- We should go for a drink.
I didn't mean this to happen.
It is you, isn't it? - I don't know who took this.
I think someone's following me.
He's taking weird photos.
That's here.
This creep's got you.
Can I trust you? It's pure, Cassie.
Dad? Dad? Something I'll get you! I'll get you! Think you can get away from me, do you? Argh! Dad! Hey! Hey-hey-hey! Oh, brilliant.
You're here! Oh-oh! Dad, what's this? The Alamo! Ohh.
Oh, man.
Oh, dear.
We've been busy, haven't we, Rueben? We're always busy.
Yes, so much to do.
Oh, shit.
I can do that.
No, no, no, no.
All set.
Are you renovating? Huh? Oh, you, um, said you were busy.
Are you doing the place up? No.
Anyway Dad Yes? Jakob's been taking some pictures of me.
What kind of pictures? Um Oh, um, I don't think I can eat these.
It's the, um the Jewish thing.
Did they cut your willy off? Oh, no.
Just a tiny, little bit.
I'm not Jewish, am I, Dad? No.
You're six! I want to stay for a couple of days.
Jakob's going to do me on the beach.
Yes, of course.
Of course.
Oh Dad, you don't have to give us your bedroom.
It's fine.
I always sleep in the kitchen, anyway.
Right, because this isn't I mean it's not like that.
No problem.
The sheets are, um I don't sleep here.
No crustiness, et cetera.
Right, make yourselves comfortable.
This is great.
Everybody here.
What just happened? Doesn't matter.
Maybe I can clear some stuff.
I'll sleep on the chair.
No, leave it.
He doesn't like his stuff moved.
Is this your mother? Yeah.
My dad did it.
Are there any more? No.
Why not? I mean, it's really - He burned them all after she died.
Did he ever paint you? No.
Only her.
The surface is cracking The lines on my face Took up some room, didn't you? So the curse that I'm liking here And the beauty that awaits Home was just a word Without a time or place I've fallen in and out of love With the loneliness I've traced And I can't wait to start again No, I can't wait to start again When the darkness and unknown become your friend No, I can't wait to start again Are you OK? I'm hungry.
You should have eaten your sausages.
I'm not good with raw pork.
On cultural and food hygiene levels.
I like my salmonella above body temperature.
It's old-fashioned, I know.
You're totally old-fashioned.
I'm one of the chosen people.
We've got routines.
We like to make properly stupid things seem important.
It shows willing for God.
Is he watching you, Jakob? Um yeah.
He likes setting tests.
How are you doing? I'm a north London Yid, Cassie.
I can pass any test.
Are you really a virgin? Yeah.
Well let's keep it that way.
Chastity is my middle name.
I mean, it actually is my middle name.
Come on! Run! I can free you.
Fuck off! Is he always like this? Leave me alone! Come on.
Come on! What was she like? Your mum? We didn't talk much.
You must have spoken to her occasionally.
I mean she was your mum.
We sent messages, mainly.
Like? Like one summer, I tried to starve myself to death.
That's a little intense.
Go to sleep.
Dad drank the vodka.
I know.
Oh, fuck off.
Leave me alone! Go on! Ready? Yeah.
Yeah, sure.
Can I come? No.
Let him come.
I'm a bit - He's supposed to be at school.
Dad! Oh - He's had a bit of a tum.
What's that? - I don't know.
They're from the school.
He's supposed to go there.
Come on, Cassie.
What the fuck? What the fuck are you doing here? Stop being horrible.
Nothing changes, does it, Dad? It's OK.
Don't tell me off.
I don't want to be told off by the boyfriend.
I'm not her boyfriend.
Why not? Don't you like her? She doesn't want a boyfriend.
Why not? I'm thinking, um maybe you fucked her up.
Probably not on purpose.
What do you do, then? I make pictures of her.
I need her here.
I need some help with the boy.
And maybe I can get something going.
You shouldn't put that on her.
You're supposed to get your shit together.
OK? Yeah.
You have to go to school.
You have to make him take you, OK? - OK.
Jakob says he'll take my picture.
Hey! You little booger! Hi! Oh.
Um Where did you go? To see my dad in Wales.
And my little brother.
We're going to head out.
Some of the boys and me.
Why? Well, cos I'm thinking it's mad that we hardly know each other.
We should you know? I just got back.
Well, what does that mean? Does that mean you're coming or you're not coming? Cos otherwise, it's just me and a bunch of snowboard wankers.
And they're drunk! I'm here.
I went out.
'Nice time?' - Yes.
Somebody was using our pictures.
In the club.
Nice? Yeah.
They looked Yeah.
Did you sell them? Why would I do that? Jakob? I love you.
I love you, too.
What do you think of my food? It's terrible.
This place is going to shit without a cook, you know? Where's Jakob? He needs to come back, so Pete can stab him, give him his job back.
I think maybe his dick is very big.
What? I think that's what he's got that I haven't.
Skinny guy, big dick.
You're not fucking him.
You're happy.
What do you know? This girl, she came for you before.
I told her to come back.
Hi! - Can we sit? - Um yeah.
This is Marcel Hulot.
Happy to meet you.
I guess You never heard of him? I've been seeing you in some websites.
A lot of people talk about this girl and nobody knows her name.
So we were looking for you.
Sorry? - It's OK.
You don't have to pretend any more.
It's Cassie, right? There is something we want to ask you.
And 29 with 41 and 3 for the first set-up.
Second set-up here.
Action shots 34, 13 and 22.
Would you like to come and take a seat? Welcome to my world.
Cassie! We're going to get high.
Come! Hi.
I know you, don't I? - Do you? I've got some coke.
No, thanks.
My dad's coming to pick me up.
He's, you know, a bit of a thug.
You know you want to.
See you.
Dad? - 'Cass?' - Rueby? Are you OK? 'I have to read my book.
'Miss Esme says I need to read it.
' OK.
What's it called? 'Go, Dog, Go!' '"Dog.
'"Big dog.
'"Little dog.
'"A big dog going in.
'"A little dog coming out.
'"A red dog going up.
'"A yellow dog coming down.
'"Dogs in cars going away.
'"The light is red.
'"Stop, dogs, stop.
'"Now it's green.
' "Go, dogs.
Go, dogs, go.
" 'Am I good?' You're good, Rueben.
You're the best.
' Oh, oh And the agony is turning into thought Oh And nothing is what I thought it was Oh, and the agony's turning into thought Oh And nothing is what I thought it was And I can't wait to start again.
Hmm - Jakob? - Hmm? Do you have any idea how shit these energy drinks are for you? No.
Why are you sleeping here, anyway? Uh I had a bit of a fallout with my folks.
They think I lack focus.
They want me to meet a nice girl.
I don't think you should stay here.
Somebody's going to find you.
What is it, anyway? Pete wants you to come back to work.
Well, what are you going to do? This.
Do you want to mess about? Not now.
Um Somebody's asked me to go on a photoshoot.
What? It's really good, Jakob.
He's a nice guy.
He does clothes stuff.
He came into the cafe - and he said that he'd seen our photos - You're going to do clothes porn for some fucking guy that walks into the cafe? It's not porn.
Don't be silly.
I don't want you to do it.
You already did.
Uh no.
No - Don't lie.
Look - Don't fucking lie to me, OK?! Jakob, come on, look, I got some money, OK? Cash.
They paid me.
So I thought, like, you can have some because I don't need all of it, and then, um, I thought, maybe I could introduce you to Marcel.
What the fuck? What the fuck is Marcel?! He's nice.
This isn't what we do.
You don't do that! Did he screw you? - Right? - Jakob! Banged your sweet little pussy inside out? Did you show him your tits? Was he into them? Don't come back! Don't fucking come back! Idiot.
Cassie? Are you OK? Can you be friends with a boy and not fuck them? Ah You CAN be friends and not fuck them after you've fucked them.
I saw him.
Who? That guy you see.
The suit man.
Mark? Yeah.
He was at this party.
Yeah? He was on a bit of a lech, actually.
Yeah, he would be.
So I stole his coke.
You're cool.
Don't you mind? I mean, he is sort of your boyfriend.
Um London's fucked up.
I mean I go to auditions for my glorious acting career and nothing ever happens.
It's all fucked.
And yet, here we stay.
We're waiting, you know? For our lives to start.
Hey? Cass? Cass.
Hey! Hey, it's fine.
I fucked up Yaniv, come.
Check it out.
Like, am I going crazy? Fuck Cassie? Are there a lot? You look incredible.
It's, um It's not that hard.
Yeah, it is.
Excuse me.
Who took these? Some guy.
It's nothing.
It's not nothing.
You should look.
Cassie where's Jakob? How should I know? Something happen? Hey! Let me walk with you.
Why? - I want to see where you live.
I don't want you to know where I live.
You think I'm just a stupid fucking Israeli paratrooper who wants something, huh? Whatever I want, OK, whatever I feel I have a lot of discipline, OK? I have rules.
I would never do something that would hurt you or upset you.
I would never do something to make you feel bad, OK? I would never ask you to do something you didn't want.
I'll take you home.
I don't want to go there.
Why? I just don't.
So let's walk.
Come on, fucking thing.
I keep asking the Arab for a new key.
It's a fucking joke.
OK, we're in.
Let's go.
I should go.
It's too far.
It's OK.
Listen, come, you can sleep.
I won't you know? Cassie everyone gets lonely here.
It's OK.
I'm tired.
So you can sleep.
We can talk about him tomorrow.
There's nothing to say.
So let it go, OK? Don't you ever want to go home, Yaniv? No.
Everyone hates there, you know? It's the same here.
Here it's OK.
If I can't, does it matter? Everything matters.
Leave it.
No, my brother e-mails me.
It's OK? Yeah.
What? It's nothing.
It's not important.
Yaniv Yaniv, please, no! Yaniv, no! Yaniv, stop! I'm sorry.
Tell him to go.
Don't be stupid.
Don't spoil it, Jakob.
We have to remember something good.
You're right.
Everything matters.
Cassie Cassie! Cassie! Cassie! It's OK.
That's it.
It's finished.
That's all we get.
It's OK.
Cassie? - Oh Hi.
That's so strange.
I was literally just thinking about you, and you're here.
I come here every morning.
Really? Pete's been trying to call you.
I don't really want to - Yaniv told me what happened.
It got a bit mixed up.
He's left.
Where to? I'm not sure.
You know how it is.
You're going to do something.
Something fantastic.
That's what I was thinking about back there.
Something's coming.
You're magic.
It's lucky for you.
I'm just going to carry on serving fried slices in Pete's caff.
Drop in and see us some time.
I will.
Maddie? I'm sorry.
Everyone's away.
I don't have anything in.
No, no.
We don't mind.
We ate on the bus, didn't we? We ate crisps.
Right There you are.
We wanted to see you.
We missed you loads and loads, didn't we, Rueby? I missed you, and Dad said we could come.
We're going on a trip.
We wanted to see you before we went.
Where? Italy.
I stopped drinking.
For four weeks, two days.
Right, um That's good.
It's brilliant.
Just if I can get away, I can get something going.
Maybe do some teaching.
Maybe do some painting.
And what about school? I'm going to parliamo Italiano.
If that's the right thing.
What if? Rueben? What? What if you stayed here? What if you stayed here, and we let Dad parliamo Italiano? - Until he comes back? - Yeah.
Until he comes back to us.
He's going to go on a trip because he's been sad, right? Because Mum died.
Because Mum died.
It's fine.
It's really fine.
Come in.
Thanks for doing this.
No, it's fine.
Hey, Cass.
You, um Amanda's just going to do something for us.
Oh, right.
Well, who is this young man? This is Rueben, my brother.
Hey, Rueben.
Welcome to Pete's caff.
Aren't you handsome?! - I'm six.
OK, come on.
Let's get your hair cut, yeah? What? Haircut? Close your ears, Rueben.
Am I running a pissing salon? How about some breakfast? Make yourself useful, Pete.
Hey, watch your Watch what you're saying.
Hey, Rueben, tell me, what do you like to eat? - Everything.
Everything! Bravo, bravo! Well done.
I'll just get Is everything good? - Everything's good.
Everything's good.
The voice of a thousand whispers - What are you after? - I'm not fucking ya.
The missus, she needs someone to drive her about the next day or so.
So you're going to be my Driving Miss Daisy? Yes, ma'am.
You're going to tell Louie his missus is screwing around? I don't know a fucking thing about you! Who the hell are you? I can't be doing with disloyalty, Cook.
Pack your shit, we've got to go.
You cannot fool the person you've become And I can't wait to start again No, I can't wait to start again When the darkness and unknown become a friend No, I can't wait To start again.