? You know, you should, uh, really rethink this whole hating me thing.

It's not just the grounders.

We're surrounded by criminals.

We need each other.

We're gonna be friends again.

You got my dad killed.

Not possible.

This is Earth, Clarke.

Anything's possible.

I'd let it go.


Well, I've known Clarke her whole life better than you ever will, so, I'll decide when to let it go.

Yeah, I can tell you guys are close.

[Bang] [Bang bang] What is it? Uhh.

Ha! It's an automobile.

Come on, guys.

This thing's been here 100 years.

All right? It can wait.

Jasper can't.

[Oinking] Shh-shh-shh-shh.

She's mine.

[Crack] Man: Get him.

Who the hell are you? Charlotte.

I almost killed you.

Why aren't you back at camp? Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just I couldn't listen anymore.

There's grounders out here.

It's too dangerous for a little girl.

I'm not little.

Ok, then But you can't hunt without a weapon.

Ever killed something before? Who knows? Maybe you're good at it.

So, what does this seaweed look like? [Sigh] Like that.

Hey, that thing that bit Octavia, how big was it? Big.

We could rig this into some kind of a net.

Find something to lower it into the water.

Or we could just do that.

[Birds squawking] Man: Let's get out of here.

[Bellow] Grounders? It could be a war cry or a warning.

Finn: What the hell is that? Run.

Run! Clarke.

You're up.



Well, if your strategy is to lose really fast, that was a great move.

What's going on? Nothing.

You can talk to me.

My dad found a problem with the oxygen system.

I'm not supposed to know.

They've had other malfunctions.

They always figure out a way to deal with it.


This one might not be fixable.

The council doesn't want anyone to know.

The council meaning my dad? Yeah.

And my mom and the others.

I think he's gonna go public anyway.

Clarke, he can't.

He'll get floated.

I know.

But what if he's right? Don't people deserve to know the truth? You can't tell your dad I told you.

You can't tell anyone.

Your secret's safe with me.

I promise.

[Bellow] Clarke, run! [Bellow] [Coughing] [Bellow] It's getting inside.

Finn: Seal any openings.

[Coughing] [Bellow] Come on! There are caves this way.

[Bellow] [Bellow] [Bellow] Man: Bellamy! [Coughing] Bellamy! [Coughing] - What's going on? - Air got thick, everybody's skin started burning.

Monty, my brother's out there.

He'll be fine.

We'll all be fine.

Man: It's still out there.

Clarke: Look, we should just make a run for it.

Jasper can't wait much longer.

Us dying in a cloud of acid fog isn't gonna help Jasper.

Is that - Booze.



Well, careful.

Finn, it could be Whiskey, I think.

Better than the moonshine on agro station.

Alcohol's toxic.

This is Earth.

Everything's toxic.

Plus, it's a time-honored rite of passage.

We'll pass.

Far be it from me to stand in the way of tradition.

[Coughs] [Clarke sighs] No! Charlotte, wake up.

I'm sorry.

Does it happen often? [Sigh] What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is what you do about it.

But I'm asleep.

Fears are fears.

Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep.

Yeah, but How? You can't afford to be weak.

Down here, weakness is death, fear is death.

Let me see that knife I gave you.

Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and you say, "screw you.

" "I'm not afraid.

" Screw you.

I'm not afraid.

Screw you.

I'm not afraid.

Slay your demons, kid.

Then you'll be able to sleep.

It's been hours.

Jasper Is in good hands.

Octavia will take care of him.

While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting Jasper to not die is a bad thing? Like I'm such a downer.

I can be fun.


You think I'm fun.

Right? Oh, yeah.

Among other things.

You're fun.

You remember that time Remember that time you betrayed me and got my father executed? Yeah, I remember.

Where were we? Fun.


Well, since you brought it up, and I didn't, because I don't want to talk about it, what were you thinking? I made a mistake, Clarke.

"I made a mistake, Clarke.

" Not good enough.

You know, I bet you couldn't wait to run to daddy.

Tell him everything so that he'd finally believe you were the perfect son he always wanted.

What do you want me to say? I want an explanation.

I can't give you one.

I thought I could trust him.

Well, I thought I could trust my best friend.

Guess we were both wrong.

I'm still your friend.

No, you're not.

If you were my friend, you would walk out into that fog and never come back.

Ok, how about we just take it easy.

I have no idea how to do that.

[Sniffs] So, we having fun yet? [Jasper moaning] Girl: That kid's driving me crazy.

Boy: Can't take this much longer.

Someone needs to shut that kid up.

[Jasper moaning] That's it.

I'm ending this.

I heard Bellamy gave him till tomorrow.

Yeah, well, Bellamy isn't here, is he? The kid's dying anyway.

I'm just getting it over with.

Murphy's going to kill Jasper! The lock's on the other side.

Don't let him in! I'm gonna kill him, ok? Let me in! Let me in, Monty! Uhh! No rush.

I'm fine here.

I got it! Move it! Murphy: Both of you better open up this hatch right now! Jake: In this time of uncertainty, we will come together as a people.

I'm telling you this because you must know the truth and because I want a future for my child and yours.

Be strong.

Clarke: You're gonna disobey the council? Dad, I know.

I heard you and mom.

Ok, you know.

I've been thinking about this a long time.

The people have a right to know.

Your mother doesn't understand.

What's the plan? You don't need to know the plan.

You're making a video, so, what? You're gonna break into the communications mainframe? Making you either suicidal or incredibly dumb.


You are picking a fine moment to start behaving like a typical teenager.

I'm gonna help you.


No, Clarke, you're not.

But I can - Absolutely not.


No, baby.

[Kiss] You get that stubborn streak from your mother, you know.

One of many things I love about both of you.

Jake Griffin, you're under arrest for treason.

Dad? Dad? No, no, no, no.

Get your hands off of her.

Let me go! Ohh.

I'll warn them.

I'll find a way.

No, Clarke, no, listen to me.

Do not do not do that.

Get off of me! Let me go! Let me go! Dad! Dad! The fog's cleared.

Come on.

Let's go.

Jasper's waiting.

Finn: Last night was pretty intense.

You and Clarke ever No.

Not like that.

So, help me out.

Your best friend tells you something fairly explosive.

You seem like the type of guy that'd keep it to yourself.

You don't know me.

Why'd you do it? I don't know.

Why do you care? You knew what the rules were on the Ark.

You had to know her dad would get floated.

I made a choice.

If she hates me for the rest of my life, I made the right choice, and that's all you have to know.

It's all clear.

Anybody out here? Jones? Jones: We're here! Bellamy: Lost you in the stew.

Where'd you go? Made it to a cave down there.

The hell was that? I don't know.

Trapped in a 100-year-old car by toxic fog.


Last night was pretty What's the word? Fun.

It wasn't fun.

It was irresponsible.

We should've left the second the fog cleared.

Even if the fog cleared, we'd never make it back through these woods at night.

You were kind of rough on Wells.


He's a pretty straight-up guy.

And he loves you.

You know that, right? But every time your dad comes up, he won't give you a straight answer.

Makes me think he's hiding something.

So, I gotta ask you.

How sure are you that Wells is the one who turned in your dad? He's the only one I told.

Is he the only one who knew? Girl: Aah! Who was that? Aah! Aah! Son of a bitch.


Kill me.

Kill me.

Kill me.

[Gasping] [Atom coughing] I can't breathe.

Don't be afraid.

Go back to camp.

Charlotte, you too.

Kill me.

Bellamy, please.

[Atom coughs] I heard screams.

Bellamy: Charlotte found him.

I sent her back to camp.


I'm gonna help you, all right? [Humming] [Indistinct chatter] Clarke: We've gotta get to Jasper.

I'll need boiled water to make the medicine.

Get Clarke whatever she needs.

I better go get this grave dug.

It's about time.

They're gonna kill Jasper.

Did you get the medicine? Yeah.

I I got it.

Come on.

Let's go talk.

Octavia, just stay there.

Please, stay back.



There's nothing I could do.


Oh, oh, please.


Lose anyone here? No.

Jasper? Still breathing.


I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister - Bellamy - My what? My what? Your little sister.

Yeah, that's right.

My little sister.

Got anything else you want to say about her? Nothing.


Get him out of here.

Hey, baby.

You have to warn them, Abby.

Oh, Jake, stop.

Oh, the Ark's dying.

There's no choice.

Yes, there is.

There's Earth.

We'll at least have a chance.


Hang on to that.

And give this to Clarke and tell her that I Clarke: Dad! Clarke, you shouldn't be here, honey.

You don't want to see this.

It's ok.

[Crying] It's ok.

It's ok.


Keep that for me.

Jake, it's time.

[Kiss] I love you, kid.

I love you.


Oh, my God.

[Crying] I'm so sorry.

Sweetheart, it's not your fault.

[Swallows] I'm really sorry about Atom.

I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we? But not you.

You hear me? You're not allowed to die.

Clarke: Wells? I know I probably don't deserve it, but I need to know the truth.

It was my mom.

Wasn't it? She's the one who told your dad.

I didn't want to believe it.

I I couldn't.

I blamed you because my father's dead and it's my mother's fault.

Isn't it? Wells Please.

I knew how you would feel.

I wanted to to protect me.

So, you let me hate you.

What are friends for? How can you forgive me? This is already done.

[Crying] Smooth.

[Coughing] [Swallows] Disgusting.

Love it.

Can I, uh, get a hit of that? Jasper! Let's start with the soft stuff.

Welcome back, buddy.

Was that a dream or did I get speared? You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it.

My savior.

Thank you for not dying.

I don't think I could've taken that today.

I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool.

Oh, hello.

[Crickets chirping] Hi.

Couldn't sleep? I never can.

You on watch? Join me.

I had a nightmare.


I I have them every night.

But I think I found a way to make them stop.

I'm sorry.

No! [Groaning] [Coughing] [Choking] Every night, I see him.

Your father.

He kills my parents and and I see his face and and I wake up and I see yours.

And the nightmare never ends.

The only way to make it end was was to slay my demons.

I had to.


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