Previously on AMC's Breaking Bad Are you moving back in? Yes.
Do you really think that's that's a good idea? A list of names.
They trace back to Madrigal and they're gonna get picked up by the police.
Outstanding work, Hank.
If only we had listened.
It's not right to put this on you.
Shut up! Shut up! Breakdown? What does that mean? It means I don't know what else to call it.
You do know, right? She was having an affair.
Can you still get your hands on methylamine? Maybe.
Why? I gotta say, when you first brought her in, I had my doubts.
But your little darling's got nine lives.
Rear-wheel assembly took the brunt of the impact, so, uh Yeah.
CV shaft, boots, joints, axle-- Replaced all of it.
No way around it.
I went after market on most of the parts here.
You want me to swap in factory parts, that's fine.
But using after-market's the only way we'll keep it under blue book and on the insurance company's dime, okay? Nothing beats free.
Uh, swapped out your air filter, topped off your fluids.
Didn't have to replace the windshield this time.
I know, right? Oh, and I noticed you had some sort of gunky buildup in the front end here.
First, I had no idea what I was looking at.
Then I remembered that you had me replace that front fender a few months back when you ran over that deer.
We went at it with the steam hose, cleaned it up for you.
Hardest part was the paint.
Fern green.
Interesting tint.
Anything else? That's it.
Zero balance, like I said.
Sign here, you're good to go.
People like to joke, but I really, really like this car.
She's * hell.
I'm betting you get another Hey, Benny.
What would you give me for it? What's the blue book, you mean? No.
I mean, what will you pay me for this car? Well, I'm not really looking for-- $100? Fifty? Insurance company just shelled out 1,900 for the parts alone.
Then it's a bargain.
You give me 50 bucks, and she's all yours.
You sure about this? Sure as shooting.
I'll check the register.
Dad? Fifty bucks? Are you crazy? Gotta be kidding me.
Oh, Christ.
I'm at work right now.
Yeah, I know.
This is a heads-up.
You got visitors.
Visitors? What-- You mean today? I mean 30 seconds.
Come in.
Rodarte-Quayle? Agent Hank Schrader, Agent Steve Gomez, DEA.
We met briefly in Albuquerque.
Uh, yes, we did.
What can I do for you? Navy plants, powder-blue shirt.
Hey, buddy.
Yeah? - They got Ron.
Ron's done.
Not okay, Mike.
Not okay.
The-- The look he just gave me was the very antithesis of "okay," okay? Breathe, Lydia.
No one's talking to the police.
I just had like 14 DEA agents barge into my office, screaming and yelling at me, and they were swarming all over the warehouse, okay? The warehouse! Besides, Ron was my guy.
Remember? I don't have a guy anymore.
Ron fixed security and pulled the barrels and drove the truck.
You can't expect me to do that stuff.
I mean, let's be realistic.
Mike, this is crazy.
I'll send a new guy.
Are you crazy? My car almost has - It would totally smoke.
Horsepower isn't everything.
Don't you know that? You have to factor in drag and torque and suspension and weight of the car.
And listen, one more factor that you're not thinking about-- The experience of the driver.
And I totally got you there.
I got you.
You drive like a geezer.
Really? I drive like a gee-- Tell me, can a geezer do donuts? I don't think so.
Bullshit you ever did donuts.
Watch your language.
And, yes, I did.
Seriously? Yes, seriously.
And if you show me just a modicum of respect, maybe I'll teach you.
Yeah? Yes? - No.
No, I won't.
I take that back.
No-- - Just a joke.
I'm just-- - You're saying yes.
No! No, no.
That was kidding.
We didn't shake on it.
We are now.
That doesn't count! I know you don't approve.
But mine we'll call it a birthday present to myself.
And Junior's People will just chalk that up as me being a softy.
And besides I didn't actually buy either one.
They're both leases.
So it all fits our story.
Okay? Oh.
We can afford it now.
Hmm? You're back at it.
Well, yeah.
We have to make up that 600,000 we lost.
What do you think about boarding school? Boarding school? For who-- For Junior? There's this place in northern Arizona, and it's supposed to be one of the top ten in the country.
He's a year away from college.
Why on earth would we do that? I don't know.
I just Just thinking about the kids.
Holly, too? Where are we sending our eight-month-old? Peace corps? No.
I just A new environment might be good for them.
What does that mean? What's wrong with their environment? Skyler What's wrong with their environment? Nothing.
Listen, I know these last few weeks have been rough.
The threat to Hank and this whole thing with Beneke.
But there's absolutely nothing for you to be afraid of anymore, okay? I mean, clear sailing from here on out.
I promise.
You know, I want us to try and start looking forward to things again.
Speaking of which, my birthday.
Hmm? I don't know-- I don't know what you have planned, and with everything that's been going on lately, I'd understand if you haven't even given it a thought.
But I think a little celebration might be good.
For all of us.
You know, a birthday party.
What do you think? Yeah? Okay.
And maybe, if I may be so bold, chocolate cake with chocolate icing? Life is good, Skyler.
Ohh Mmm.
Thank you.
Hey, mom, you forgot something.
Hmm? - Dad's bacon.
That's okay.
I can do it.
Mom has to.
Well, it is sort of a tradition.
Watch this, Holly.
Watch what she does with bacon.
Watch it.
Watch it.
What is she doing? What is she doing? Hmm? That's a pretty small "1.
" Kind of is.
Just a little.
Ah, now you're talking.
Good move.
No, no, no.
It's good.
Very good.
Family teamwork.
Making sacrifices.
Very important.
Happy birthday, dad.
Thank you, buddy.
You want some? Guy's some piece of work, isn't he? Six feet under and half a face-- he's still screwing with us.
So, what's next? Oh, I don't know.
This Madrigal thing seems hinky, though, you know? We got Burgermeister Meisterburger over here in Germany, and 5,000 miles away, you got this guy.
There's gotta be someone in the middle, you know? Someone we're missing.
What about that, uh, Lydia what's-her-name? You know, lady banjo eyes at the warehouse? In this world? No way.
Too uptight.
Too together.
She was wearing mismatched shoes.
How together can she be? Gentlemen, how goes it with Fring? You know, just, uh, working through the grief.
How soon before you submit a final? Well, we've been kicking around some ideas.
Had you asked me that a couple of weeks ago, - I'd have said this was just a mop-up job, but - But? Well, no one on Fring's crew is talking to us.
I mean, not a peep, no matter how hard we squeeze.
Which makes it likely there's somebody out there keeping them in line.
Our money is on this guy-- Michael Ehrmantraut.
He's Fring's head of "corporate" security.
He's a definite hard case.
Now, we're gonna stay on him.
We're putting together a surveillance team as we speak.
Okay? The other thing is-- This may be unrelated, but the blue meth is is making a bit of a * back.
Tell him, Gomie.
Some small amounts on the street-side pulls.
Lab's telling us it's the same stuff.
I mean, it could be old inventory leaking out, or it could be somebody's rebooting, using Fring's former cooks to set up a new operation.
I thought we had Fring's cooks-- the unsubs in the lab fire.
Thought maybe one of them was your Heisenberg.
I don't know.
Like I said, there's still a lot of questions.
Agent Gomez, could you give us a moment? Hank, I gotta say, your work here has been stellar.
Really first rate.
Thank you, sir.
So much so that I'm wondering if it's time you made a change.
You know, I have to get back to El Paso.
This office needs an ASAC, and I'm thinking we should be promoting from within.
If you were to put in an application, and I recommend that you do, you will get the job.
I have no doubt this DO would be well served with you at the helm.
That's, uh I'm not sure what to say.
It's a big step up.
It's not without its headaches.
Politics may take some getting used to.
Plus, you'd be overseeing every case in the office, so you'd need to reassign all your day-to-days, Fring included.
Much as I hate losing a good field man, that's the job, and you need to be okay with it.
What do you say, Hank? You want it? Well, considering my wife would murder me if I said "no" Yeah.
I want it.
Thank you.
Can you, uh, finish up for me? It's-- it's my birthday.
Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
I probably have a birthday party waiting for me, you know, so Uh, yeah.
Yeah, no problem.
Hey, uh, happy birthday.
Hey, dad.
Where's your mom? Uh, kitchen.
Oh, hey.
So, what's the plan? Um, Hank and Marie are on their way, roast chicken and potatoes for dinner, rocky road for desert, and, uh, chocolate cake, as requested.
What's up? Me? Nothing.
Thought you'd be more jazzed about the new job.
No! What-- No! I am! - Baby, I'm so proud of you.
Yeah, yeah, okay, okay - Sorry, sorry.
I believe you.
Just don't kill us here.
Marie, you've been moping around the last few days.
Marie? What's up? - Marie, come on.
I'm sorry.
I I made a promise to someone.
To who? - Who? - Your brother-in-law.
Are you gonna give me a hint at least? It involves infidelity.
That's all I'm gonna say.
Oh, shit.
I knew it.
Knew what? What did you-- What did you know? Well, I mean, I didn't know it, but I've been saying it forever.
Walt's second cell phone, you know? Sorry, babe, but I was way ahead of you on this one.
Way ahead of me.
Well, it wasn't Walt.
Skyler? No way.
Hey! There she is! - Hey! Hi! - Hey! - Hey! - Hey, buddy.
Happy birthday! I'm in the center lane going about 60, and I had no choice but just tear butt out of there.
Just bwaaa! So sweet.
Yeah, you know, highway patrol's gonna be sweet on it too.
Gonna get their ticket quota in a month.
You'll help me out, right, Uncle Hank, now that you run the DEA? Oh, yeah.
For my spoiled brat car wash millionaire nephew? Sure.
I'll make sure you get a cell with a view.
All right.
Well, I'm outta here.
Happy birthday.
Thank you, buddy.
Congratulations again, Uncle Hank.
I'll see y'all later.
All right.
All right.
Have fun.
Bye, drive safe.
Drive safely, okay? - I do.
Slow down.
A hell of a couple cars there, Walt.
Honey, for my next birthday, I'm gonna take a page here from Walt and buy myself a jet plane.
Well, maybe I over did it a little.
But with these new lease rates-- I mean, they're mighty attractive.
Great dinner, Skyler.
Those were some bad-ass whipped potatoes, I tell you.
You have to tell me how you get all the lumps out.
How do you do that? - A potato ricer.
A ricer? You don't hand mash? No.
Well, uh - Boy, it has It has been quite a year, huh? Do you know that, uh, it's almost exactly a year ago that I got my diagnosis? - Jesus.
Yeah, right? - Yeah.
Seems like longer, doesn't it? - Yeah.
It's, uh One year ago tomorrow.
Day after my 50th.
Honestly, I never thought I'd make it this far.
The cancer and surgery and Hank being shot-- It's just So many dark days.
Well There's Marie's talking pillow.
Remember that? It was Boy, I did not want to get any treatment.
I think I was too scared or too angry or I don't know.
I just wanted to quit.
But you guys-- You got me through it somehow.
Kept me going.
And that happened again and again and again.
I mean, there were times when I was sure I was done for.
But then someone or something would come through for me.
And Skyler-- I can't-- Honey, remember that first week of chemotherapy? That night on the bathroom floor? What you said to me? I was so sick.
It was rough going at first.
But Skyler-- She was right there, of course, putting wet washcloths on my forehead.
And she's singing to me.
And this would go on and on, day after day.
And I remember I was lying on the floor of the bathroom, because the tile felt nice and cool, you know? And my head was in Skyler's lap, and I was just asking her if this could all be over.
It was too hard.
It was I just wanted it to stop.
Skyler, isn't that freezing? Whoa.
Pool party.
What are you doing, Skyler? What is she doing? Walt? Hey, uh, Sky, maybe it's time to get out now.
What do you think? Skyler, Hank asked you a question.
You need to get out n-- Skyler! She's gonna come up, right? She has to.
Skyler, you need to get out.
Oh, my God.
Wha-- Okay.
It's gotta be Nope.
Okay Come on! How am I supposed to Hey.
Wait, wait.
Who are you? I'm the-- I'm the guy.
So where's the-- Hold on.
Hold on.
Who sent you? Who sent me? Who do you think? - No.
I'm asking you.
Mike Uh-huh.
And this Mike person-- What's his last name? Lady, I just got off a plane from New Mexico, and I got a 900-mile drive back.
That's 14 hours if I don't stop.
So, the sooner we do this, the sooner it's done.
Uh, Ehrmantraut.
Okay? Satisfied? Sorry, but I'm not gonna apologize for being careful.
With all that's been happening around here, for all I knew, you were one of those undercover people they send into high schools.
So, yeah, I'll take paranoid any day if we're getting ganged by prison guards.
Oh, no doubt.
So, uh, where's the-- Up there.
Number 22356.
That's the one I erased from the inventory, so it has to be that one.
Can you reach it? - With a forklift.
You got one? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What? Please tell me that's not what I think it is.
Has anything like this ever happened before? No.
No, of course not.
No, no.
I just She and I are having some issues.
Yeah, yeah.
I, uh-- I might've heard a little bit about that.
I mean, hey, look, Marie didn't go into detail.
You know, said that, you know, you guys were having some issues.
So, uh, what's the next move? It may be good to have her talk to someone.
Oh, I agree.
Well, I'm gonna get on that first thing.
There's Marie's guy, Dave.
She seems really happy with him.
Not that Marie's an advertisement for advanced mental health or anything.
You know I just had no idea she was taking it this hard.
Some birthday, huh? She's gonna try and get some sleep.
Oh, okay.
What was that? - I don't know.
I mean, was she trying? No, not in a swimming pool.
With all of us there? No, I don't think so.
But, uh, we both, uh, think that she should talk to someone.
I'm gonna get you Dave's number.
Listen, Walt, I-- I can't help but sense that there may be some issues between you and Skyler.
None of our business, of course.
And, Hank, I don't know if you - picked up on any of-- - He knows-- He knows I know.
These things happen in a marriage, but it isn't unfixable.
I think what would be great is if you two had some space to work through this stuff.
So-- And keep an open mind here.
What if we took the kids for a while? - Took the kids? - Absolutely.
We'll look after them for a day or two, or however long, and leave you and Skyler to look after each other.
Uh, that's very generous of you, Marie, but I-- I just don't see how that's a solution.
And-- I mean-- Besides, Junior and Holly-- That's a lot of work.
No, it isn't.
Junior's independent, and my niece is only the easiest, most delicious baby that was ever born.
It'll be fun, right? - Yeah.
No, yeah.
It's a good idea.
I think it's a great idea.
Just the thing for both of you.
Marie, this idea-- was it yours? Actually, it was Skyler's.
She really needs this, Walt.
I gave Marie bottles.
They'll stop and pick up diapers on their way.
I spoke with Junior on the phone, and after much discussion, he agreed to swing by tomorrow, pick up some clothes.
And so, voila, the kids are out of this environment.
What a coincidence.
I know you're awake.
What was that about? Can you explain it? I don't want the children here anymore.
It isn't safe.
Skyler, we have talked about this repeatedly.
It has never been more safe.
"Never been"? A couple weeks ago, a man was coming to this house to kill us, to murder your entire family.
You were in the crawlspace, screaming.
And I dealt with him.
It's over.
It is not.
You're right back in the meth business again.
This is different.
Now I'm running things.
So wait.
Now that you're in charge, it's what, it's gonna be smooth sailing from here on out? I don't see why not.
I keep the work at work, Skyler, and nothing will ever impact you or the kids.
You don't know that.
You can't make that promise, Walt.
I can promise you that Gus Fring is dead.
And he was the threat.
He was the danger.
I thought you were the danger.
Is that what your pool stunt was about? Trying to protect my children from me? Not just you There's blood on my hands too.
What blood? Beneke? He's in the hospital because of me.
Because of what I did.
Skyler, you can't beat yourself up over this thing.
You didn't set out to hurt anybody.
You made a mistake, and things got out of control, but you did what you had to do to protect your family.
And I'm sorry.
That doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you a human being.
Stop it, Walt.
Just stop.
I don't need to hear any of your bullshit rationales.
I'm in it now.
I'm compromised.
But I won't-- I will not have my children living in a house where dealing drugs and hurting people and killing people is shrugged off as "shit happens.
" We're back at it? Fine.
But the kids stay away, and that's that.
That's that? That's what? I got them out of this house.
To a sleepover at their aunt and uncle's? They spend a day or two, Junior stays up late watching movies, and then what happens? - We'll see.
No, I'll tell you what happens.
They come home.
To this house.
To their parents who love them.
I will not let our business endanger them.
How many times do I have to say that they are not in-- - I said no.
I swear to God, I won't have them back here.
What are you gonna do to stop it? Whatever it takes.
Everything in my power.
Like what? I mean, specificly.
What is your next move? My next move is maybe I hurt myself.
Make it clear we need more time.
Let Hank and Marie see we're still struggling.
No, more like you're still struggling.
So maybe next time, I have you committed.
Put you in some inpatient facility while I take care of the kids myself.
Is that what you want? So then maybe I show up with bruises on my neck, give myself a black eye, say that you beat me when you found out about my lover.
I see.
So you want to involve Ted? Oh, well, that'll be fun, bringing the police up to speed on all of that.
But not as much fun as telling your 16-year-old son that his father is a wife-beater.
Also not a very good plan.
What else you got? I could send Junior away to school.
Now here's the conversation "So, honey, I know you've only got one year left in high school, but I would love it so much if you would drop everything, leave all your friends behind, and go to boarding school in Arizona.
" You have any other ideas? Because I'm not hearing a solution to your problem.
How are you going to save our kids from this terrible environment? - I-- - What are you gonna do? Are you gonna run off to France? Are you gonna close the curtains, change the locks? This is a joke.
Come on, Skyler.
You wanna take me on? You wanna take away my children? - What's the plan? - I don't know! This is the best I could come up with, okay? I-- I will count every minute that the kids are away from here, away from you, as a victory.
But you're right.
It's a bad plan.
I don't have any of your magic, Walt.
I don't know what to do.
I'm a coward.
I-- I can't go to the police.
I can't stop laundering your money.
I can't keep you out of this house.
I can't even keep you out of my bed.
All I can do is wait.
That's it.
That's the only good option.
Hold on, bide my time, and wait.
Wait for what? What are you waiting for? For the cancer to come back.
Yeah? Okay.
Just relax.
I'm coming.
Look at that.
You tell me what that looks like.
If the DEA's tracking her barrels, there goes our precursor connection.
That's done.
And I'm telling you these days, chances of getting a new methylamine hook-up is rare, man.
It's like Bigfoot.
Like unicorn-rare.
Kid, it's just-- You're giving me heartburn here.
GPS on the bottom of the barrel.
Why didn't they put it inside where nobody would see it? Look, it's inside, it gets wet.
They made these things to put under cars.
They can get wet.
Even by cop standards this is sloppy.
And the other barrels-- They have trackers on the outside too? I don't know.
You didn't check any of the other barrels? - No.
But that's the only one we could've taken, according to her.
Once we spotted it, she freaked out, I put the barrel back, and we FO'd.
Let me ask you something.
The person who spotted this-- Was it you or was it her? Lydia.
She saw it first.
She's dead.
Wait, wait, wait.
What? Lydia planted this thing, not the cops.
She's thinking if she makes it look like her inventory's being watched that we'll leave her alone and take our business elsewhere.
And she's right, we will be taking our business elsewhere, right after I leave her alone in a ditch.
But wait, hey, if the DEA's not tracking her stuff, that's a good thing, right? I mean, all we gotta do is tell her to, you know, cut the crap and keep the methylamine coming.
You don't know this woman like I do.
I had a chance to deal with this before, and I gave her a pass.
That's what I get for being sexist.
Now, if you'll excuse me Mike, you can't just Look, that's our precursor.
We need her.
Kid, if we have to ramp down for a while, so be it.
It beats working with a lunatic who's gonna get us arrested or killed.
Look, she didn't seem crazy to me, you know? She just seemed, like, uptight.
And now you're being sexist.
Trust me, this woman deserves to die as much as any man I've ever met.
Wait! Just wait.
What if this really was the cops, you know? - And what if you're wrong about her? - I'm not wrong.
But what if you are? Jesse, your misgivings have been duly noted.
Now move away from me.
This is a voting thing.
I don't think so.
I vote it's a voting thing.
White, weigh in here, would you? What do you think? Mr.
White? The methylamine keeps flowing, no matter what.
We are not ramping down.
We're just getting started.
Nothing stops this train.
Hey, yo, Mr.
Hold up.
I just wanted to say I liked your idea.
You know, it's pretty, uh I think it's the way to go.
Oh, hey, um, you said it was your-- your birthday, so I left the receipt in the box in case you wanna exchange it.
Anyway, hey, happy birthday.
I, uh, stopped by Hank and Marie's.
Junior is still asking, "what is going on?" Nonstop, very insistently.
But everything's okay.
They're watching Ratatouille.
It's very sweet.
How are you? There's gonna be some more money coming in soon.
Is that okay? Fine.
So Are you coming to bed? I wanna show you something.
See that watch? It's a birthday present.
The person who gave me this present wanted me dead too.
Not that long ago, he pointed a gun right between my eyes, right here, and he threatened to kill me.
He changed his mind about me, Skyler, and so will you.