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  1x08 - (US) Daisy
 Posted: 02/07/14 12:08
# 1 
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Who is it? Who is it? You all knew.

Newsflash, Michelle: he's not all that.

I know you've been in love with me for a long time.

Things have changed some You're scary, man.

Who says I'm scary? Uhh, nobody.

♪ Whoa, hey.

Thanks, Daisy.

Yeah, thanks.

This place is offensive to women, awesomely offensive.



The tips are insane.

Yeah, I've noticed the tits are truly The tips, Stan, tips.


So, what do we got here? One Greasy Grinder, one Double Halatio and a Fromage a Trois to go.

Halatio? It's halal.

The pun's on fellatio.

It's kind of a reach.

You got any Baconnaise? No.

Run it past me again how you managed to punch yourself.

I was provoked, right? Tony ducked and I missed.

All this shit going down! Tony does Michelle, Tony does Tea, Michelle does Stanley.

Everyone's got the clap.

And I'm asking myself where I went wrong.

Hold up.

Michelle did you? Well, we didn't exactly have se It was just a sympathy hand job.

'Bbud, I told you not to say anything.

Because of the Chlamydia.

Anyways, I'm not talking to now.

And Stanley's got it bad.

Chlamydia? Love.

He's got love.

Lot of love.

Me too, except quit doing Tony and started doing that chick Betty.

Right, but what about Michelle? Oh, Michelle's just jerking him off.

Will you stop saying that? He loves Cadie.

I love Te'.

So? Everything's screwed up.

Nobody's talking.

So, we've come to see you, so you can fix everything.

I have to fix everything? Yeah.

That's what you do, right? You fix everything.

♪ Oh yeah.

♪ Jesus.

Oh yeah.

♪ (Music blaring through wall) Didi! Didi! Turn it down! (Music blaring) Hey! Hey! (Music blaring) (Music turning off) Hey! What are you doing? Dad's working! Homework.





Who cares? You care, okay? Write a seven in.


You have to hear this one.

Eura's boyfriend wrote it.

Every guy on the block want to rub on this ♪ It's probably 'cause I does the splits ♪ That's right, I'm fresh, I'm hot ♪ I might take you to the candy shop ♪ Ooh, it might get ugly ♪ I might snack on your jaw, break it if you're lucky ♪ Water all over the place ♪ (Knocking) (Music turning off) What the hell is this? What's that vulgar shit you're spewing everywhere? It's music.

No, it ain't.

I need quiet.

Keep things quiet, you hear? Mom would have let us play music.

Didi, shut up.

(Speaking foreign language) Yeah.

♪ (Door closing) ♪ Why do you do like you do what you do ♪ To keep me from loving you? ♪ Why do you do like you do what you do ♪ To keep me from loving you? ♪ You say your tired of messing 'round ♪ I'll give you loving, stop jumping around ♪ Why do you do like you do what you do ♪ To keep me from loving you? ♪ ♪ You say your tired of messing 'round ♪ I'll give you my loving, stop jumping around ♪ Why do you do like you do what you do ♪ To keep me from loving you? ♪ ♪ Ladies and gentlemen, Daisy, Daisy Valero! Come on.

Let her hear it.

(Cheering) Thanks, Farley.

Sure, kid.

I don't know how you do it, keeping up with everything.

I get by.

And you practiced those figures I gave you? For your audition? Yeah.

And you told your Dad you're going up for this, right? Not exactly.

He's a stubborn dude.

That's for sure.

And he still won't let you play music in the house? Nope.

You want me to talk to him? He doesn't want to see you, Farley.

He doesn't want to see anyone from here.

He's working all the time.

He's U.


Postal now.

Best damn piano player I ever heard.

It's a waste.

Your mom sure messed him up pulling that bitch stunt she did.

My mom isn't a bitch.



I'm sorry, kid.

I got out of line.

You keep practicing for your audition, huh? ♪ Talk to your dad.

Maybe he'll see sense.

I don't think so.

♪ (Snoring) (Music blaring) Come here, you little monster! No! Stop! (Giggling) You think that's smart? What? I don't need your money.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You think I can't make the rent? I can make the rent! I got a job.

I support my family.

I'm sorry.

I had a little extra.

Don't go sneaking around on me, all right? You earn cash, put it in your college fund, okay? Okay.

I'm sorry, Dad.

Don't lie to me.

No more lies in this house.


Let your Mom tell all the lies, wherever the hell she is.

Dad, stop.

If you want the truth, I'm saving up for the Conservatory of Music summer residence.

I want to go to music college, Dad.


I don't want that.


What? That's not for you.

Dad, I want it.

Why can't I? You want to be miserable? Go ahead.

Be a musician.

Be disappointed all your life.

That's not me, Dad.

I'm not Mom.

Yeah? That piano ruined everything.

You try and make a living like that.


Dad! No! So, why is it still here then? What's the piano for, Dad? Take your sister to school.

(Door closing) It's all right.

I want to see her.

Not now.

Yes now! Never let me go ♪ Love me much too much ♪ She's beautiful.

Yeah, she is, just like you.

Why'd she make him so mad? Why won't anyone tell me? She just did.

He's not the only one who gets mad.

(Door slamming) Yup.

Nice work, Mom.

Never let me go ♪ (Bell ringing) Right.

I don't have a lot of time here.

So, let's call this meeting to order.

Don't really know what the hell I'm doing here, Dais'.

You're talking to your friend, okay? So, what do you got? I got nothing.

Abbud's still upset that you screwed Tony.

I'm upset.

He got a big shock when he walked in on you two.

I got a full-size mother (Bleep) sucker of a "Why don't you bang me up the (Bleep)" sized shock.

It was shocking to him, to all of us, not to mention a little gross.

Gross? The Chlamydia.

At least she spared that from you, right? Silver lining.

It doesn't even have any symptoms for men.

You're not helping, Abbud.

Yeah, you're not helping, Abbud.

Stop repeating what I say.

Yeah, stop repeating.

Shut up, both of you! You owe him an explanation.

And you've got to get over the face that she's gay.

Well, she sure has a f Say sorry.

Who? Who? Both of you! But I didn't do anything wrong! I'm not married, for Christ's sakes! No, but Tony is though, practically.

Well, that's not my problem, is it? 'Cause I'm not seeing him.

Yeah, well, you're not seeing much of Michelle either.

She hates you now.

That's it! I quit couples counseling.

No, don't.

You said you loved me.

I said we'd get through it.

Stop going back on that.

Okay, well, I'm not getting through it, all right? Just say something to make this all right.

I made a mistake, which was stupid 'cause he's a boy and that's not my style.

What is your style? I have to roll it out so everybody can judge me, don't I? I screwed him, okay? And it was terrible.

But there's something in him that I can't help wanting.

Is that such a crime? Can anybody get in on this? Yeah.

Just ask Dais' here.

She's such an expert.

And you'll blow anything as long as it's made of brass, right? (Giggling) Sorry, Dais'.

She's pretty great, huh? Get out.

Get the (Bleep) out! (Giggling) So are you, Dais'? What? Pretty great.

Why hasn't anybody ever seen that side of you? Yeah? You volunteering again, Tony? No, I've got enough issues.

Yeah, and I want to practice, so All work, no play, huh? Do you mean the way that you play, Tony? Because that's not playing.

It's (Bleep) everyone up.


I'm an idiot.

Yeah, you really are.

You going to blow on your trumpet some more? Yes.

All work.

♪ Not bad.

You got to control that glissando into the coda though.

I know.

I missed it.

But you got heart, girl.

I've hardly heard you like this before.

I don't know, Farley.

Things have just been really weird lately and I don't Oh, shit.


Hey, Ham.

You messing up my kid, Farley? Well, I ain't got one of my own to mess up.

How's U.


Postal? It's reliable.

Go home.

What? You heard me, girl.

And, don't be defying me.

If you bend my horn, I swear I will leave you and never come back.

You're such an idiot.

It's no wonder she left.

(Door closing) She's not you, Ham.

And, she's got a lot of her mom in there, except she cares about people.

She really cares.

And she's got more talent than you, me, and Lucia put together.

Have a drink.


We won't talk about it.

Playing back the light ♪ We sang again ♪ It's taken me some time ♪ Hey, Dais'.

Thanks for coming.


I was thinking, if the wind blew too hard, it would send this thing clear into the harbor.

Well, that wouldn't be too good.

It causes unhappiness.

Not yours.

I'm not so sure.

It's crazy.

He won't even have the radio on.

Why? In case he hears her.


That is extreme.

My family's just rules, and silence.

My religion's got a shit ton of rules too.

The only one that really makes sense to me is "Do no harm.

" That's you, Dais'.

You do no harm.

That's why you're so cool.


You're pretty down with that too.

I love my culture.

I just wish it ran a looser line on all the main amphetamine groups.

Do you want to have sex? Man, do I ever.

Sometimes, I think my right arm's going to drop off.

I'm getting irregular triceps development.

No, I'm saying 'Bbud, do you want to have sex? Because I feel like I want to have sex.

Wait a minute.

No drama, right? Or emotions? Or anything complicated? Just sex.

I am an emotional black hole.

Just mindless self-gratification.

Do we have to go on dates? No dates.

We're two friends, just doing it.

Let's do this.

My dad's on nights.

♪ And, it wasn't a dick.

It was just burgers.

You got it, 'Bbud.

(Music blaring) That's weird.

Yeah, that is hardcore.

Lucky your Dad's at work or he'd go crazy with your neighbors.

That's for sure.


It almost sounds like it's coming from Shit! It's probably 'cause I does the splits ♪ While you're sitting back, allowing it ♪ All we got to do is double dip ♪ I enter the room like a cop ♪ Everybody, move, you about to get shot ♪ You know, I'm right, I'm fresh, I'm hot ♪ Might take you to the candy shop ♪ Ooh, it might get ugly ♪ I might snack on the jaw, break it if you're lucky ♪ Just make sure you don't try and hump me ♪ Sorry.

I mean, she's pretty good! Mr.

Plummer, I can't see the night ♪ Cut the power! What? Mr.

Plummer, you're going to make it right ♪ Mr.

Plummer, dip me right ♪ Ow! Daisy! Daisy! You all right? (Groaning) Police! This is a raid! Everyone, stay where you are! Stay where you are! I mean what the (Bleep)! What are you trying to do? Don't shrug at me! What is that even supposed to mean? I said don't shrug at me! Will you look at this place? Stop shrugging at me! Daisy, she's only shrugging.

You stay out of this! Jesus! Now you're doing it too? What is this? An indifference convention? No, I was just agreeing.

But Dais', I think Didi's a little bit, you know What? She's just a little bit um totally destroyed.

I don't think this is the time.

Besides, we've got other things to deal with.

You're thinking about sex at a time like this? Are you happy? I hope you're happy! You know what you've done here? This is unforgivable! Yeah, that's what it is.

I was just Ah! What do you got to say? Your friends are the ones who trashed my house.

She won't answer.

She doesn't talk.

Yeah? Really? Right! You leave her alone.

She hasn't done anything to you.

Leave her alone! Dad comes home at 4:00 a.


and it's 1:30 now, you selfish little bitch! Back off! I don't care! I don't (Bleep) care! He's a mean old bastard! Put me down! Let me go! All right, all right.

Put me down! Ow! Be ladylike, okay? Oh.

She's got a lot of capacity.

What are you doing? Look at this place.

We're calling in the cavalry.

♪ Jesus.

What happened? Eura happened! That's what.

So, can you take her? Because my dad's coming home in 2 hours and 17 minutes.

And it's probably a good idea if she's not here, and her vomit isn't here either.


This is bad.

Hey, if it isn't the ultimate fighting machine.

What's he doing here? He's getting her.

Makes sense.

Schneiders love ruining shit, so Has anybody considered the possibility that my sister didn't do all this? No.


Daisy, could you please ask him to leave? I really don't want to be in the same room.

I don't care, okay? You're going to remember all the cool shit I've done for all of Daisy, what the hell happened? Man.


This is really great.

I'm talking.

You're all going to help me clear this shit up.

You're all going to get over whatever bug you have in your asses.

And you're all going to shut the (Bleep) up and help me, okay? It's payback time.

Can I just mention that you haven't actually helped me wit Tomorrow, Stan! Sounds good.

Did I miss it? Wow! This is epic.

The monkey man is here! Let's party! Whoa.

Got a thing about pianos.

I mean, what the hell did it do to you, Dais'? Jesus.

Look at it.

♪ You let me go ♪ Life will lose its touch ♪ What would I be ♪ Without you? ♪ There's no place for me ♪ Without you ♪ Never let me go ♪ I'd be so lost if you went away ♪ Lend me 1,000 hours ♪ It's just weird.

I mean, I can't understand why Cadie wants to meet me at a basketball court.

Dude, you can have cool sex on a basketball court.

I'm telling you, sports arenas always bring out the best in me.

Yeah? For sure.

Hang her off the rim and then what you do Okay, save that for later.

Baby steps.

Baby steps.

It's just weird.

I mean, Cadie doesn't even like Sports.

(Laughing) Stan, look at his stomach.

It's, like, flat but it's also Like, ridged, right? You could grate cheese on that.


Let's go.

Stan, okay, this is no big deal.

Just be normal.

Get it in, bro.

Yeah, you got this.

Let's go.

But Daisy, I'll see you later, right? For the thing? Sure.


The thing? Chris, if I was to tell you that, very soon, I was going to have wild, irresponsible sex with no thought for the consequences, no feelings, no emotion, just screwing, hard, uninvolved screwing, what would you say? Is there any other kind? I love you, man! Hi.

Hey, guys.

I didn't know you played sports.

I don't, really.

I just pretend the ball isn't a real ball, but, like, a globe of super-heated energy and the net's God's waiting room.

What the Stanley? Umm, yeah? Go shoot hoops.


Yo, white boy.

Ah! Do you mind not hitting me in the face? So, how are things going? Oh, you know, good.

Nice, actually.

That's great.

We were worried about you.

Bad things happen but, in a funny way, they help you think of everything that's good.

Well, Warren seems really great.


He's really cool.

You guys must have all kinds of interesting stuff to talk about.

Huh? I'm just saying, Warren really must have some insight, what makes you tick, that sort of thing.

He looks real deep.


Umm, he's kind of, yeah.

Sometimes, I don't want to try hard, you know? Things should be easy, easy and nice.

Yeah, easy and nice, and not boring at all.

Look at that.

Warren is amazing at basketball.

It's incredible.

Woo! Go Warren! Thank you.

Anyway, see you around, Cadie.

Okay, bye.

Stanley, come on! Coming.

♪ See you later, superstar.

(Phone beeping) Yo, Chris.

I got to go.

♪ Hey.

So, you ready for the sex? Well, my sister gets home in Is that enough time? Yeah, that's enough for lots of times.

♪ Abbud! Totally mindless here, Dais', totally devoid of feeling.

Abbud! Give back the things we had but could never say ♪ Dad? And from your body gone ♪ I took it into my head to sell this thing.

Guy came over to take a look.

There ain't too many upright Brennermans.

So, I knew it was a sure sell.

Couple of thou.

It's a Brennerman.

Dad, I'm sorry.

Can you tell me how this happened? I had a couple of friends over.

Things just got out of hand.

That money you've been putting by for that dumb-ass audition, I'll take it now.

Daisy, that's not right.

Just leave it, 'Bbud.

No, he You can't do this! Just go! I'll get you the money now.

Beat it, kid.

I know she loves you.

And you don't deserve it.

She's never going to leave you.

'Cause she knows you can't take it.

You're her Dad.

Grow up.

♪ (Door slamming) ♪ Your dad went out.


What are you doing? Taking it.

I can't trust you to go to that audition.

So, I'm making sure, okay? Give it back.

And, one by one, the guests depart ♪ Return to me, oh carousel ♪ Return to me, oh carousel ♪ Umm, Daisy? Yup.

I'm going to go.


Mindless sex, right? Totally mindless.

No complications? None.

Well then Bye.

See you around.

See you around.

(Door closing) Allah akbar! Woo! Like I said, don't go for too much tempo in the adagio.

You got to lay that back and wait for that moment.

I got it, Farley.

I know you can do this, kid.

Just a little more focus and Farley? Yeah, kid? Quit it.

All right.

Daisy Valero? Which of the pieces do you wish to play, Miss Valero? The Mozart.

Very good.

Please remember, we need your deposit before you leave.

You can settle with the office at the end of the hall.


You may begin.

♪ Sorry.

I can't do this.

I'm sorry.

♪ Well, look who's here.

Did she go in already? Oh, she's long gone.


I was going to Yeah right.

What are you still doing here? I'm listening to the music.

It's wonderful, isn't it? Some kid, come a long way for this.

God, she's sure got a nice tone.


She's good.

So, I figure we sit here a while.

Then you and me are going to go and get drunk.

♪ I don't know what I got, do I? You're a lucky guy, postman.

Kids like that, you better believe it.


What're you doing? Waiting for you to get home.

We were worried.

Well, I'm home now.

Daisy got you something.

Hey, Dad.

What did you do? Well, I couldn't afford the Brennerman.

So, I got you the Luber.

A Luber, that's a mighty fine instrument.

But I need the money for the rent.

(Bleep) the rent, Dad.


Why don't you try it? You got your axe? Always.


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